Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 321 Why Did You Come (3)

But this time someone entered Jingtai Palace, which made her stunned, especially the person who entered was similar to her, and Fushun pushed up from behind. She thought about her origin and how she fell into King Jing's eyes , so she panicked.

She is afraid, she is sad, she feels blocked... In the end, all this is just her dissatisfaction, why panic, there will always be other people, the world has never been like this, just like what Ding Xiang said, men It is normal to have three wives and four concubines, and she is just one of them.

But, okay, why is she so unwilling in her heart, unwilling to give him up to others, unwilling to transfer all the things between her and him to other women.

In the past few days when he didn't come, she didn't show it on the surface, but she was crazy thinking that he had a newcomer...

Otherwise, why not come?

He came, she felt awkward, but in fact, it was more ecstasy.

It's just that she didn't want him to see it, she even thought, why did you come, it's hard for me to calm down, give me some time, I will become the kind of woman who should eat and drink but can't live with herself .

But when he came, the tenderness of the previous moment suddenly came again, overwhelming her all at once. She lost her head, her eyes were dazzled, she wished she could hide him, and no one would give it to her...

Even in her previous life, she never had this kind of emotion, because she knew that the Fourth Young Master was not a good man long ago.

His Highness is different from the Fourth Young Master, but Xiao Hua can't tell what the difference is.

Xiao Hua lay on her back on the bed, quietly thinking about every bit of her relationship with him...

From serving in the palace at the beginning, to when he wanted her, when she changed houses, he would come to her room to rest for the night every few days, to when Princess Jing made trouble for her to move to the west courtyard...

Even when he came to the West Courtyard, he still remembered her, and would always come here every now and then. At that time, she felt uneasy when she first arrived in the West Courtyard. Every time he came, even if he never talked to her, she could feel more at ease...

Xiao Hua understands how she and King Jing have grown up little by little, because he likes her body.

In her previous life, she was scolded by many people, saying that she was seductive and seductive, and she did some dirty tricks to lure the fourth young master into her house, but she was not ashamed of it.

I still remember a long, long time ago, when I was still young, I didn’t know where I heard a sentence, ‘A woman can’t serve your man well in bed, why should a man be nice to you’...

I didn't understand it at the time, but after seeing all kinds of people from different families, I realized that this is indeed the truth. So after she followed the fourth young master in her previous life, she served him wholeheartedly, in order to let him and her back up...

It was for this purpose that we met her all my life, but it was in his indifferent but focused eyes, in his movements of stroking her back to comfort her... little by little...

He is so good, how can she be willing, and how willing to give it up to others!

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