Su Yi is in retreat.

  Although there are a lot of things outside...

   But there is really no way.

The Yin Qi drawn from Queen Mother West’s body is too heavy, and it can even be compared with or even surpassed her own Eight-Nine Profound Art, and she already has the Eight-Nine Profound Art, the Nine Revolving Profound Art, and the treasure lotus lamp in her body. Nian Mana and Yi Su's that a headache power.

Now in the battle for hegemony, there is an extra yin Qi of the Queen Mother of the West to insert a foot, and it is a force that can go hand in hand with any of the above mana, so many forces are maddening in the body, among them are enemies or friends, or neutral or Get close to...

   I really don’t know what material Ah Nuan used to make this body for me. I feel that if I were an ordinary person, it would have been broken.

It's just right. Right now, his Eighty-Nine Profound Art has been stuck at the peak of the sixth transformation, and it is difficult to make progress, and the Yin Qi of Queen Mother Xi...really, Su Yi is really confused. Although Queen Mother Xi's mana is powerful, it has not been exceeded. My imagination, but how could her mana that was transferred into her body be so powerful?


This is the power of the two Queen Mothers of the West, and more importantly, the female is inherently Yin, and Queen Mother of the West is the spiritual wisdom, virgin condensed from the purest innate Yin Qi between heaven and earth when the chaos first opened. Zhi Yin, the coldest part of her body, as Su Yi's body broke deeper, all passed through the place where the two were combined to Su Yi's body.

   Strictly speaking, that is the cold origin that even Queen Mother Xi can't use.

   Now, these things are in Su Yi's body. The powerfulness of this cold and cold mana is probably even higher than Su Yi's own eight or nine profound arts.

   If you want to absorb...

   Successful, the progress is great, but if you want to succeed, the difficulty is not ordinary.

   "Come slowly, if it succeeds, I am afraid this is the biggest transformation of the Eight or Nine Profound Art, and even, I am afraid it is a stronger transformation than the origin of water that has absorbed the water monster."

Su Yi has now fought against two opponents at the leader level. Before with Nuwa, he did go all out, and then the opponent easily resolved his attack, and even led to the destruction of his own Fen Ji. Xihe Jian... the strength is evident.

   As for the sky, the two of them tried each other a bit, and they did not fall below, but it was obvious that each other was more relaxed.

   There is still a gap.

   From this point of view, the Queen Mother Sleeping West was sleeping at the right time.

   Su Yi slowly closed his eyes, and fell into forgetting things.

Then, without his deliberate suppression, in Nuwa's boudoir, bursts of cold air quickly diffused from Su Yi's body, changing the bed, curtain, window, table and chair underneath. ... Even if it is because of her long-term residence by Nuwa, it is still difficult to stop this burst of extremely cold yin...

  In a flash.

   Even time was frozen, the little hourglass that was placed on the dressing table by Nuwa, and the dripping sand, gradually slowed down.

   As the ice-blue breath enveloped the entire room, everything around was plunged into dead silence.

   "Jiro is closed."

   Feeling the breath coming out of the room, Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but fight a cold war, and muttered: "Why didn't I know the yin in my body was so cold before? Even I can't stand it..."

   "I hope he will be all right."

   Nuwa murmured with a faint worry on her face.

   "All right?"

Queen Mother Xi gave Nuwa a weird look, and said in confusion, "Speaking of which, old friend, I have been puzzled by this question for a long time. How could Erlang appear in the Ten Thousand Years Stone Ruquan where only you can enter? You took him there. Yes? I remember that you wanted to kill him back now, but suddenly...but suddenly...what is the relationship between you two now?"

   "What can it be?"

Nuwa was a little bit twisted in her heart, but her face was very calm, as if the two were just gentlemen's friends, "A lot of things have happened, but during this time you have been hiding in Yaochi, I am afraid it is nothing. I know... if that's the case, go ahead and hide."

   said, turned around and left.

  I just turned my back on my back, and I can’t help showing a bit of rosy on my face. How can this kind of thing teach me how to say it?

Queen Mother West frowned, turned her head and glanced at the place where Su Yi was in retreat, "Even your sleeping boudoir can be let out to sleep with a man... It doesn't fit the character of this stingy woman, could it be that she also... No, It must be..."

There was a smiling smile on her face, she chased Nuwa out with a smile, and said loudly: "Old friend... old friend, do you know that Erlang will have a big wedding two months later? The bride of the wedding is A cute girl named Qing'er, that child is really cute, you are not curious, don't you want to see her?"

   The most noble women in the world are laughing at each other at this time, and the central theme of their words has become a man.

   And this time.

   Longji and Xiaoqi have already flew towards Chaoge with the cloud.

No way, the reason why I brought Xiaoqi is because Long Ji has never done anything alone, and Xiaoqi is different. She often serves her behind her mother and often helps her do things like this. Can already be alone...

I have to mention that Long Ji was really concerned about Su Yi's affairs. He was afraid that he would ruin Su Yi's affairs because of his inexperience, so he specially selected Xiaoqi as a companion. Xiaoqiben is a soft man. I heard that it was for Su Yi to do things. Naturally, the two of them hit it off and left directly together. Even because they were worried that Queen Xi would disagree, Xiao Qi left secretly.


   Little Seven Sister is so courageous, she even dared to do this kind of thing behind her mother's back. If it were me, she would definitely not dare.

  Longji looked at Xiaoqi with a touch of worship in his eyes,

The poor two girls, how did they know that Queen Mother Xi was eager for Xiaoqi to leave. In such an embarrassing place of Nüwa Palace, it was really inconvenient to keep her two daughters by her side, plus Nüwa was another mouthful. Unblocked, if you missed your mouth, you won't be alive.

   So, when they found that their two daughters were leaving together, Su Yi also fell into a retreat, not knowing when he would appear...

  The Queen Mother of the West immediately let go, and she couldn't take care of the pain in her lower body. She couldn't wait to take the Nuwa to the Wannian Shiru Spring to take a bath.

   Nuwa still teased her, "What? Are you afraid that there is a cannibal monster in it this time?"

Without her daughter and that nasty enemy by her side, Queen Mother Xi’s cheeky came back, she blushed at all when she heard this, and retorted without showing weakness: "Don’t forget that I’ve been eaten. It’s okay to eat a few times, on the contrary, it’s you, believe it or not to be eaten this time, I must be holding you? Huh... Now I am looking forward to that Erlang hurriedly exit, and then come out and eat the two of us together. Don't worry, I will take a good look at your jokes then."

She suddenly rolled her There was a smirk on her face, "But I’m afraid Erlang wouldn’t dare to eat you, don’t forget, after eating I have to retreat for so long, your mana is more powerful than mine Gao, has he eaten what you digested by then? Poor Nuwa, I found Ruyi Langjun, but I can’t enjoy the very comfortable love between men and women... It’s so pitiful, come, sister hug and comfort me ."

   said, smirking to hug Nuwa.

   "Go away..."

   Nuwa pushed away Queen Mother Xi with an impatient look on her face, "Sure enough, my daughter is no longer in front of my eyes, and even Xiao Qi was taken out by you. You can have fun with me now, right?"

Even though she said so, she couldn't help feeling palpitations. Although she had never thought about the problem of being eaten before...After all, the two had just confirmed each other's liking, and it was still very early, even before. I haven't even considered...

   But what the Queen Mother said is not unreasonable.

   In case he eats me...


   I don’t want to seem to...

   Nuwa was deeply entangled.

   On the contrary, it was Queen Mother Xi, cheered happily, took off her clothes, and laid back leisurely in the milky white stone milk spring water, not to see the little tangled old friend over there.


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