At this time, Qin Luo's handsome face had disappeared.

At first glance, the skin on his face was already cracked, like a severely drought-stricken land, half of his face was covered with cracks, and black blood was faintly oozing from the cracks.

And in this gap, it seems that eyeballs are still buried vaguely.

Those eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and black blood flowed out from the black pupils. Just looking at them made one's heart tremble, and one could even smell a trace of blood in a trance.

Dai Xiaomei stared blankly at Qin Luo in front of her, as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight, her suddenly constricted pupils were filled with deep fear.

Qin Luo wanted to ask her how her makeup was, but before she could say it, she was interrupted by a piercing scream.


Qin Luo:"

Fortunately, the sound insulation of this house is good enough, otherwise Qin Luo felt that he would have to go to the police station again soon.

five minutes later.

Hu Tuan'er slumped on the sofa and panted heavily, her neutral and beautiful little face was still full of tension after makeup, and the fear in her eyes hadn't completely faded away.

It wasn't until Qin Luo put on a mask and sunglasses and came out again that she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Is it all right now?" Qin Luo said helplessly.

He has obtained a lot of strange skills so far, many of which have not had time to use.

Thinking about [makeup proficiency], it is also the first time for him to use it. He originally planned to put on a more exciting makeup look to let Hu Tuaner appraise the effect, but now it seems... um

It seems a little too exciting.

Hu Tuan'er seemed to have not recovered from the fear just now. He swallowed his saliva first, and then stammered: "It's...very scary..."

More than scary.

She really felt that her legs were going limp from fright just now, but if Qin Luo turned his head two seconds later, it is possible to urinate directly on the ground.

Such an embarrassing reaction also made her feel a little guilty and ashamed besides fear, which made her afraid to look Qin Luo directly in the eyes.

Qin Luo didn't care too much, just thought she was scared just now and hadn't calmed down, and said casually: "I didn't expect the power to be so powerful, I'm sorry.

"'s okay, I overreacted, but...but your makeup is really scary. If I didn't prepare in advance, I might be scared Fainted...

"It's so scary? Can this makeup win the MVP at the comic exhibition?"

When it came to the manga exhibition, Hu Tuan'er immediately became interested, and the previous panic dissipated a lot in an instant.

She said enthusiastically, "That's for sure. If you show up at the comic show with this appearance, everyone will probably be scared to death by you!"

Qin Luo said with a speechless face: "Well, everyone was scared to death, and then no one will compete with me for MVP, right?"

"Hey, I'm exaggerating, but to be honest, your makeup is really amazing, how did you do it?"

"Maybe it's talent."

"What kind of mentality do you, a boy, use to tell a girl like me in a proud tone that you are talented in makeup?"

"Don't worry about those details."

"Well... that's right! You and I will go to the comic exhibition together in a few days! Then you will put on this makeup, and my makeup will be handed over to you!"

"Don't you? I'll just say that casually."

"Hey, come play with me..."

Hu Tuan'er stepped forward and grabbed Qin Luo's arm, shaking it while begging, acting like a baby when she followed Qin Luo's butt asking for snacks when she was a child.

Qin Luo is not very interested in comic exhibitions, so he went there a few times with his first girlfriend when he was in college, but he never went again.

I am not very interested in it, so it would be even more nonsense to put on makeup... But seeing Hu Tuan'er's anticipation, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he patted her head and said, "Go with you You can play, I won't wear makeup."

"Ah? That's so boring, you will definitely be very popular if you appear at the comic exhibition with this appearance," Hu Tuan'er pouted dissatisfiedly, but she was already very happy that Qin Luo was willing to accompany her to the comic exhibition Happy.

It's a pity that Qin Luo doesn't want to put on makeup at all, mainly because he is really afraid of scaring others.

Originally, he thought he was not capable of that, but Hu Tuan'er's exaggerated reaction before had proved everything.

If he appeared at the comic show with this face, it's hard to say whether the comic show will be suspended because of a few heart attacks...

After ordering a takeaway at random, the two chatted while eating. Uncle Liu called after the meal, urging him to go to work as soon as possible.

Qin Luo then let Hu Tuan'er stay at home alone, explained a few words and went out.

It wasn't until he got in the car that he realized that he didn't seem to have taken off his makeup...

"Forget it, I have to go up to remove makeup, troublesome, just wear a mask and sunglasses."

Qin Luo took a picture in the rearview mirror of the car. Under the power of sunglasses and a mask, 90% of his entire face has been covered, and some of the exposed skin can only be seen in black. Most would ask him why he was dressed so tightly, but he shouldn't be frightened.


Qin Luo nodded and drove all the way to the courier sorting station.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard Uncle Liu, the person in charge, chatting with a staff member named Ma Dong.

"No, Uncle Liu, why don't I go to Sunshine International to see him off? That place is too evil, and several of our couriers were too scared to go to work!"

"There is no such thing as evil or not evil. They are the ones who scare themselves. After all, you are thirty. Why are you so timid?"

"It's no wonder I'm timid. Liu Qiang and Li Wei went there and didn't dare to come to work for three days. Who can stand it?"

"I understand what you said, didn't we also send someone to check the situation, but you also know that there is no problem at all, and the customer is fine, she is just a cute little girl.

"Who knows if that cute little girl is a ghost..."

`Okay, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up to load the truck and deliver the goods. I have a lot of work recently, and you can earn more money by doing more. Is your child's milk powder enough?"

Ma Dong opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but when he heard "children's milk powder money", he could only sigh in the end, and silently began to load the car.

Qin Luo came over at this time [hehe asked cheerfully: "Are you chatting?"

Hearing his familiar voice, Liu Shu was about to speak, but when he turned his head, he froze.

"Your boy... disfigured?" Uncle Liu said with some uncertainty.

Qin Luo's face was already dark at that time...or it was already quite dark after makeup, so he said helplessly: "The ultraviolet rays are too strong recently, and my skin is a little allergic."

"Is it strong?" Uncle Liu looked up at the sky, where the sun was blocked by thick clouds.

Well, today is cloudy.

Qin Luo quickly changed the subject and said, "Uncle Liu, I just heard what the hell you were talking about, what's going on?"

Uncle Liu said helplessly: "It's a customer of Sunshine International. We have a few couriers going there to deliver the goods. After the delivery, they were so scared that they didn't dare to come to work for several days. They said they saw a ghost."

"It's fine once or twice, but then something happened again, so I took someone over to have a look, and found that the client was a girl in her twenties (Zhao Nuo's), who had nothing to do with ghosts Son."

"However, with a rigorous attitude, I went to their property to obtain the surveillance, but it happened that she was an old community, and only the lobby had surveillance, so I couldn't understand the specific situation."

Qin Luo thought for a while and asked him, "Didn't you ask the donkey from that client?"

Uncle Liu sighed: "I asked, and she said that she was in the house when the courier came, and the door was unlocked, so just let the courier put it in, but as soon as she came out, the courier was scared away, and she didn't know what happened Son."

"That's weird... It's fine once or twice, but this time it's too many times. If the courier doesn't talk about it, doesn't she murmur?"

"Who knows, maybe young girls nowadays are more daring."

Qin Luo recalled Hu Tuan'er's performance after seeing his own makeup, and remained deeply suspicious of Uncle Liu's statement.

"Okay, you should hurry up, there are quite a few people asking for leave these days, plus there is a lot of business, and there is a serious shortage of manpower, you work hard today and send a few more, and you will have a holiday when you are done with your work.

"Okay, then I'll be busy first."

The next chapter is at 0 o'clock, please subscribe for support!.

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