Then I plan to take the old lady to my new home to live for a few days.
The old lady shook her head:
“Pillar, I won’t go, you can do your own thing.
Although you have your own big house, your work is getting busier and busier.
Here I live in three houses by myself, which is not too small.
And there are many people here. I can still talk if I have nothing to do. I know where you are. Although it is big, it is not popular.
You’re fine at home, but if you’re not at home, you won’t be popular at all. ”
He Yuzhu couldn’t force it after hearing the old lady’s words.
However, He Yuzhu still discussed with the old lady:
“Grandma, the Chinese New Year is almost here. When the New Year is coming, go to my place to celebrate the New Year with me!”
The old lady just nodded:
“Okay, okay, this okay, there are pillars to accompany me, I’m happy!”
After speaking, the old lady smiled heartily.
After He Yuzhu coaxed the old lady to fall asleep, he rode his bicycle back to the rolling mill. After arriving at the rolling mill, everyone looked at He Yuzhu excitedly. Because it will start to assemble right away.
He Yuzhu loosened all the parts prepared before, and then taught the person who delivered the parts how to put the parts in the proper place according to the number.
When all the parts leave the factory, they are numbered according to He Yuzhu’s instructions.
And there are corresponding numbers near all operations too.
Put the numbered parts into the numbered range.
Soon all the employees who sent the parts knew what they had done.
After the parts are in place, each part has a different letter, a, -a, b,
He Yuzhu took two parts and said:
“Everyone, I know you don’t know how to explain the principle to you.
See the letter of this connection point, everything is divided into yin and yang, and on the console, I show you, the number of parts is linked to the number of parts. For example, the No. 1 console, the link is the No. 1 part and the No. 2 part.
Singular numbers are yang, and even numbers are yin.
All the numbers marked on 3, 5, and 7 are positive, that is, letters such as abed.
All the numbers marked on 2, 4, 6, and 8 are negative, that is, letters such as -a-b-c-d.
You just need to link the positive a and the negative a, the positive b to the negative b, and so on, that’s it, you know? The schematic diagram of the specific link is available on your console, and it cannot be wrong.
Okay, let’s try it now, all the workers on the No. 1 workbench go up and have a try! ”
Workbench No. 1 has a number on the back of the clothes on the chest.
The people at Workbench No. 1 all started working according to He Yuzhu’s label (bgag).
Soon the people at Workbench No. 1 completed the task. After all, the tools developed by He Yuzhu are very useful.
He Yuzhu instructed the people at the workbench to place the finished parts in the transmission area.
At this time, the teleportation area is not automatically teleported.
Instead, it is done manually. After all, there is no digital control right now, so it is still very dangerous if it is automatically teleported.
But there are delivery workers,Transfer workers deliver semi-finished parts to Work Area 2.
He Yuzhu checked it, and then said to the people in the No. 2 work area:
“In addition to what I said before, your job is to check the work in Work Area 1.
If there is any unqualified or incorrect work, put the semi-finished products you received into this return area.
The staff of No. 1 work see that there are defective products or substandard products in the return area. After you have completed your own work, you can go to check and debug it! Do you know? ”
The people in Work Area 1 shouted in unison:
The people in Work Area 2 also shouted:
According to his previous idea, He Yuzhu divided the production line into two completely different production lines, and accelerated the speed independently. Then come back together again for the overall assembly.
Following the command of He Yuzhu, the entire production line started work in an orderly manner.
Because it is the first time for everyone, so we are more careful, so the speed is very slow.
But he also gained speed. Seeing Director Yang’s worried eyes, He Yuzhu said with a smile:
“Director, this is the first time, it’s understandable that everyone is slower.
But when everyone is proficient, this speed can be increased by five times! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang asked excitedly:
“real? ”
He Yuzhu smiled and nodded:
“It’s true or not, the factory manager will know in a few days!”
Director Yang knew that what He Yuzhu said was not in vain.
With the assembly of the crowd, it is much faster than He Yuzhu’s assembly alone.
You must know that He Yuzhu can assemble faster by himself, but he is also alone.
And this is hundreds of people assembling, and people from other production lines are watching and learning.
Time passed bit by bit.
With the last round of tires up, inflate, add water, and refuel.
Tester, go up and start the tractor.
With the sound of chug, the first assembled tractor officially came out.
Everyone watched the tractor drive towards the finished tractor area, and everyone was boiling with excitement.
Everyone cheered, Director Yang hugged He Yuzhu excitedly, and then patted He Yuzhu on the back hard:
“Pillar, we succeeded! We succeeded!
It really succeeded, Zhuzi, did you see it? ”
He Yuzhu was also very happy. He didn’t expect this to be done so quickly.
And listening to the voice, there is no problem at all.
When the crowd cheered.
The second tractor also began to hum.
chug chug…???.
Everyone was very excited. Director Yang said:
“This production line can have ten tractors a day and it is a success!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Ten, the factory manager, you underestimate me too much, what can ten do?
I have designed a total of five production lines. If all of them are put into production, at least 150 units a day will be produced.
If everyone is proficient, at least 200 units can be produced in a day.
That’s it, it still takes a long time to supply the whole country.
There are three tractors in a village. In a village of more than 300,000 people in our country, that is nearly 1 million tractors.
[ps: After checking a lot of information, some people say there are several million villages, while others say hundreds of thousands. The author is writing about a parallel world, not this world, so tentatively set the number of 300,000 villages! ] We produce 200 units a day, and it takes 5,000 days to produce them.
So my idea is, when our technology is mature, it will take a few months to perfect our technology.
Then the technology was made public, and the people on our side served as technical guides to set up production lines all over the country.
In this way, we can solve the problem of rural farming as quickly as possible.
With these things, we can quickly open up wasteland and increase the production of grain.
Let the people of the whole country have a full stomach, and even have a lot of surplus! ”
Director Yang asked curiously:
“What do you need so much surplus for?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Wine making and farming all require a lot of grain, and only with a lot of grain can the common people be able to afford livestock.
Otherwise, people will not have enough to eat, and there will be livestock.
With more livestock, the common people can have meat to eat, and with meat, they have strength and energy.
It will liberate a lot of labor to participate in the national construction.
I hope this time is as short as possible! ”
Director Yang is full of ambition when he thinks that the director of a rolling mill of his own can change the situation of the country.
Director Yang gritted his teeth and said:
“it is good!”
He Yuzhu continued:
“We are not doing nothing, we are here as a high-tech industry incubation base.
It is necessary to study more technologies that benefit the country and the people and help the country develop.
Now that agriculture is finished, the road is to be built.
At present, most of the roads in the country are still dirt roads, and there are few gravel roads.
We are now trying to find a way to lay a concrete road or an asphalt road.
Only when the transportation is developed, the materials in the whole country can be shared and dispatched smoothly!
Of course the railroads and planes can’t fall either! ”
In today’s country, there are no civil aircraft, only leaders can fly, and it is not the aircraft of their own country. Director Yang asked in shock:
“There are not many fighter jets in our country now, and there are also civilian aircraft. You think too far!”
He Yuzhu looked into the distance and said to himself:
“Is it far? NoFar away, coming soon! ”
However, He Yuzhu’s voice was very low, and Director Yang didn’t hear it at all.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, I’m going to take a rest. I’m too tired these two days. If you have anything, call me in my office and I’ll go take a nap!” Director Yang patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder excitedly:
“Go, I’m here!”
He Yuzhu was about to leave when Mu Qingxue came over and asked He Yuzhu:
“Deputy Director He, I have been here for so long, what should I do?
Chapter 143: Qin Huairu wants to eat in the cafeteria
When He Yuzhu saw Mu Qingxue, his eyes lit up slightly, and then asked:
“How did you study?”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“I’ve learned it all!”

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