Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 135: 8 Fierce Profound Fire Array VS 4 Spirit Blood Array

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  PS: Thanks to the Diablo Jade Emperor, Xiao Qi’s 囧, I am a newcomer Xiao Shu Mi, you are not so fierce or fierce, for the 100 rewards of the army! The bottomless 20 rewards! Thank you for your 10 rewards! I won’t go back to the unit until tomorrow... The day after tomorrow I can reply to the content of the book review area. These two days... There are so many heartbreaking things... Everyone understands O(∩_∩)O~...

   boom boom boom~~~! ! !

Countless huge swords in the shape of Xihe crashed down, smashing into countless huge pits of smoke in this hundred thousand barren mountains. After being possessed by the power of Shura, these beasts have become immortal bodies, the Qi swords of Kexi and Xuanyan. Extremely huge, with a blazing flame, forcibly smashed countless beasts and monsters into meat, and the blood in their bodies, even at the moment of their death, was already close by Xi He Jian Sucked into the sword body!

  Sure enough, not only to Fen Ji, but even Xihe, they also like the four spirits of Asura's blood!

   At this time, the skull that Fen Ji had turned out had already spit out the black wood that had completely lost its vitality. The body of the black wood had returned to the state of ordinary people at this time. Obviously, the power of Shura in the body had been eaten up by Fen Ji! And the blood-colored bone jade, even the scum is digested!

   The **** evil spirit slowly returned to the top of Fen Ji. The red body of Fen Ji's sword became more crystal clear, as if being thrown away by a layer of light!

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, and between waving his hands, he took Xi He back and smiled and said: "Senior Ghost King, have you seen it? Now my strength is greatly improved, even if I face the original beast god, even if I don’t need it. The Zhuxian Sword can be defeated! Coupled with these two magic weapons that just restrain you, do you really think you have a chance to win?"

With a gloomy look in his eyes, the army of beasts and monsters he had painstakingly created was completely wiped out by the opponent's blow. The ghost king's expression slowly became serious. He knew that the opponent did not lie. Those two weapons were really the Four Spirits. The nemesis of the blood array!


   "Don't underestimate Shura's power!"

  The shape of the imaginary Fulong Ding behind the Ghost King gradually became clear, above the Ding. The four engravings slowly emerged. They were the shapes of gluttony, yellow bird, candle dragon and Kui Niu... Obviously, he was extracting the power of the four spirits asura!

   With the power of Shura, the body of the ghost king. Gradually filling up!


   A roar came out of his mouth, and within the pupils of the ghost king, red light began to glow, and his calm face gradually distorted...

   That's how it is. Most of the power of Shura has been stored in the Fulong Cauldron, so it is still not affected by the blood qi... But now, the power of Shura has begun to affect his mind!

   No matter what, Baguio's father can't be caused by accident!

   Su Yi no longer hesitated, Fen Jixi and the sword in his hand shook violently, and his whole person had turned into a phantom, appearing in front of the ghost king out of thin air!

   Looking at the gradually solidified Fulong Ding, I did not hesitate at all, the two evil spirits soaring to the sky, the two magic swords, slashed towards the lower cauldron without hesitation!

  The intention is obvious. Destroying the Fulong Ding...the power of Shura has nowhere to stay, can the ghost king be able to fight his own Fen Ji and Xihe?

The ghost king snorted coldly, apparently seeing Su Yi's intentions. He suddenly raised his hands and touched the cauldron lightly. In a moment, on the already solidified dragon cauldron, countless red blood glows were emitted, one after another. A dense line...

   stab Su Yi as many times as possible! Obviously, it was just a lesson to Su Yi before, but it seemed at the moment. The ghost king is cruel, where is the slightest meaning of mercy?

   Or rather forget mercy! Although this guy hasn't lost his mind yet, he has obviously begun to be affected by the power of Shura!

   can't hesitate anymore... a quick fight! ! !

   Thinking of this, Su Yi didn't hesitate anymore. Both swords in his hands flashed red, evil spirits gathered in one place, turned into a blood-colored shield, blocked and absorbed the red blood line that came, and the two swords had been slashed on the Fulongding!

   clang~~~! ! !

   There was a long echo, as if time had stopped for a moment. A sound wave visible to the naked eye suddenly reverberated, setting off layers of air waves on the ground. The ancient trees, mountains and rocks in a radius of hundreds of meters were all under this layer of air waves, and they were shaken to pieces!

   "Cut... a sturdy tripod!"

   Su Yi smashed his mouth, Xihe is an A-level magic weapon, and Fen Ji is a powerful weapon that is also A+ with the magic stone! As a result, there is no way to destroy a Fulong Ding in this area?

   A sword failed, the ghost king shouted angrily, and the Fulong Ding floating behind him suddenly turned to the front with a whirr, and the carvings on the cauldron gradually disappeared, and then a fierce demon face appeared!

   Above the tripod body, red beams of light shone everywhere, and the black paint resembled a bottomless tripod mouth, rapidly expanding more than a hundred times, towards Su Yi like a black cloud pressing the city, intending to cover him in!

  And the ghost king, he laughed madly, stretched his hands forward and grabbed onto the Fulong Cauldron. Those palms were strangely fused with the cauldron...

   Su Yi frowned... Unexpectedly, Fu Long Ding was so difficult to deal with! I can't keep my hands anymore...otherwise, if the ghost king and Fulongding are completely integrated, it will be difficult to separate...what will be the time to face Baguio?

With a loud shout, Su Yi has taken out a white shimmering object from his arms, his strongest ultimate move, the **** stone, except when he was suppressed when he faced the indescribable and terrible person, he has never Let myself down...

   "Whether you can save my old man, it depends on today!"

   With a handful toss, Su Yi has already thrown the sacred stone toward the dark mouth of the tripod!

As soon as    shot, the sacred stone quickly deformed and turned into a white and red one-hundred-meter giant net, quickly enveloping Fulongding!

Afterwards, the sacred white brilliance flickered, and the dazzling white light pierced the ghost king with crimson eyes. The direct confrontation between the power of the divine stone and the power of Shura unfolded on the side of the ghost king, and it had gradually melted into the body of Fulongding, and it was born. Forced out by the **** stone!

   With a loud bang, the ghost king has already smashed into the mountain for a lifetime, and even before he can speak, he has passed out in a coma!

   And Su Yi, ignoring the life and death of the ghost king, he has already taken out the Xuanhuo Jian from his backhand...

   The action quickly squeezed it into the eight evil mysterious fire formation within the sacred stone!

  In an instant...

Inside the icy and sacred sacred stone, a scorching red rose rapidly, and a blazing flame visible to the naked eye broke out within the sacred stone... A burst of rushing from left to right slammed into the net-like sacred stone, bulging and denting everywhere, but the blazing flames were always difficult to break through the restraints. In the end, all the flames had to be concentrated on the Fulong Ding!


   Once burned by the hot flames, the Four Spirits Blood Array immediately rushed away, seeming to feel a threat... The blood-red Shura power condensed into a huge fist, attacking the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array!

The incomplete Eight Fiends Profound Fire Formation seems to be hard to match the power of the Four Spirits Blood Formation. Under the pressure of the Four Spirits Blood Formation, they are retreating steadily, but it seems that they are not supported. The Divine Stone suddenly emits a slight white light. Weak, but caused the power of the four spirits blood formation to be thundered, and quickly retreated... and the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Formation seemed to be neighbors with the sacred stone all year round, so familiar?

   The impact on it was minimal...The Eight Fiends Mysterious Fire Array quickly counterattacked, steadily retreating the Four Spirits Blood Array suppressed...

After that, the two peerless formations that can be called invincible on the plane of Zhuxian launched the most direct confrontation within the sacred stone. The blood-colored Shura power and the scorching eight-evil mysterious fire array you come and go, if not in the sacred stone Within, I am afraid that the moment when the two forces contact, it is enough to completely smash a hundred thousand barren mountains into dust!

And within the sacred stone... even though the four spirits blood formation has the upper hand, it seems to be extremely powerful, but whenever it occupies a huge advantage and intends to destroy the eight evils mysterious fire formation, the sacred stone will help... A sense of icy coldness and holiness circulated within, quickly hitting the power of Shura...

   And Su Yi, on the Xuanhuo Jian that kept sending his spiritual power into the divine stone from the periphery, the blazing flames were constantly roasting on the Fulong Ding! The incomplete Eight Fiends Mysterious Fire Array, which was not enough to match the Four Spirits Blood Array, but with the support of Su Yi and the Divine Stone, the Four Spirits Blood Array was suppressed!

The eight evil spirits mysterious fire formation that has absorbed the heat of the underground lava ocean for countless years, the heat is naturally extraordinary, but the power of the four spirits blood formation is too amazing, even if it is in the **** stone and the eight evil mysterious fire formations and Su Yi three Under the oppression of the joint forces, Shura's power has never been dissipated. Even if it falls under the wind, it is still fierce and abnormal, and it launches frantic counterattacks from time to time, and it cannot be completely subdued!

The Four Spirits Blood Array is can’t be suppressed...It’s a pity that Fulongding as a carrier is almost comparable to the scorching temperature of the real fire of Samadhi, and the sacred power of the ice and cold of the **** stone under……

   gradually made a crackling sound of disintegration...

   Finally, as Su Yi once again conveyed all his spiritual power, the Eight-Ferocious Profound Fire Array burst into an unprecedented high temperature!

   boom~~~! ! !

   A violent roar and explosion sounded, and the sacred stone suddenly pulsed irregularly, as if eating a stomach that was stretched!

   Fulong Ding, under the rapid increase in high temperature and the cold temperature of the surrounding sacred stone, finally broke down and exploded completely!

   The world suddenly changed color, and the blood-colored ominous force went straight into the sky...

   With the help of the Fulong Ding explosion to agitate the sacred stone, the blood-colored Shura's power has completely got rid of the shackles, abruptly rushed out of the sacred stone, and saw the sun again!

   And...Without the comfort of Fulongding, Shura's power seems to be stronger! ! !

   screamed frantically in the sky, clearly just a force, but it seemed to have his own sage, hovering in the air for a moment, the momentum of the power was directed at Su Yi below... It seemed to recognize that this was the enemy that destroyed his carrier!

   whistling, he will completely destroy the human beings who are provoking him below!

   But there is still time to make a move...

   A blood-red, crystal-like jade-like long sword has been directly inserted into the same blood-red Shura power! (To be continued.)

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