Chapter 200 The stick terrier was covered by the enemy sack and carried away.

“Liu Haizhong, I didn’t expect you to be so bad, you collapsed the brick yourself, and actually said that the brick collapsed by itself!”

The face of the person in charge darkened.

It was obvious that he believed Xu Damao’s words.

“Squad leader, Xu Damao’s dog day is nonsense, I was wronged, I didn’t collapse these bricks at all, they really collapsed themselves, I am also a victim!”

Liu Haizhong hurriedly pleaded.

“In the bangs, don’t quibble!”

“In view of the losses caused to our factory by your behavior, I will report the situation to the discipline inspection department, and when the time comes, let the people of the discipline inspection department deduct your money and be in charge of the airway.”

The bangs are even more depressed.

Even if he is unlucky and injured, he actually has to be paid, who is to reason with? He can only be the Word,

“Squad leader, I was really wronged!”

“No one has wronged you!”

“You go and move the pile of bricks over there for me now, and you won’t be allowed to leave work until you finish moving!”

The person in charge pointed to the pile of bricks next to him and said angrily.

“Squad leader, my fingers are injured, I… How did I get to move so much? ”

Bangs 24 were so anxious that they almost cried.

This is simply not treating him as a human being, bullying him to death! If the hand is injured and does not give rest, it will increase the workload several times! Isn’t that bullying him to death?

“Why, you still want to theorize, do you want to finish the other piles of bricks yourself?”

The person in charge sneered.

Listening to him say this, where do you dare to speak in the bangs.

If you say more, the other party will really let him move all the other bricks! Therefore, it can only be a bitter face.

Of course, Xu Damao was already scolded to death in his heart. If it weren’t for the fear that this person in charge would punish him heavily.

No matter how he was, he had already scolded Xu Damao.

As soon as the person in charge left, he immediately scolded angrily towards Xu Damao,

“Xu Damao, what do you mean you framed me like this?”

“Liu Haizhong, this is no wonder to me, who told you to just want me to compensate, saying that I tripped you ah, if you hadn’t done the first year of junior high school, I wouldn’t have done fifteen!”

Xu Damao said with a smug look.

“You… That’s really good if you tripped me! ”

The bangs were so angry that they snorted.

Xu Damao said,

“Liu Haizhong, hurry over to your pile of bricks and move there, otherwise you will definitely not be able to finish moving today, and you will feel better by then!”

“Xu Damao, you wait for me…” I will definitely not let you go! ”

Liu Haizhong gritted his teeth.

After that, I can only go over to move bricks.

Although I can’t finish moving today, I have to work hard to move it. Otherwise, the person in charge will definitely take his anger out on him again. Before you know it, it’s time to get off work.

Xu Damao was as tired as a dog at this time, and he slumped on the ground and panted. The bangs are even more miserable, and they are already lying on the ground and don’t want to move.

At this time, the person in charge came over.

After seeing the faces of the two, he said coldly,

“Okay, I won’t let you continue today, go back to rest first, and continue to move tomorrow!” Hearing him say this, the two breathed a sigh of relief. ”

If the other party is not satisfied, let them continue to move them. Then, the two staggered home.

Xu Damao, you dog day, I’m going to find someone to knife you!”

Looking at Xu Damao walking in front of him, such a thought flashed in his mind. All because he counted today’s fault on Xu Damao’s head.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was that he couldn’t do what to do with Xu Damao, so he naturally thought of finding someone to deal with Xu Damao. However, he himself has no way out, so he plans to go back and let Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian find a way.


Meanwhile, the stick terrier is playing in a small alley somewhere.

He was setting off a cannon fight, and the money used to buy the cannon battle was of course stolen from Xu Damao. He didn’t know that he had been targeted by two people.

These two people are Xu Le and Xu Shiming.

“Xu Damao’s money, as well as our time bomb, nine times out of ten, this kid stole it!”

Looking at the stick terrier, Xu Shiming couldn’t help but say like this.

“That’s right, he definitely stole it!”

The reason why the two are so determined is, of course, because they know that the stick terrier is poor.

So poor that there is no money to eat, there is still money to buy cannon battles to play, that’s not what is stolen!

“Wait a minute, we’ll lead him to a nobody’s place, and then just arrest him!”

Xu Shiming immediately said.

After some discussion, Xu Shiming walked towards the stick terrier.

“Little one, can you do me a favor, if you help me, I will give you the great unity in my hand.”

While saying Xu Shiming, he took out a big unity in his hand.

As soon as he saw the money, the eyes of the stick terrier lit up.

“Do you do anything and you will give me money?”

He asked directly.

In the compound, he was instigated by Yi Zhonghai, He Yuzhu and others, causing him to be afraid of heaven and earth, so where is he afraid of strangers like Xu Shiming.

It can be said that the only thing that can make him afraid is Gong’an. After all, he has suffered from prison.

“I know you’re a thief and you’re a great stealer, so I want you to help steal something.”

Xu Shiming said with a smile.

Seeing Xu Shiming complimenting himself like this, the stick terrier suddenly said proudly,

“Of course, I am the most powerful in our courtyard, and they all call me a courtyard thief!”

After a slight pause, he said,

“Say, what did you ask me to steal for you?”

“It’s not easy to talk here, let’s go over there!”

Xu Shiming pointed to the corner in front of Alley 640. There was no one there at all.


The stick terrier nodded and immediately walked over. In addition to being bold, he also didn’t look like a bad person at all because of Xu Shiming’s smile. Soon, the stick terrier came to that corner.

Here, Xu Le was waiting for him.

“You are?”

Seeing Xu Le, the stick terrier looked puzzled. I don’t know how to come back to a stranger.

That is, it is just doubt, and there is still no fear in the heart.

“This is my friend, I just asked you to help him steal.”

Xu Shiming is the way.

“Okay, then steal something.”

The stick terrier immediately nodded.

“This is what was stolen.”

Xu Le said as he took out a handkerchief from his pocket.

“Steal a handkerchief?”

The stick terrier looked puzzled.

Before the words fell, Xu Le suddenly approached him, wrapped one hand around his neck and covered his mouth with the other. The stick terrier panicked at this time, and he struggled desperately.

It’s just that the difference in strength between the two is so big, where can he break free. No matter how he kicked his legs, it would not help.

Xu Shiming on the side directly took out the rope to tie the hands and feet of the stick terrier, and then stuffed the handkerchief into the other tribe, and then took a bag to stuff him in and carry him away!!.

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