Chapter 197 Hold a plenary meeting to educate Xu Damao.

After walking for a while, Xu Damao found that the stick terrier came to the wall next to him, and he still looked around. This terrier doesn’t look right, he should have stolen it!

Looking at the stick terrier like this, Xu Damao thought so in his heart. I even plan to interrogate the stick terrier.

Just as he was about to continue following, he accidentally stepped on a stone under his feet, and the whole person almost fell down. It didn’t matter, what mattered was that the noise he made was obviously heard by the stick terrier.

The stick terrier turned his head for the first time.

The stick terrier originally wanted to dig up the money and use it. Hearing that someone behind him was naturally taken aback.

Glad that I haven’t reached the place where I buried the money, otherwise I will inevitably be discovered by people behind.

This time, he was even more thankful, because he found that it was Xu Damao who followed behind.

If Xu Damao saw it, Xu Damao wouldn’t know that it was he who went to Xu Damao’s house to steal something. The stick terrier, who breathed a sigh of relief, immediately felt anger in his heart.

Because looking at Xu Damao’s appearance was obviously following him.

“Xu Damao, you eunuch, what are you doing with my ass?”

The stick terrier couldn’t help but scold.

140 Xu Damao was also angry all of a sudden.

You little fart kid actually insulted him that Xu Damao is a eunuch, looking for death! Not to mention the people suspected of stealing his money and time bombs.

The moment is to scold,

“Stick terrier, you rabbit cub, you actually dare to insult me, believe it or not, I beat you to death?”

“You eunuch, what did you use to kill me?”

The stick terrier continued to say with disdain.

Xu Damao was even more angry, he roared,

“Stick terrier, you are really looking for death!”

Say it, just chase towards the stick terrier.

The stick terrier naturally runs with his legs.

Xu Damao tried his best to chase behind.

But after chasing for a while, he could only give up, because he was too tired to catch up with him.

After all, he is not completely good, there is no peak speed in running, and the stick terrier is a child, only the hand is injured, the leg is not injured, he naturally can’t catch up.

The stick terrier raced home.

Entering the compound is to see Jia Zhang.

Seeing that he was exhausted and panting, as if someone was chasing, Jia Zhang couldn’t help but say,

“Stick terrier, who bullied you?”

“Grandma, it’s Xu Damao, the big eunuch, just didn’t know what crazy, actually chased me after me, as if grabbing me and beating me to death, so I was running desperately!”

The stick terrier immediately sued.

“This Xu Damao actually bullied my grandson like this!”

“Is he a psychopath, who wants my grandson to become a eunuch like him!”

“No, Uncle Yi, you have to take care of it!”

The angry Jia Zhang immediately complained to Yan Bugui, who had just come out.

“Stick terrier, is there really such a thing?”

Yan Bugui immediately looked at the stick terrier and asked.

“Uncle Yi, it’s really like this, Xu Damao’s eunuch really wants to beat me to death, he chases desperately, fortunately he has become a eunuch and the speed is not fast, otherwise I will definitely be caught by him!”

The stick terrier complained.

At this time, Xu Damao just walked in.

Suddenly his face turned white with anger, and he didn’t expect the stick terrier to come back and complain about him like this.

Immediately scolded,

“Stick terrier, you rabbit cub, I’ll really beat you to death today!”

Saying that, he chased towards the stick terrier again.

The stick terrier naturally runs with his legs.

“Xu Damao, what are you doing? Do you want to hit someone openly, or hit a child? ”

Yan Bugui immediately stepped forward to stop him.

He didn’t want to care about this kind of thing before, but he is now Uncle One, no matter what.

“Uncle Yi, get out of the way!”

Xu Damao, who was angry on his head, pushed Yan Bugui away.

Yan Bugui didn’t expect Xu Damao to push himself, and he was directly pushed to the ground. He happened to be sitting on a rock, and the pain made him crack his mouth.

Xu Damao has already run to chase the stick terrier.

Yan Bugui roared in anger,

“Xu Damao, your behavior is bad, I will hold a plenary meeting for you to review it properly, and casually reflect this matter to the street office and to the rolling mill!”

Yan Bugui’s words immediately frightened Xu Damao and froze in place. He was afraid that Yan Bugui would react to the rolling mill.

At that time, Director Yang will let him carry out labor reform for a period of time in anger, and it will not be miserable.

Quickly turned his head back to Yan Buguidao,

“Uncle One, just now… I’m angry, so don’t care… As he spoke, he quickened his pace and then helped Yan Bugui up. ”

Yan Bugui, who was helped up, looked a little better.

There is naturally fire in the heart, after all, he is a great master, you Xu Damao actually does not put him in his eyes so much.

“You are an adult, how do you deal with a child?”

Yan Bugui immediately educated Xu Damao like this.

“Not because I suspect he stole my stuff… Of course, I didn’t want to hit him, I just wanted to find him theory, and wherever I thought of him, I ran, and while running, I said that I was going to beat him to death! ”

Xu Damao immediately said so.

“Xu Damao, you eunuch, you lied, just now you said that you wanted to kill me!”

The stick terrier who had stopped not far away heard Xu Damao lying, and immediately said loudly.

“Uncle Yi, Xu Damao is so bad, he must hold a plenary meeting for him to review, and then compensate my family for the money!”

Jia Zhangshi glared.

“Jia Zhang, you are really insatiable, I didn’t put your family terrier, how about you want to steal money?”

Xu Damao said angrily.

“Not yet? My family is scared by you to have a heart attack! ”

Jia Zhang shouted.

“Grandma is right, Xu Damao, you eunuch scared me out of a heart attack!”

The stick terrier also shouted.

Xu Damao was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

How can this old and young man be shameless to this point.

Fortunately, Yan Bugui said at this time,

“Jia Zhangshi, don’t talk nonsense, how to wait for the whole hospital meeting!”

Subsequently, Yan Bugui immediately called the people of the whole hospital to convene the whole hospital meeting.

Originally, he didn’t want to open it, but if you push him like that, he won’t drive it. If you don’t open him, what face does this uncle have.

“Uncle Yi, what’s the matter, why is the whole hospital meeting held today?”

The gathered crowd couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s like this, today Xu Damao chased the stick terrier and beat him, and I heard that he was going to kill the stick terrier, and then I stopped him, and he pushed me!”

“If he has to do this, he must convene a plenary meeting to correct it!”

Yan Bugui said with a serious face.

“Xu Damao, it’s not right for you to do this”

“Yes, what are you chasing other children for, an adult?”

“The most important thing is, why do you want to push Uncle Yi!”

Everyone is educating Xu Damao.

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