The big leader sighed and said:
“If I hadn’t known you, I would have thought you were a spy from another country.
Yes, you are right. Weak countries have no diplomacy. Now, to many countries, we are a fragrant fat, but now we are still suffering from humiliation. Fortunately, there are many countries, otherwise, our country would have been eaten by people.
And our country now owes a lot of things, otherwise, there will be no one who wants to eat us! ”
He Yuzhu knows which country the leader is talking about. Before this, the development and construction of the country borrowed a lot of things.
Now some countries don’t want to let their country die directly, otherwise, they will not be able to get back what they invested in.
This is such a balance, allowing the country to survive in the cracks.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I know, but if our country also has such weapons, I believe that other countries will have to think about it if they target our country again!”
The big leader nodded:
“Your idea is right, and I think so too, but now our country has nothing, we can only take it slowly!
However, if you can really do this, you will have done a great job! ”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“What’s wrong? As long as our family can be strong!”
The big leader nodded:
“Yes, after our country becomes stronger, we won’t be like this. By the way, I heard Lao Yang say that your factory is now training tractor drivers?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“That’s right, isn’t it going to be spring farming soon? When I invented the tractor last year, I just wanted to speed up the speed and efficiency of farming.
If you don’t use it, wouldn’t your previous inventions and efforts be in vain? ”
Great leader:
“Yes, your idea is very good. If it can be successful, our country’s agriculture will develop by leaps and bounds.
I will also report your suggestion according to what you said last year.up! ”
He Yuzhu knew that the matter was almost the same this year. The reduction in food production in the past few days would cause many people to starve to death.
But if you use drip irrigation and mechanical planting yourself, it will reduce production and greatly increase the planting area. I think it should be relieved.
He Yuzhu will not reveal the future events, after all, this matter is too unbelievable.
Just when He Yuzhu was talking with the big leader, Director Yang, who was next to him, knew that He Yuzhu was indeed talented.
These things, I have no way to open my mouth. If you want to manage a rolling mill, Director Yang is more than enough.
But if you let yourself go to the ruling side, you probably won’t be able to do it.
After all, he doesn’t have the ability of He Yuzhu, and he doesn’t have the vision of He Yuzhu.
At this time, the secretary of the leader came in:
“Leader? V, you want someone to come here!”
The big leader said excitedly:
“Quick, quick, please come in!”
After speaking, the big leader stood up and went out, and He Yuzhu also went out.
The leader came in with a middle-aged man wearing glasses:
“Professor Huang, this is He Yuzhu!”
Then the big leader introduced:
“Zhuzi, Professor Huang is Dean Deng’s apprentice, and now he is Dr. Qian’s assistant, specializing in the study of atomic bombs!”
Looking at He Yuzhu’s age, Professor Huang frowned slightly. Professor Huang knew that the atomic bomb is now the best technology in the world. How could He Yuzhu’s age be researched by such a young man?
When He Yuzhu saw Professor Huang’s expression, he knew what was going on.
So He Yuzhu took out the information he derived and handed it to Professor Huang:
“Professor Huang, look at this first, and then talk!”
Professor Huang is also a pragmatic person, picking up documents and looking at the spear.
However, as Professor Huang watched, Professor Huang was very shocked. The previous materials were similar to those studied by himself and others.
And the details are clearer. Looking at this document, many things that Professor Huang couldn’t understand, he figured out by himself.
The things behind are all conjectures by everyone, but seeing the things behind He Yuzhu, and various data and inferences, Professor Huang was very shocked: “This is what you came up with?
Chapter 241: Director Yang’s Worries
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I came through S’ii, and I know that nuclear reactions produce a lot of energy through fission, but there are a lot of isotopes in it.
It is very troublesome to extract, so I designed three extraction methods, as well as security, which is very accurate.
But I designed the link of the channel to be sustainable, ignited by a controllable firing pin…”
As He Yuzhu spoke, he explained the main points.
Professor Huang listened and asked, and continued to talk from the afternoon to the evening.
At this time, the two found that it was getting dark, and Professor Huang praised:
“I really listen to your words, it’s better to read ten years of books, no, even if you study for another ten years, you won’t be able to learn these things.
It is true that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and each generation is stronger than the previous generation. By the way, where did you study abroad! ”
The big leader smiled and said:
“Professor Huang, you forgot. I told you that this He Yuzhu has only a junior high school education and has never been abroad!”
“What? With a junior high school education, you can complete this, you know? Not to mention other people’s investment in the early stage, our country’s investment will not be less than one billion. And that’s it, we haven’t started yet, we are still thinking about how to separate and purification stage.
And the information that He Yuzhu informed us, as long as we are not fools, follow the above steps to test.
In less than 307-years, we can make an atomic bomb! ”
Hearing Professor Huang’s words, the leaders were very shocked:
“real or fake? ”
Professor Huang said:
“Is it true or false? Am I lying to you about this?
To know about this matter, I didn’t believe it at first, but with this information, I believe there will be no problem.
By the way, big leader, you have to call the security bureau. I need the highest-grade escort. If this information goes wrong halfway, it will not work. Also, He Yuzhu notified that the atomic bomb was researched, and I cannot tell anyone about it. I am afraid that countries that do not have the atomic bomb will know about it.
At that time, it will bring danger to He Yuzhu’s notification! ”
The leader asked:
“Aren’t you going to recruit Comrade He Yuzhu to your unit?”
Professor Huang shook his head:
“Our unit is the research on atomic bombs. Now that we have this information, we don’t need it at all. If there is anything we don’t understand.
I’ll just ask him again. I asked him just now, and Comrade He Yuzhu has other researches.
(bgag) Especially the intercontinental missile he proposed, which is something that the whole world does not have.
I hope his talent is in a new field, not a place where he knows how to do it.
As for He Yuzhu’s treatment, I will talk to my mentor, and the mentor will talk to the big boss.
As for the treatment, let’s talk about it when the time comes. The most important thing now is to protect this information and go to our research base! ”
Hearing Professor Huang’s words, the leader knew that this thing was really important. The leader used a red telephone. This phone was installed in the leader’s home, and he used force less than three times. This is the third time, the big leader dialed the phone, said a few words, a few peopleI don’t understand, He Yuzhu knows that this is a secret language.
is a way to worry about monitoring.
Then a few people waited at home, and the leader said:
“It’s getting late, you can leave after eating at my house!”
Professor Huang shook his head:
“You don’t have to eat today, let’s go another day, it’s amazing that you can find this genius.
Unexpectedly, there is such a genius in a small factory.
Unfortunately, his goal is bigger than I imagined. Our research center cannot accommodate him. Otherwise, I will pull him into our research center.
He Yuzhu knew that this thing is a shock and deterrent effect, and the principle is very simple, it can’t be done because this thing is too dangerous.
However, the method I proposed, and the method of making it, is the safest method.
And in many places, they have made corresponding adjustments to radiation, otherwise, these people will definitely sacrifice their lives because of radiation in the future.
However, regarding quality issues, He Yuzhu still has confidence in the things made in his own country.
He said that the quality of the cars he built later, even the cars of later generations, are not as good as the ones that appear today.
You must know that the car He Yuzhu is driving now has a special steel casing. Even if it hits a stone, it will be smashed by a stone, but the car has nothing to do with it. After hearing Professor Huang’s words, I also know that He Yuzhu is not a petty man, and the country’s annual defense expenditure is only 5.8 billion, and the investment in atomic bombs is almost 1 billion. It can be seen how amazing this thing is, and the information given by He Yuzhu can save almost tens of billions.
This credit is no small feat.
And He Yuzhu doesn’t know how serious this matter is. Now He Yuzhu just wants to quickly increase the speed of the country’s development, so that his country can quickly catch up with other countries. After all, the country has just been established, and its industrial construction is hundreds of years behind other countries.
In order to recover this gap, it takes a lot of people’s efforts.
Having your own deduction system is equivalent to giving the country a strategy, and having a strategy can save countless time and financial resources.
Just when a few people were talking and admiring He Yuzhu, people from the Security Bureau came, and they were still fully armed with real guns and ammunition.
Looking at these people, He Yuzhu knew that these people were all battle-hardened people, although they did not kill as much as him. But it’s the one who actually killed people.
Several people protected Professor Huang and left. Seeing Professor Huang leaving, He Yuzhu was taken aback:
“Oops, I forgot something!”
The leader asked:
“whats the matter? ”
He Yuzhu talked about his own development of firearms, and then talked about his thoughts again.
The leader said;
“Your idea is good, this thing must be controlled by the state, and the firearms you designed are so powerful.
It has to be in the hands of the state. It’s okay, I will communicate with the above at this time! ”
He Yuzhu asked:
“What about the military over there?”
The leader said:
“Don’t worry about this, I’ll do it, you don’t have to worry about it!”
And Director Yang said by the side:
“Big leader, that’s fine, but in our steel mill, we’ve contributed people, and we’ve contributed money!
Chapter 242: He Yuzhu, who attaches great importance to love and righteousness
The big leader said to Director Yang:
“I know this, and I won’t let your rolling mill suffer. He Yuzhu is like this now, and he will invent it in the future. I also know that it’s not that simple.
I have also considered the things you mentioned to me last time. Yes, we do need to build a large, hidden and safe test base.
The rolling mill is indeed inconvenient, but there is a place, it is indeed possible, but in that place, I don’t know the attitude of the above.

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