Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 166: Abnormal clouds?

? At this time,'Nu'wa's heart was full of self-deprecating wry smiles, which really dug a hole and buried herself. .:.


   I was thinking of letting Master Tongtian accompany him in a play...Continue to pretend to be Yunxiao...


I don’t know why. It’s been a long time since I had a conversation with Tongtian on the opposite side, but'Nu'wa just couldn't say such a thing, not to mention that she is the mother of all creatures,'Nu'wa, does she need to rely on her identity? ?


   Especially when I think of the man who once said that he liked him with a smile, when facing himself, his face was full of tenderness, but he called another name...


   really feel uncomfortable to listen to.


   That's it... life and death are all in this, I really don't want to continue to pretend.


let it go.


   thinking, the'girl' said: "By the way, fellow Taoist Tongtian, your disciple Yunxiao, is now practicing in my mountain and rivers and villages, and it is still more than a year old."


"Oh, really?"


Tongtian was startled, his face showed joy and lust, and said: "How can the bottleneck of this disciple of the poor Dao Zhengxian Yunxiao break through? I can't imagine that she would actually like to be favored by the "Meng" Nv Wa Niang Niang and give it to Shanhe She Jitu has the honor of practicing cultivation, the master of poor Tao is not talented, and she is here to replace her, thanking the'Nv' Wa Niang Niang."


   "It's okay, it's my decision after all."


   ‘Female’ said: "Nothing else, I will come back later..."


   "The poor road is waiting for the'Nv' Wa Niang Niang to drive."


"You're welcome."


  'Nv' Wa left Biyou Palace and flew towards Chaoge on the cloud.




Su Yi stood quietly in front of the'Nu' Wa Palace, and didn't wait for too long...I saw the boundless sky, a white-clothed'woman' slowly falling from the sky, with joy on her face He smiled and said in a crisp voice: "Friend Su, this time you are coming sooner than I thought. But..."


'Nv' Waxie frowned and glanced at the surrounding scenery. It was a familiar place. She was confused and said, "Why would you light incense here? It should be more convenient in the palace, right? If you are here, you should have waited a long time, right?"


   "Fortunately, I didn't wait long."


   Su Yi smiled and said, "After all, this is the place where you and I met for the first time, do you remember? At that time, you didn't know how to get to the'Nu' Wa Palace, I guided you to come here."


   "Yes... This is where we met."


'Nu'wa also couldn't help but sighed slightly, walked into the palace, and then saw the'precise' stone statue, on the slender big'leg', a poem was written clearly on it .


   It is precisely because he inscribed this poem that there are so many things today...


   I don’t know why, "Nv" Wa suddenly felt a little grateful, thanks to him writing a poem on his ‘leg’, otherwise, I’m afraid it would be impossible for me to know him.


   Although I don't want to make myself so entangled now, but I don't know why, I never regretted it.


   sighed for a moment, she turned her head and smiled and said, "Okay, Fellow Su, you want to go to Biyou Palace, right? Don't worry, I will take you there.


  'Nv' Wa stretched out her hand to Su Yi.


   "Then I will trouble you, Yunxiao."


   Su Yi stretched out her hand and held her bare hand that was ‘jade’ with round beads, her little finger hooked slightly in her palm, and a smirk appeared on her face.


  'Female' Wa shook her head and smiled bitterly...


   The two flew overseas together on the cloud.


   Along the way, Su Yi saw the direction of'Nv' Wa Fei, and said in amazement: "Could it be that this so-called Biyou Palace is actually in an overseas direction?"


'Nv'wa replied: "Yes, the place where Biyou Palace is located is a place called Jinao Island... and Jinao Island is above the East China Sea, so it is not wrong to say that it is overseas, Tongtian The leader always pays attention to teaching and learning, and he is not very valued by his two senior brothers. Therefore, he is not in the middle of the earth because of his'sex'. Instead, he moves overseas, which is considered at ease."


"is it?"


   Su Yi did not care that she did not call her master respectfully, but directly called Tongtian. Maybe she was afraid of misunderstanding that she didn't say her name, so she didn't know who she was talking about?


It really is……


   He smiled, and suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, Yun Xiao, this time you brought me an outsider to this Biyou Palace without authorization. What will happen, right?"


   "Thing? What can happen?"


The'Nv'wa, who had been holding Su Yi's hand in hand, turned her head and glanced at Su Yi, with a surprised look in her eyes, feeling the warmth in her hands, and her smile on her face became even more intense. The splendor, holding Su Yi's hand tightly... No matter what the ending of Xindao, I recognize it, for the warmth that can be touched, it is worth it.


   And her natural rhetorical question caused Su Yi to be speechless for a while, as if it were obvious that he was thinking too much.


He asked: "That's... Master Tongtian, as well as those disciples who intercepted your teachings, will you be punished? Take me, an outsider, to your very secret place, even if that Tongtian doesn't count, but you Those brothers, if they blame you for alienating you, wouldn't I be a burden to you?"


  'Female' Wa said lightly: "Don't worry, they dare not."


  They dare not...


   Simple four words, but with unparalleled self-confidence, for a while, Su Yi could not say anything.


   At the moment, I can only look at the feminine facial contour of the opposite ‘girl’, and I’m in a daze...


Is    an illusion? Obviously, I haven't seen it for only two months, but I feel that the "girl" in front of me seems to have changed greatly.


   What should I say?


   more confident? Or... even more arrogant, no, it should not be said to be arrogant, because this kind of natural attitude seems to be the real her.


   Is it because I have been closer to me, so I don’t hide my true face in front of me?


   What did I say... The third sister is a reckless and impulsive ‘female’, and the second sister is a black-bellied ‘smart’ girl. How could the eldest sister be a gentle girl?


   And sure enough, she who feels this way is more suitable for such a perfect face.


Su Yi couldn't help taking two steps forward, shoulder to shoulder with'Nu'wa, and the two were close to each other... Feeling the warmth coming from the side, if it weren't for scruples, the Biyou Palace, who didn't know where, was always there. It is possible to arrive, I am afraid that Su Yi has directly reached out and took the'female' in front of him into his arms.






   "I think you are a little different today from what you used to be."


   "Really? Which one do you like?"


   Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Sure enough, it's still the way it is now."


   "Female" smiles... "Then I will always look like this, OK?"


"it is good."






   "Oops, I suddenly want to'kiss' what do you do?"


   "Wait for next time, we are already there."


   ‘Nv’ Wa smiled at Su Yi and pressed the cloud head.


   The two fell down together.


And Su Yi just suddenly realized that even though Yunxiao was leading the way this time, even if the speed was not as fast as his own rainbow transformation technique, it was already beyond imagination. In just a stick of incense, they had already come to a place. A place with beautiful scenery.


   The towering green hills are hidden in layers of clouds and mists, screaming and heming, turning back in the waves of the blue waves.


   Immortal spirit is ethereal, clouds and mist are lingering; there are towering strange stones, and novel immortal zhigling grasses.


   The beautiful scenery made Su Yi stunned for a while, and said in shock: "This is Biyou Palace?"


   "Yes, this is the place where the Master Tongtian was cleansed, Biyou Palace."


'Nu'wa smiled and said: "The spiritual energy here is indeed quite strong, no matter how low the roots and feet, if you can clean up here, I believe that the worst, you can cultivate your own spiritual wisdom. Let's go, let's go down ."


   The two fell together in front of a mountain ‘door’.


   The two walked deep into the island together.


I didn’t see anyone blocking me along the way, but just went unimpeded.'Nu'wa said as he walked: “The Master of Tongtian has no kind of religion, and he is known as Wanxian. The great momentum is not what Yuanshi Tianzun’s interpretation can By comparison, and more importantly, he is not like Yuanshi Tianzun or Taishang Laojun. He has to give me some face or something. He is the only person who doesn't care too much about my opinions."


Speaking of Nu'wa smiled bitterly, after all, no matter how to explain or teach, or the elder monarch, they all rely on her more or less, only the master of heaven, the two of them even talked about it. There are some competitive relationships. After all, the'Nvwa' rules the demons in the world, and the Bishop of Tongtian is at most demons. Strictly speaking, he has robbed her of her business. Before he faced himself, although he was quite face , But when facing Su Yi, this face still has a few points left, it's really hard to say.


   Forget it, if that Tong Tianzhen does not help you, I will spare my life and I will also help you deal with Yuanshi Tianzun.


   She secretly made up her mind.


   And this time.


   Along the way, amidst the cascading bamboo forests, a beautiful and gentle white-clothed ‘female’ walked out slowly.


   When Su Yi and'Nu'wa approached, they said, "The disciple has seen the empress and the predecessors, and by the order of the teacher, come and lead them up the mountain."


   Seeing the white-clothed "female", "female" wore a silent wry smile under her eyes.



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