Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 363 Waiting for Labor (1)

When Doctor Hu Liang diagnosed that Xiaohua was pregnant with twins, her task became onerous.

For nothing else, the amount of daily activity is enough for her to bear.

Since Xiao Hua was born in the first three months, Madam He would let Ding Xiang and Ding Lan accompany her for a walk in the yard every day. Just walk slowly like that, you can divide it into several times, but you must walk for half an hour a day.

Now my belly is getting bigger and bigger, walking is getting harder and harder, but my activity level has more than doubled.

Especially now that the weather is cold, and the snow began to fall sparsely at the end of October, Xiao Hua's walking place was changed from outside to indoor, all the tables and chairs in the flower hall were moved away, and a good place for walking was specially vacated for her .

"Ding Xiang, can you rest for a while?"

"Ma'am, hold on, the time will come soon."

Nanny He and Xiaohua made it very clear that she will take good care of her, but she must follow her instructions. Twins are no different. If you don't make adjustments, it will be very difficult to give birth in the future.

So the first thing is to exercise your physical strength, and walking more is also conducive to future production.

Mammy He said that some women have difficult childbirth, but most of the time it's not really difficult childbirth, it's because they have lived in wealth for a long time, they have raised their children, and then they don't have the physical strength to persevere.

Others are pregnant with one, and she is pregnant with two, so she needs two shares of physical strength. For this reason, Xiao Hua tried her best to follow Nanny He's instructions.

In terms of meals, Madam He also made some adjustments, changing to eating less and more meals. And if there is too much nutrition, it is not to make up for it all at once, but to think about it.

Xiaohua is also very good at cooperating. If you ask to eat less, you can eat less, and if you ask to exercise, you can exercise.

There was a kang burning in the room, and there was a charcoal basin in the corner. After walking for a while, Xiaohua's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

"No, it's too hot, Lilac, I'll take off my clothes."

"That's not okay, Ma'am, you don't wear much, you can't catch a cold now."

Going around the house in circles is the most stupid thing, but this seemingly simple exercise is quite strenuous for Xiaohua.

Not because of anything else, but because it takes too long and Xiaohua's belly is too big.

This kind of 'walking' does not mean that you can rest when you are tired. You must take the time to come. The time required varies, and Nanny He will set the time according to Xiao Hua's physical condition, and Ding Xiang and the others are responsible for supervising the completion.

Every time Xiao Hua felt that the days felt like years, she was very tired, but she had to persevere. After coming down a few times, Xiaohua also found that although she was very tired, it was not unbearable, and she persisted for longer and longer. It can be seen that the method of exercising physical strength mentioned by Madam He is still useful.

Therefore, even though Xiaohua complains about being tired, she still does it.

After walking for a while, Ding Xiang helped Xiao Hua who was panting from exhaustion to the side and sat down. Ding Lan and Chun Cao wiped her sweat with hot water cotton kerchiefs and changed into dry clothes. Xiao Hua then sat down on the kang. Down.

"Now my physical strength is really bad. I feel very tired after walking for a long time."

"Ma'am, how can you be the same as before? You should be tired if you keep your stomach up."

"At first, I thought it was a very happy thing to be pregnant with twins. In the past few days, I was a little scared when I saw Madam He stand up like an enemy."

"Ma'am, what are you afraid of? With Dr. Hu Liang watching and Nanny He watching, you will be fine."


Well, Xiaohua can only comfort herself like this. In her previous life, she had spent all her time trying not to give birth to one, but in this life she had two first children, which could be regarded as a kind of compensation for her.

An ignorant person is fearless, anyway, now Xiaohua is only a little worried now and then, not as cautious as Mammy He has shown.

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