However, He Yuzhu did not go back, but left directly.
After leaving, He Yuzhu went to a hotel. Although this hotel is a state-run hotel, it is open to the public.
A lot of people come here every day. After arriving at this restaurant, a chubby chef saw He Yuzhu.
He smiled and said to He Yuzhu:
“Master He is here?”
He Yuzhu nodded and asked:
“Hello, Master Yu, I’m here to see Chunming, how is Chunming here?”
Master Yu nodded with satisfaction:
“Okay, my understanding is good; I am very diligent and know how to study. If it weren’t for Master He, he would have accepted him as an apprentice.
I want to accept him as a disciple! ”
He Yuzhu was taken aback when he heard Master Yu’s words, and then asked:
“What? You let him take charge?”
Master Yu nodded:
“Not bad, and the reputation is good, now I can cook some home-cooked dishes!”
He Yuzhu clasped his fist when he heard Master Yu’s words:
“Thank you, Master Yu!”
Master Yu waved his hand:
“That’s right. I’m a little jealous of Han Chunming. If my master at the time was like you, my cooking skills would not be bad!” Master Yu knew very well that even if such an apprentice came, he would have to Money, and He Yuzhu not only didn’t want the money, but returned it to himself. If I don’t give Han Chunming a chance, I’m sorry for the money He Yuzhu gave him.
That’s why Han Chunming cooks so quickly.
Now Han Chunming’s progress is unbelievable even for Yu Shifen.
He Yuzhu asked Master Yu:
“Master Yu, is Chunming busy now?”
Master Yu looked at the empty hall and said:
“Master He, see if you are busy now!”
He Yuzhu didn’t see anyone eating here at this time.
“Then can you ask Chunming to come out, I have something to tell him!”
Master Yu nodded:
“No problem, even if you are busy, your master should find him!”
After all, here, Han Chunming can not only help himself, but also don’t have to spend his own money, he still has money?… Master Yu didn’t want to offend He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“Then it’s up to the master!”
Master Yu entered the back kitchen and called out to Han Chunming. Soon Han Chunming jumped out and smiled honestly at He Yuzhu:
He Yuzhu looked at Han Chunming who was at heart, and asked Han Chunming:
“Are you still getting used to it here?”
Han Chunming is not a fool either. Master Yu’s apprentice has been apprenticing here for four or five years, and he still can’t take charge.
He knew the conversation between Master Yu and his disciple before, but since the money was given, Han Chunming could only keep this kindness in his heart.
So Han Chunming didn’t say it. In Han Chunming’s heart, he just kept this matter in his heart. After he studied hard and developed, he would repay his master well. Now it seems hypocritical to say it.
“En, get used to it, Master Yu will take care of me. I’m starting to take charge now!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“En, since you’re in charge, that’s fine. You have to remember what I teach you, and then keep going through this improvement. Only with continuous improvement will your cooking skills continue to improve!”
Han Chunming nodded:
“En, I know Master, by the way, Master, do you have something to do with me?”He Yuzhu:
“0.6 is good, I wonder if you can contact Zhong Yuemin and the others?”
Han Chunming has a good relationship with Zhong Yuemin because of He Yuzhu’s relationship.
So I know Zhong Yuemin’s school and compound.
“Yes, does Master want to find Brother Zhong and the others?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, take some effort, go and find them for me, it’s at the mansion, you all know.
I have something to look for Zhong Yuemin! ”
This was the first task that his master had given him. Then Han Chunming took off his apron and said to He Yuzhu:
“Master, don’t worry, I’ll go now, you go back now and wait, or wait here!”
He Yuzhu knows that the fewer people know about this, the better:
“I still have something to do, I’ll go back and wait for him!
Chapter 16+: Han Chunming plans to finish junior high school
Han Chunming nodded:
“Okay, then I’ll go find him!”
After speaking, Han Chunming and Master Yu took leave and ran out.
Looking at Han Chunming who was running away, He Yuzhu was taken aback. Isn’t Han Chunming supposed to go to school at this time? Why are you here today?
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu planned to ask Han Chunming when he was Ryan.
However, He Yuzhu still planned to go back and wait for Zhong Yuemin.
Just as He Yuzhu was riding his bicycle back home, he heard voices from afar:
“Hit him!”
“It’s not a thing!”
“Hit him!”
Hearing the noisy voice, He Yuzhu looked in the direction of the voice.
At this time, Xu Damao was tied up, and someone in front of him was pulling him with a rope. He was covered in all kinds of vegetable leaves and eggs.
There were many people around Xu Damao, who walked forward with a heartless heart.
When He Yuzhu saw this, he knew what happened to Xu Damao yesterday, and his sister He Yuyu told him about the parade.
He Yuzhu didn’t pay attention to this either. He Yuzhu took a look and left.
After returning to the mansion, after waiting for a while, He Yuzhu saw Han Chunming, Zhong Yuemin and the others coming.
Zhong Yuemin saw He Yuzhu and asked He Yuzhu:
“Brother He, what are you looking for from me?”
He Yuzhu said to Zhong Yuemin:
“Yuemin, wait a minute, I’ll tell you later!”
After speaking, he asked Han Chunming:
“Chunming, I remember you are still studying, what’s the matter?”
When Han Chunming heard He Yuzhu’s words, he was stunned and thought what was going on.
He replied to He Yuzhu:
“Master, why did I think it happened? It turned out to be this.
You know the situation in my family. There are many children in my family, my mother is the only one.
I don’t plan to study anymore. Now I’m learning my craft! ”
Now Han Chunming plans not to study, but this kid is smart, even if he doesn’t study, he will learn knowledge.
Especially the book of Master Guan, the Admiral of the Nine Gates, that you can read whenever you have nothing to do.
Although I don’t have much education, I still read a lot of books.
And after two years, this kid will also respond to the call of the country and go to the countryside.
But it took two years. In He Yuzhu’s eyes, learning is still very important.
“Why don’t you tell me if you have no money for your studies, I will pay you for your study expenses, and you will go to school for me tomorrow!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Han Chunming was still very moved, but Han Chunming still said:
“Master, it’s better to learn a little craftsmanship than to study, so that you won’t starve to death in the future!”
He Yuzhu knew that in this era, education is not so important, and He Yuzhu never thought about making Han Chunming a scholar or scientist. However, he stopped studying at such a young age. As a later generation, He Yuzhu still couldn’t bear it.
He Yuzhu continued to ask:
“You really don’t plan to study anymore, do you want to learn crafts well?”
Han Chunming nodded heavily:
“Yes, Master!”
Zhong Yuemin doesn’t have much liking for studying:
“I think Chunming’s idea is better. The knowledge taught in school is useless. It’s better to come out and learn some skills and skills!” People in this era regard craftsmanship and technology as very important, that is, the ability to farm is more important than the ability to farm. Strong knowledge.
Even after a few years, scholars have become ninth old ninths, and their status is very low.
This is inseparable from the brand of this era.
“Since that’s the case, I won’t embarrass you. If you want to study, tell Master that I can still pay for your study.
If you really don’t want to study, I won’t force you either!
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Han Chunming said:
“Master, I really don’t want to study anymore. Reading is a waste of time. With that time, I might as well learn some crafts.
After all, it takes time to learn a craft! ”
He Yuzhu nodded. After all, you can learn all the top life skills only with your own money.
This is not something others can have.
“Okay, since you’ve made a decision, it’s ok if you don’t regret it later.
After all, when Han Chunming was in college, at that time, he was not able to master it.
However, He Yuzhu still said:
“I suggest that you still finish junior high school. After all, you will need to learn other knowledge in the future, and you will also need to read.
I will teach you other skills later, your current knowledge reserve, but many things are incomprehensible! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Han Chunming asked excitedly:
“real? ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“You are my apprentice, INot only will I teach you cooking, but you can also learn other things, such as medicine, music, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, divination, water conservancy, agriculture, etc. As long as you want to learn, I can teach you. Your current level of questioning, you can’t learn many things! ”
He Yuzhu didn’t want Han Chunming to drop out of elementary school because of himself.

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