The uncle nodded with a sigh:
“Yes, the pillars are developed!”
He Yuhui also got up at this time. After going downstairs, he saw the eldest grandfather and the eldest mother and began to greet them.
The eldest man and the eldest mother replied enthusiastically.
After several people finished their breakfast, He Yuyu said:
“Brother, it was too noisy yesterday, I slept too late, I don’t want to go back, I want to stay at home for a while!”
He Yuzhu knew that the compound was all neighbors and had no relatives, so he nodded:
“Cheng, if Yuemin and the others come over, remember to help me entertain them!”
He Yuyu nodded:
“Okay, brother, don’t worry!”
He Yuzhu pulled the old lady, and the eldest man and the eldest mother went back.
When they arrived at the courtyard, everyone saw He Yuzhu and the four people, and they came over to say hello.
He Yuzhu and others also replied one by one.
You must know that there are more than 100 people in this compound, so everyone has agreed that they will not give money to any family’s children, and they will not give any family’s children. After all, everyone is a neighbor, and it is the same now, but every year, He Yuzhu and the uncle will give three stickers to the stick.
That is, stick stems, locust flowers and Xiaodang.
But He Yuzhu doesn’t plan to give it this year. After all, even after it is given, Qin Huairu or Jia Zhang’s will be gone.
After He Yuzhu helped the old lady go back, he was about to open the door of his house.
After all, it’s not good to close the door during the Chinese New Year. There is a saying that Najib will open the door.
So He Yuzhu didn’t lock the door today.
Just when He Yuzhu was lying down with him for a while, Jia Zhang came out:
“He Yuzhu!”
Jia Zhangshi has a memory now. After all, he was called silly Zhu last time, and he almost didn’t scare himself to death.
This time, her name is He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu looked back and saw that it was Mrs. Jia Zhang, and then greeted:
“Auntie, happy new year, are you just getting up?”
Jia Zhangshi was very angry and did not answer, but asked directly:
“Why didn’t you invite my house to your house for the New Year!”
He Yuzhu did not expect that the Qin family was used to it before, and now it is taken for granted:
“Why do I invite your family to my house for the Chinese New Year? Does your family have any necessary relationship with me, He Yuzhu? I must invite you to my house for the Chinese New Year?”
Jia Zhangshi was taken aback by He Yuzhu’s question, but Jia Zhangshi didn’t think about whether it should or not.
Instead, he said to He Yuzhu:
“We used to spend the New Year together before, why aren’t we together this year?”
He Yuzhu said lightly:
“I don’t want to, what’s the matter? Did it break the law?”
Jia Zhang was so angry with He Yuzhu that he didn’t know what to say, thinking about the New Year he had this year.
When his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu was still in the hospital, Jia Zhangshi asked:
“Then do you know how we spent this year?”
He Yuzhu is even less interested in this:
“How did your life have anything to do with me?”
Jia Zhang’s lungs were about to explode:
“Why doesn’t it have anything to do with you? If it wasn’t for you, how would we spend this year like this?”
He Yuzhu said lightly;
After ignoring He Yuzhu, Jia Zhang was even more aggrieved.
Wow, he called out:
290 “Oh my God, let’s all come out and see, He Yuzhu actually bullied our orphans and widows like this.
Does anyone still care? ”
When the uncle heard what Jia Zhang said, he came out and reprimanded Jia Zhang:
“Get up, why did He Yuzhu bully your orphans and widows?”
Now Jia Zhang is not convinced by the uncle:
“I don’t need you to care, you will definitely favor He Yuzhu!”
After speaking, he looked at Liu Haizhong, who was leaning against the door, eating peanuts, and watching the excitement.
Seeing Jia Zhang looking at him, Liu Haizhong said with a faint smile:
“Look at what I’m doing? I’m not the second uncle anymore, and I’m also a crowd!”
When Jia Zhang heard what Liu Haizhong said, he also knew that he was involved in this matter.
Then Jia Zhang looked at the third master.
The third master saw that the first master Jia Zhang didn’t care, and the second master was no longer the second master, so now he can only deal with it by himself.
But how can the third master have the ability to handle this matter?
The third master is still with thin mud:
“Sister Jia Zhang, I have also heard about you, this is what happened to you and He Yuzhu.Don’t bring the matter to the compound, right? You and He Yuzhu will solve this matter yourself! “.
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty One: Warning Jia Zhang [4]
Hearing that the third master was with Shi Mu, Jia Zhang quit:
“What’s the matter between me and He Yuzhu? He Yuzhu did something wrong. Could it be that the courtyard will not deal with it!”
The third master asked:
“Then what did you say He Yuzhu did wrong!”
Jia Zhang said quibly:
“We used to celebrate the New Year together. Why did we bring the uncle’s family and the old lady’s family this year, not ours!”
The third master asked He Yuzhu:
“Yes, why!”
He Yuzhu replied disdainfully:
“I don’t want to call this year!”
The third master, Yan Bugui, looked at Jia Zhang:
“He Yuzhu doesn’t want to this year!”
Jia Zhang:
“He said he didn’t want to, so he didn’t want to. Did he ask us for our opinion?”
He Yuzhu:
“Go to my house, I will let whoever I want to go, you are quite lenient, let alone this year, and I won’t call you for the New Year in the future.
If you think I did something wrong, you can sue me and send me to prison.
What are you doing here, Mr. Jia Zhang, I’m here to tell you.
If you keep pestering me, don’t blame me for being rude.
I don’t want to feel sorry for the deceased Brother Jia. The first reason I treated you so much before was because the Sophora japonica is still small and cannot lack nutrition.
You and Bangjie are taking advantage of the Huaihua, and they are also looking at the face of the dead brother Jia. If it wasn’t for the dead brother Jia, it would have nothing to do with me even if your family starved to death. Second, since I mentioned Brother Jia, don’t talk about your son. You know what your son did before.
Thinking back then, after my brother and sister were abandoned by my father, your son didn’t get married. Seeing how pitiful our brother and sister were, he just gave us a few meals.
In the past three years, I have given you food every day, but I am only saying that I am repaying the kindness of these meals.
I, He Yuzhu, repay my kindness and revenge for my revenge. Since my sister-in-law’s salary has risen, your family will not starve to death.
My kindness is also over.
So don’t let me destroy your family’s life with my own hands, and don’t think that I, He Yuzhu, are easy to bully.
My current ability makes Qin Huairu not have a job, that’s a matter of one sentence, and there is no need to frame her.
For those of you who have no income, what I believe will end, you should know for yourself.
As for what you report, you can go wherever you want, but as I said, I, He Yuzhu, repay my kindness and revenge.
If I know who is targeting me, if I have nothing to do, then just wait for my crazy revenge.
I’ve said so much today. As for what to do, you can decide for yourself.
As for the New Year’s event, that’s what I’m doing, it’s my own decision.
If you think I’m doing something wrong, you can sue me, report it, or even go to the factory.
If anyone says that what I did is wrong, I am willing to admit the punishment, but it is impossible to ask you to go to my house to have dinner for the New Year. It is gone now, and it will be gone in the future. What else do you say?’Y”
Qin Huairu also heard He Yuzhu’s words and was very scared, because Qin Huairu knew what He Yuzhu said and there was nothing wrong with it.
If He Yuzhu targets himself, then his job may really be lost.
If you don’t have a job, what will your family of five eat and drink?
Although Qin Huairu was a little annoyed that He Yuzhu was no longer in charge of her family, now is not the time to talk about it.
Qin Huairu came back from outside and shouted to Mrs Jia Zhang:
“Mom, what are you doing here?”
When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu, he was very surprised:
“Huairu, aren’t you in the hospital? Why did you come out!”
Qin Huairu shook her head:
“It’s alright, I ate something in the hospital. Yesterday I was too tired and hungry, so I fainted.
It’s alright, let’s go, let’s go back! ”
Jia Zhang knew that the current He Yuzhu was not the previous He Yuzhu, and the previous He Yuzhu would definitely obey his family.
Now He Yuzhu seems to have a grudge against his own family, but Jia Zhang doesn’t know why.
Jia Zhang’s family would not even think that the current He Yuzhu is not the previous He Yuzhu.
So Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu went back. Seeing Jia Zhang returning, the third master asked He Yuzhu:
“Zhuzi, didn’t you spend the New Year with them before? This year.????.”
He Yuzhu interrupted the third master:
“Third Master, do you also think I did something wrong?”
Although the third master is calculating, there are still normal views of right and wrong:
“How come, you are not wrong, there is nothing wrong with calling or not calling.
Aren’t I just curious? They were together before, why are they suddenly no longer together this year! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s not sudden, can’t you see how I treated them before?

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