Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 76 Begins in Puluo Town

"The Ultimate Legion of the Ultimate Death Flow has left the Port of Lille and marched towards the Central City in three routes. Its branches in major cities have also fully gathered their forces. Currently, Xianlong Port, Oslo Port, Infantry Port and On Waltz Avenue in Central City, the Violent Bear Club and the Gray Wolf Gang have gone into full-scale war, and both sides have not used mechas or heavy weapons..."

"Members of the Tailiu Fang Society have received an emergency gathering order. Several streets where the Central City General Assembly is located have been blocked by their armed forces. There are signs that they will dispatch troops to support the Violent Bear Society in their fight for control of Waltz Avenue. Right. Clear the way to attack the headquarters of the decisive battle."

"The branches of the Tailiu Matador Mercenary Group located in Thames Harbor, Bering Port, Central City, and Xianlong Port have been dispatched. Currently, they are confronting the Golden Palm Mercenary Group of the Jueluo Flow. Both sides have focused on the focus of the competition. , and placed them in the local mecha branches and industrial zones as well as ground ports, warehouses and transportation thoroughfares. All the armored units they have equipped have been dispatched. "

"The Broken Army Camp in Broken Mountains has left its garrison base. One group is heading towards the central city, and the other group is rushing to Xianlong Port. The whereabouts of the other groups are temporarily unknown, and the intelligence from the monitoring personnel is currently being compiled."

"Part of the fleet of the Devil's Eye Pirate Group and the Matador Mercenary Group has entered the No. 13 and No. 1 airports controlled by the Tailiu Interstellar Camel Merchant Group, and has blocked the waterway. There are signs that their main force is not in the airport. , once the ground battle breaks out, the Devil's Eye pirate group should assist the Matador mercenary group to seize control of Xianlong Port and Airport 21 above it."

"The Scorpion Pirates Group to which the Jue Kill Flow belongs has entered the Mars galaxy, and the movement of its main force is unknown. Its third squadron is currently replenishing supplies at Airport 21."

"The Scarlet Sword Pirates of Poshanliu have blocked the 23rd and 25th Airports and the Class B waterway leading to Odin Freeport. There are also traces of their squadron."

Thelwall gently wiped the energy gun in his hand with a white flannel cloth. ear. The intelligence officer was reading to him a piece of information gathered at the Northern Business Alliance headquarters.

The gun in his hand is an antique. The handle and barrel of the gun are engraved with a spiny tiger unique to the Desik Athena galaxy. This is the hallmark of the Nademik dynasty. This gun belongs to the royal family since the demise of the Nademik dynasty and the country was divided into Desik, Gacharin, Leray and Tatania. He has been following Thelwall's ancestors.

Royal treasures that will be lost to the outside world. It has always been the dream of the survivors of the Nademik dynasty to be placed again in the royal palace that once again stood in the world. For this dream, for hundreds of years, the descendants of the Nadmik royal family, as well as the guards and nobles who are loyal to the royal family, have secretly not given up their efforts.

Thelwall breathed lightly at the engraved position of the alloy barrel, with a hint of ferocity on his gentle face.

After uncle Philip failed at Gacharin. I finally have a golden opportunity! This opportunity is different from Philip's operation in Gacharin. You are in control of everything, you don't need to borrow other people's power to look at other people's faces. After the chaos. The entire free world. They will all become the foundation for the revitalization of the Nadmik Dynasty!

He carefully wrapped the gun in his hand with velvet cloth. Put it in a maroon sandalwood box. Thelwall took the electronic folder handed over by the intelligence officer.

After so many years of arranging and operating the free port, the Northern Business Alliance's huge tentacles have already reached every corner of the free world. Nothing can be hidden from this huge intelligence network.

Every street and every port in Freeport is covered by Northern Alliance agents. In space, a considerable part of the free docks and space stations spread throughout the free shipping lanes are also controlled by the Northern Alliance.

Now, everything happening in Freeport is right under his nose.

Several major mecha factions finally started a war.

Thelwall couldn't help but snorted coldly. These ancient and decadent mecha schools rely on that damn tradition to control the entire free world. And now, those bullshit traditions of theirs have one foot in the grave! In this world, the cornerstone of power is the army and strength. Rather than those ridiculous mecha techniques.

Tailiu, Jueshanliu and Poshanliu are still ogling Xiyo. They set up branch libraries in Desik, Binart, Suss and Jipeng to move around, trying to gain Xiyo's presence in the free world. of agency. But they don’t understand that Xiyo’s partner will never be an organization like them.

What Western Europe needs is a militarized organization, a strict organization with strong capital that can control the free world.

Especially the Suss Empire, which is on the front line, has even more stringent requirements for this free waterway that runs parallel between the Chakna Republic and the Salega Federation. If you want to obtain military equipment and funds from them, you must pay the price of guarding and controlling free shipping lanes.

Apart from the Northern Alliance, who else can be found in the Free Port of Mars who can meet these conditions?

"The Redbeard Pirate Squadron enters the Mars galaxy?"

In the electronic file, a piece of information aroused Thelwall's interest. He flicked his fingers on the table and said thoughtfully: "The Red Beard Pirates haven't shown up for more than a month?"

"Yes, President." The intelligence officer said respectfully: "It seems very unusual for them to appear at this time. Our people are paying close attention. However, the strength of this squadron does not seem to have any impact on the situation in Freeport. Influence, and they have never dealt with factions, and they don’t like to get involved between Xiyo and the Fei League, so we don’t know their purpose yet.”

"Hey. Airport No. 13, Airport No. 18." Thelwall sneered and pointed at the document: "Look at the airspace where they appeared. Barbarossa wanted to cause trouble for Stillman. That guy has always been It's what the emperor must retaliate. Freeport opened the betting on the duel between Devil's Eye and Red Beard, and his odds have been far behind Stillman. This proud overlord of the Golden Triangle must have been furious. He won Stillman, the cruiser from West York, has been searching for his base. He spoke out and tried his best to provoke. If Barbarossa doesn't take the opportunity to cause some trouble for the Devil's Eye, then I have to wonder if he is ready to deal with it. The baggage goes back to his Triangle Star Territory."

"The main forces of Devil's Eye are currently gathered in the Mars galaxy." The intelligence officer nodded: "They and Tailiu are grasshoppers on a rope. Stillman must now fully support Cooper in seizing Freeport. Control. At this time, Barbarossa appeared in the Mars galaxy struttingly, and I am afraid Stillman also had a headache."

"It's just a bunch of country bumpkins fighting." Thelwall sneered: "A few gangs of gangsters wielding knives and guns, a few mercenaries with only light weapons, and a few fleets of civilian ships all want to seize control of the Freeport. Quan, these idiots from this school are too naive."

Continue browsing the file. Thelwall's face. Slowly sank.

If the battle between the Violent Bear Society and the Gray Wolf Gang is just a fight between a group of hooligans, and if the forces gathered by the major factions are just a group of rabble who still stay under the original rules of interest gathering, then the last person in the intelligence and the people he controls power, Thelwall has to feel threatened.

Su Kezhou and his Longxing Club! This Chakna immigrant, and his Longxing Society, which bears the deep mark of Chakna, are definitely not a bunch of people.

Intelligence showed that at this moment, Longxinghui's red flagship team and green flagship team had left Mars Freeport. The destination is unknown. The most powerful ground-armed Han cavalry mecha regiment under Longxinghui has also been fully mobilized to protect the industrial zones and transportation arteries of Longxinghui in various port cities.

The huge Longxing Club certainly has more than just this little strength. However, the Northern Business Alliance can obtain information. But there are only so many.

The information is brief. This gave Thelwall an ominous premonition.

"Send more manpower and pay close attention to the movements of the Longxing Club!" Thelwall looked out the window at the thick smoke rising in the distance. After a long time, he said decisively: "Order the Blood Wing Fleet to immediately detect the movements of the Red Flag and Qing Flagships of Longxinghui. The Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment will be dispatched to cut off the access to Bering Port, Qianlong Port and Central City. In the center Before the war in the city is over, we can’t let Longxinghui’s soldiers come in one by one!”


Thick smoke billowed in the distance, rising straight into the sky.

That's the direction of Protown. It wasn't just Nakagawa Daiki whose pupils shrank violently. And everyone on Provost Avenue.

When dozens of mechas charged at Harriman and the three ultimate-flow mechas from the intersection of First Avenue and Second Avenue like a tide, no one could conceal their horror.

"The Tailiu technique is characterized by strength, and the mechas used by mechas are thick and heavy. In order to enhance speed and explosive power, a dual-engine and dual-auxiliary thruster structure is often used. Therefore, in the short-distance sprint stage, it has an advantage. Therefore, , consumes a lot of energy, and fighting with all their strength for a long time is their disadvantage."

This is a summary of the modern mechas developed by Tailiu based on the characteristics of his techniques in the book "Comprehensive Collection of Folk Mecha Schools". This is also everyone's impression of Tailiu mecha.

At this moment, the mechas rushing out from the intersection were of unknown model, but their heavy weight, lightning speed, and the dual-nozzle ion flow of the auxiliary thrusters all revealed the identities of these mysterious mechas!

"Cooper, he took action so brazenly!"

Except for Cooper and Nakagawa Daiki, the same thought flashed through everyone's minds. Even the three elders and Tailiu disciples standing at the door of the branch were no exception.

Several major sects have always been at odds with each other. When the war in the Southeast Star Region has profoundly changed the planet, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before the sects turn against each other and start a war. However, because the forces in Freeport are complex, no one is sure that they can defeat all their opponents at once, so things have been dragging on.

Unexpectedly, this long-anticipated day actually came in such a real way.

"As expected!"

"Cub is crazy!"

"Despicable enough, cruel enough!"

Amidst the exclamations, the three ultimate-flow mechas that had been vigilant all the time. Swiftness protected Harriman behind him. at the same time. Among the group of mechas and flying vehicles not far away, more than ten killer-style mechas that had been closely protected in secret had also come out of the crowd and rushed forward to support them.

The first avenue in Puluo Town is four kilometers long and nearly 300 meters wide. Both sides of the street. It's a skyscraper that towers into the sky and an even higher space city. Almost all of these buildings are alloy shear wall structures. This is to resist the frequent crustal activities of the Mars planet. In contrast to this long street and the majestic buildings, humans, flying cars and mechas are just ants crawling under the towering trees.

But it was these ants that stirred up a violent storm!

The distance from the intersection to the Tailiu branch is only two kilometers. This distance. At the feet of the mecha. It's just a matter of a split second.

The mechas on both sides surged toward the center at the same time, like a tide.

Getting closer and closer, finally, the two tides collided violently. "Dang, dang, dang", in just a moment, the ambushed "Tailiu" mecha had already exchanged more than a dozen punches and kicks with the three escort mechas of the Juesha style. Those present could only hear a series of deafening sounds of gold and iron. A huge sound echoed between the tall buildings. Although the three escort mechas, each driven by the commander of the ultimate killing mecha, were overwhelmed by the siege of more than twenty "Tai Liu mechas". At an absolute disadvantage. However, the few seconds they bought were enough for Harriman to escape.

The supporting Jue Killing mecha joined the battle group a few seconds later. The sound of the mechas colliding spread like the shock wave of an explosion. The solid pavement of First Avenue. There were cracks every inch under the iron palm of the mecha. The whirling mechanical arm brought with it the sound of howling wind. Rolling up flying sand and moving rocks. The decorative glass of the buildings on both sides made crisp and shattering sounds one after another amid the violent vibrations. It fell to the ground like hailstones from a height, and debris flew everywhere.

The onlookers ran away in fear. Only a few desperate photojournalists carried cameras and risked their lives to take pictures amidst the ear-piercing screams and the violent collision of steel mechas.


The mechas on both sides burst into shouts at the same time. Amidst the clash of gold and iron, several mechas that were knocked out rolled and fell sideways, smashing into the foyer and display windows of nearby buildings, crushing the flying cars on the roadside, and leaving a mess.

After breaking the skin, the superficial article is no longer important!

The gunpowder has been ignited, and the only thing that needs to be done now is to smash the enemy to pieces!

Cooper and Nakagawa Daiki have completely lost their ability to think.

Just a few seconds ago, they were still thinking about how to kill someone with a borrowed knife and how to pour dirty water on Po Shanliu.

But now, someone got ahead of them and poured all the dirty water on Tailiu! The timing is just right everywhere. It is the time when Tailiu is about to move.

Cooper couldn't believe his eyes. In just a few more minutes, his plan will be implemented. But now, everything has changed! Just as they planned, if there is no evidence to prove who these mechas suddenly killed, the blame placed in front of everyone will have to be shouldered. .

Those who plot against others eventually fall on themselves. This sudden turn of events really made Cooper crazy with frustration!

He had had enough of this kind of frustration.

"Do it! Do it now!" The muscles on Cooper's face twitched rapidly, and he screamed like a nervous man.

"Do it?" Nakagawa Dahui looked at Cooper in shock: "Now?"

"Someone has already taken action before us." Cooper's eyes were filled with hatred: "It must be that fat man! Tai Liu will be blamed for this. Now, all we can do is to retaliate with tooth and pour water to the extreme. On Sha Liu’s body. As long as we kill that fat man, I don’t believe Fei Meng and Jue Sha Liu can’t fight him!”

Nakagawa Dahui opened the communicator on his wrist and hesitated slightly. Thinking of his nephew who died tragically at the hands of Fatty, he immediately put aside all worries and said fiercely: "Everyone, listen, take action immediately."

The fat man stared blankly at the roaring metal storm on First Avenue outside the window, his eyes a little straight.

***,How is this going?

Even before he came to Freeport, Fatty had been holding back his energy to stir up this storm. So, he caught Cooper's weak spot. Squeezed into Tailiu. He also cleanly got rid of Monroe and others, cleaned the Puro branch, and even before Cooper could react, he used an astonishing method of kicking nine libraries in a row to intensify the conflicts between the factions.

All of this. It happened in just forty-eight hours. Whether it's Tailiu or the entire free world, all of this is like lightning that can't cover the ears. Whether Cooper and other factions are aware of the secret behind this or whether they suspect it is a conspiracy, it is a fait accompli that their conflicts have intensified.

No matter what. Let’s create the fait accompli first and then talk about it. This is what Fatty is here for. If you want to save Le Lei and have enough power, you must let these deep-rooted factions consume their strength in the war. Only those failed forces that have no choice but to take advantage of the bandits' arsenal have a chance.

The current bandit army, except for a few modified ships, is completely useless in terms of ground forces. All they have are more than twenty space mecha warriors on the Blue Rose and a hundred or so mechs from the pirate group. Most of these people are ordinary soldiers. There are very few people who can reach the upper level. In terms of military levels, the highest level is only a level six mecha warrior.

After several weeks of training at the pirate base, the control level of these mecha warriors has improved greatly. Fatty believes it. If it is a life and death fight on the battlefield, these one hundred and twenty-six mecha warriors. It can definitely defeat those high-level civilian pilots in Freeport exponentially.

Because what they have mastered are the close combat skills refined by Fatty and the tactics of gathering from near and far equipped with heavy firepower energy cannons! These things have no place in the techniques of folk mecha schools.

In order to stoke the fire even more, the fat man asked Chekov to send out more than a hundred pilots. Some of them stayed at the airport to take care of them, while the fifty most elite soldiers entered Puluo Town in batches.

Fatty will not let the genre war stop at the traditional solution - as long as Juesha Ryu or Poshan Ryu dare to come to the Tailiu branch to play, he will dare to attack them!

The bandit soldiers who entered Puluo Town were ready and waiting for Fatty's order.

But ---- who would have imagined that Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway, and someone actually did the job planned by the fat man first!

Tian Xingjian scratched his head naively and sighed.

What you can do yourself is really just the beginning. The next situation is no longer within his control. The water in the free world is too deep. Look at those mechas that attack the killing flow. If Cooper is not a madman, then there is only one explanation---someone has been ready to disrupt the situation! The mechas they made and the mechas they trained all closely imitated the Tailiu style! This cannot be accomplished in a short time.

"Broken mountain flow?" The fat man's mind was spinning, and the more he thought about it, the more evil he felt about the Mars Free Port. Things that cannot be done in mainstream human society are completely taboo in this fringe world. These masters, who are always scheming, murdering and stealing goods, do all bad things as a matter of course. In their minds, they have conspiracies and conspiracy since childhood.

I just seized the opportunity when Cooper appeared in the main hall of Phantom Flow, and was able to use Tai Flow as a guise to complete the provocation and intensify the conflict before everyone reacted. If he really led the Red Beard Pirates to challenge these forces one by one, he would definitely be seeking death.

He grabbed an apple, took a bite, and slurred in his mouth. The fat man looked at the three elders downstairs, his eyes rolling.

According to the plan discussed with Chekov, if it was just to disrupt the situation, it would be time to run away at this time. However, if they want to catch Tailiu and divide this monster, the three elders are actually within the attack range of Fatty! Who told these three to be so angry? Fatty always likes to use everything he can and squeeze out all the juice. Knowing the internal divisions in Tailiu and the three old guys' obsession with mecha martial arts, Fatty felt that he would have uneasy conscience for the rest of his life if he didn't tie them to the ship.

Looking in the distance, the fat man was still twirling his fingers in his ears, but he was stunned. The fat man turned on the communicator: "Abandon Plan No. 1 and directly implement Plan No. 2!"

Nakagawa Daiki's instructions came from Magit's earphones.

He took out the chewing gum from his mouth with his fingers and pressed it on the parapet of the rooftop. Magit's face had a huge scar stretching from the corner of her eye, through her lip, to her chin. A hint of a sinister smile appeared.

The electronic sight of the Ayiro C-type sniper rifle has already been pointed at the door of the Pulu branch. The target is set on the head of the fourth elder Jeffrey. Just pull the trigger lightly and this is another core of Tailiu. It will become history on the tombstone.

Margit liked this feeling. It's a feeling of holding someone else's fate in your own hands. It is like an omniscient and omnipotent God, standing in the sky, looking down at all living beings, making decisions or tolerating in a moment of thought.

Magit didn't fire, he waited quietly.

The companion downstairs will be among the crowd in ten seconds. From the foyer of a nearby building. Appeared from around the corner and launched an attack on the Puro branch. Coming here, they had only one goal... Magit took out a photo and stuck it on the chewing gum. In the photo, a fat man smiled tirelessly.

Magit knew who the fat man was.

It was this fat man who killed Hopkins, who was once ranked second. .

Gacharin is a small country. This is a country that is completely unknown to many people. Apart from knowing that this country is militaristic, there seems to be nothing worth paying attention to. Even their mythical army. In the eyes of most people, it is just a little more professional compared to countries like Leray.

If the Mythical Legion were placed in other big countries, this legion that had never been on the battlefield would probably have perished countless times.

But. very few people know. Among the secretive group of killers, there is one figure in Gacharin who cannot be underestimated.

That's Hopkins. This is cold-blooded. Crazy ultra-nationalist, a genius killer.

The ranking of killers does not depend on the number of murders, but a rather precise analysis. The difficulty of the mission, the protection status of the target, the time to complete the kill, the success rate, etc. The fact that Hopkins can rank second and firmly occupy this position is enough to illustrate his strength.

For everyone in this field, dynamic sniping with a master like Hopkins is a complete nightmare. That is definitely a situation that we sincerely beg to avoid in our daily prayers.

However, Hopkins died.

In a dynamic sniper attack, he died in the hands of a fat man.

Magit looked at the fat man with a silly smile in the photo, and couldn't figure out how the fat man killed Hopkins at that time.

In short, this fat man became famous. In the killer world, there are countless people who want to find him. However, because this person's information changed beyond recognition overnight, and it was difficult to tell whether it was true or not, no one was sure to take action until they found out his true strength. After all, this is a soldier of the LeLei Federation. No matter how powerful the killer organization is, they would not dare to confront the army, let alone the killer personally.

As time goes by, the killer rankings are constantly being refreshed. This fat man, within a short period of time after replacing Hopkins as second, was dropped from the list due to his lack of killer identity and the accumulation of subsequent tasks. However, in the hearts of many veteran killers, they all remember such a person.

It wasn't until one day that a sky-high reward appeared, and this guy once again appeared in the sight of all killers.

At this time, he was already a hero of the Leray Federation.

An Air Corps corporal-turned-mechanic grew up to become a federal hero who captured Gacharin's Emperor James. After he killed Stephen and dismantled the entire Morton family, he trampled to death Duke Victor, the patriarch of the Howard family, and finally killed Rhett, the only heir to the Howard family.

Everything he did was reason enough for the Howard family to issue a $300 million reward for his death. After Rhett's death, the reward was increased to another 100 million.

In other words, killing this fat man is enough to make any poor man one of the richest people in the world! Four hundred million Fiji dollars, that's 8 billion Mars Star Shields, nearly 3 billion Le dollars, and 1.6 billion Chakna Republic coins!

By this time, this fat man named Tian Xingjian had become a star in the killer industry. There's no killer who doesn't know this guy. His photos and all the information that can be collected have become a must-have manual for killers. If given the chance, everyone hopes that this fat man will fall under his own gun.

However, in times of war. Go to Leray to find someone who is strictly protected by the military. It is almost an impossible task for a major general to keep his identity information SS-level confidential. Except for a few lunatics who secretly tried to sneak into Leray, but could only circle around the edge of the military restricted area, most of the killers remained awake.

But. What Magit didn't expect was that he would get this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

This fat man actually arrived at Mars Freeport!

As the top sniper of the Matador mercenary group, Magit has always looked down upon the militia members of the Firefox Killer Group. Before becoming a mercenary, Magit was a special soldier of the Jiepen Empire, killing countless people on the battlefield. If he hadn't killed a nobleman's son out of jealousy and fled to the free galaxy. Magit should be on the LeRae battlefield now. At least he has the rank of senior colonel.

Something that those cowards at Firefox wouldn't dare to do. Margit dares! When he thought about it, he couldn't think of any other word other than using cowardice to describe the idiots in Firefox, and he couldn't understand why Firefox would give up this pie from the sky so easily.

Looking at the Tailiupuo Branch in the scope, Magit was a little glad for his original choice.

If I hadn't killed that nobleman, how could I have such a good opportunity today? Four hundred million Fiji dollars, just inside that small building. As long as the target appears, his fingers will click lightly. For the rest of your life, you can find a place to enjoy it!

Helen used the miniature camera in her hand to secretly record the mecha battles on the street.

The Tailiu Branch Library with its alloy frame structure is trembling. The windows made a rattling sound, and oil paintings hung on the walls. It was shaking violently. It seems like it will fall at any moment.

Helen was scared. These were things she had never experienced before.

but. After experiencing the life-and-death breakout on the Blue Rose and the thrilling incident in the mecha hall, Helen had learned to use concentration to relieve her inner fear.

Since you are already at the center of the storm, you should record what you see and hear with a camera. Even if one day he dies, he will still leave behind this piece of real history.

Using lenses to record real wars, a job with a strong sense of mission, made Helen grasp a life-saving straw.

Only by devoting all her energy to this work will she not fall into boundless fear.

Women are sometimes stronger than men.

When a man breaks down, the power of a woman's tenacity is unimaginable.

Helen now does not know the changes that have occurred in her thoughts.

She only knew that beside this fat man, she would see a real and magnificent war history with constant accidents and twists and turns.

Helen never understood who Fatty was.

Looking through the pictures taken in the past, Helen's understanding of fat people is changing every day. If this fat man used to be an indomitable and omnipotent hero in her mind. So now, this damn fat man has many more identities. He is a wretched pervert, a damned voyeur, a genius with wild ideas, an idiot who acts recklessly, and a coward whose fear can often be found in the shots. In the video on the Blue Rose, Fatty's legs were shaking as he roared. .

In the Red Beard Pirate Base, when the fat man stepped out of the elevator, his eyes were not only confused but also filled with child-like fear.

These were all recorded by Helen's lens. Every time I read it, Helen always felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She gradually accepted the true face of the hero. Compared with the previous acquaintance, such a fat man is more real than the war that tore off romance and appeared in Helen's life!

Being human, there will be fear. The difference between a hero and an ordinary person is that he grits his teeth and persists in fear. He keeps working toward a slim future. He is fighting against fate in various ways throughout his life.

Helen was determined to record it all.

An ordinary person with a heroic halo lives a real and unromantic life in the war.

The miniature camera's lens turned back to the room.

In the lens. The fat man opened his mouth wide. Holding an apple in his mouth, he squatted sneakily under the window sill, with only half of his head and one eye exposed, looking out through the gap in the curtains.

"Damn fat man!" Helen bit her lip. Turning the camera towards the window, she moved the curtains to try to get a wider shooting range.

Across the street, a white light flashed.

"Climb down!"

Suddenly, with the fat man's loud shout, Helen was thrown to the ground by him at lightning speed.

The camera missed and flew out, drawing an arc in the air. Rolling but still in the shot. An old-fashioned infantry rocket passed directly through the curtain. When the camera fell to the thick carpet, violent explosions and rolling fire had swept through the entire room.

When the rocket pulled out a thick plume of smoke and jumped into the window, Captain Leray Aviation, Captain of the Blue Rose space mecha unit, Level 6 mecha warrior Markovich's eyes suddenly turned red.

After receiving orders from Chekov. The more than 120 combat mechas that had been staying in the Red Beard Pirate Base for training, under the leadership of Markovich, took the Audrey smuggling ship and arrived at Mars Freeport overnight. And lurked in batches according to the plan.

Markovich has been waiting for this day for a long time.

As an aviation soldier. Markovich began with Gacharin's invasion of Leray. He has been fighting on the front line.

From the Galileo Galaxy to the Newtonian Galaxy, from Lucerne to Milok. The repeated defeats of the Leray Federation made Markovich extremely angry and humiliated.

Until, Leray's army, under the special leadership of Bernardo, won the Battle of Miloc. After completely defeating the main force of Gacharin's army, the Newton galaxy was finally saved.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Russell, the Leray Federation began a counterattack against the Galileo system.

And in all of this, one name has to be mentioned, and that is Tian Xingjian.

It was this person who saw through Russell's hints and understood Russell's plan at the critical moment, which allowed LeRae to achieve a strategic reversal. It was this man who captured Gacharin Emperor James when Markovich was still following the Federal Fourth Fleet and escorting the giant transport ship to airdrop into Lucerne, disrupting the entire Gacharin army and allowing Lucerne's Gacharin Army to No intention to resist.

As a soldier, Markovich knew everything ordinary people didn't know. This man's deeds will always appear in every trench and every battleship on the resistance front.

As a mecha warrior, Markovich was an admirer of the hero who defeated Reinhardt.

Markovich watched the live battle between Fatty and the Hunter Legion, the battle with the Desik Mecha, and the battle with the Myth Legion over and over again.

When this fat man came to the Blue Rose and led the destroyer to cut off the rear and buy time for Castle Rose, when he ordered the enemy ship to be knocked away and led everyone to escape from death, when he captured the Red Beard Pirate Base , when the Salega Federation surrendered and everyone was almost in despair, when they gathered the spirit of the Lere people, subdued the pirates, modified battleships and mechas, and desperately built an armed force for the edge world, Markovich had already Became his devoted follower.

A small destroyer is almost a negligible force in a space war. However, under the leadership of Fatty, this force is growing in a way that is visible to the naked eye.

Not to mention the jaw-dropping Rubik's Cube, not to mention several armed merchant ships that were almost unrecognizable, not to mention those stealth reconnaissance ships, and those pirates who are becoming more and more human-like, let's just talk about the team formed by Fatty. The ground armor strength is enough to make Markovich feel sincere admiration!

More than a dozen LeLei seventh-generation space mechas and more than a hundred ordinary civilian mechas in the pirate base were dug out by Fatty. Every warehouse in the pirate base was dug out, and every warehouse in the pirate base was dug out. He worked hard to find new ways to modify them into combat mechas with performance close to the peak of the eighth generation. Like this Markovich has never seen this ability after being in the army for so long!

When during the subsequent training, everyone discovered that the mecha they were driving could easily complete the fighting skills taught by Fatty Commander again and again, and could use so many incredible movements and tactics, everyone had only one thought - follow This fat man does whatever he wants to do to himself! I believe that in the future, he can create miracles despite twists and turns and despair!

When they finally received the order and arrived at Protown, Markovich and more than a hundred mecha warriors who had been training hard for more than a month were holding back their energy. Finally setting foot on this chaotic land, they wanted to fight the first battle of the Lelei people.

After receiving the order from Tian Xingjian through the communicator, Markovich immediately issued the order to his mecha team. It only takes two minutes for these mechas, which are scattered and hidden in several streets around First Avenue, to quickly gather here.

However, just as the bandit mecha appeared in the field of vision, a rocket shot into the window of the person who had just gestured to him.

Anyone can die, but this person must not die!

The mecha warriors of the bandits who gathered on the First Avenue of Puro at high speed did not know what was happening. While running at high speed, they heard Markovich's sad, desperate and crazy howling: "Kill!".

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