Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 97 Conditions

The spacecraft left the atmosphere. Join the waiting fleet.

Passing through the winding escape layer of the aurora, the huge capital star turns into a huge green-white sphere that occupies the entire field of vision, and the vast starry sky rushes towards us.

When Margaret received a call from Barbara a few minutes later and handed the phone to him, Fatty was not surprised at all.

He stood up, avoided An Lei's gaze, walked through the crowd, and walked to the secluded bridge terrace.

The surrounding sounds suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at Fatty, their eyes full of curiosity, contempt, awe or indifference.

As the fat man walked among the crowd, he suddenly felt a wave of boredom and anger popping out of his bones.

Feiyang, the superpower of the human world, is now just a group of arrogant idiots, lunatics trying to seize the universe, arrogant politicians, and short-sighted fools! !

As the leader of the Filipina League, when the Leray Federation was fighting bloody battles with the major Western empires, what were these people doing in front of them?

When he was struggling to survive in Mars. What are these people doing?

When the bandit army finally gained some strength and appeared on the world stage with a hard-fought victory, what were those politicians, those members of the Fiji League Parliament thinking?

But when the Leray Federation has reached its most critical moment, he has to come to this country to play games with these damn lunatics, let these arrogant idiots understand their level, win alliances, and solve their internal problems... .......

Damn it!

A violent emotion, accompanied by the pain of An's mother being kidnapped, rushed straight into his brain, making Fatty almost lose control of his emotions. He held the phone tightly and walked through the crowd with a cold face.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

"Who knows how well-educated a lucky mechanic soldier can be?"

"Did you see it? When General Ma Long was about to walk over just now, this guy didn't even look at him and left Ma Long somewhere."

"Who does this guy think he is?"

"He is a dual hero of the LeRay Federation and Chuckner. How about Mr. Farley's attitude towards him? Maybe in the future, we will all have to live by his face."

"What he is today, he didn't rely on Margaret to hook up with the old man. This kind of person is a typical pretty boy who only eats soft food."

"What kind of bandit army, I'm sure. Most of them were established by the old man with his own money. Without the support of the old man, why would they be equipped with twelfth-generation mechas?"

"Babyface, is he considered a pretty boy?"

"Be careful, their bandits don't care who you are. Have you ever heard of how many people they killed on Leifeng Planet?"

"A group of criminals from the free world are a disgrace to the military!"

"Humph, why do we need to cooperate with such a person?"

"Shut up! If you have anything to say, wait until you win the exercise or go to the battlefield."

"Hansen, what do you mean?"

The patio door, closed behind you. All the hustle and bustle was cut off in an instant.

The fat man leaned against the balcony railing, looking through the semi-circular transparent dome at the fading capital star Feiyang. He put the phone to his ear and said coldly: "Tell me."

"General Tian's mood doesn't seem to be very good..." Barbara on the other end of the phone laughed softly, "I just called to care. I heard that you have relatives who are checking. Kerner was kidnapped?”

The fat man gritted his teeth and remained silent.

He had just received the news that An's mother had been kidnapped. And when the other party called at this time, he was obviously telling himself unscrupulously. They did it.

And, they don’t care at all about exposure.

"What do you want?" The fat man took a deep breath.

"I don't want anything," Barbara chuckled, "When you rejected my kindness and killed my people, I'm afraid you didn't expect that such a day would come?"

"You want to touch An's mother?" Fatty laughed, his voice indescribable, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"You're not afraid, am I afraid?" On the other end of the phone, Barbara was sitting barefoot by the swimming pool, letting the rippling water of the swimming pool caress her white and delicate feet.

"Beep..." The communication was interrupted. The smile on Barbara's face suddenly froze, and her eyes were filled with surprise. She couldn't believe that the fat man actually hung up the phone on her.

She raised her head and looked at Li Fu who was sitting beside her. Li Fu frowned and shook his head gently at her.

The weather has gradually warmed up, and the sunshine makes people feel warm and sleepy. Barbara put the phone aside, feeling the coolness of the pool water under her feet, and thinking quickly in her mind. .

She had to go through a lot of twists and turns to get complete information about the relationship between Fatty and An Lei's family. The relationship between Fatty and An Ma, which is close to that of mother and son, is even more conclusive.

Barbara couldn't understand why the fat man dared to hang up the phone when he knew An's mother had been kidnapped by him. Wasn't he afraid that he would break up the vote?

In the silence, Li Fu's phone suddenly rang. Barbara turned her head and saw that Li Fu only picked up the phone and listened for a few seconds before standing up suddenly.

"What happened?" Barbara asked.

"Hastings suddenly ordered the Heidfield Military District to be in a state of first-level combat readiness. All vacations were cancelled, and the first, second and third mixed armies and fleets gathered at Heidfield... In addition, all members of the Heidfield Military District The large base and garrison have received orders to convene a meeting with all officers, and the camp area is under martial law, and no soldier is allowed to leave the base."

"Is he trying to attack our people?" Barbara said in shock: "A showdown with us at this time?"

"This is not a showdown, nor is it the first to launch a military coup," Li Fu said with a livid face, "He is clearing the way for the bandits!"

"Clear the way?!" Barbara couldn't react for a moment.

"The bandit fleet that arrived at Heidfield this morning included a *-class fleet and two giant transport ships that did not participate in the exercise." Liver's eyes were cold and flickering: "Just now, a whole regiment of bandit armored forces, Already left the dock camp."

Barbara's heart suddenly trembled: "Where are they going?"

Li Fu looked into Barbara's eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Here!"

Time seemed to have frozen at this moment. Even the water in the swimming pool seemed to have stopped rippling.

"Are they crazy?" Barbara's voice became extremely dry.

She was not afraid of the bandits' armored regiments. Although Hastings has ordered martial law in the base and garrison and convened a meeting of officers, if she and Li Fu want to initiate, this order is a blank piece of paper. Doesn't work.

As long as Liver makes a phone call, Heidfeld's officers and troops loyal to him will not hesitate to rush into the streets to intercept the bandit armored regiment. Military districts and fleets from other surrounding star regions will also quickly assemble.

Not to mention that Hastings only mobilized three mixed armies and fleets, even if he mobilized thirty-two mixed armies and fleets from all military districts, it would be impossible to eliminate his own side in one fell swoop.

But, what does that mean?

That means civil war breaks out now, with the presidential election coming to an end. Li Fu Group. Now that the Black Family and the bandit army are gaining momentum, they will fight a battle that is not guaranteed to win!

After the night of January 11, how many forces had already swung to Hastings, how many officers of the Liver Group began to hesitate and wait, and how many people were waiting for the results of the presidential election?

A sense of absurdity and fear instantly sent chills all over Barbara.

She finally understood why the fat man hung up the phone so quickly. This lunatic knew that nothing he said would be of any use, so he pulled out the knife and stabbed him!

Just like what he did when he stabbed Fleischer fifty-six times on the rooftop of Sky City in Alaska!

This is a madman who will not hesitate at all, regardless of the cost or consequences. In his nerves, he will not consider what will happen next second at all. He is like a mad dog, he will bite anyone who stands in front of him!

Barbara can be sure that once she does anything to An's mother, this person will lead his bandit army to fight her at all costs. Even if he becomes the enemy of Feiyang, even if he ends up being shattered to pieces, he will not hesitate at all.

She slowly bent down and picked up the phone by the pool. In Li Fu's flickering eyes, he dialed the number just now.

"Listen carefully, the person who wants you must abide by three conditions." When Barbara connected the phone, she said directly without any nonsense: "First, stop Perez and Zhao Xi in the presidential election. and all the propaganda for the three Swanson candidates. And stop attacking Dawson and shut everyone up!"

"No problem." Fatty replied.

"Second, before the presidential election is over, the bandits must leave Heidfield when they visit the fleet." Barbara said the second condition.

"There's no problem with that." Fatty said.

"Third, before the presidential election is over, you must not take any action, whether it is personnel transfers, military plans, troop changes, changes in logistics plans, anything that could easily cause misunderstanding."

"I agree to this too." The fat man sneered, "When will you let him go?"

Barbara laughed softly. She glanced at Li Fo beside her and said softly: "General Tian, ​​January 21st is my birthday. Maybe I will have the honor to meet you in person at nine o'clock in the evening on that day. By then , you can see me in person and notify him of his release."

"Okay!" Fatty hung up the phone without saying a word.

"You invited him to the party?" Li Fu stared at Barbara with a sneer on his face.

"This man is really too dangerous." Barbara slammed the phone to pieces and gritted her teeth: "We can't sleep well unless we see him die with our own eyes!"



.Thank you all for your strong support, two updates tomorrow! ** is coming!























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