“came back? ”
The old lady nodded and didn’t answer!
Seeing the appearance of the two, He Yuzhu knew that the aunt probably knew the identity of the old lady.
It is estimated that the elderly in this compound know the identity of the old lady.
You must know that there is not a single fuel-efficient lamp in this compound.
The old lady occupied three houses by herself, and no one dared to say anything.
Moreover, the old lady and He Yuzhu have been out for such a long time, and they have no idea that you can just keep it free. If it was someone else, the house would probably be gone long ago.
Housing is still very tense in this era.
The third master, Yan Bugui’s family, has three sons, a daughter, and a daughter-in-law.
A total of seven people lived in three houses, how crowded one could imagine.
But the third master, who can calculate so much, does not dare to calculate the old lady. This is the prestige of the old lady.
He Yuzhu was also relieved that after the old lady was brought to the mansion, no one dared to give the old lady the idea of ​​the house.
The old lady said to He Yuzhu:
16 “Pillar, go and clean up your house!”
He Yuzhu knew that the old lady wanted to stay by herself for a while.
So it also gave the old lady some space to be alone.
Then nodded:
“Okay, I’ll come back and cook for you later, grandma, call me if you have anything, I’ll be right in front!”
The old lady nodded.
He Yuzhu left the old lady’s room and walked towards the front yard.
Just as he was about to go back, he saw Jia Zhang standing in front of Xu Damao’s door shouting:
“Qin Jingru, you’re still not human, aren’t you just borrowing some food from your family? You have so many families, what’s wrong with borrowing a little? If it wasn’t for your sister, could you come to the city?” He Yuzhu thought to himself when he heard Jia Zhang’s words ;
“Yes, this is not to suck your own blood, this is to suck Xu Damao! Were you a vampire reincarnation in your last life? ”
But He Yuzhu doesn’t care about this, it has nothing to do with him anyway.
I am too lazy to deal with them.
Qin Jingru is not a fuel-efficient lamp either:
“Hmph, didn’t I give it to you before? I have already given you back the kindness that my sister took over from me!”
Jia Zhang didn’t think so:
“Also, are you finished? Besides, it’s not like I won’t pay you back. When we have it, I’ll pay you back!
Why, you still have to watch us starve to death! ”
Xu Damao walked out, looked at Jia Zhang with disgust, and waved his hand impatiently:
“Bum, I’m not He Yuzhu, when Qin Jingru got married, I gave you something.
I don’t have it now, even if I have it, I won’t give it to you! ”
Hearing Xu Damao’s words, Jia Zhang was very frightened.
You must know that the previous He Yuzhu was frightened by Jia Zhang, and it took only a few days to recover.
With sharp eyes, Xu Damao saw He Yuzhu and shouted:
“Deputy Director He, look at this, what should I do?”
He Yuzhu didn’t think that this pot would fall from the sky without doing anything!
But He Yuzhu doesn’t care about this:
“First, it’s a holiday now, I’m He Yuzhu, and second, this is not a rolling mill, I don’t care.
Third, Mr. Jia Zhang is not from the rolling mill, and I can’t control it either.
If you can’t handle it, you can call the police! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Xu Damao knew that if this dog skin plaster got on it, he would not have a good life in the future. Xu Damao said:
“Mr. Jia Zhang, if you continue to be foolish,I’m going to call the police! ”
Seeing He Yuzhu’s Jia Zhang, he was still a little scared, but he was not afraid of Xu Damao:
“Go, I borrowed food, what if I broke the law?”
Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, Xu Damao said angrily word by word;
“I don’t borrow them one by one! Do you understand? Don’t borrow, don’t borrow!”
When Jia Zhang heard Xu Damao’s words, he sat on the ground and shouted:
“Neighbors, come and see, Xu Damao is Qin Huairu’s brother-in-law.
Our orphans and widows are relatives, and they don’t help when we watch our family starve to death.
Is there any human affection? Is it still human?
I didn’t say I wanted it. I just borrowed some food, and I didn’t say I wouldn’t pay it back. Their family wasn’t short of that little food.
Just lend a little to my family to save lives!
Oh, my God, open your eyes and see what the world has become now! ”
Hearing Mrs. Jia Zhang’s howl, hula, a lot of people came out, and now everyone is on holiday.
Everyone came out to watch the fun. There were not many people before, because most of the people in this compound went to work, and only a few women and children were left. But it’s different now, Yi Zhonghai came out:
“What are you doing, what are you doing!”
When Jia Zhang saw Yi Zhonghai coming out, he shouted to Yi Zhonghai:
“—Master, you are the master of the compound.
You have to let us orphans and widows call the shots!
You commented, Xu Damao married Qin Jingru, is he the brother-in-law of my family Huairu? ”
– Uncle nodded:
“That’s right, what’s wrong?”
Jia Zhang said:
“Our family runs out of food, so I wanted to borrow some from Xu Damao’s family, but I did not want to.
He actually lost his conscience and could not help him! ”
– Uncle was stunned for a moment:
“You don’t have anything to eat at home? No 277. That’s the salary just before the holiday, and the rolling mill has given a lot of benefits this year.
Pork, mutton, eggs, cloth, everyone posted it badly, Qin Huairu posted it too, I watched her get it back! ”
Hearing the words of the uncle Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang said:
“How much is Qin Huairu’s money? It’s not enough at all?”
Xu Damao stood up:
“Why is it not enough, 27 yuan a month is not enough, there is no shortage of meat and jealousy.
It’s just to buy some grain. How much is coarse grain, enough for your family to eat, and it’s in the juvenile management center.
Your family still has a ration for Bang Terri, why is it not enough! ”
The third master is very jealous because he is not from the rolling mill and has no benefits:
“Yes, yes, besides, we have nothing at home!”
After speaking, he looked at He Yuzhu resentfully.
Jia Zhang said:
“It’s New Year’s Eve, can’t our family want to eat some refined grains?”
Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, everyone looked at Jia Zhang in shock, what conditions, what kind of family, how precious is refined grain now, and many people are exchanging refined grain for coarse grain.
After all, refined grains are the patent of the rich, and these ordinary people can’t get enough of coarse grains.
– Uncle asked…  
Chapter 206: Strange Thoughts and Speeches
“Sister Jia Zhang, isn’t it enough for you to eat a meal of refined grains with your income?
Get some white noodles and eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year. Besides, with so much meat, there is no problem with eating two or three times! ” Jia Zhang replied confidently:
“How can one meal be enough? I still want to eat from now until the end of the New Year!”
Hearing Jia Zhang’s shameless words, all the people watching the fun got drunk.
There is a lot of discussion:
“There are people like this!”
“Yes, this is taking Xu Damao as a fool!”
“No, Xu Damao is not that kind of person!”
“I’ll bet that Xu Damao won’t give him a grain of rice!”
“It’s up to you to say, who is Xu Damao, how could he give it to Jia Zhang’s!”
Hearing the people around him talking, Jia Zhang stood up:
“What’s the matter with you? I came here to borrow it from Xu Damao, what are you talking about!”
When Jia Zhang saw He Yuzhu, his momentum immediately lost more than half.
The last time He Yuzhu gave Jia Zhang a big surprise.
Seeing He Yuzhu now, Jia Zhang is scared.
He Yuzhu didn’t speak, just watched, and the third master said:
“Okay, Zhuzi has the highest official position here, Zhuzi, tell me, what should I do about this?”
He Yuzhu almost didn’t laugh when he heard the words of the third master. What does this have to do with him? The trivial things have also risen to this level, and the things in this compound are simply wonderful. He Yuzhu said lightly:
“This is a matter of Xu Damao and Qin Huairu’s family. It’s a love for them to lend you, and it’s a duty not to lend you.
There is no right or wrong, and this is a family matter, what does it have to do with me! ”
The third master Yan Bugui rolled his eyes and said:
“Zhuzi, you are the deputy director of the factory. This time the salary was paid more than 200 yuan, and you are making a lot of money every day.
There is no shortage of that one, or you help Qin Huairu’s family, didn’t you always help their family before? ‘V ” Hearing the third master’s words, Jia Zhangshi looked at He Yuzhu in fear.
There is hope in fear.
Yes, you have helped before, why not now?
However, Mr. Jia Zhang didn’t dare to provoke He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu heard the words of the third master and said to the third master:
“Third Master, Since you are so helpful, you can help me, I have been helping for three years, and it is your turn! ”
What can the third master do?
“Why? What does he have to do with Qin Huai Ru’s family?”
He Yuzhu also said:
“He Qin Huai Ru’s family has nothing to do with me, and he is not related to me, so I will help.
You said that you are still a teacher, but you don’t have any consciousness at all?

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