Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 104 The Exercise Begins

"Take it off?" Lieutenant General Wu Kun, the commander of the fortress, was immediately confused. (It happened too suddenly and too ridiculously.

A group of mature and prudent generals suddenly appeared at this meeting in the image of naked warriors, which had already made him and the officers and soldiers under his command confused.

And now, the fat man's first greeting when they met was actually this request... Anyone else would have been hit with a stick and a pair of gold stars.

The temperature in the fortress is only fifteen or sixteen degrees Celsius. If this can be used as a reason to force people to take off their clothes, then in the summer when the temperature is more than thirty degrees Celsius, wouldn't the fat man have to peel off his own skin? "This-r"

Lieutenant General Wu Kun felt that he was a little confused. He smiled awkwardly and confusedly, and cast the sunlight on the Feiyang generals beside the fat man. “Kunzi, stop talking nonsense and take off your clothes!

Wu Kun's old superior, General Frith, had an unhappy look on his face. While scolding Wu Kun, he glanced sideways at Roxani, who was standing next to her with her mouth half open: "I've already taken off my clothes, and you're still coy. Let your Everyone has to take off their clothes!" "Yes, sir!"

Wu Kun was also a straightforward person, and he always followed the orders of his old superior Fris, who was as close as father and son to him. He immediately turned around, unbuttoned his collar, and ordered loudly: "Everyone has it..." "』"" Stop!" Even though she knew that the fat man was secretly looking at her, Roxani still shouted helplessly.

Originally, she wanted to take revenge on these perverts for teasing her into the studio, and by the way, she wanted to tease her good friend Margaret, her boyfriend, who made her extremely curious.

However, the bastards led by Fatty did not give her a chance to be unreasonable. Not only did they not beg her from the beginning to the end, but they used another method to eliminate the differences between them and others. Don’t you all think it’s funny? Then I’ll take off all my clothes!

Let’s see who is still laughing!

This is a typical case of implicating the innocent.

Roxani could not imagine what a tragic scene it would be like for the fortress officers and even all the soldiers participating in the exercise to be forced to strip naked by the fat man and a group of tyrannical Feiyang generals. By then, how many people in Feiyang's army would look at him in a strange way. It’s like she’s a pervert! "No more fun." She gave the fat man a hateful look and said, "Fat man, remember, you and I still have to play a game! Who loses..." ""

Before she could finish her words, she saw a group of soldiers carrying uniforms running over quickly. The fat man and the generals were busy getting dressed in a mess, and no one had time to look up and pay attention to her. "Human" Roxani stamped her foot and stretched out her hand to pinch Margaret who was watching the joke: "I'm so angry!" A farce came suddenly, like the wind under the scorching sun. go.

Holding back their laughter, the military band played strong military music, and the soldiers lined up standing straight with their chests raised, and each one of them had a bruised face from holding back their laughter.

After today, everyone can already imagine the wonderful expressions on the faces of his companions when he told them about the deeds of the one hundred and sixteen light pillar generals. And when this wind inevitably blows to the entire Feiyang, what kind of waves will it cause! Exciting! Big gossip!

The atmosphere became relaxed and warm. After a series of ceremonies and procedures, the fortress commander Wu Kun announced that the exercise officially began. The exercise code name is "Flying Claws"

The hidden dragon soared into the abyss, its scales and claws flying. This sentence is a portrayal of Feyon Hastings's troops and the bandit army that emerged out of nowhere as they prepared to go all out for war! The content of the exercise was an offensive and defensive battle around the Manxia Nebula Corridor.

The attackers are an A-class fleet and five space carriers of the Bandit Army, while the defenders are the six A-class fleets of the Thirty-Second Army and the Democratic Forces Fortress.

This is obviously an unfair matchup. Although the bandits have five space carriers, in terms of basic combat effectiveness, they are equivalent to two A-class fleets. However, the survivability of a mothership in space without enough battleships, cruisers, and destroyer groups to protect it is less than 5% of that of a complete aircraft carrier group. Once approached by a group of high-speed cruisers and destroyers, no matter how powerful the aircraft carrier is, it will die!

More importantly, the Thirty-Second Army, as a large-scale group army, has six A-class fleets, and its theoretical combat effectiveness is three times that of the bandit army. As the defenders, they also have the support of a powerful democratic force fortress. .

This is almost like cheating power. Even in the acting plan, the fortress cannot use the fleet inside the fortress to participate in the battle, nor can it use the fortress cannon. However, the densely packed train guns and mobile turrets of the fortress can form an indestructible storm of firepower in the narrow passage.

With the support of the fortress's firepower network, even if the Thirty-Second Army lost the battle in the front section of the corridor, they could remain invincible as long as they hid within the firepower control range of the fortress.

Such an exercise plan is more like bullying the bandits than an exercise.

However, the plan was drawn up by Hastings himself, and the bandit commander Tian Xingjian also signed and agreed. Although the generals were confused, they also knew that Hastings and Fatty would never do something meaningless in such an important exercise. Since they dare to formulate such an exercise plan, the bandits must have a trump card!

Moreover, the purpose of this exercise is not to determine the winner. It is a practical test of the combat effectiveness of both sides. As long as the fighting reaches a certain level, the exercise headquarters can order an end.

After Admiral Wu Kun ordered the exercise to begin, the bandit fleet commander Fang Xiang and dozens of bandit officers were the first to salute and leave, boarding the bandit flagship parked at the pier. Immediately afterwards, Admiral Fox, commander of the Thirty-second Army, also led his headquarters staff to board his flagship. The two battleships slowly sailed out of the fortress and flew towards their fleet.

Ten minutes later, the sky-blocking bandit fleet sailed over the fortress airport, sailing toward the northwest of the Democracy Fortress amid the flashing pre-war salute light signals. Gradually disappearing into the narrow channel with the red Mantia Nebula as the background and surrounded by dust, asteroid belts, and gravitational reefs.

The six A-class fleets of the Thirty-second Group Army moved to the Democratic Forces fortress and the end point barrier area of ​​the jump channel according to the exercise plan. Establish defenses at several strategic points along the obstacle course.

One after another, majestic battleships slid past the void outside the fortress. Driven by the blue ion light flow, it flew into the distance.

When the last battleship's thruster light tail disappeared into the white stardust in front of the fortress, the exercise officially began. .

The generals walked together into the fortress command hall, which serves as the exercise director's headquarters.

Skynet Hall No. 1 of the Democratic Force Fortress is a huge oval room.

There are Skynet light curtains all around the room, and it looks like the entire oval-shaped fortress has been reduced to this space. And these Skynet screens are like windows surrounding you. Just through these windows, the entire airspace can be seen at a glance. Standing in the center of the hall and looking around, one can't help but feel a wonderful sense of control. "Fat man, how are you going to fight this battle?" Medina couldn't help but ask the fat man in a low voice when he walked into the room and sat down in the stepped spectator seats.

To be honest, after fighting for so many years, Medina considered herself quite experienced. However, from the moment he saw the exercise plan, he could not imagine the possibility of the bandit army winning.

The fortress of democratic power, known as the most difficult fortress to conquer in Feiyang, is not an exaggerated advertising slogan, but the absolute truth in the hearts of all Feiyang generals.

The fortress itself is strong enough to withstand the siege of ten A-class fleets, and the surrounding complex terrain is a natural blocking ground.

Putting ten A-class fleets in the airspace where the fortress is located is like throwing a handful of sesame seeds into a wine glass! The density of battleships not only allows the fortress's gunners to close their eyes and fire at will, but also causes at least 30% of the troops to be lost in the complex and dangerous natural traps of the Manxia Nebula Corridor due to channel blockage.

In addition, the fortress itself is equipped with a group fleet consisting of four A-class fleets. Unless the enemy attacking the fortress is prepared to sacrifice at least twenty A-class fleets here, it is absolutely impossible to open the door to the Feiyang capital system jump point. The entire Manxia Nebula Corridor is in the shape of a gourd. Since the Feiyang Administrative Region Bell System entered the Beta Lq public system, the fleet must pass through sixteen jump channels and nine obstacle areas if it wants to enter the Feiyang Capital System.

It was a long journey of six days. The Manxia Nebula Corridor is located in the second half of this journey. Occupying five jump segments and five obstacle areas. The Feiyang Republic needs to pay a large amount of maintenance fees every month for this section of the route where giant boats can pass, in order to ensure that this dangerous section of the route is smooth.

The bandit fleet simulates the Binart Empire and launches an attack from west to east. Although they don't need to completely conquer the fortress, they do need to break through the blockade of the 32nd Group fleet. The six A-class fleets of the Thirty-Second Army were deployed in the airspace about 500,000 kilometers away from the fortress. They are divided into three mixed fleets, each mixed fleet consists of two A-class fleets. The first mixed fleet guarded the left side of the corridor, which was a dangerous area filled with stardust. If you were not careful, you would be driven into the gravitational capture zone of the white dwarf star.

The second mixed fleet deployed behind an arc-shaped asteroid belt in the central obstacle area. Any fleet that passes through the asteroid belt will suffer their winning statistics at the first opportunity.

The third mixed fleet was guarding a small planet with a white belt containing meteorites on the right wing. Using the gravity of the planet, they can seize the attack position faster than the opponent, and launch salvos again and again while avoiding being targeted by the opponent's naval guns. Moreover, if the center is attacked, they can provide quick support.

This line of defense is one of the lines of defense of the Fortress of Democracy in the Manxia Nebula Corridor. The Feiyang military conducts exercises every two years on how to use the geographical environment of this airspace and how to reinforce defenses, which can almost be completed with eyes closed. And this interlocking defense system cannot be more mature.

It would be a joke for the bandit army to pass through the interception of the Thirty-Second Army with an A-class fleet and five aircraft carriers.

Even though Medina and the generals present knew that Marshal Hastings wanted to teach these people a lesson through the bandit army, they could not believe that the bandit army could win under such circumstances.

Looking at Medina and the surrounding generals who were twitching their ears and looking over at them, Fatty stared at the big screen and spoke in a rare solemn tone.

"A few years ago, when we were still obsessed with large fleets of thousands of warships and long-range attacks of mechas as the main combat method, we could imagine that the number of our A-class fleets would drop sharply to more than a hundred. A ship, but its combat effectiveness has increased by 80%? Can you imagine the close combat methods of modern mechas?"

"Any exercises and illusions only exist in the mind and on the sand table. Only real war can prove everything. People who have not been involved in this torrent and stand on the shore will never understand that under the water, What's going on, it's even more impossible to integrate into it." The fat man smiled and looked at the screen with the green light on: "The exercise will be over soon after it starts!

. This is a chapter to make up for yesterday. I finally have time to sit down and type. I will try to update two more chapters today. Brothers, the monthly tickets are soaring


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