Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 2 Gunshots

The white metal walls made the lights in the oval corridor extremely bright. The robot ended its work and followed the magnetic lines and turned into the automatic door on the side of the corridor.

The suspended elevator arrived at the end of the corridor silently. As the indicator light came on, the ultra-thin metal doors quickly disappeared into the walls on both sides.

Sober strolled out of the elevator.

The commander-in-chief of the land and air forces of the Binart Empire, the general who was most likely to become the first marshal of the empire in two hundred years, looked gloomy at this moment. He walked alone through the corridor and entered the room that no one else in the military department dared to enter except him.

The Empire's space fleet is still confronting the Feyon Republic in the Carlston Galaxy. Both sides are cautiously conducting local testing. No one will easily invest in the main force to seek a decisive battle before they are absolutely sure. This war is related to the future of the Binart Empire. It's a choice between survival and destruction. It is a huge bet on the fate of the country and life and death.

This war was doomed decades ago. The Empire must defeat the Feyon Republic. Completely bring down this superpower that is rampant in the universe! Otherwise, if it continues to fall like this, the Binart Empire will surely become a second-rate country that allows for human flesh under the oppression of Feiyang Republic!

Although they are both superpowers, who knows whose children? Binart's dwindling resources and domestic economic conditions have forced the imperial family and the military into this path of no return. War rejuvenates the country, Sobol does not think there is any other way out for the Binart Empire.

On this point, Sobol's views were completely consistent with those of the smug young emperor. In the Imperial Military Department, there is also a unified voice.

The Feyon Republic emerged because of a war. It will also be destroyed by a war. More importantly. For Sober. This was his only chance to defeat the old Feiyang Army God. If Hastings dies. The empire, and the Sobor family, will always bear the shame of failure.

Sobol sat quietly on the large chair. Staring at the huge central computer in the center of the room. This is not Sober's office, this is just a computer room. A computer room that no one can enter except Sobol and the Emperor.

A simulated battle report appeared on the huge virtual screen.

The battle report demonstrated the battle over and over again, and Sobol watched expressionlessly, as motionless as a sculpture.

The beginning of the war. It went very smoothly. The federal countries in Western Europe are lagging behind in terms of war readiness. Facing the coordinated massive attacks by the Western countries, they were completely powerless to resist.

When their Senate and House of Representatives are still increasing military spending. When they argue with each other through purchasing lists or formulating wartime laws, they argue with each other. Their army has lost control of the important interstellar channel. In just a few months, Xiyo gained control of dozens of jump point galaxies.

Even the jumping point from the Chakna Republic to the Salaga Federation was occupied by the lightning invasion of the Sus Empire.

What a perfect start. if. Gacharin can defeat the Leray Federation, or the Desik Empire can look like a big country instead of being so cowardly. At this moment, Lelei Passage has long been in the hands of Xiyue! At that time, Feiyang, Lane and Chakna will be completely blocked. The small Filipina countries in the southeast can only tremble under the combined force of the five Western powers of Binart, Naga, Jepen, Sous, and Desik.

surrender. Or perish.

The Binart Empire. Special funds have been allocated for this purpose. First came the Gacharin Empire, then the Desik Empire. The results of battle after battle. But in the end even Gacharin was lost!

This had to make Sobol feel extremely angry!

If war is compared to a game of chess, a lightning invasion completely cuts off interstellar jump channels, Sobol took the first step to win. However, in the long-planned second move of the Southeast Interstellar Passage, he completely lost to Hastings. Moreover, compared with the first move, Hastings showed even more skill in this second move!

A joint expeditionary force that had set off at the beginning of the war and sailed silently through the stars appeared in the Petite Pyrenees at the most critical moment, just before the arrival of the Binart Empire fleet and Desik Before the fifth increase of troops, not only did they take back the Galileo Galaxy for the Leray Federation, but they also simply occupied the Little Pyrenees!

Hastings, has he reached the realm of the prophet?

On the virtual screen, the image of a fat man wearing Le Lei military uniform suddenly appeared.

Sobol frowned.

A voice sounded in the empty room: "I think you should check this person's information." The voice was calm and dull, and the tone of speaking to Sobol did not seem to be very respectful.

"Is there anything noteworthy about him?" Sobol didn't object to the tone of the voice, and he didn't seem to be annoyed at the sudden switch to the battle report he was so absorbed in watching.

He just looked at the fat man's information and frowned slightly. This person's information actually dates back to

When the coup happened, it was already on his desk. However, a fat man who is controlled by someone and can fight and run is worthy of his attention.

He put this person's information into the files of other noteworthy enemy generals. The people below will naturally analyze this newly emerged military genius. Whether it is to study his tactical ideas in a targeted manner or to simply assassinate him, these are not Sobol's concerns.

He has always believed that he has only one opponent, and that is the military god of the Feyon Republic, Hastings!

However, now this person appeared in front of him again. Why is it worthy of attention? Is it because he guessed Russell's plan at a critical moment, or rescued several prisoners of war, or maybe he is an excellent mecha warrior who can escape from the hunter army's pursuit, and then Or, this man defeated Reinhardt and killed Stephan

Sobol knows all this. However, this is not the reason for the defeat of the Little Pyrenees! This is not the reason why the voice in my ear asks me to pay attention to this person!

"What's the reason? Why should we pay attention to him?" Sobol never liked to speculate. I don’t like beating around the bush either. He likes to get right to the root of the problem. If you can't see it yourself, the easiest way is to let someone who knows the crux tell you.

"It is a guess to say that Feiyang Republic also has artificial intelligence." The voice said calmly: "Then. This person also has artificial intelligence. But it is a fact!".

Sobol shot up from his chair. He strode to the central computer with his face on his face. Ordinary people would never be able to imagine the gaffe and shock they could see on the face of this genius military strategist: "What did you say?"

A virtual screen. It circled before his eyes. The flying light groups formed rows of flowing programs.

The voice of the central computer was still dull and calm: "Gacharin's Skynet system is based on our old military network system. If the final control of this system falls into the hands of that person, even I will It can’t be taken away. Do you think I can’t tell whether the person controlling this system is a human or an artificial intelligence like me?”


Women are perhaps the most curious animals in the universe. Even Bonnie is not immune. She's not like a Leray woman. If you have any questions, ask directly. She just lay quietly in the fat man's arms, gently drew circles on the fat man's chest with her fingers, and murmured: "Are you afraid of that Milan? If you are, I will help you deal with her."

He is indeed the second leader of the Mythical Legion! The fat man immediately told Bonnie what happened between himself and Milan.

Holding a naked woman on the bed. Tell her about yourself and another woman. Even if he is as thick-skinned as a fat man, it still feels a little weird.

While picking up the important things, the fat man briefly talked about the relationship between Milan and himself. While carefully observing Bonnie's expression and eyes. And be prepared. Once Gacharin's most beautiful woman got jealous and went crazy. Just stand up and suppress her, conquer her with strong attacks, leaving her physically and mentally exhausted, without thinking about anything else!

I don’t know whether to be grateful or disappointed. Bonnie just listened with interest, her graceful bumps and cool watery skin occasionally squirming in the fat man's arms. There was no hint of anger at all. It's like what the fat man said. It's something that happens in another space.

In fact, in Gacharin, a polygamous country where men are superior to women, people follow an order that is completely different from that in federal democracies.

Everyone is born with a blank piece of paper. Parents, teachers, friends, society and experiences turn this blank piece of paper into a painting. Something is painted on this painting. What does it reflect? actually. It is a microcosm of the entire society.

For Bonnie, who has been educated by Gacharin since she was a child, she regards polygamy as a matter of course. She simply didn't think it was abnormal for a good man to have several women. It would be strange if there was only one woman beside a good man.

The Gacharin woman didn't even understand how the men in those federal countries could only have one woman. Among Gacharin girls, this is actually told as a joke.

Of course, Fatty didn't have the intention to investigate the underlying reasons for Bonnie's reaction. At this moment, he was secretly happy in his heart. Lelei's pervert has been taught for a long time how gentle and virtuous the women of the neighboring Gacha forest are, how they let men take whatever they want, and how they are docile and considerate.

Now, Gacharin's most beautiful woman is curled up in his arms, listening to himself telling stories about another woman, without any angry reaction, only using her face and her body to gently caress him. . Like a docile cat.

"It would be great if all the women in the world were like Bonnie." The fat man thought as he looked at Bonnie in his arms. There was no words for a moment, the two of them cuddled up quietly, feeling like glue together. After all, they were lovers who had just completely let go of each other and crossed the bottom line. Under such circumstances, everything was thrown away.

"Is this the case with you and Milan?

Ni's devilishly alluring body wrapped around her like an octopus. On the snow milk, two red beans were grinding against the fat man's chest.

Faced with this silent invitation, the fat man, who knew the taste of the marrow, naturally became full of energy. He immediately put on the posture of a great man and served desperately.

Women have some inherent advantages in this regard. But the fat man's physique is beyond that of ordinary people, and he is simply a human-sized animal. How can Bonnie be able to bear it? But after a series of passionate lovemaking, although Bonnie was weak and weak, she still teased the fat man's sexual nerves again and again. Seeing her cunning look, the fat man finally came to his senses!

A little more Bonnie. Milan was naturally a little less... He slapped Bonnie's plump and white buttocks. Hip waves rippled. A palm glowed red.

Fatty feels wronged, damn it. Think this milking ground is milk! One drop of sperm and ten drops of blood, one drop of blood and ten eggs! How many fucking eggs do I have to eat to make up for it!

He is calculating carefully with his fingers. Suddenly, a burst of noise came from the corridor outside the door.


Milan came to Mozic Land without telling everyone.

An Lei doesn't know. Professor Boswell didn't know. Her father, Lieutenant General Mickey, knew even less. As for the fat man, he was completely a victim, and naturally it was impossible to know before the incident.

Because the Albert Code Communicator itself is a research result of the Garipalan Military Academy Laboratory, so. Taking advantage of the opportunity of repackaging the interstellar repeater parts, we contacted the smuggling ship. For Milan, it is not a very difficult thing.

before the smuggling ship takes off. Milan became close friends with the captain Audrey, who was about the same age as him. Among them, there are certainly two girls with similar interests. There is also a relationship between Tian Xingjian.

When chatting by chance. Both girls knew when the other knew the fat man. The level of intimacy has simply skyrocketed.

This intimacy, though. Not a good thing for fat people. Milan could completely see that this young, beautiful and sexy female smuggler leader, who commanded hundreds of rebellious crew members, would react to that fat man who had only been on a smuggling ship once. Extraordinarily curious and caring.

This made Milan very unhappy. She couldn't even figure it out. That fat man with a simple and honest face didn't look handsome. Why did he leave and take a transport ship? I was fascinated by the captain!

Milan knows the advantages of fat people, and she is often proud of her sharp vision. It can be seen from the fat man's naive appearance. See how good he is. However, other women also have such vision, which makes Milan feel a little threatened. However, this does not affect the friendship between Milan and Audrey. In her opinion, the chief culprit was naturally the fat, carefree man.

Although Audrey's [Apollo] transport ship is old. However, its speed is among the best among all smuggling ships. Make your way from careful jump points in public galaxies. Didn't encounter any danger. Occasionally, two pirate ships with evil intentions followed. It was also easily thrown away by [Apollo] with its advanced radar system. .

However, after arriving in the Petite Pyrenees. The smuggling ship stayed in space for nearly three hundred hours. The reason is that it is within the Little Pyrenees galaxy. A battle is breaking out between space fleets. No one dared to move closer to Mozic at this juncture.

Wait until the battle is over. Only then did the smuggling ship obtain permission for a jump channel. Arrive at Mozic. Along the way. Milan, who was anxious, only considered one question, and that was how to seize the opportunity that had been there for more than a year. Keep her on tenterhooks. Let her think about it day and night. The dead fat man who once made her devastated. The land he owes to me must be returned!

Fatty. I caught it and I want you to look good! Those who listened to Milan are still alive, but those who hurt Milan are dead!

But now, Milan and Nia were standing at the door of Tanveer Imperial Hotel, watching the chaotic crowd pouring out of the hotel door, listening to the screams and noise of the crowd, feeling at a loss.

Fatty was not found in the crowd, and the communicator could not be connected. Next to them, a group of patrols had already rushed over and were stopping a few guests who were running out to ask. At this moment, suddenly, several clear gunshots were heard from the hotel.

Milan and Nia's faces suddenly turned pale. The two delicate and frail girls, who didn't know where they got the strength, pushed their way into the hotel against the flow of people.

The two Lelei soldiers who were responsible for sending Nia and Milan to the hotel were soldiers of the 19th Division. They were special forces soldiers who had been fighting since the 16th Federal Armored Division with Fatty. Without hesitation, he called the 19th Division 1st Regiment Headquarters and rushed into the hotel.

Neither the teacher Tian Xingjian nor these two girls can make any mistakes! If they scratched their skin, the two soldiers swore that the hotel would be razed to the ground! .

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