Then he told the story of the frightened couriers here, and finally pointed to one of the people with a bandage on his head, and said with a serious face: "If it's just a simple fright, that's all. But look at this, our courier Xiaowei."

"He works steadily and diligently on weekdays, but because he was frightened here, he rolled down the stairs when he went downstairs, and his head was smashed, but he dared not come back to ask for an explanation."

"There are a few other people, all of whom were frightened and traumatized to varying degrees. After being frightened, they didn't dare to work again for several days. This not only affected their spirits, but also affected our courier station. It has caused serious impact and loss!"

"I hope that the two police comrades can look at this matter rationally and give us all an explanation and explanation!"

After listening to Liu Shuyi's stern speech, the expressions of the two policemen also became serious.

One of them said solemnly: "Please rest assured, we have already understood the basic situation of the matter, and we will definitely give you an explanation."

After that, he turned to look at Wu Lili, and said with a cold expression: "Girl, we have reason to suspect that you are suspected of endangering public safety, please come with us to the police station

"Police station?"

Wu Lili stared, shook her head quickly and refused: "I won't go to the police station! Why should I go? I didn't break the law! I just scared a few people. Did I scare people into breaking the law? It's not like they rolled down the stairs. I pushed it, blame them for their cowardice, it has nothing to do with me!"

Her nonsense and unreasonable rhetoric caused disgust to appear on the faces of everyone present.

Especially those couriers who had been frightened, they came here together after receiving Ma Dong's call, "Now I know that I was tricked by someone.

They are a group of honest people, and most of them have a mild personality. If Wu Lili can sincerely apologize to them, then they will not pursue too much.

But Wu Lili refused to admit it, and took such an attitude of "I'm not wrong" as a matter of course, which made them very annoyed.

The Clay Bodhisattva is still angry, not to mention they are a group of real people!

If it wasn't for the fact that there were two policemen present, they would really rush to beat Wu Lili up now.

The two policemen were also very angry at Wu Lili's words, but they also knew that there was no reason to talk to such a person, so they immediately stepped forward to control Wu Lili [wanting to take her down by force.

But Wu Lili is also a dead woman, so it's okay to mess around, but she still refused to admit arrest in the face of the police, struggling to escape.

The two policemen didn't want to hurt anyone, but just wanted to grab her arms to control them, and at the same time began to verbally warn.

But Wu Lili seemed to feel that she was really going to jail, she refused to be arrested even if she said nothing, she turned a deaf ear to the police's warnings, and even scratched one of the policemen's face in a panic.

Qin Luo was stunned for a while, thinking that this woman really yearns for a life behind bars.

Originally, the crime she committed was not too big. To put it bluntly, it is immoral for her to deliberately scare people, but it is not necessarily illegal, unless someone is really scared out of good or bad.

Even if she is really taken away this time, the greatest possibility is to educate her verbally, and then ask her to compensate those who were frightened.

But her arrest even scratched the policeman, and the seriousness of the situation was about to escalate.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, the policeman became angry immediately. He quickly grabbed Wu Lili's arm, and the bully stepped forward and raised his hand, throwing Wu Lili to the ground.

The force was not too strong, but Wu Lili was still sore from being thrown. After a while, she began to cry loudly: "Wow! The police beat someone! The police beat someone!"

Qin Luo and others who were on the sidelines tactically fell back, then shook their hair and made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound, and almost couldn't help clapping their hands.

The commotion here is not small (caca), and it has been noticed by other residents next door.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. They originally opened the door and watched from a distance in the corridor, but when they heard that the police were beating someone, they couldn't help but come over and directly turned on the strong onlooker mode.

Although the two policemen are not very old, they have encountered similar situations before, so they don't panic about it.

One of them walked to the door and said to the surrounding residents: "Everyone, we are carrying out official duties. This woman is suspected of disturbing public security. After we gave three verbal warnings, she still took a tough attitude and was arrested. So we can only take A slightly tougher approach.

"Everyone can take pictures with their mobile phones, but please don't spread videos and spread rumors on the Internet casually, especially prohibit the use of malicious editing and out of context to grandstanding, otherwise once we find out, we will hold you accountable!

The policeman's expression was serious and his tone was stern. After he had finished speaking, the commotion outside was much quieter. Fortunately, a few people who were holding up their mobile phones to record a video silently put down their mobile phones after listening.

The policeman nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at Qin Luo, and asked, "Is the live broadcast on today?"

After the previous Heikeng Reservoir incident, he also knew that Qin Luo was an anchor, and his popularity was not low. He also watched Qin Luo's live broadcast when he was free.

Although most of the content of the live broadcast is boring express deliveries, occasionally there will be episodes that make people laugh, so he is actually half of Qin Luo's fan.

"It's been on all the time," Qin Luo picked up the phone and glanced at the policeman in front of him.

At this time, the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room had unknowingly exceeded 200,000, and a large number of bullet screens flooded the live broadcast screen, and everyone was discussing what happened right now.

"Good guy, this woman is really disgusting. She opened her mouth and kept saying that she didn't have any malicious intentions. I just put a general teacher in her bed while she was sleeping, and I didn't have any malicious intentions!"

"It's crazy, how can there be such unreasonable people in this world, who frightened him so much that he rolled down the stairs, and she actually said that she was just joking, that's it."

"Hehe, there are sensationalists everywhere, but her actions are really bottomless, and she doesn't care about other people's feelings at all. I really don't know why her live broadcast room has not been blocked."

"Hehe, this woman is so pissed, she dares to resist! The police uncle raped her!"

"Beautiful! This over-the-shoulder throw is quite standard, the police Uncle can see that he has practiced it!"

"Oh, the policeman Uncle is watching the camera, everyone speak carefully, be careful not to be caught by the policeman Uncle!"

"Ahem, read it with me, be civilized and polite"

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness!"

"Upstairs is awesome..."

Seeing the barrage of bullets floating across the phone screen, the police couldn't help but laugh for a while, but in the end they held back their laughter.

After all, he is now in law enforcement. It is fine to watch the live broadcast and smile knowingly in his free time on weekdays, but it is obviously not suitable for such a serious occasion to laugh out loud.

He said to Qin Luo: "In the future, you can send me a copy of the replay of the live broadcast after you came here. We need to know the specific process."

Qin Luo said casually: "No problem."

The policeman nodded, and after controlling Wu Lili together with another policeman, several people left 404. Because there were too many people, everyone walked down the stairs together.

At this time, the heavy rain outside has stopped, the dark clouds in the sky have dispersed, and the sun that has not yet completely set spreads a beautiful morning glow in the western sky. When you look up, you can still see the beautiful rainbow in the sky.

One of the policemen stuffed Wu Lili into a police car, and the other turned around and said to Qin Luo and the others: "Further investigation is needed for today's incident, please follow me to the police station as well. This matter needs to be told by you yourself.”

"Your confessions will become evidence to convict her. Once the incident is confirmed, she will have to compensate you for all losses."

Several couriers looked at each other, the expressions on their faces were both relieved and happy.

After all, they really had a psychological shadow after being scared here before, and they didn't dare to go to work for several days.

Although they returned to work after a few days, the haze in their hearts still lingers, and the community of Sunshine International has become a forbidden place in their hearts.

But now the truth is revealed, they know that there are no ghosts in this world at all, everything is just a woman's bad tricks, and this woman will face legal sanctions, and the losses they have suffered will also be made up.

For them, whether they will get compensation is not important, what is important is that the haze in their hearts has finally been dispelled, and finally they no longer have to be disturbed by nightmares and psychological shadows.

After that, everyone went to the police station together.

The frightened couriers recounted their experiences of being frightened in grief and indignation, and Qin Luo intercepted the live broadcast of himself going to 404 and sent it to the police after downloading the broadcast.

By the time everything was done, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Wu Lili is destined to spend the night at the police station tonight. On the one hand, her incident has not yet been finalized. On the other hand, she assaulted the police. Regardless of whether the final punishment is severe or not, someone must have taken care of her three meals these days.

A familiar face sent Qin Luo out of the police station. It was Captain Wu who had met at the Heikeng Reservoir before.

He smiled and said to Qin Luo: "You boy, it's okay to always meet happy things when delivering a courier. The key is to run into the bureau every day and every day. To be honest, do you want to come here for a few days?" How many days?"

Come to live in the police station? Thank you for your exit!

Qin Luo said cheerfully: "Damn, didn't I just want to ask when the reward for catching the murderer before will be paid?"

"You boy..." Captain Wu pointed at him dumbfounded, chatted for a few more words, and then went back.

At this time, a group of couriers came over.

Uncle Liu raised his hand and patted Qin Luo on the shoulder, sighing: "I didn't expect this to happen. If I had found out earlier and dealt with it carefully, I wouldn't have resolved it until now. This time it was my negligence." , and also thanks to you, thank you Xiaolu."

Several other couriers also expressed their thanks to Qin Luo solemnly, and Qin Luo felt a little uncomfortable with their serious expressions.

Qin Luo said with a smile: "Okay, it's not a big deal, it's as if I saved your life, I just saw Dong Ge running out of it when I got off work today, so I thought about it." Let’s go and have a look... But don’t tell me, Brother Dong was quite happy when he rolled and crawled at that time, I really regret that I didn’t record it at that time.”

"You kid, you still want to record me?"

"Haha, as you can imagine, I was also terrified at the time.

"You're all okay, unlike me, I just rolled down the stairs!"

"Okay, okay, I have to thank Qin Luo for today's matter, otherwise I might have nightmares tonight, I suggest, everyone please invite Qin Luo together!"

"It's okay, I haven't had dinner yet, I'm so hungry, how about we go have a barbecue?"

"A little drink with a yellow top?"

"Drink beer, drink beer, where do you get so many fancy words!"

"Walking, walking! Barbecue stalls, go!".

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