Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 100 The Witch and the Demon King

The sudden change caused an explosion in the stands.

The audience was in an uproar, and the Feiyang mecha warriors raised their energy cannons and aimed them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Carolina and several officers who knew Margaret's identity, who had just walked out of Box 1 on the stand, were confused and hurriedly ran down the stage. While standing there, they were swaying with laughter. Damn it. Fatty LeRae is a bastard.

Under the energy cannons aimed at by dozens of military mechas, the fat [Ranger] clasped his hands together and shook Margaret back and forth. The fat man stared at Margaret with focused eyes, like a child catching a cricket.

So damn curious, that's what this little bitch thinks.

Margaret was shaken so violently by the fat man that her whole body fell apart. She bit her lips tightly (╰→ろqzw) to prevent herself from crying. Being held in the palm of the mecha's hand, she seemed to be locked in a cage, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of surprised and incomprehensible eyes. Under this gaze, she felt like a rare ornamental animal.

Called a witch by the younger generation in Feiyang's upper class society, regarded as a proud daughter by the older generation, regarded by the military boss as the second in Hastings, Margaret has never eaten it. Such a loss.

When it comes to military strategic wisdom, not to mention her own superhuman talent, just the years of training by Hastings' side alone can make her sneer at many famous generals on the rankings.

This is not arrogance, this is fact.

In July 2058, Feiyang intervened in the regional conflict that broke out between the Kosnarnia Federation and four surrounding countries in the Kensuth star field north of the human interstellar map. From the beginning of the war to the five belligerent countries accepting the armistice made by the Supreme Council of Humanity In the sixteen-day war of the resolution, the four-nation coalition forces were defeated by the Feiyang and Kosnanian coalition forces and were unable to fight back.

throughout the war. Under the sneak attack of the Feiyang and Kosnanian coalition fleets, not a single enemy warship of the four-nation coalition in the fighting area was launched. Ninety-nine percent of the air ports that could be used for combat were destroyed or occupied, and the possibility of the conflict breaking out was On the main planet of Ses, the twelve armored divisions and thirty-seven fully mechanized infantry divisions that were forcibly delivered by the four countries in advance were beaten to pieces. Known as the most powerful and elite coalition in history, when the entire army was wiped out in the Abraham Plains, they didn't even know where the main force of the Fico coalition was.

In that battle, military observers admired Commander Fico's sharp command style, cunning and flexible tactics, application of intelligence deception, accurate judgment of the political situation, and mastery of overall and local timing. of.

Erupting from conflict. During the sixteen days of confrontation, assembly, and the start of the war, the Fico coalition fought a textbook battle. The outcome of the battle was almost determined from the moment Feiyang's A-class fleet and three armored divisions arrived in the Kenseth Star Territory.

That battle. Everyone thought it was Hastings who directed it. But only a few core bosses in the Feiyang Military Department knew that the battle was written by a girl named Margaret who had just turned eighteen.

From that day on, these generals who dared to fight with Hastings fiercely warned their descendants in private that anyone who dared to mess with Margaret would have their legs broken.

Your own children know it. Margaret is here. It is too dangerous to compete for control of Feiyang's military headquarters for the next fifty years. Hastings is dangerous enough. And his granddaughter increased his risk index tenfold. because.

She is only eighteen years old.

They had a life-changing relationship with Hastings. Some were even former commanders of Hastings.

Those who can speak in the military headquarters are naturally in the same boat as this military god. They have common interests. This was enough to make them confident when facing Hastings.

However, Margaret made them feel afraid.

Based on Hastings's own character, it is impossible for him to kill the families of these military bosses because of quarrels or conflicts of temper between his children. But Margaret, I'm afraid, is different.

After holding this little girl in my arms for so many years, there are still many bosses who can't see through this witch who doesn't play by the rules. (╰→ろqzw) Now that Hastings is here, and these old bones are here, everyone is still in peace. If anyone is blind and offends Margaret, when he is buried, the future of the family will be , but even if it is destroyed.

No matter how talented or ruthless and insidious the children of Feiyang's wealthy and high-ranking officials are, they cannot defeat Margaret.

Facts also prove their wisdom. In addition to the battle at Kenseth, Margaret's treatment of political opponents outside the Hastings system was enough to make these people sweat. In that ***, this charming and charming girl has an invincible aura. .

However, Margaret is only a twenty-three-year-old girl after all. Although his natural wisdom in military affairs and his political scheming are staggering, they cannot replace the accumulation of time and experience.

The more important reason why the Feiyang bosses were afraid of her was because under the protection of Hastings, she had enough time to grow and gain experience. Since they can see Margaret's future, they certainly don't want to plant the seeds of trouble at this time.

And here, at this moment, is Mars.

This is an exile that has been adhering to the jungle law of survival of the fittest for more than a thousand years. What survives here are tyrannical mercenaries, vicious pirates, black-hearted societies, shameless liars, and thieves. Among them, there are several good people.

Even on the planet Mars, the ordinary people of Mars who make a living by working in business groups are not simple people who don't understand anything. They also have their own set of survival rules. When talking about conspiracy and calculation, one hundred and eighty of them can appear with a move of their eyebrows.

Only with absolute power will they surrender.

This world originally respects the strong. It is precisely because they have a deep and agile mind and know a lot that they know what is the best choice.

Margaret made a mistake.

She was too eager to get this mecha, which was of great significance to Feiyang, the entire Fei League, and the entire war.

She forgot that this was not Feiyang after all. No matter how dazzling the halo of Hastings was, it was just a starlight out of reach in the starry sky. To the people of Mars, it was not as good as a few Feiyang around them. The gun in the soldier's hand was shocking.

She even forgot that the fat man who was able to single-handedly turn the world upside down and bring down the entire Mars in this place where the weak and the strong were the only ones could subdue these people.

More importantly, she inadvertently put herself on the opposite side of the fat man.

No matter how talented she is, how many turbulent undercurrents she has seen around Hastings, she is only a safe bystander after all. Some things can't be learned just by standing by and watching. In addition to personal experience, sometimes, there is even a price to pay in blood.

In this regard, she is incomparable to Fatty.

Therefore, she did not understand that the fat man with a simple and honest face in front of her could go through life and death on the battlefield. In Gacharin, he defeated the Mythical Legion and captured Emperor James alive. In Mars, he defeated the Northern Alliance and defeated the Northern Alliance. This planet and the entire waterway have been completely plundered, so it is so possible to let them be bullied.

If she is a witch educated by elites, then this fat man is a devil rolled out of the soil.

Why can warriors like Mars, these mercenaries, and these pirate groups be brought together under the banner of Fatty's bandit army?

It's really because of justice and those unattainable ideals.

None, except that the fat man can bring them enough benefits, and more importantly, this fat man is more cruel than anyone else, more unreasonable than anyone else, and more unreasonable than anyone else.

He knows what he wants.

As long as you stand on the opposite side of him, he will never show any mercy or hesitation. He will use the most straightforward method and the most despicable and vicious means to trample you under his feet.

In the whole of Mars, there is no one more ruthless than this fat man.

The most devastating thing is that he feels that all of this is taken for granted, as normal as eating and sleeping. Just like now, he was innocently grabbing Margaret and shaking her. He didn't feel at all that such behavior was a bit too much for a girl.

If you scolded him, he would beat you violently, and at the end he would step on you and spit on you.

He is just so "honest".

"Is it useful to catch me?" Margaret stared at the fat man, and she tried hard to regain the disadvantage: "Unless you kill me, otherwise?

Although Margaret felt humiliated, she did not give up her idea. This fat man knew his identity, and he would never dare to hurt himself in full view of the public. As long as he hesitates even a little bit, I can always make him compromise, whether through coercion or inducement.

However, before she could finish her words, the fat man with his big eyes gleaming curiously sealed his mouth with his mechanical hand. The next words turned into a series of whines.

The fat man is a little strange, this woman is out of her mind, and I can still make you say these words while I hold you. Thinking in his mind, he turned around and yelled at the battalion commander with a dull look on his face: "Get out of the way. Otherwise, I will beat her into a pulp."

"Let her go." Carolina, who had already rushed to the fat man, shouted sternly: "General Tian, ​​if you hurt Colonel Margaret, it will be a declaration of war on the Feiyang Republic. You need to know her identity, who is she? ??

"I don't care who she is," the fat man said righteously, "I want to report today's matter directly to the Allied Forces High Command."

"Report." Carolina choked.

"If it weren't for us, the top brass of the Mars Front would have been screwed up long ago." The fat man looked at the surrounding Feiyang mechas with disdain: "It would be your turn to show off your power now."

I originally wrote more than this, but the plot suddenly got stuck later. The war is coming, and the overconfidence ends here. Let’s just make do with this chapter. Margaret, you must also give a complete account. If it had been before, I probably wouldn’t have posted it. Now, we can only release it first. Sometimes, it's really hard to choose.


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