Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 95 Kidnapping |

The living room in Beverly Hills is luxurious and elegant.

Thousand-year-old earwood furniture from Tartania, Bema elephant leather sofa from the Sidon system of the Binart Empire, and exquisite porcelain from the Western Republic of Belon, all show the identity and taste of the owner.

Sunlight shines on the swimming pool outside the automatic glass door of the living room, swaying and reflecting in the sparkling light, causing water ripples to ripple on the ceiling.

Dozens of well-dressed dignitaries were sitting or standing, silently watching the rippling water patterns, and a deathly silence settled.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the twin sisters who were almost inseparable from Barbara appeared in front of everyone. "Miss Barbara will be down soon, please wait a moment." One of the twins said expressionlessly. "It's been two hours." The depressing atmosphere was broken by the frustrated old Miller. He stood up, shook his head and said, "It seems that there is nothing she can do."

Old Miller said, and with the support of the family's children, he walked tremblingly towards the door.

In just one night, this old man, whose personality and body seemed so strong that he would never be broken, suddenly collapsed mentally and physically. People in the living room looked at him quietly, with sympathy and gloating in their eyes.

In last night's struggle, Old Miller's loss was the heaviest among all the major families. Not only was the grandson's neck broken alive, but the family guard was almost there all day long, and even his influence in the military was proven by the few greeting calls today that it was no longer what it used to be. Hastings is, after all, the number one person in the military.

If his inaction and departure some time ago gave opportunities to opponents who had been suppressed by him, then after he returned with the aura of victory in the Southeast Star Territory and shocked the heroes overnight, Old Miller Le seems to have no choice but to retreat into his own hole.”

Hastings, this old man who sits in a wheelchair, talks little, and is always calm, is like a mountain, insurmountable and invincible.

Even though he spent all this time, he only dug and supported a force that was derided as a militia. However, what he got was ten times and a hundred times what these people here had worked hard to get.

Now, everyone knows how powerful that militia force is. Instead of picking up trash, the wily Hastings is digging for treasure!

Obviously, Barbara knows the bandits and the fat man better than these people here. She saw the value of the bandit army and the power of the combination of the Hei family and the bandit army. She tried to suppress, tried to seduce. Unfortunately, she is not only one step behind Hasting Jin. What's more terrible is that when she assassinated Francis, she injured Bernadotte!

That General Leray was not a famous general with outstanding commanding skills and unique tactical style. He was not at the top of the rankings of military generals from various countries in the Fiji Alliance. It could even be said that he was so ordinary that no one would pay attention to him. However, he is the fatal weakness of the fat man. The fatal point does not mean that if it is moved, the fat man will die.

But whoever moves will die! ! !

Thinking of this, and seeing the bleak back of old Miller who had already walked to the door, everyone couldn't help but let out a long sigh. When it comes to fighting against the experienced Hastings, these people present are still a little green.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, whether it is internal or external, people have only lightly planned their own moves on the chessboard, and have not even personally directed any battles. But here, it was already a complete defeat.

Just as old Miller was about to walk out of the living room door, suddenly, the door was pushed open. A thin and tall figure appeared at the gate. Pale skin, deep eyes, thin lips with firm lines, and a square chin - "Alke, Temple Buddha! He is back! Facing everyone's gaze, Li Fu walked slowly into the living room.

His steps are still firm and powerful, his body is still upright, and his eyes are still as sharp as an eagle. Emotions such as failure, decadence, panic, and negativity seem to never appear in this steely man. Pires, Soze and other senior military officials stood at attention and saluted, while everyone in the living room stood up.

"Everyone, sit down." Li Fu walked through the passage where the crowd automatically moved out of the way, walked to the stairs, and said calmly: "I'll go up and see Barbara."

The people who stayed there sent Li Fu up the stairs with almost excited eyes, and then sat down one after another. Even old Miller, who had already walked to the door, returned to the sofa without saying a word. The appearance of Li Fu was like a shot in the arm, making everyone feel refreshed and relieved.

No matter how Feiyang's current situation changes, after all, he is Arke who comes with the aura of victory in all battles. Li Fu.

His reputation in the eyes of the people is still at its peak, and the troops under his control still account for half of the military.

With public support, mecha battleships, and Li Fo, this group is far from failing!

At least, we are ahead in terms of domestic arrangements and presidential elections. It is not that easy for the Hei family to turn things upside down in just ten days! Walking through the silent corridor on the second floor, Li Fu stopped in front of Barbara's door and knocked gently on the white wooden door. "Dong dong*..."

The door opened automatically, and the room with a view of the mountains and forests in the backyard was empty and deserted. Barbara, wearing pajamas, hugged her knees and sat in front of the semi-circular floor-to-ceiling window sill, holding a glass of wine in her hand and looking out the window, wondering what she was thinking.

"I'm back." Li Fu looked at his sister and said softly.

The room was silent.

After a long time, Babagu whispered: "They are dead." I know. "Li Fu said softly. "It's over? "Barbara put down her wine glass and turned her head sharply: "You know one sentence, and that's it? "

Seeing the tears flashing in Barbara's eyes, Li Fu said calmly: "I will avenge them at any cost." "Then do it!!! Tears burst out of Barbara's eyes.

She screamed hysterically, jumped off the window sill, ran barefoot on the carpet, threw herself into Li Fu's arms, and burst into tears.

Li Fu gritted his teeth, stroked Barbara's hair, and said comfortingly: "Don't cry, I will go. I will personally eliminate the troubles that we should have eliminated twenty years ago. Use your ability to The best way to relieve hatred that comes to mind, "』" (

"I want to kill him with my own hands!" Barbara buried her head in Li Fu's arms and murmured: "I want to cut off all his flesh with a knife, peel off his skin, soak him in disinfectant, and let him The screams resounded for ten days!" "It's up to you." Li Fohui smiled, raised Barbara's face, and wiped away the tears on her face with his hands: "But before that, we There’s still a lot to do.”

He let go of Barbara, walked aside, and poured two glasses of wine: "You did a good job. Now, we have to use this momentum to continue our plan. It is impossible for the other party to know our trump cards. When they know, everything will be over. late."

He handed a glass of wine to Barbara: "I have to give this glass of wine to my cutest raccoon dog. It's hard to imagine that you actually designed such a genius plan." "Is computing flattery?" Barbara burst into tears. He smiled, wiped the tears from his face with his hand, and took the wine glass.

"Brother, do you need to flatter your sister?" Li Fu scratched Barbara's nose with his hand. He looked lovingly at the way she wrinkled her nose.

"It's a pity that our allies downstairs don't think so." Barbara curled her lips contemptuously: "In their simple minds, there is always only violence. It seems that they cannot kill their opponents. Several people died and were beaten by their opponents. If you win a battle, it’s like the sky is falling.”

"That's why they can only sit downstairs and obey our instructions." Li Fu shook his head funny, took a sip of wine, and walked to the window sill: "The biggest difference between humans and beasts is here. Sometimes , a genius plan is enough to change everything. But the beast can only rely on claws and fighting."

He turned around and raised his glass to Barbara: "Perhaps our opponents also think that we will only use violent methods such as assassinations and rebellion to solve problems. If so, this is really good news." Barbara. With a proud smile, he walked to Li Fu and stood side by side with him. "What are you going to do next?" Li Fu asked.

"Last night's failure was ultimately a failure. This cannot be changed." Barbara took a sip of wine and narrowed her phoenix eyes: "Today, many people have chosen to join the Hei family camp. It seems that everyone They are all optimistic about the Hei family’s influence on the presidential election.”

"They will favor Perez, who is most likely to pose a threat to Dawson. What we can do, of course, is to try to let Dawson take the lead and use various means to suppress Perez. In this regard, those guys downstairs , are better at it than we are. They can pour any kind of dirty water on Perez."

As Barbara spoke, she picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Li Fu and herself: "Similarly, with the gang of guys who have taken refuge in the Hei family, they will have greater energy in this regard. They will do their best to support Pei While playing Reis, he poured sewage on Dawson. In the next ten days, all the focus will be on this battle between the two heroes." "Do you know what I just did before you came?" Barbara suddenly The topic changed and he looked at Li Fu with a smile. "How can I guess what's in your head?" Li Fu shook his head.

"I used our manpower in Chakna to kidnap the people around the fat man." Barbara said bitterly: "One is the mother of the woman who was with him last night, and the other two are scientists from the Leray Federation. , one is named Milan, who is that guy's mistress, and the other is named Boswell, who is his teacher." "Are you planning to..."" Li Fuhui narrowed his eyes: "Provoke him, and at the same time make him turn against the rat." What tricks are you using in the presidential race? "

"Until the general election voting ends, it will be difficult for me to truly trust such a person." Barbara said coldly: "I want them to think that this is our last resort, and I want our people to firmly support Dawson. Stay ahead and use all means to fight hand-to-hand with your superior opponents until the election is over!"

"I remember, January 20th is your birthday." Li Fu gently clinked his wine glasses with Barbara: "At ten o'clock in the evening that day, it was also the time when the general election voting ended and the results were announced." " ' " "■

He put his arm around Barbara's shoulders lovingly: "I heard that Lord Military God will hold a party after the presidential election. However, before that, I will hold the grandest party here for my genius sister. Birthday party - "A party to celebrate victory!"


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