While the man was still thanking Qin Luo, the traffic policeman who had just left left again.

He looked at Qin Luo with some embarrassment, and said, "Haha, young man, we meet again."

Qin Luo also asked him with some embarrassment: "Don't you go back on your word and want to take me away?"

"That can't, look over there," the traffic policeman pointed to the direction of the door, looked out through the glass door, and could see a man and a woman there, the man was carrying a camera, and the woman was holding a microphone.

The traffic policeman explained: "They claim to be reporters. They noticed when you took the old man away just now. Now they chase after you to conduct an interview with you."

Qin Luo wondered: "What is there to interview?"

The traffic policeman smiled: "I think the interview is also very good, it will also help to spread positive energy in society, let's go."

Seeing this, Qin Luo didn't refuse, and followed the traffic police out.

The female reporter's eyes lit up immediately when she saw him, and she turned on the microphone, trying not to push Qin Luo's teeth open.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I'm a little excited," the female reporter showed an awkward but polite smile, and then said: "I saw you put that old man on the tricycle at the intersection before, and now I want to treat you Do you have time for an interview?"

Qin Luo glanced at his phone... It was already past seven o'clock, and the owner of the package called to complain just now, so bad reviews are inevitable.

He was late anyway, so it was not too late, so he nodded and said, "Yes, you can ask."

Then the female reporter started an interview with Qin Luo, first asking him if he was worried about being blackmailed when helping the elderly, and then asking how he was able to drive three rounds to send the elderly here in such a short period of time, and asking him Don't be nervous when being chased by the traffic police.

The traffic police didn't expect that they even knew this, and they were a little embarrassed to be around for a while, and even felt a little scared in their hearts.

Fortunately, I didn't insist on taking this young man back to punish him... These reporters are those who are afraid of chaos in the world. If I let them know that they ran a red light to save people, but I took him to the traffic police, then the interview As soon as it comes out, I will inevitably be condemned by netizens.

Today's Internet mobs don't care about your specific reasons, and all of them are very emotional. Internet violence is unreasonable. The traffic police don't want to experience that feeling.

Qin Luo answered a few questions casually, and the interview was almost completed in about ten minutes.

Finally, the female reporter asked Qin Luo again: "Finally, is there anything else you want to say to others?"

Qin Luo thought for a while and said, "Many times, when others encounter difficulties, it's not that we don't want to help, but we dare not help because of many concerns."

"In today's society, the pace is too fast, people's hearts are too impetuous, the distance between people is getting farther and farther, and everyone wraps themselves too tightly."

"I don't know what other people will do when they encounter such a thing, but if it is me, it is difficult for me to turn a blind eye if I have the ability."

After a pause, he added: "After all, there are some things that must be done."

After finishing speaking, the people next to him put away their smiling faces. They couldn't help admiring Qin Luo, and cast admiring gazes at Qin Luo with serious expressions.

Qin Luo also felt in a good mood. Although he didn't get any benefits, and even took a life-sustaining elixir, it really made people feel happy after doing good deeds.


[Congratulations on your one-star negative review! 】

[You have received a reward: Beauty Balm! 】

[You have received a reward: Cooking proficiency! 】

[You have received a reward: 1 million in cash! 】

Qin Luo: "..."

Well, the mood is not beautiful in an instant.

But anyway, he was rewarded, so Qin Luo didn't pay much attention to it, instead he greeted the reporter and left.

He still had to deliver the last package. Although it was overtime and he had already received bad reviews, it was his job after all.

As a man who is destined to become the delivery king, he must face every delivery seriously!

Seeing Qin Luo leaving in a hurry on a courier tricycle, the reporter couldn't help being awestruck.

What a good person, just as the front foot is done, the back foot has to continue to work.

Simple, honest and kind!

What a beautiful quality this is!

There should be more people like this in this society!

She couldn't help but said to the photographer: "Now go back and edit the manuscript immediately, and try to send out the interview video as soon as possible. I have a hunch that this wave of interviews will be popular!"


Whether the interview video will become popular Qin Luo doesn't know, but he is really helpless now.

After delivering the last courier to the owner of the courier, he was inevitably scolded again.

"Look at what time it is now? You only delivered it to me at eight o'clock, a full hour later than the scheduled time!"

"Do you know how many things you delayed me? Just because you delivered the courier late, my date with my goddess was ruined!"

"I've been chasing her for more than three months, and I just waited for this gift to be taken in one fell swoop. How can you accompany me!"

The owner of the courier was a young man in his twenties, a little younger than Qin Luo, but his anger was not small at all, as if he wanted to eat Qin Luo in one bite.

Qin Luo's wave was considered unreasonable, so he didn't say a word during the whole process, but left silently after delivering the courier.

When going downstairs, Qin Luo took out his mobile phone and found that the screen in the live broadcast room was full of netizens arguing for him.

"What the hell, if it wasn't for saving people, why would Brother Luo be late to deliver the courier? That person scolds him without knowing anything, he really has no quality."

"That's right, is the package more important or the life more important? This person can't tell the difference between big and small kings at all!"

"You can't blame others, after all, they don't know the specific reason."

"Why didn't Brother Luo explain it just now? I feel wronged for you."


Looking at the bullet screens of netizens, Qin Luo said with a smile: "Is there anything to explain, I didn't save people to show off, and it is indeed my responsibility for the delivery timeout, so there is nothing to say, well, today's The work is done, and the live broadcast is over, see you tomorrow, bye."

After Qin Luo finished speaking, he turned off the live broadcast and rode his beloved tricycle back home.

On the other side, the man who got the package closed the door angrily after Qin Luo left, then returned to the living room and sat on the sofa cursing.

Opening the package and seeing that the gift inside was intact, the man let out a long sigh of relief, and then hurriedly called the goddess.

"Sissy, the gift I bought for you has arrived, shall we go out to play now?"

"Now? Next time, I've already made an appointment with my friends to play."

"Huh? But I prepared a gift for you..."

"Let's talk about it next time. I'm busy. Hang up first."

Looking at the phone that was hung up, the man gritted his teeth, hating the courier to the core.

Originally, I had made an appointment with the girl, and said that I would have a romantic date with her after I got the gift today, but because the express delivery was late, the goddess went out with someone else first.

Blame the courier!

If he could deliver it on time, my goddess would have gone out with me long ago!

Gan, I should have scolded him a few more words just now!

The man angrily took out his mobile phone and began to watch videos, trying to calm his irritable mood in this way.

And at this time, a video titled "The Most Beautiful Courier Brother" attracted his attention.

Because the date was disrupted by the courier, the man didn't look at the courier at all now, and he even sneered when he saw this: "Beautiful fart, isn't he just a courier."

However, after watching the video, the man fell into deep thought.

The old man fainted on the side of the road. When everyone turned a blind eye to it, a courier brother extended a helping hand and drove the old man to the hospital in a tricycle, and got the old man treated in time... If it wasn’t for him, the old man’s life would be at the end of the day as of today.

At the end of the video, there was an interview with the courier boy. The man watched the face he had just seen appear in the video, and said such a sentence to the camera.

"Some things have to be done by someone."

At this moment, the man felt a little panicked in his heart.

He finally understood why his courier was delivered late. It turned out that he was there to save someone.

But... my date was also ruined!

The man smacked his lips and muttered, "I just scolded him and gave him a bad review. What's there to feel guilty about?"

However, at night, the man tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and finally slapped himself viciously, making an annoyed sound under the quilt.

"I really deserve to die!"

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