Seeing that the prey had already entered the trap, Wu Lili began to repeat the same tricks as if she had treated the courier before.

She raised her hand and pressed a small switch, and the various machines installed in the house began to operate.

This is a small portable air conditioner. It has the advantage of fast cooling and low noise, but the disadvantage is that it consumes electricity quickly.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, and at the same time to quickly cool down the room in a short period of time, Wu Lili installed several small air conditioners like this in the house.

In addition, today is a heavy rainy day, and the wind and rain outside the house are constantly beating on the windows to make noise, which further obscures the movement of the small air conditioner, and will give people the illusion that this is a silent ice cave.

Just like the courier before, he was startled by the low temperature in the room when he first entered the room, Wu Lili believed that this man was the same, he didn't even need to take action immediately, he would make himself tremble with fright.

Wu Lili thought so, and the couriers he met before all showed the same reaction as he thought.

However... this time she made a mistake.

When she was staring at the monitor intently, trying to find an opportunity to continue with the next step, she found that the man actually went to the window and opened it!

In an instant, the wind and rain that had been isolated from the outside surged in, and one after another, they got into the room, instantly breaking the eerie and gloomy atmosphere in the room.

The air-conditioning combined with the violent wind and rain directly lowered the temperature in the house again, and even Wu Lili, who was ajar with the bedroom door, shivered involuntarily.

You know, she is now wearing such a white dress except for underwear.

In order to scare people, she can endure the coldness in the room for a short time, but if it takes a long time...especially if the person outside has opened the window... Maybe she will catch a cold .

By the way, what kind of windows are you opening so well?

Don't you know it's windy and rainy outside?

If it’s not your own home, you can build it with all your strength, right?

Wu Lili cursed a few words in her heart, but after thinking about it, she felt that the man might not be able to stand the dark atmosphere in the room, so she wanted to open the window to dispel some inner fear.

Hmm...but they are smarter than the previous ones.

However, this is useless, you will still be scared to pee by me after all!

Wu Lili gritted her teeth and focused on the screen again.

Then the next second, she let out an uncontrollable "poof--".

Because she watched helplessly that the man who had just opened the window sat down on the ground, and then took out his mobile phone and played the game majestically!

Gah... what the hell are you here for?

What does it mean to sit on the ground and play games suddenly?

And if you play games, you play games, why do you have to open the windows first?

Why do you owe it so much?!

Wu Lili cursed wildly in her heart, and smacked her lips involuntarily.

The person who came this time behaved differently from the previous few, and the other person covered his face, so she couldn't tell from the expression whether the other person was afraid or not.

But judging from the behavior of the other party... She thinks that this person may have some brain problems.

Feeling the temperature getting lower and lower around her, Wu Lili gasped.

She couldn't waste time with the other party like this anymore, otherwise she might catch a cold, so she directly started the next plan.

She turned on a switch, then operated the phone, and played a weird and sharp music.

The sound of this music is not loud, but the sharp sound seems to be able to penetrate the soul, and the weird melody will make people tremble involuntarily.

"Black Friday" is a banned song from abroad. It is said that quite a few people who listened to this song developed serious depression tendencies, and quite a few even committed suicide after listening to it.

I don't know if it's true or not, but it has a good reputation, so it must be a little knowledgable.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to find the original version of this song on the Internet, so Wu Lili spent a lot of effort to find it from other places. She couldn't help shivering after listening to it, and even had a nightmare that night after listening to it , is enough to demonstrate the power of this song.

So it became one of Wu Lili's powerful props to scare people. As soon as the music started, the music spread through the small speaker she placed in the corner of the room, creating an effect like surround sound from all directions.

If this effect is used to listen to DJ, it must be very interesting.

But if it is used to listen to the song "Black Friday"... Wu Lili thinks that no one can persist in this environment for too long.

The previous couriers were all like this, and this one is definitely no exception!

Sure enough, under Wu Lili's gaze, the man who was sitting on the floor playing games in the living room reacted.

He seemed to hear the sharp and eerie music coming from all directions, and he was turning his head to look around at this moment.

Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, Wu Lili guessed that he must be confused and flustered now, and he might even have started to be afraid and terrified, and couldn't help but want to run away.

And just when Wu Lili felt that the timing was right and was about to start the next move...

"Good luck to you, good luck to you!"

"Luck brings joy and love!"

"Good luck to us good luck!"

"Prosper with good luck and connect the world!"

Wu Lili: "Hiss——

Her eyes were wide open, and she looked at the video in disbelief. She couldn't figure out what kind of mental state this man was in, so he would suddenly pull out his phone and play a song of good luck!

Moreover, the volume of this guy's mobile phone is surprisingly loud, directly covering the original sharp and weird "Black Friday", and then it got into Wu Lili's ear with an irresistible momentum, making her gasp involuntarily. Cool.

The festive, joyful, and demonic rhythm broke through all the weirdness and gloom in the room in an instant, and it seemed to spread in the room like a ray of sunshine, bringing Wu Lili a cold body. Here comes warmth and love...

God's warmth and love!

Wu Lili gritted her teeth, almost going out to fight the man outside.

The environment and atmosphere that my old lady worked so hard to create was broken by a song like yours!

Are you sick in your head? What kind of good luck are you putting on!


Wu Lili took several deep breaths in a row, and finally suppressed the urge to shout and curse.

She covered her ears with her hands, isolated from the demonic and brainwashed "Good Luck", and gritted her teeth and stared at the man in front of the screen.

Then she suddenly discovered that this guy seemed to have been immersed in the cheerful music and couldn't extricate himself, and even started dancing with his mobile phone frankly


Wu Lili gritted her teeth and made a sound of resentment, and decided to use the final ultimate move directly.

Everything before was a foreshadowing, and the final ultimate move was the most critical. With this move, she scared the courage of several couriers here.

0 for flowers... 0

Every courier who entered this room would be like the one who was scared away just now. At least his legs became weak and he collapsed to the ground, and at worst he rolled and fled.

Wu Lili has already seen from the various behaviors of this man in the surveillance that this guy may not be good, but she doesn't believe that the other party can withstand her last move!

Although it's a pity that all the previous foreshadowings have been broken, once the other party enters this bedroom, it is absolutely impossible to leave with a smile!

At this point, Wu Lili pinched her throat and made a sound.

"I'm here……………"

She didn't get a response, and even the man outside didn't respond, as if she didn't hear it.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the voice of "Lucky Come" outside is too dry, if you don't turn up the volume, it is really difficult for people to hear her voice.

Wu Lili held her breath in her heart, and continued to shout at the top of her voice.

"I'm here......"

"I'm here......"


"I'm here.....…"

"What the hell am I here!!!"

After several times in a row, Wu Lili failed to get a response, and finally she couldn't hold back any longer, and yelled loudly at the top of her throat.

And her yelling finally had an effect.

The originally boring "Good Luck" finally stopped at this moment. Through the surveillance screen, she saw that the man outside had turned his head to look in the direction of this room. Then he walked over.

Wu Lili immediately got ready, put the mask that had been put aside in advance on her face, and sat on a chair with her back facing the door and her back slightly hunched.


The bedroom door was pushed open, and the footsteps disappeared in the doorway, followed by a man's voice.

"I thought there was no one at home, but there are people."

...... Hehe, I have been here all the time.

"That's really embarrassing, I just saw that the anti-theft door of your house was open, and I was afraid that your house would be broken into, so I thought about coming in to help you look after the house, and by the way, help you open the window for ventilation... Well, you shouldn't Do you mind?"

"...Thanks, I don't mind.

"Well, that's good."

Wu Lili took a breath silently, lowered her voice, and made an erratic voice: "Then... what can I do for you?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm relieved to see someone at home. I'll go first."

Wu Lili was stunned at that moment.


You ruined the atmosphere I managed to create, and now you have entered my bedroom, you told me you want to leave?

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wu Lili yelled at the top of her voice, "Wait a minute!"

Because she was too emotional, she almost turned around, but fortunately, she held back in the end, not revealing her key ultimate move in advance.

The footsteps behind him stopped, and a man's doubtful voice came: "What's wrong?"

Wu Lili took two deep breaths in a row, and then suppressed her urge to curse, and said slowly: "I... want to ask you to do me a favor..."

"What's busy?"

"I lost something, can I trouble you to find it for me? It's in this room..."

"What kind of thing is it?"

"A package in a cardboard box, it should be near the door..."

"The package in the cardboard box...well, is this it?".

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