Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 51 She and Him

Bad guy, coffee. "

Helen, whose face was still flushed, placed a cup of hot coffee on the fat man's desk, rolled her eyes charmingly at him, turned around and stood behind the chair, massaging his shoulders and watching him work, with a smile on her lips. A trace of a little woman's satisfied and happy smile.

The fat man stared intently at the central computer screen in front of him, his eyes moving rapidly along with the rows of beating data and wandering deduction icons.

His office is located on the 351st floor of the main building of the Garipalan base. The area is over 12,000 square meters.

The entire office area is divided into five areas inside and outside.

The outermost area is composed of a guard mecha brigade and a logistics support team. Team drivers, personal bodyguards, liaison officers and secretaries are all available. Their job is to provide day-to-day protection and servicing of the office and to handle general, non-confidential matters.

In the central area are the core members of the admiral's office.

In this area, there is a personal medical care team for Fatty, a senior staff group of thirty people, an expert advisory group, a special escort team composed of fifty mecha war gods, a confidential secretarial group and An electronics and communications assurance group.

The fat man himself has an office with an area of ​​more than 400 square meters on the innermost floor of the building.

The office was set up in strict accordance with Leray military standards, and the area was exactly the same as the offices of other generals like Mikhailovich.

But the difference is that Fatty's room is more like a small operations center than an office. In addition to Fatty and Helen's desks, they were surrounded by various Skynet instruments.

During this period, as Sobol approached the Leray Federation step by step, Fatty had devoted his whole body and soul to the war.

He often stayed in the office all night. Either he was lost in thought while looking at the electronic sand table, or he was making crazy calculations. Count from the A8 galaxy to the Bermuda galaxy, and then from the Salga Longbow galaxy to Chakna's Lesk galaxy.

Fatty's mind was already occupied by the upcoming battle. He kept imagining himself as Sobol, and kept guessing about the battles that would take place in a certain area at a certain time and under a certain situation.

Helen behind him looked at him tenderly.

Only she knows how hard the fat man has been during this time. It was even a hundred times harder than when he was in Mars or leading the war!

An Lei, who is in charge of intelligence, is looking for him, Margaret, who is in charge of the staff, is looking for him, Fang Xiang and Audrey, who are in charge of the Mars bandit headquarters, are looking for him, Milan, who is in charge of new technology application, is looking for him, and Flaviy is looking for him. Oh, and Mikhailovich

The upcoming war, the application and transformation of new space technology, the preliminary construction of the newly discovered immigrant planet, the LeLei immigration work, the training and management of the bandit army, the construction of the Mars industrial base, the end-of-day space carrier and the rampant mecha manufacturing

The fat man is like the axis of a top, with countless things spinning around him. He didn't even have time to rest.

Looking at the fat man's big head under his messy hair, Helen felt proud and distressed at the same time.

"Helen." The fat man called as he picked up the coffee, but his eyes were still staring at the Skynet screen in front of him, as if he had been glued to it.

"What?" Helen leaned down and hugged the fat man's neck, pressing her chin on his head, her voice was as lazy and soft as a cat.

"You go home first and tell Sister Xiang that I will come back later. Tell her not to wait for me." Fatty said in a daze.

"Yeah" Helen was a little reluctant and rubbed her hands on the fat man's shoulders twice, and finally nodded obediently: "Then I'll go back first, don't make it too late."

The fat man patted Helen's hand and smiled, watching her walk out of the office, looking back three times. When the heavy automatic door closed, isolating Helen's back, he turned back and his eyes fell into the stars on the virtual screen.

With the addition of new intelligence, the situation picture on Skynet's screen has undergone tremendous changes compared to yesterday.

To the west of the [Metis] galaxy, the forward of the Sobor fleet has entered the [Prometheus] galaxy.

In order to avoid the front, the Bandit Fleet and the Tapu Alliance Fleet retreated to the [A8] Galaxy and the [Athena] Galaxy, respectively, and deployed defenses along the [Tianya] Corridor and [Athena] Jump Point.

To the east, the Allied main fleet led by Hastings has just arrived at the Salga [Longbow] system through the southeast channel. It will take more than thirty hours to reach Lelei Central System. .

The advantages and disadvantages of both sides are clear at a glance on the situation map.

First of all, in terms of military strength, the Western-Jordan coalition forces have a total of 240 A-class fleets. The strength of the Fiji Alliance forces was less than half of the opponent's, excluding several of Leray's old fleets. A total of one hundred and ten A-class fleets.

Secondly, judging from the process of the main force arriving in the war zone, both sides are roughly equal.

This must be attributed to Russell's beautiful annihilation battle in the Metis system, which not only defeated the Banning fleet, but also launched a devastating blow to the West York Airport and logistics base in Desik, greatly delaying The speed of advance of the main force in West York was increased.

Although on the surface it seemed that Sobol had only been in contact with the bandits for less than twenty-four hours. The Hastings fleet is still more than eighty hours away from the bandit fleet. However, that was because the bandit army advanced the defense line to the Desik line.

As long as the bandits currently stationed in the [a8] galaxy retreat to the [a3] galaxy where the decisive battle is scheduled, the main force of the Fei Alliance led by Hastings will arrive in time. By then, the decisive battle in the southeast will officially begin. Tens of thousands of warships will fight fiercely in the main southeast channel from the [A3] galaxy to the Salega [Longbow Galaxy].

This battle can only be won, not lost!

Fatty started the computer's deduction program and continued his endless deduction work these days. This time, he set the imaginary battlefield in the double-star corner corridor of the A3 galaxy.

This corridor was exactly the place Russell chose when he led the bandits to surprise the West York advance fleet.

But Russell chose only one section. If you zoom out with the starting coordinates of that flight segment as the center, or on this interstellar map, people can clearly see a narrow strip squeezed by the endless red nebula and surrounded by asteroid belts and gravitational reefs. aisle.

The Double Star Corridor is Fat Yi's main battlefield.

The terrain of the corridor is complex and easy to defend but difficult to attack. In addition to the narrow airspace in several sections of the corridor, it is difficult for the Spanish fleet to fully deploy, thereby limiting the opponent's strength advantage. More importantly, it is also connected to a U-shaped Mars F-class channel!

This free channel located in the Golden Triangle star area where the former Red Beard Pirates' headquarters was located is actually not a secret. It can be found on the military interstellar maps of most southeastern countries. However, being able to find it does not mean being able to prevent it.

On the ever-changing battlefield, the existence of this passage was like a noose, dangling around Sobol's neck.

That's why Fatty likes this place the most.

The deduction computer light curtain is suspended in front of the eyes, and the large and small planets and the boundless nebulae are all so realistic, like a shrinking universe.

With the running of the deduction program, the blue fleet, which was completely configured according to the strength of Sobol's fleet, has already pounced on them. The fat man cracked his fingers and made a series of snapping sounds, and immediately began to give frantic instructions, directing the Red Army who were waiting to attack.

Red 110a versus blue 240a. There are tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of fighter planes on both sides of the red and blue sides, totaling 350 A-class fleets. They come and go in space, fighting inextricably.

Time passed by minute by minute.

As the battle progressed, fine beads of sweat first appeared on Fatty's forehead, and then large drops fell down. When he stopped an hour later as if exhausted, two dazzling numbers appeared in the even more dazzling red defeat area.

The casualty rate is 100% for the red team and 65% for the blue team.

The fat man looked at the result depressedly, and slammed his fist on the desk, causing the coffee cup to jump and spill brown liquid.

"." The fat man put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it with a stinking fat face, strode to the floor-to-ceiling window, and blew out a long puff of gray smoke.

The night view of the city in the distance was much dimmer than the previous few days. The street downstairs was lined with vehicles with their headlights on, and hundreds of spaceships were busy taking off and landing over the airport not far away. The light from the ship's portholes was like countless burning sky lanterns.

Fatty could no longer remember that this was the hundreds of times he had performed the deduction. He only remembered that he had made no fewer than twenty combat plans and conducted more than a hundred deductions just for the Double Star Corridor. But in the end, the results were all failures!

Fatty was a little depressed for a moment.

Sober has the strength of the entire West York. Behind the more than two hundred fleets heading south there is the support of the entire Western York. On the Feimeng side, it's the complete opposite. With insufficient preparation for the war and many internal conflicts, Hastings was able to pull out such an Allied fleet to go south for reinforcements in such a short period of time. He had already done his best and paid a huge price for it! .

This is just a comparison of military strength. From the perspective of comprehensive combat capabilities, with the mobilization capabilities of Western York, the current war situation and the support Sobol can obtain, their comprehensive combat capabilities are more than five times that of the lonely and helpless Southeastern Coalition!

During the deduction, I had tried my best to use the bandits' split-type battleships, [Doomsday]-class space carriers and stealth technology to design a large number of traps and targeted tactics.

However, no matter how powerful the bandit army is, there are only eleven A-class fleets after all.

Whether it's a detour or a sneak attack, these eleven A-class fleets plus ten apocalyptic-class space carriers are like a local dog next to a lion next to the huge West York fleet. No matter how happy it is, it can't cause fatal damage to the lion.

At the beginning of each deduction, the battle situation will enter a channel of ups and downs.

In the early stages of the campaign, one Fiji warship might only have to deal with two Western York warships. However, as the casualty rate increased and more Spanish troops arrived, one Fiji warship had to face six or more Spanish warships.

This evolution process of one decline and one rise has occurred repeatedly in hundreds of deductions.

Although he has carefully used every battleship in his hands, he is afraid of suffering unnecessary losses. But when the Allied casualty rate exceeds 30%, the war situation will quickly enter a state of irreversible collapse.

After hundreds of deductions, the best result is this one.

In all previous combat plans, the opponent's casualty rate did not exceed 60%.

The improvement from 60% to 65% is already the result of trying all kinds of harmful and poisonous methods. It is so difficult to improve by just five percentage points. It is simply a fantasy to defeat Sobol while the Allied casualty rate does not exceed 30%!

Thinking of Hastings' medical record report, a huge pressure came down like a mountain, making the fat man feel breathless.

He smoked heavily and frowned deeply.

Although he still holds two trump cards in his hand, these trump cards are based on his own assumptions. Moreover, even if the assumption is true, he does not know his opponent's trump card. What if Sobol and the little girl

Throwing the burned-out cigarette butt into the ashtray popped up by the automatic service system, the fat man turned back to the computer and typed a series of instructions on the virtual keyboard.

The indicator light flashed slowly and rhythmically, and after a while, countless small white light groups appeared on the virtual screen. As the light group rotated and merged, the little kid's face gradually emerged, as if wrapped in mercury, and became clear as the skin color and hair changed.

"Butt, how are you doing there?" the fat man asked.

"Which side?" The little kid glared at the fat man: "I have many jobs now, including your galaxy, army training, construction of new immigrant stars, laboratory research, or should I ask the Fei Alliance?"

Although the little brat was verbose, the fat man just frowned and did not argue with the brat as usual. He asked: "Of course it's the Fei Alliance. Has the Lord God's plan been completed?"

The little kid nodded and said, "It's done."

"Is there any safety problem?" The fat man clasped his hands together and leaned on the back of the chair.

"The spaceship has entered the non-channel airspace. Except for Heidfeld's stand-in master, I have set up a total of 380,000 springboards," the little kid said calmly: "In this world, except for her, no one can pass through. Data tracking finds the Lord God.”

The fat man nodded and said: "Butt, do you think she will come?"

The little kid was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "She's already here!"

"Coming?" The fat man suddenly stood up.

"Yes, a few hours ago, I had already smelled her scent in the electronic message of Xiyo's forward fleet entering Desik through the bandit fleet Skynet." The little kid said every word, "No. It’s wrong, it must be her. We are the same kind, we can identify each other with just one byte!”

The lights in the living room were dim and the TV volume was turned off to the lowest level.

Fang Xiang was lying on the sofa. Her long black hair was pulled up high, revealing her slender white neck and delicate and elegant collarbones. Her braless breasts clung to the smooth and thin pajamas, showing her charming shape. The ups and downs of the body curve exudes a charming and mature charm in the flickering light of the TV.

It was late at night, and even Helen, who was the last to come home, had already taken a shower and entered the room.

Fang Xiang looked at the TV, her beautiful eyes shining brightly in the changing light of the screen. She seemed to be very focused, but also seemed to be in a daze.

What was playing on the TV was a film shot in peacetime, starring two very famous movie stars from the Salaga Federation. .

The entire film is filled with psychedelic lights, ambiguous eyes and plump breasts and buttocks.

The strong literary accent, the swaying camera, the dreamy and blurry scene selection, and the hero's inner monologue as if in a dream when he holds a marijuana in his mouth, holds a gun, and wears blood-stained clothes while walking on the heroine's path, are all here. Trying hard to outline a kind of confusion and depravity.

The story of the film is wonderful. The direction, actors, cinematography and music are all amazing. This film won multiple awards at international film festivals that year. Many film critics praised it for its profound and true reflection of people's lack of faith and spiritual confusion in today's society. It is a rare masterpiece.

However, what Fang Xiang likes has nothing to do with the profound philosophy behind it.

She likes the love between the hero and heroine that is as pure as white water but so strong that it makes people intoxicated. She likes the man walking on the road with a gun, with the roaring police car behind him and hundreds of enemies in front of him. She also likes the calmness and beauty of a kidnapped woman quietly waiting for her man to rescue her. She also likes the familiar city of Salega in the film, with its beautiful scenery and bustling crowds on the streets.

The only thing I didn't like was the sad ending symbolized by the blood-soaked white rose at the end.

I happened to turn to this station and stopped, watching it quietly. However, although her eyes stayed on the screen, her mind was completely focused on the phone call she received today.

The call came from a former fanboy of hers. His name is Albertine Round. He was originally a lieutenant general in the Salga Capital Guard District and the commander of the capital's Third Fleet.

This person's character is not very good. In the era of General Tolstoy, he was a typical fence-sitter. He used to be Fang Xiang's boss. In order to pursue Fang Xiang, he did all the things that others considered romantic and Fang Xiang considered disgusting. He even used fleet lights to display a slogan wooing Fang Xiang.

Fang Xiang naturally refused.

Originally, this lieutenant general, who could hardly see his future among the hundreds of generals in the Salega Federation, would never have the possibility of a successful courtship.

But things are unpredictable. Fang Xiang never dreamed that such a guy would take advantage of the vacuum period when Xiyo was expelled from the Blue Stone Star Fei Alliance not long ago and was unable to intervene in Salaga's internal affairs. Still, the result was a somewhat inexplicable coup, which ousted the speaker who lost the support of Xijiao in one fell swoop and became the de facto controller of the Salega Federation!

But this time, he passed through the Fifa Alliance Command and made the call for only one purpose. That is to ask Fang Xiang to return to China and marry him. In exchange, he will use all the main force of the Salega Federation fleet to assist the Fiji League in its operations.

Maybe it’s the innate instinct of being a fence-sitter. Fang Xiang had to admit that Lang De's timing was spot on.

At this time, Salega's attitude became extremely important to both Western York and the Fifa League. If it were anyone else, he might not have made the decision to reinforce the Fei League, but if it were Ronde, he would do anything to get himself!

Fang Xiang's eyes flashed in the light of the screen. Over the past few days, she has seen every change in the situation. She also knew what the upcoming war meant to Lelei, the Fei League, and Salega. I also know how much pressure the fat man is facing at this moment.

She didn't want to accept the deal. However, if she wants to add a huge boost to the lonely Southeast Allied Forces, if she wants to share a little pressure for Fatty, if she wants to get rid of the humiliation and cowardice of her motherland, the Salaga Federation, and regain the respect of the world, she has to consider Lande. proposal.

Behind him, there was the sound of the door opening.

Fang Xiang turned around and saw the fat man closing the door, turning around and putting on his slippers, smiling at herself honestly.

Even a smile couldn't hide the tiredness.



. Finally I can calm down and think about it


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