But there is no future cheating.
So Director Li’s wife knew that this must be true.
However, as the daughter of a leader, although she is not outstanding in appearance, even a little ugly, her knowledge and ability are beyond doubt.
Director Li’s wife took these two photos and left.
And Director Li never thought that someone would give this thing to his daughter-in-law and set his backyard on fire.
He Yuzhu knew that this matter would have to wait a day, and after a day, he would go to Director Li by himself.
However, I still can’t do this by myself, I have to change someone, and I can’t let Zheng Sheng and the others do it.
Who is the author? He Yuzhu thought about it for a long time and saw Qin Huairu cautiously heading towards the canteen warehouse.
If it was normal, He Yuzhu would definitely not care, but at this time, He Yuzhu suddenly thought of something.
Then He Yuzhu walked in the direction of Director Li.
Then he muttered:
“Why do you think Qin Huairu went to the warehouse again? No, we belong to a compound, I’ll go to the factory manager!”
And Director Li has not been holding Qin Huairu for a day or two.
Naturally know Qin Huairu.
And He Yuzhu didn’t know that Director Li was listening.
Instead, he walked away in big strides.
Director Li saw that He Yuzhu did not see himself, and then watched He Yuzhu leave, and then went to the warehouse.
And He Yuzhu saw a worker. He Yuzhu had been here for seven or eight years, and he quietly said to the female worker:
“Sister Li, I just saw Qin Huairu go to the warehouse, and Director Li also went…
As a gay man, it was not good to catch this in the past.
Take a few lesbians to see, don’t let Qin Huairu be wronged.
Don’t say it was me, I don’t want to have anything to do with Widow Qin anymore! ”
Sister Li naturally knows that He Yuzhu is ignoring Qin Huairu now, and now that He Yuzhu’s status, any woman can be worthy of it. And widow Qin is not worthy of He Yuzhu, Sister Li said:
“Deputy director, your businessWe all know the love, but I didn’t expect you to be so kind-hearted. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone except myself. You wait, I’ll find a few sisters to see what the Isp, Director Li, wants to do! ”
He Yuzhu nodded, and then he didn’t go there, he just watched from a distance.
Director Li quickly went to the warehouse and saw that Qin Huairu was holding a bag for food.
Director Li scolded loudly:
“Qin Huairu, you steal something!”
Qin Huairu was taken aback. Seeing that it was Director Li, she looked at Director Li with tears in her eyes:
“Director Li, I don’t want to either, but my family really has no food, and now I can’t help our family.
Please, please, please forgive me this time! ”
Director Li looked at Qin Huairu slyly, and then said:
“Look at you, for the sake of 0.6-order food, as long as you follow me, I promise you will never lack food in the future.
Although I can’t supply you with meat, the food will definitely satisfy you and your family.
Well, now Deputy Director He is ignoring you.
No one cares about you, right? Can others control you once, or for the rest of your life?
You think about it, yes, I have a family, but so what?
What I am looking for is your people, what you need is food, how about we each get what we need? ”
Qin Huairu is very entangled. This is a steel rolling mill, and it is not how important Qin Huairu sees the famous festival.
The most important thing is his job. If someone finds out about this, then he will be finished here.
There was no income. Just when Qin Huairu was struggling, Director Li stepped forward and smiled slyly???????
Chapter One Hundred and Seventieth: Qin Huai Ru slaps a rake [1 more automatic]
At this time, Qin Huairu was weighing the pros and cons. What would happen if she agreed, and what would happen if she didn’t agree? If he doesn’t agree, he will personally catch the matter of coming here to steal food.
At that time, my job will be gone, but if I agree, if I get discovered.
Then the life in the future will be even more difficult. Originally, my mother-in-law said that her food was not clean.
If someone did this, then he would not be able to hold his head up either in the compound or in the rolling mill.
While Qin Huairu was thinking about it, Qin Huairu felt that someone was pulling her clothes.
It turned out that Director Li couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to be here…
Qin Huairu just came back to her senses and jumped:
“what are you doing!”
Following Qin Huairu’s roar, Director Li was startled.
Director Li angrily said:
“Qin Huairu, what are you yelling about? You don’t know what you are doing? Don’t you want to do it here!” Qin Huairu heard Director Li’s threat, and she burst into tears:
“Director Li, this is my first time, please, please let me go, okay!”
Director Li smiled:
“I’ll let you go? But someone won’t let you go. As long as you obey me, I won’t let you have an accident. How about it!” Director Li’s big hand was about to reach in.
A loud noise slammed the door open.
“Sisters, look!”
At this time, a lot of people came in.
All of them were women, and Director Li at this time looked like he was picking Qin Huairu’s clothes.
And Qin Huairu was blocking Director Li, her tears were still hanging on her face!
Sister Li roared:
“Damn Director Li, he’s actually a hooligan, sisters, show me him!”
The present era is not the future. In this era, leaders serve the workers.
Instead of managing workers like the later generations.
As long as these workers are reasonable, even the leaders of the demonstrations, they are all normal.
Director Li was dumbfounded, why did these old ladies come back here.
But Director Li didn’t want this, so he roared:
“What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel? Believe it or not, I’ll fire you all!”
These people are not afraid of this, Sister Li said loudly:
“You old rascal, you have to say this now, arrest me and send it to the security office!”
Director Li said loudly:
“Assistant, I came in when I saw Qin Huairu stealing things. I was searching just now. If you don’t believe me, ask Qin Huairu!”
Qin Huairu was horrified when she heard Director Li’s words, but Qin Huairu was not a fool. If she were a fool, she wouldn’t have raised a family of four by herself. However, Qin Huairu just hugged herself and sat on the ground, silently crying silently.
Sister Li knew about Qin Huai Ru’s family, but she still said:
“Qin Huairu, everyone is bullying you. To tell the truth, if it’s really the case of this old hooligan, we’ll fight for our lives.
I want to seek justice for you too! ”
Director Li naturally knew what happened, but Qin Huairu’s words made Director Li feel like the world was spinning:
“I’m sorry, I don’t want it either. Director Li said that as long as I obey him, the food will be given to me.
I actually don’t want to, but my family really runs out of food, if I don’t obey him.
He drove me out, saying that I stole the food, and he gave it to me.
Also let me??????Also let me??…”
Speaking of which, Qin Huairu couldn’t go on, just kept crying while hugging her clothes.
Sister Li said loudly:”Okay, you asshole, not only stealing things from the factory, but also threatening female workers.
Really unforgivable sin, watch melon, tie up, parade! ”
The other female workers were also filled with righteous indignation. Originally, women had only just gained a little status, but this Director Li still bullied people like this.
The other female workers rushed forward. How could Director Li be the opponent of these workshop workers?
Although it’s only a woman, but with so many women, Director Li can’t do it.
Director Li’s hatred, Qin Huairu is a slap in the face.
The more you think, the more you get angry, the more you think about it, the more you get angry:
“Qin Huairu, you are slandering, just wait!”
Qin Huairu quickly pulled Sister Li:
“Sister Li, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s me, it’s all me, I can’t do without this job, I’m still referring to this salary to support my family!” But she refused to mention Director Li.
Everyone thought it was Director Li who threatened Qin Huairu.
Seeing Qin Huairu’s pitiful appearance, Sister Li said:
“Xiao Zhou, you go to the factory manager, I don’t believe it today, there’s just a moth, and the rogue is turning the sky in the ocean of the people? Can you reverse the black and white, hum, if you want to give an explanation to the sisters today, we Never give up.
The others shouted:
“Yes, never give up!”
Qin Huairu knew that this matter had passed, but if Director Li would definitely take revenge on her in the future.
Just when Qin Huairu was worried, everyone pressed Director Li to go out.
Seeing everyone leaving, He Yuzhu quickly put down a package at the door. This leather bag was taken by He Yuzhu in Director He’s office at 260. Then put the criminal evidence inside in the leather bag.
Sister Li was comforting Qin Huairu, and then she helped Qin Huairu out.
At this moment, Qin Huairu, who lowered her head, saw the package on the ground.
After the prison said:
: Whose is Shu? It looks a little familiar! ”
Sister Li said angrily:
“Who else could it belong to? Director Li’s. I guess he wanted to take advantage of you and forgot to take it in!”
Qin Huairu picked up the package.
blah blah blah!
A notebook fell out.
This is all calculated by He Yuzhu.
Qin Huairu was also able to read, and after the notebook fell out, it just spread out.
Qin Huairu saw the content inside.
This made Qin Huairu overjoyed. Director Li’s criminal evidence was recorded here.
With this thing, I am not afraid of Director Li’s revenge.
You must know that almost all the workers here are literate. Otherwise, the drawings cannot be understood, the data cannot be measured, and how to work. Although the level of questioning is not very high, most of them are literate.

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