are full, if they are transferred over, it will affect the normal operation of our factory. I would like to recruit some people to cooperate with Mu Qingxue’s purchasing!” After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang nodded. :
“Okay, this is a trivial matter, you can look at the arrangement and make it, just come and report it to me.
I let him in! ”
Recruiting people is a small matter, and there are still hundreds of places for the 5,000 people before the second factory, which is enough for He Yuzhu.
Moreover, the quota that the second factory gave to He Yuzhu before, He Yuzhu was useless.
After hearing the words of Director Yang, He Yuzhu asked:
“Director, do you have anything else to do?”
Director Yang nodded:
“Yes, there is something I want to tell you, now I’m going to work, and there will be spring ploughing in two months.
I plan to pull out all the tractors we produce, and then help the surrounding farmers to farm.
You said how to operate this matter, after all, this is the first time! ”
He Yuzhu thought for a while and then said:
“Like this: If you do it, you should start it now, notify all the villages, report the amount of arable land, and then count it.
Let them send people over to learn how to drive tractors and dumpers, preferably a few more people, if there are accidents and illnesses, then half a training institution, train these people to drive tractors, and then let them drive the tractors back, materials or something ,
The machine can’t stop either, delaying the spring ploughing. After the study, certificates are issued.
Didn’t you make a truck?
Just let them pull them back together! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang nodded:
“I think so too, if that’s the case, then I’ll arrange it!
By the way, you said last year to renovate the second factory, do you still continue to renovate it? ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“That’s for sure, I’ll talk to Mu Qingxue about the changes later, and then I’ll start rectifying the second factory.
According to my thoughts, the production speed of the second factory will definitely be faster.
But the quality inspection department can now haveNo, I plan to fire everyone in the quality inspection department.
Then recruit people again! ”
Director Yang was taken aback:
“All fired, why?” He Yuzhu said:
“Many parts in the assembly workshop were unqualified, and they entered the assembly workshop, which brought great trouble to the assembly workers and affected the efficiency too much. And I also went to see the quality inspection department. people.”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang nodded:
“If that’s the case, then all of them will be fired. We don’t support the uncle. If anyone has a background, let him come to me!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“It’s all right, it’s all trivial matters. If the factory manager has nothing to do, then I’ll deal with it!” Director Yang:
“Go ahead, if there’s anything you can’t fix, or if you have any trouble, come and find me, I don’t believe it anymore!
Chapter 235: Meet again in the library
After He Yuzhu said goodbye to Director Yang, he went to the second factory, talked to Mu Qingxue, and then went to rectify the second factory. At noon, Mu Qingxue and Mu Qingxue went back to have dinner and continued to work in the afternoon.
The rectification of the second factory took three days, and dismissing other people was a small matter. The main thing was to find suitable people for that position.
And Mu Qingxue’s speed is very fast, and Mu Qingxue is looking for students from her own school.
When Director Yang heard that he was a college student, he was very happy. You must know that college students in this era are all baby bumps.
Usually I can’t ask for it, but now I want to come to the rolling mill, how could Director Yang refuse to agree.
Moreover, the salary of college students who come here is 49 yuan and 5 yuan, and Director Yang guarantees that they will become regular in two months, and they will be paid 56 yuan after they become regular. Today’s college students are not rich, and this salary is also in line with the regulations.
So several college students were willing to work with Mu Qingxue, and they were all Mu Qingxue’s classmates, all female students.
This kind of rolling mill is very sensational. After all, college students are rare, and such high wages are also rare.
Many single male workers are eyeing the new female college students.
However, Mu Qingxue quickly assigned them their respective tasks. These college students went out to work one by one, and they were rarely seen in the factory. Otherwise, it would be even more lively, and after the renovation of the second factory, He Yuzhu was at ease again.
Just when He Yuzhu was doing nothing, two boxes of documents broke He Yuzhu’s leisure time.
These documents are all about etching, transistors.
In this era, computers are top secret in foreign countries, and they will not be circulated at all.
He Yuzhu can only use this information to start learning and then deduce.
After all, computers in later generations are very common.
And in future generations, everyone knows how to make computers.
A computer host, including motherboard, power supply, cpu, memory, hard disk, graphics card, sound card, etc.
There are monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, and several connecting cables.
He Yuzhu doesn’t know how these things are made, but the principle is still known.
And He Yuzhu still has basic materials, and then he goes to the library to check the materials, plus his own deduction skills.
I believe that the computer will be perfected soon.
As for the parts of firearms, He Yuzhu also needs a lot of parts for He Yuzhu’s new car.
This time, He Yuzhu is planning to get a few bikes. After all, these girls work on bicycles, which affects the efficiency too much.
He Yuzhu, the leader and the factory manager Yang talked about this matter, and the leader asked the above for instructions and agreed to this matter, but the car cannot be given to individuals, only He Yuzhu can have it. I can use it when I get off work, but I still have to ride a bike to and from work.
He Yuzhu agreed after thinking about it.
However, these parts have not yet arrived, and He Yuzhu did not tell these people about these things.
Instead, he looked at the information he got every day, and after reading the information, He Yuzhu knew what he lacked.
He Yuzhu drove out of the rolling mill and headed for the library.
To know this library, He Yuzhu has not been here for a long time, and in this library, many books are in foreign languages, but on the premise that He Yuzhu’s explorers are well-versed. It was impossible to learn all the foreign languages ​​in just a few breaths.
If He Yuzhu can find foreigners and use the words of the true spirit, he can learn it instantly.
But He Yuzhu didn’t want to be so troublesome, he could be passive, and he could fully understand these books.
Just when He Yuzhu was immersed in the book, a voice interrupted He Yuzhu:
“Big Brother He’ V ”
He Yuzhu looked up, Ran Qiuye?
“Mr. Ran, do you also read books?”
Ran Qiuye still had a good impression of He Yuzhu, and then nodded:
“Enen, I haven’t studied it yet, so I came to read the book. Brother He is still reading books in foreign languages?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“En, many things in our country’s books are not as good as foreign ones. It’s not that foreign books are good, or this brother’s discipline is really not as good as foreign ones.
But I believe that our country will develop slowly, and sooner or later will surpass foreign countries, but now we have no foundation.
We can only learn their strengths! ”
Ran Qiuye said:
“I’m a teacher. I don’t understand what you said, but I still admire you very much. You can understand books like this!”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:”There is no way. If you want to improve, you have to study. By the way, what book are you looking for here?”
Ran Qiuye smiled and said:
“?v it’s nothing, just come and have a look!”
He Yuzhu was busy learning basic knowledge, and after talking with Ran Qiuye a few words, he started reading. He Yuzhu read books very fast.
After He Yuzhu had read all the knowledge he needed, the sky was already dark. He Yuzhu put the books away and planned to pick up Mu Qingxue for dinner.
When He Yuzhu came out, he happened to see Ran Qiuye still outside.
“Teacher Ran, haven’t you gone back yet?”
Ran Qiuye nodded:
“No, I’ll go back now, are you going back too?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yeah, I’ll go back too, just as you didn’t go back, I’ll send it back to you!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu walked to his car, opened the car, and shouted to Ran Qiuye:
“What are you thinking? Teacher Ran, get in the car?”
Only then did Ran Qiuye wake up in a daze, and then came to He Yuzhu:
“Brother He, is this (Nuo’s) your car?”
He Yuzhu nodded:

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