But I believe that gradually what you study will definitely catch up with foreign countries, and it will not be like this now.
do you know? So you can bring some books and materials to study at home.
But a real technology research and development unit must find a secret place, a place that ordinary people can’t penetrate.
Because if your research and development materials are ahead of foreign countries, if they are obtained by foreign countries, then the loss will be too great.
It’s not as simple as making a copy of the technical data.
So I suggest you choose another place as your test base! 〃
After hearing the words of Director Yang, He Yuzhu asked:
“The factory manager, there is no other place there!”
Director Yang shook his head:
“No, there is a place, but it depends on how much secrecy level you want, but I suggest you build one in the second factory, and I’ll have people from the security department guard it.
If the confidentiality level of your experiment is raised, I can go to a place where you can apply for stricter confidentiality.
However, your previous experiment was a thing, and now it has not reached the level of national secrecy! ”
After hearing Director Yang’s words, He Yuzhu thought for a while, then nodded:
“Director, you’re right, then create a separate place for me in the second factory, but this time I’m designing a gun.
It is best to be a 24-hour guard. If you lose it, the consequences will be big! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang nodded:
“Success, if the gun design this time is good, then you can also enter the lowest-level secret agency in the future.
That way, you won’t have to worry about your sister and old lady! ”
And Director Yang’s current energy doesn’t even know much of the state’s secret research, he just knows a little about it.
However, Director Yang said this to remind He Yuzhu, because He Yuzhu’s research and development is getting stronger and stronger now.
It is not guaranteed that He Yuzhu will study more powerful things in the future!
That’s why Director Yang told He Yuzhu that.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I see, by the way, factory manager, I need a lot of things, and if I let Mu Qingxue do it alone, it will be too busy and it will take a long time. I plan to get my procurement team. The quota is the logistics department. I am from the Purchasing

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