Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 49 Assessment

Al-Aqsa Fortress is still a busy scene.

Officers and soldiers wearing uniforms from different countries shuttled back and forth; majestic warships moved slowly one after another in the port.

The light of the stars shines on the fortress like a golden cloud. The glass of the fast-moving space train on the track outside the fortress reflected the fiery red and passed by in a flash.

Everything is the same as before.

The only difference is that when people in the fortress meet at the pier, in the corridors of the fortress, and in the leisure area, they greet each other and their eyes are a little more expectant than usual.

Military God Hastings will personally visit Al-Aqsa Fortress. The Allied Forces Command will welcome its supreme commander.

For the coalition forces stationed in Al-Aqsa Fortress, this news is extremely exciting.

These people from different countries have a common identity - soldiers. Because of this war, they gathered here, trying to gather all their strength to win the final victory for their country.

And what twists them tightly into a rope, what they point to, and makes them have no hesitation, is the idol of all soldiers of this era that they will see with their own eyes soon - Hastings, the military god of the generation!

The war situation has entered the most tense period.

Sobor is approaching step by step in the Carlston Galaxy. The war between the Lane Republic and the Naga Federation has entered a fever pitch due to Li Fo's strong attack. The Western countries are strangled together. The Northern Star Territory, the Northeast Star Territory, and the Southwest Star Territory are also in flames of war. All countries have used their strongest strength to fight and compete for cotton neps.

In the past few days, the southeastern star region, where the situation has been the most turbulent, has staged a series of good shows.

Douglas's surprise attack on the Blue Stone Star, Humphrey's fleet passed through the Leray Central Passage like a ghost, and then collapsed in the Longbow Galaxy, which was eye-opening. Mikami Yuuto, the famous general Jeppon and the chief commander of the Southeast Theater, was as cunning as an arc. He used Humphrey's fleet to attract everyone's attention, attack east and west, and surprise Resk.

All these changes happened so fast that people barely had time to blink or breathe!

No matter how turbulent the situation was, no matter whether the Fiji League was winning or losing on all fronts, Hastings, as the Allied coach, abnormally did not make any move. There was no instruction, no guidance and analysis, and he was not involved in any affairs of the command... It was as if this war had nothing to do with him when it entered the most critical and intense moment.

No one understands what happened. Various messages were circulated.

Some said that Hastings was terminally ill, some said that Hastings had abdicated in favor of someone more powerful, and some said that Hastings was quietly concentrating on preparing a fatal blow to Sobol...

Hastings remained silent on all rumors.

Even when some voices questioning him began to grow louder, and even after Li Fu attacked the Catalan system, some people added fuel to the flames, instigating the people to ask him to step down, and asked him to be responsible for the current disadvantages of the Fiji League. He did not have the slightest voice. movement.

No one expected that the Binalte Fleet, successively engaged in the Carlston Battle, would arrive at the Allied Command Headquarters, which was now devoting all its energy and attention to the Southeast Battle.

His appearance is not just as simple as him coming here, but his actions have a deeper meaning that is worthy of repeated reflection.

The port space cover slowly opens. Dozens of majestic Feiyang warships, arranged in neat formation, passed through the densely parked warships from various countries on both sides and sailed towards the fortress Pier 1.

The people in the fortress stopped everything they were doing and gathered at the portholes, watching these Feiyang's latest warships slowly pass by in front of their eyes. That beautiful and strong hull, that mighty bow, that majestic and domineering main gun, that somewhat exaggerated, but amazing shape...

Hastings, finally here!


The room is decorated simply and warmly.

A large number of wooden decorations and soft leather wrapped on the walls make it impossible to believe that this is a cabin on an aircraft carrier.

In front of the desk, Hastings sat in a wheelchair, quietly looking at the information in his hand.

Margaret stood beside him, one hand gently holding the high back of the wheelchair.

The warships moored in the port slid silently through the portholes, and the light of stars passed over the huge prototype water pipe-like body of the fortress and spilled into the room.

Hastings slowly put down the electronic folder in his hand, let out a long sigh, and closed his eyes.

Margaret massaged his shoulders distressedly.

The torture of illness has made this great military god so thin that he has lost his human shape. The medical cabin has no effect on him at all. Even the medical team composed of Feiyang's most outstanding medical experts cannot determine when this military god will leave this world. If I have to talk about a time, it would be anytime, anywhere.

However, despite suffering from illnesses that are unbearable for ordinary people, Hastings's spirit remains strong. He has never failed. Even when faced with illness, there is no pain or haggard on his face.

On the table is the latest Chuck Naresk battle report. Li Hongwu successfully arrived at Canglang Star, and held back the Jie Peng Thunder Super Fleet that was guarding Canglang Star, and gained air superiority over Canglang Star. Now, the four space carriers of the Allied fleet are suspended above the Canglang planet. Countless space-based fighters are breaking away from the carriers to form formations, and they are entering the atmosphere in waves.

Login is coming. The entire landing plan was also placed in front of Hastings.

His old friend Li Cunxin is still alive. This news makes even Hastings, who is heartbroken, unable to help but feel happy about it. But it was little Margaret’s child who caused this situation...

After the Longbow Galaxy gave everyone a surprise, he gave the Fei League another surprise.

He knew the situation in Chakna's country very well.

President Chuckner Hill has been hesitating, but this time, he will definitely go all out! This is determined by the national character of the Chakna people. When this country devoted all its strength to the war, the whole universe trembled.

Thinking that Margaret, who had returned to him, mentioned the little guy named Tian Xingjian a total of 367 times, Hastings couldn't help but smile.

I'm afraid that fat man wouldn't have thought that he would come to Al-Aqsa for him. Come here to plant a seed in the Southeast Star Territory for the future!

"Maggie..." Hastings gently patted Margaret's hand on her shoulder, motioned her to stop, and asked: "What do you think?".

"What's the situation with Reske?" Margaret walked around to Hastings and squatted down, looking up at her grandfather.

"I'm asking about that little fat guy named Tian Xingjian..." Hastings showed a sly smile: "I did the math. You've mentioned him in front of me more than three hundred times in the past few days. Anyway, I'm going to talk about him soon. I might as well ask you first."

"Grandpa!" Margaret's face suddenly turned red.

Hastings's smile was full of endearment. He reached out and stroked Margaret's sunny blonde hair, and said with a smile: "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have good taste, and so do I. In this world, who can How many young generals can there be that both our grandfather and grandson like at the same time?!"

"That guy is a monster!" Margaret said with a straight face, but her eyes were full of shyness and smiles.

"Then my Hastings' future great-grandson, isn't he just a little monster?" Hastings's eyes went straight.

"Grandpa!" Margaret bit her lip and glared at Hastings until Hastings smiled and raised his hands. The only person in this world who can make the military god Hastings raise his hands to surrender is Margaret.

At the other end of the room, several officers looked at each other and smiled.

Although I couldn't hear what the grandfather and grandson said, the fact that Hastings, the always serious military god, could have such a childlike heart would probably dislocate many people's jaws if outsiders saw it. At this time, Hastings was like a child.

The battleship slowly docked at the berth. Dozens of giant tractors, thirty meters in diameter, stretched out from the berth and were firmly buckled into the slots on the side of the battleship. When Hastings was pushed in a wheelchair by Margaret and appeared at the docking entrance, the command generals headed by Admiral McKinley were already waiting at the hatch.

Seeing Hastings appearing in front of them, the generals with different expressions stepped forward to greet him and raised their hands in salute.

"Your Excellency Marshal."

The rumors were obviously true. The Hastings in front of him was completely thinner than before.

Many people looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

They dare not imagine what the world would be like if they lost Hastings.

As long as Hastings lives, even if he doesn't issue an order, that's fine! He is the pillar of support in the hearts of the people of the Fei League. Without him, who will hold up the sky?

There is no such unparalleled hero in the Fei League!

In addition to worries, what makes everyone even more curious is that Hastings came to the Allied Command at this time despite ignoring the retreating Carlston Galaxy. What is his purpose? What kind of signal does this trip send? !

For the current Allied Command, there are only two most important aspects of the war.

On the one hand, there is the Lane battlefield where the Li Fo group army is located, and on the other hand, it is naturally the Chakna battlefield, which is the most urgent right now. It is said that after Li Fu's victory in the last battle, his reputation was at its peak, and he seemed to be overwhelming Hastings. In Feiyang's country, some people have even begun to campaign for him to become the first person in the military.

In the Fei Alliance, the Hastings family has been in charge of the military for nearly a hundred years. Hastings even became a god in a battle thirty years ago. However, as Hastings gets older and his physical condition gets worse, it seems that no one in the Hastings family can take up the banner. Although Margaret's talent is extremely high, compared with a famous general like Li Fu, she still lacks seven points of sophistication.

Once Hastings dies, the power struggle within Feiyang will suddenly change. What plans does Hastings have for the released Li Fu, and what kind of chess pieces has he ambushed for this war? !

All the questions were lingering in the minds of the generals. Their complicated eyes followed Hastings' wheelchair and moved to a person they had not expected.

"General Bernadotte," Hastings, who only nodded slightly with the others, held Bernadotte's hand alone.

Although I have seen Hastings countless times, as the second-ranked general in a small and medium-sized member country with a weak military and always thinking of peace, Bernadotte and Hastings really don't have much intersection.

But at this moment, Hastings actually stopped talking alone in front of him. The people next to him couldn't help but be surprised. Even Bernadotte himself was a little surprised.

"That boy did a good job." The words from Hastings' mouth made the people on the side look at Bernadotte completely changed.

That boy, who can Hastings call him that? !

"When the battle situation on the front line stabilizes, arrange for him to come back," Hastings smiled and held Bernadotte's hand tightly: "I want to meet this Leray hero who always brings surprises to us. His performance has conquered me."

As he spoke, as if he didn't see the wonderful expressions of the generals around him, Hastings smiled and turned to look at Admiral McKinley, who was following closely beside him, and asked: "How is the situation on Canglang Planet now?"

McKinley bowed slightly and reported: "Something has happened. Originally, General Li Hongwu's planning headquarters had no objection. However, according to the latest intelligence, the 13th Armored Division and the 51st Machine Rifle led by Marshal Li Cunxin Division, after annihilating the enemy's 231st Armored Division, suddenly divided its forces. The main force moved to Shuangxiqiao Town as planned, while a separated armored battalion headed north to Beiguan City."

"Oh? Divide the troops?" Hastings was a little surprised. He had checked the map of the northern mountainous area repeatedly, and the entire terrain was stored in his mind. Shuangxiqiao Town is undoubtedly the gate that blocks the retreat of Jie Peng's troops in the northern mountainous area to Beiguan City. As long as they are stuck here and cooperate with the four surrounding landing points, Jipeng's troops will have absolutely no other way out, whether in terms of time or space.

Logically speaking, Li Cunxin should not divide his troops at this time. An entire armored battalion constitutes a considerable proportion of the combat effectiveness of this unit. Moreover, going north from the war zone 60 kilometers east of the Flins agricultural area requires detouring through the eastern suburbs of Beiguan City. There are no important strategic goals there. Even if there were, what could a battalion do? If Shuangxi Bridge is blocked, two divisions can hold it for at least three days. It doesn't take three days, it only takes dozens of hours, and the battle is won!

"Why divide the troops?" Hastings frowned.

"The enemy troops in Beiguan City were dispatched, and they moved very quickly." McKinley replied: "When Marshal Li Cunxin's command had just completed the battle, the enemy troops had already appeared less than forty kilometers away. Moreover, they came It is the most elite 2nd Armored Division of the Royal 1st Guards in Jepen.".

"Ah!" Margaret, who was behind Hastings, let out a low exclamation.

Hastings's face became serious.

"They want to hold back Jepen's 2nd Armored Division with one battalion?"

"Yes." McKinley nodded. This almost crazy plan had already caused an uproar in the headquarters before Hastings arrived. Many generals are fiercely opposed. This plan is too dangerous. With one battalion holding back an entire armored division of Jiepen's most elite, if something goes wrong, the situation is likely to take a turn for the worse. By then, the entire Allied counterattack plan will be affected.

Some people are against it, and some are in support of it.

This team's journey has been a miracle. And they headed north in three ways amid heavy siege. It was originally an adventure within an adventure! However, they succeeded. Besides, that armored battalion only needed to hold off the enemy division for a few hours. As long as the defense line of Shuangxi Qiao Town is completed, the strength of the two divisions, with the cooperation of the air-based aircraft fleet, let alone an armored division, even if all the unknown armored divisions in front of the Royal First Guards are dragged up, they can support the entire The landing operation plan is completed.

"Who is the commander leading this armored battalion?" Hastings asked, but his eyes looked directly at Bernadotte.

Sure enough, McKinley's answer confirmed his judgment: "It's Major General Le Leitian Xingjian."

Hastings calmly patted Margaret's hand, which was already white from exertion, as she was supporting her in the wheelchair, and nodded slightly.

You, you have come here at the right time.

I just don’t know, facing this harsh assessment that even I, the examiner, didn’t expect, will this candidate stand out or just disappear from this vast era.

With the strength of one battalion, an entire armored division was contained, and they were also the elite of the Royal First Guards of Jepen with superior combat effectiveness.

Is this guy really as timid and afraid of death as the intelligence provided by the intelligence department? !

In Canglang Star, he doesn't need to work so hard. What is he doing for this? Perhaps the reason why he did this was because he also had a plan beyond his imagination.

What kind of changes will there be in the future? Can you still see them in your lifetime?


Ten fighter planes, divided into five formations, entered the atmosphere from space.

This sky is still ruled by darkness, but at the far end of the arc-shaped earth, the sun has drawn a golden arc that is thick in the middle and thin on the wings. The mountains, rivers and jungles ahead have begun to wake up.

"Accelerate!" Under the command of the leader, the cluster suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the billowing cloud waves.

The speedometer of the fighter plane has exceeded the range limited by the danger caused by air friction when entering the atmosphere. However, these fighters have no regard for safety. The pilots pursed their lips tightly and looked appraisingly.

time! In the morning sunshine, there was an armored battalion, fighting for time for everyone. Time is so precious now. Not only this space-based fighter force, but also countless similar fighter formations, as well as fleets in space, as well as giant transport ships that have begun to land, and others that have been lined up and prepared. As soon as the hatch is opened, the army mecha rushes towards its destination!

Everyone has been mobilized by the armored battalion in the center of the whirlpool, and by Shuangxiqiao Town, which is desperately building fortifications. Every second wasted is a crime against those partners who trade their lives for opportunities.

The fighter planes roared through the clouds, trying to swoop down at the Jeppen base where the alarm suddenly sounded!


Well, because I don’t want to be misunderstood, I have to say that I won’t talk nonsense in the future.

This book is about war. The climax and foreshadowing are completely different from books that escalate fights. Therefore, when foreshadowing is needed, it must be foreshadowed. Try to explain the plot in the foreshadowing. This is the most economical way to write this type of book. Please read more of the amount of information in such a chapter and feel more of the emotions and expectations. The climax of this type of book cannot be the same as that of a personal combat book. Fight if you say so. Moreover, without these explanations, everyone would feel baffled when the headquarters and Hastings suddenly appeared at the climax. .

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