Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 116 Justice!

The banquet hall was very lively.) With the arrival of Li Fu and others, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely lively.

Those who can sit in this banquet hall are all high-ranking officials, dignitaries and celebrities. Most of them have long been supporters of Li Fo. In this group with Li Fo as the core, they have made great contributions and made suggestions. Today is the time for them to enjoy the fruits of victory. The remaining people are all Feiyang's famous wallflowers.

These people's original position is not firm, their status is not high, and their position is not important. "Therefore, it is their way of survival to move back and forth to increase the momentum of the winner.

There are also a very small number of people who were members of the Black family camp before. However, now that the dust has almost settled, they finally can't sit still.

Although he knew that if he turned around at this time, he would not get a good look, and he would offend his former allies to the end. However, what they consider now is no longer a matter of profit, but a matter of survival. Political struggle is the most cruel of all struggles.

Especially during the war when human life was of little value, there were countless prisoners who were shot because of failed political struggles and families who were implicated and destroyed. This kind of thing happens not only in the military, in political parties, at high levels of government, but also among the people.

This is "cleaning" 0

Even a mature democracy like Feiyang cannot escape.

In war, no one is rational. Laws and systems are sometimes just a piece of paper.

Besides, everyone knows that this time is not just a presidential election. Instead, the two camps that control Feiyang's military and even the entire Feiyang League are fighting for the highest power.

When a party's victory is determined, when they open their pockets and tell you clearly that they are waiting for your surrender and that this is your last chance, how many people can remain indifferent? It’s approaching ten o’clock, and the voting points arranged in the major star areas of Feiyang are starting to prepare for sealing.

After a busy day, the voting actually ended at around nine o'clock. When the turnout has exceeded 90%, what is left is just a formality carried out in accordance with the law.

Over the banquet hall, dozens of crystal lamps were gorgeous and bright.

People holding wine glasses were saying this enthusiastically, and from time to time they burst into victorious laughter.

No one paid attention to the food on the surrounding tables. All eyes and camera lenses were focused on Li Fu, Dawson and Perez, and the screen in the center of the hall.

No one noticed that a side door of the banquet hall was opened a small crack. No one noticed that the man, woman and several bodyguards who walked into the hall underwent amazing changes in an instant. The female companion next to an official was fiddling with the fruits on the plate boredly, turning her head to look around.

Suddenly, her eyes froze, she opened her eyes wide and let out a sharp intake of breath. He seemed to want to scream but couldn't. He let go of his hands and the dinner plate fell to the ground, shattering into pieces! This crisp sound made the men and women around them turn their heads.

Before many people could figure out what was going on, they found several women with apparently stronger nerves looking at the side door of the banquet hall and screaming in surprise. The screams quickly caused a commotion in the entire banquet hall.

The people in the crowd turned their heads in surprise, and then opened their eyes in shock. Even Li Fu, Dawson, Gambier and others in the center were startled by the screams and quickly turned around to look over.

The screams, like the occasional shrill noise from the speakers, stopped immediately before people's eardrums felt uncomfortable.

In front of him, the fat man in a bandit uniform put a sharp and cold knife on Barbara's neck, holding Barbara hostage and walking slowly inside. If you just take a look, everyone will think that this fat man is Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian of the Leray Federation.

However, when everyone saw his appearance clearly, they realized that although he was at least 70% similar to Tian Xingjian, he was actually another person. Several hundred meters away, high-ranking officials and dignitaries, military officers and guards ar. Both the waiter and the waiter stood there blankly, at a loss. There was a clang, and there was another sound of a wine bottle falling to the ground and being broken into pieces. That was the wine glass in Li Fu's hand. There was dead silence in the banquet hall. In the hotel restaurant, Zhao Xi raised his glass and stood in the center of the crowd. The huge restaurant was filled with nearly twenty tables of people, but there was no sound at all.

Everyone was looking at Zhao Xi. Many female staff members had red eyes, wiping their tears with tissues from time to time and sobbing softly. "I've always wanted a chance to treat everyone to a meal -" "" Zhao Xi smiled and walked around in circles, "Today may be the last chance."

"Although it's very tacky, I still have to say something to everyone..." "Thank you!" Zhao Xi tried hard to keep a smile on his face. "It's already a miracle that we can reach this point. And the person who created this miracle, It’s not me, it’s you.”

"In order for my face to appear in the camera without arousing people's anger, my image consultant, makeup artist and assistant spent a lot of thought. "_" Zhao Xi walked to a table of people and put his hands on On the shoulder of a young man wearing glasses.

People sitting around the table either stood up, their expressions fluctuating, or they clutched the wine glasses in their hands, tears filling their eyes.

"For the overall publicity, my publicity consultants and campaign liaisons travel to major administrative regions, media and newspapers every day, and often hold all-night meetings to discuss publicity plans." Zhao Xi forced himself not to look at people's eyes flashing with tears. , keeping smiling.

Among the members at the second table, a girl suddenly covered her mouth with her hands and shed tears.

Zhao Xi, who seemed to be infected by the girl's tears, had been trying hard to maintain a smile, the corners of his mouth were trembling slightly, and his eyes were getting redder and redder -..."』

"This is the Democratic and Fair Party, my closest partner. Without your support, I will never have this opportunity. But..." "" Zhao Xi walked between the third and fourth tables, "I am very ashamed, I don't have the face to say thank you to everyone, but I can only say sorry...", "It's not your fault!" A gray-haired old man shook his head gently and said in a low voice

"I don't admit that it was my fault." Although his eyes were getting redder and redder, with tears already shining, Zhao Xi started to cry. "I stick to my opinion, and I fought hard for it. I have not fallen. I have not fallen." Innocent enough!”

"That's enough!" The old man raised his glass.

"Even if you lose the election?" Zhao Xi also raised his wine glass. .


In the old man's firm reply, the two drank the wine in one gulp!

"It's time to say goodbye." Zhao Xi looked at his wife, filled his cup with swimming water, and raised his head, "In the end, I only have one request..."

Everyone stared at him silently.

These days of getting along day and night, these days of close cooperation, make everyone in this team understand this young online politician as well as themselves.

He loves this country deeply. He is strong-willed and broad-minded.

He thinks seriously about the future of this country every day.

He never makes decisions easily. Every idea he puts forward comes from reality, the voice of the people, thinking about the future of this country, and helpful suggestions from his companions.

He is never self-willed, he is good at listening, and he has the mind and wisdom of a mature genius politician. He should have been the one to lead Feiyang! ! However, he lost. After the sweat and effort put in by this group and himself, he lost to an invisible force.

This handsome middle-aged man with black hair, at the last moment when his ideals were shattered, he still looked so cool and elegant. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his final request.

"Don't watch TV..." Zhao Xi smiled and said = "At least don't watch it tonight!" ! Let us part with our ideals and return to our homes with this ideal. Keep living with this ideal. No matter what the result is, today, we are not losers! Everyone stood up in awe and drank the last glass of wine. At ten o'clock, the team disbanded.

Under the night light, a woman wearing a red silk scarf quietly held Zhao Xi's arm and strolled under the shade of the trees on the street, slowly heading towards her home. The back fades away.

He was held hostage by the fat man and pushed around roughly like a piece of cargo. He felt the cold blade on his neck that made people get goosebumps. ""

Barbara's mind was already blank.

She couldn't believe that the face of this fat man who had just been flirting with her had changed in an instant.

She also couldn't believe that in this banquet hall where celebrities gathered, in front of the live broadcast cameras of media reporters, and under the gunpoint of numerous security guards who blocked the entire block of the hotel with live ammunition, this fat man dared to put a knife on On your own neck! "What do you want to do?" Barbara quickly calmed down She Ji, and her mind was spinning rapidly. "Don't you know what I want to do?" The fat man chuckled in his ear, unable to express the strong words of Barbara. Holding back the anger in his heart, he whispered: "I don't understand!" "You will understand." The fat man smiled, raised Barbara's head, and asked her to look at Li Fu's face with him. It was so white that there was no trace of blood left. "Let her go!" Li Feng took a step forward and hissed. "Don't let go!" the fat man said loudly and confidently. "What do you want?" Li Fu's lips trembled: "I'll give it to you! There was silence in the hall.

In front of everyone's eyes, and in front of the reporters' cameras who were stunned every day, the fat man gritted his teeth and suddenly burst into tears.

"I want justice!

His voice echoed in the hall.

"Today, I want to be here to demand justice from this woman who used any means to take away my beloved in order to possess my body!

The fat man cried hoarsely.

"She raped me!


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