Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 56 Illness and Death

A nurse carefully closed the bedroom door and walked quickly to several doctors in the living room with a medicine tray. Whispering something. Several generals sitting at the other end of the living room stood up and looked anxiously at the nurse who walked out of the bedroom. It wasn't until they saw the nurse turning around and walking into the bedroom that they looked at each other seriously and sat down slowly.

Beside the temporarily arranged desk, several gray-haired experts were discussing in a low voice. Several light sheets were passed back and forth between them. Judging from their furrowed brows and rapid speech, it was obvious that the situation was not optimistic.

The door was opened by the guards, and President Chuckna Hill quickly walked into the room and went straight to Li Cunxin who was standing in front of the window. The bodyguards, assistants and senior advisors behind him all automatically stayed outside the door. The aisles were already crowded. Dozens of Chakna's top military officers. Senior government officials spoke in small groups and in low voices, worried.

This is Hastings's residence in Hanking. The man, who is over seventy years old, later today. Suddenly his face turned white and he was sweating profusely. After coughing violently and vomiting a small amount of blood, he fainted briefly.

This scene immediately frightened the people around him. Fortunately, Hastings was studying confidential matters with Li Cunxin and others in the office at the time, so not many people witnessed his onset of illness. Li Cunxin and Hill immediately issued a gag order. Control messages. Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire Fei League will be in turmoil.

While many were aware of Hastings' condition, they also knew that day would eventually come. However, as long as that day does not come, no one wants to think about it. To everyone in the PF League, Hastings is the backbone of the edifice of the PF League, and even those politicians who are desperately trying to oust him and replace him with others cannot deny this.

No one dares to imagine what the FI League will become after Hastings leaves.

If possible, everyone in the Fei League hopes that he will live until the end of the world, even if he lies in bed and cannot speak. The sound of his breathing. It also makes people feel at ease.

"How is the situation?" Hill waved to the generals who stood up to salute, walked to Li Cunxin, and asked softly.

Old Marshal Li Cunxin shook his head, staring out the window with somewhat cloudy eyes and gray beard and hair. The deep wrinkles and depressed spirit made him look much older all of a sudden.

Hill sighed and turned his gaze to the bedroom door, which was still closed.

Since Hastings arrived at Chalkner. The Presidential Palace designated a dozen of Chalkner's top experts in medical treatment, nutrition, health care, rehabilitation and other fields to work with Feiyang's medical team to monitor Hastings' condition at all times.

Hastings disease. There was no hope of recovery.

All we can do is to prolong his life as much as possible. Buy a little more time.

However, human power is ultimately invincible. Hastings's physical condition continued to decline. By now, he has already developed symptoms of coma and vomiting blood, which means that his condition has entered an irreversible and uncontrollable stage. All treatment is just a matter of talking about human affairs. How long you can live is just a matter of fate!

Hill stood next to Li Cunxin, looked at the dark clouds outside the window, and let out a long sigh.

The battle in the southeast is the most critical moment. The PFI, which is beset by internal and external difficulties, is also at the beginning of a turbulent stage of change.

albeit with the support of Hastings. An alliance centered on bandits has begun to take shape. But. If he falls at this moment, everything will be in vain.

Inside, those who have already been eyeing the bandit army have already seen it. They will pounce on them without hesitation and use all means to divide and tear this new alliance apart. The Fifa League will return to its previous track, or it will fall apart and become worse. Outside, Xiyo took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, nailing the already disadvantaged Fei League to the tombstone of the defeated.

Hastings's purpose was never to split the Fifa League. He just wants this huge county beast. Have a new skeleton, be able to stand up and fight on your own strength. A fragmented Fiji League would never be a match for Xijue. This large, old and rigid alliance. Must be reborn in the flames of war. And the hottest flame is burning in the southeastern star field!

However, there was not much time left for him.

The city outside the window is still full of joy. Celebrating fireworks. One flower after another blooms in the sky. The entire Chakna was caught up in the joy of victory.

Two years since the war started, this is the happiest moment in Hanking.

The deep-seated hatred towards the invaders turned into full of pride and pride at this moment. Countless Chakna warriors were running and firing on their own land. Charge, lie down, get up and keep running forward. Mechas passed by them, a wave of dark green metallic light. Overwhelming!

Ahead of them, the enemy was falling. One after another, piece after piece.

Battle reports from the front are still coming.

The Chakna government and military are working hard to make the power of this bomb sweep across the universe. In the past few days, media reports on the battle situation in the Resk galaxy have occupied all the news time. public sentiment. It's already abuzz. Every planet, every city. On every street, excited people were marching.

But how could they know, Fei Meng. We are going through an unprecedented crisis.

"Your Excellency the President, Your Excellency the Marshal". A doctor quickly walked up to Hill and Li Cunxin and said softly: "You can go in."

"How is the situation with Lord Hastings?" Hill asked in a low voice.

"It has stabilized for the time being, but the doctor said with a worried look on his face," Your Excellency Kanchan Ersi's condition has only entered the advanced stage. We can't make any changes to the condition except for being conservative. How long you can hold on depends on Lord Hastings himself.

Although the doctor's words were already expected, Hill and Li Cunxin couldn't help but feel stunned.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the bedroom.

Opening the door, Hastings lay quietly on the large and soft bed. Several monitoring instruments cast sensing light points on his hands, recording data such as his breathing and heartbeat. An oxygen concentrator worked silently, sending oxygen into his body through a nasal tube.

Leaving the wheelchair and not wearing uniform, the old man's body looked so thin on the large hospital bed, and his legs were a little atrophied. It looks like a child.

Just look at his face, his eyes. Only then did I realize that this was the military god of the Fei League.

Neither war nor disease could defeat him before his death. His eyes were still deep and bright when looking at Hill and Li Cunxin. .

"I think it's time for our next plan." Watching the medical staff leave the bedroom and carefully close the door, Hastings smiled at Hill and Li Cunxin: "That guy did a good job, originally I thought we We need to wait for a while, I didn't expect him to make such a big noise on Leifeng Star with just two divisions."

Hill and Li Cunxin walked to the bed and sat down on the velvet-cushioned high-back chairs.

After saying a few words, Hastings was out of breath. He closed his eyes, rested for a while, and then said calmly: "Send a message to Leifengxing. Let him and Margaret come back.

Quiet bedroom with soft and peaceful lighting

"Critically ill?" The fat man felt his head pounding. Blank. Margaret's trembling voice in the communicator made him suddenly confused.

He stopped the mecha. Broken logic. In the vast queue of mechas. Like a rock in the flood. Black, cyan, and dark green mechas. They separated from behind him and joined in front of him.

The artillery fire ahead sounded a little unreal.

"Bonnie." Fatty called out numbly.

"I'm here!" in the command channel. Bonnie's soft voice sounded concerned.

"I'll leave this to you! Keep fighting until they are exhausted!" The fat man pulled the control lever and turned around. As soon as he gritted his teeth, logic soared into the sky like a rocket.

"Bang!" A folded newspaper was thrown onto the smooth pear wood desk with a crisp sound. Barbara's face was as dark as water, she turned the large leather swivel chair, turned her back and looked out the window.

The setting sun in the distance of the city is gradually hiding behind the rows of tall buildings, and the light is gradually dimming. Only a touch of golden glow still lingers on the windowsill.

Barbara's eyes narrowed slightly.

For a long time, her charming face became hazy as the residual light from the window sill faded. The shadow slowly caressed her elegant neck, delicate collarbone, and tall and round chest, reaching down, gradually covering her.

In the luxuriously decorated room, the light was already uncomfortably dark, but among the few people standing solemnly in front of the desk, no one dared to turn on the light.

Six boys and three girls, including two twin sisters, are the core members of Barbara's forces. Having followed Barbara for a long time, they knew exactly what would happen if they made a little noise at this time. The rigorous training they received had made them accustomed to this kind of waiting.

Everyone is like a stone sculpture in a secret room.

The only one that can move. Maybe it's their eyes. At this moment, everyone is focusing on the desk in front of them, under the eye-catching headline on the first page of the folded "Sunshine News". A fat man wearing a blue uniform with pure eyes. Smiling heartlessly.

"Leifeng Xingfujie!" ! ! 》

This is a simple title. However, for the people of this era, the words "big victory" followed by three exclamation points are enough to make them rush to the vending machine and snatch up all the newspapers inside.

The entire city, no, the entire universe is talking about the Battle of Leifeng Star and the bandit army. As long as you listen carefully, you can hear the endless cheers. This cheer was like a crisp slap in the face, hitting everyone in this office with a crackling sound!

Just over twenty hours ago, Barbara blocked the news that the bandits had killed O'Brien.

She understood very well what public opinion meant to the Liver Corps during such a critical period. This news is so shocking that if it is allowed to spread in Feiyang, no one knows what the consequences will be. She would never allow her own advantages to become those of her enemies until the plan she personally led was completed.

More importantly, she didn't want to see the motion to impeach Hastings in the Supreme Council of the Alliance end in vain, happening one after another!

It has to be said that this was a successful blockade. At the same time, thousands of major media board chairmen and editor-in-chiefs in Feiyang accepted appointments with local high-profile figures.

There are congressmen, chamber of commerce leaders, chaebol chairmen, senior government officials, and military officials. From these amiable big shots, media bosses or employees get what they want or don't want. Some received friendship, some received checks. Some received threats or a bullet.

No matter what they received, most of them chose to remain silent.

The few media reports were submerged in the wonderful speeches delivered by the core people when they visited Heidfield University and the escort of Livermore Corps. Among the news of Li Tan's victory.

One can imagine. While other countries were shocked and cheered when the bandits killed Obuen. The Feiyang people were so confused and embarrassed. Even if they get relevant information from the Internet. However, the collective silence of the media gave them the feeling that the news had just appeared but was swallowed up by the suffocating air.

This is a war. It only took less than four hours from the beginning of the war to the completion of the blockade of Barbara. This moment was so critical that she would rather risk being targeted by the President's Office than have her plans be threatened in any way. She understands better than anyone else that the news of Leifeng Star's victory is not about the bandits, but about Hastings!

This military god who has controlled the Fei League for thirty years has too much power. Even if you suppress him until he is breathless, perhaps all it takes is a piece of news and the people who have believed in him and worshiped him for decades will make him stand up. And those vacillating politicians, military generals or interest groups will instinctively choose to wait and see or even take refuge, rather than risk provoking him.

Besides, Hastings has never been knocked down. The victory of Li Fu's army was only superficial. How dangerous the turbulent waves in the dark are, only Barbara who is in it can understand!

She doesn't want to give her opponent a chance!

Unfortunately, just when she thought everything was under control, things got out of hand.

Less than a day after the Chakna military headquarters released the news that they had annihilated the Dragoon fleet and killed Obuen, they released another war report and detonated a larger nuclear bomb.

"The Belive Northern Cluster collapsed across the board. The Leifeng Star Front took advantage of the victory to pursue it. They won a great victory in the southeast, and all three hundred adjudicators were slaughtered!"

This horrific news quickly spread to the entire Fei League, and its shock wave swept across all directions, blowing to pieces the blockade network she had carefully compiled.

Barbara was stunned. From the moment she got the news, she knew that no one could control it.

It turned out to be just as she expected. The Publicity Office of the Presidential Office has become aware of the Obuen incident. Choose to announce the news as soon as possible. Several media outlets with close ties to the government published numerous reports, quickly igniting the entire Feiyang Republic. .

The media who had previously questioned the record of the bandits' annihilation of the Dragoon fleet were speechless. Those media who had listened to the greeting before regretted it. Even the people who came out to say hello went silent and kept silent or even simply retracted their words. !

At this time, everyone knew that the news would continue to be blocked. Not only is he going against the president's office, he may even get into trouble.

"You can't control it yourself, don't blame us!"

Based on this most realistic idea. The media quickly jumped in to add fuel to the fire. Barbara couldn't even say a harsh word about this.

Such is the power of Hastings! This old man in a wheelchair does not need to intimidate or induce, or even defend himself. He can make the scales tip towards him!

Moreover, this time, the bandit army's record of annihilating three hundred adjudicators was so dazzling that no one could look at it! In contrast to the ten Arbitrators on the battlefield of the Republic of Lane, which dominated the entire battle and almost prevented the Republic of Lane from turning over, this record can be called a miracle. And the information contained in it is even more complicated!

Anyone with a normal IQ should understand. How cautious you need to be when fighting against bandits!

The setting sun has completely sunk into the horizon.

Night falls.

There was still a deathly silence in the office.

Six men and three women stood quietly, as solid as a rock. However, if you look closely, you will find it. These people, who had already been trained to the point where their expressions would not change even if a gun was pressed against their heads, did not look calm at this moment.

The look in their eyes, the slight drop of sweat on their foreheads or the almost imperceptible twitch of their cheek muscles made them look not as terrifyingly calm as the outside rumors said.

The only one who is truly calm is the woman sitting on the leather swivel chair.

Shrouded in darkness, she looked like a black widow calmly guarding her sister's net.

"Turn on the TV." Barbara turned her head, stared at the photos in the newspaper, and said quietly.

One of the twins activated the giant light screen television. The picture formed by the fusion of colorful light groups is exactly the text message of the presidential candidate interacting with voters in Dalapea. After the short message, there is the current support ranking of several presidential candidates who have withdrawn from each party.

The one who ranks first is the middle-aged man who returned to Feiyang with Chuckner and Barbara. The second place is the candidate of President Francis’ party. The approval ratings of these two people. A total of seventy-five percent was occupied. The rest will be divided among the three candidates in the third, fourth and fifth positions.

No matter in terms of external image, academic accomplishment, support for the ruling phalanx or personal life, the candidates proposed by Barbara have great advantages.

The light curtain screen is flickering and changing. Three-dimensional virtual image. It looks so real in the void.

Suddenly, a burst of urgent phone calls interrupted the tranquility of the office.

Everyone stared sharply at the phone. Tense atmosphere. They couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Barbara picked up the phone casually while watching TV.

After a moment, a smile full of black temptation bloomed at the corner of her mouth.

he died!

President Feillant, Francis.


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