【Congratulations on getting a one-star review!】

[You have received a reward: a set of Tomson's first-class mansion! 】

[You have received a reward: makeup proficiency!]

【You have received a reward: 1 million in cash!】


Qin Luo was not surprised by the sudden reward, but he was still a little depressed.

At this time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Liu Yuan, who asked for delivery before three o'clock, could bear to give a bad review until now, maybe he was given a chance for more than an hour... um , which is already relatively inclusive.

The reason why he was depressed was because when he was helping the traffic police catch fugitives, his truckload of couriers suffered disaster.

Although the car did not turn over, and the body of the car did not fly out in the wind after the cover was installed, but the fate of some fragile items is probably not much better.

The traffic police took the initiative to call the courier sorting station after learning about the incident, explaining that the company decided not to pursue Qin Luo's responsibility, and would actively communicate with the customer, and all losses would be borne by the company.

That is to say... I don't know if this can be reimbursed by the traffic police team?

In addition, if you don't explain the situation to the courier station, by tomorrow, the rewards of the system may be maxed out by Qin Luo...

So many couriers, if all of them are GG, then wouldn’t the bad reviews from customers be one after another?

Thinking of this, Qin Luo didn't know whether to be happy or regretful.

Just thinking about it, a strange phone call came.

After connecting, Gong's male voice came from the opposite side.

"Hi Mr. Qin, 20, I'm Zhao Ru, the property manager of Tangchen Yipin. You have completed the procedures for the real estate of Tangchen Yipin, and you can move in at any time now. When will you have time to do the official handover ceremony? "

It is a set of Tomson Yipin luxury house rewarded by the system just now... Tangchen Yipin is famous, and Qin Luo has heard of it many times.

It is said that the people who can live there are either rich or expensive, and even the properties there lead a life that ordinary people can't match.

Qin Luo never thought that he would live here one day, so he was looking forward to it.

After all, he is still living in a small old residential building, with tens of millions in deposits, and has long planned to change houses, "Now it's time to get this house.

He thought for a while and replied, "I'll go there now."

Manager Zhao on the opposite side said respectfully: "Okay, I will wait for your arrival at Tomson Yipin.

Hanging up the phone and walking out of the traffic police team, Qin Luo saw two cars parked on the side of the road.

One is my slightly flawed Tyrannosaurus rex. Although there are some dents and scratches on the side due to intense driving and collisions, it is still very domineering overall. Even because of a few injuries, it has added a touch of roughness in the wasteland of the end of the world. style.

And behind it is a Blue Mustang.

Obviously, they followed all the way.

Qin Luo ignored them and got into his car directly.

Hu Tuan'er was lying in the back seat at this time, although he hadn't fainted yet, but his face was still pale, and he looked more mournful than heartbroken.

Qin Luo just took advantage of her better physical fitness, otherwise the end may not be much better than her.

After all, she is still a girl who has just turned 18 years old. She is a newcomer, and she has not yet grasped the wonderful scenery of the magic city.

Although she was not injured, the severe dizziness still caused severe physical discomfort, just like when she just got out of the car before, she was lying on the ground and couldn't move at all. Several times she wondered if she was a soul All the children flew out of the physical body, and when they regained their senses, they had already been carried into the car.

After resting for more than an hour now, although my head is still a little dizzy, it is much better overall.

She who has been to an amusement park once said that haunted houses and roller coasters are all younger brothers in front of my Luo Ge's driving skills!

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Qin Luo's tone was filled with guilt, after all, he had involved him without authorization.

I just came to the magic city, I haven't seen the scenery, I haven't eaten the food, so I sat on the enhanced version of the big pendulum first, who can bear it?

But Hu Tuan'er didn't mean to blame him, he just said weakly after hearing the words: "It's okay, I'll just take a rest..."

After a pause, she added: "But it was really exciting just now. I feel that I may never forget today's experience in my life. It is so exciting!"

Although her voice was weak, there was a hint of excitement in her tone.

It is not difficult to see that her character is slightly different from the image of a good girl.

At this moment, there was a knock on the window beside Qin Luo.

He turned his head and saw Su Siwu and his cousin Lulu.

I don't know if it's because I witnessed Qin Luo's driving skills from behind or what, but now Lulu no longer regards this as a common pickup truck, but as if seeing some top luxury car, her eyes are shining The one kept watching beside the car.

From time to time, I reach out and touch it, as if I can't wait to sit on it and experience it.

In contrast, the way Su Siwu looked at Qin Luo was very subtle.

Before Qin Luo took the traffic police to chase the fugitive, he also passed behind.

Although his Mustang also performed well in straight-line acceleration, he was not confident in his driving skills, so he never dared to exceed 120 per hour, so he was thrown away by Qin Luo not long after.

When I saw Qin Luo's car, I saw two cars chasing each other constantly spinning in front.

That scene... Those who didn't know really thought it was a movie.

But through this incident, he also understood that Qin Luo's car is not a pickup truck for delivery at all—maybe Qin Luo really uses it like this, but judging from the car's fast horsepower , this can't be a Common van.

"What's the matter?" Qin Luo, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked down at Su Siwu and asked.

Su Siwu thought about his words, and couldn't help asking: "Are you a professional driver?"

Qin Luo couldn't help laughing: "I'm a courier, don't you know that?"

The corners of Su Siwu's eyes couldn't help twitching—he really regarded Qin Luo as a courier before, but after seeing Qin Luo's driving skills and his car, he was unwilling to believe that Qin Luo was a courier. One delivered by courier.

But he didn't ask any more questions, just asked: "I think you helped the traffic police chase the prisoner just now, you must be tired too? I booked a restaurant, let's go eat something together, it's also for Lulu and the rotten group Children catch the wind.

Qin Luo planned to go to Tangchen Yipin first, and when he heard this, he thought that Su Siwu would take Lulu there first, and he would go to Tangchen Yipin first.

However, just as he was about to speak, Su Siwu's cell phone rang.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Su Siwu picked up the phone, and immediately became serious after hearing the voice from the opposite side, and said, "Okay, I see, I'll go there now!"

Hanging up the phone, he said to Qin Luo with a little apology: "Well, I have something to go to the unit... It's Tomson Yipin, I work as a property over there, why don't you go first Hotel, come and see you later?"

Is this the property of Tomson Yipin?

Qin Luo's expression suddenly became playful, and then he said: "It's okay, it's still early anyway, so don't be in a hurry, let's go together, we will go to the restaurant together after you finish your work.

"Ah? This... also works!" Su Siwu nodded, and said that he was about to go back and drive.

But Lulu said at this moment: "Brother Qin Luo, can I take your car?"

Su Siwu: "...

Qin Luo: ""

What a new-age woman who sees things differently and wants to change, she didn't take a second look before, but now she even calls her brother.

Qin Luo is becoming more and more speechless to her now, but after all, she is a friend of Hu Tuan'er, and there is nothing to refuse just taking a car, so he nodded and said: "Okay, come up.

Then Lulu couldn't wait to get into the back row, and Hu Tuan'er, who was resting at the back, sat up helplessly and leaned to the side.

"The space is so big!" Lulu looked left and right with a novel face after she sat up, her excitement was even more exaggerated than when she got into her cousin's sports car.

Qin Luo shrugged his shoulders and was about to drive when Su Siqing who was outside the car said a little embarrassedly: "Then what... I'll take your car too?"

Qin Luo gave him a subtle look.

Su Siwu scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's nothing else, I just think your car is so domineering, I can't help but want to ride in it..."

"... come up."

The car was driving on the route leading to Tang Chen Yipin.

The live broadcast had already been turned off when the fugitive was caught. After all, it was impossible for the mobile phone holder to hold the mobile phone in that situation. As a result, the mobile phone had already flew under Qin Luo's car seat during the rotation, and the camera has been damaged.

There is no problem with making calls and sending messages, but it is impossible to broadcast live. Qin Luo plans to change it later.

Su Siwu sat in the co-pilot and looked at the interior of the car. He felt that although the car looked domineering, the interior was a bit rough, and it was not even comparable to some domestic cars worth hundreds of thousands.

But he also knows that the value of a car can't just look at the interior and appearance, the most important thing is to look at the machine.

He now fully understands that Qin Luo's car must be equipped with a V8 engine, and the horsepower must be stronger than his 5.0T Mustang.

From this point of view alone, the value of this pickup truck is at least one million.

Su Siwu wanted to ask how much the car was worth, but he was afraid that Qin Luo would feel that he was being too deliberate, so he asked side-by-side: "What's the name of your car? I haven't seen it on the road before. It should be Quite small, right?"

"Dodge T-Rex," Qin Luo said casually.

"What a domineering name!" Lulu called out from the back row, and then asked curiously: "Such a domineering name must be worth a lot of money, right?"

Qin Luo smiled and said nothing, but Su Siwu couldn't help but took out his phone and started to check.

But I don't know if I don't check it, and I'm shocked when I check it.

He directly exclaimed: "Two million landed?"

"What what? Two million?" Lulu poked her head out from the back row quickly, and her face was full of shock after seeing the information displayed on Su Siwu's phone.

Hu Tuan'er, who was not very curious about this, gradually opened his mouth wide, and looked at Qin Luo with surprise in his eyes.

Even though she knew that Qin Luo's car might not be easy, she didn't dare to think about the number of two million.

As for the pair of cousins ​​next to them, their performance was even more exaggerated.

Su Siwu changed his face when they first met, and looked at Qin Luo with a little more respect, while Lu Lu kept asking Qin Luo with his throat closed, and from time to time, he would wink at Qin Luo and turn the eyes of the people on the side. Hu Tuan'er was quite disgusting.

This atmosphere continued for more than ten minutes, and the car gradually arrived at the gate of Tomson Yipin...

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