Then a few people helped He Yuzhu get the food, and then a few people (good Zhao) started to eat.
After eating, the eldest mother cleaned up the dishes and went back with the uncle.
He Yuzhu asked the old lady:
“Grandma, are you really not going back with me?”
The old lady shook her head:
“Don’t go back, I’m living in this compound, you go back!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Come, then grandma, I’m still the same as before. I’ll come back in the morning, noon and night to cook for you, if I don’t have time. Let the aunt cook for you, okay? ”
The old lady smiled happily and said:
“Good good!”
He Yuzhu said to the old lady:
“Then I went back with Rain first?”
The old lady nodded:
“En, go back, I’m fine!”
He Yuzhu looked at the old lady’s body and knew that the old lady was fine, and then asked He Yuyu:
“Rain, are you going back?”?
Chapter 256: The change of sticks [5 more for automatic]
He Yuyu nodded:
“go back!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s go!”
The two packed up and prepared to leave the courtyard and return to their own home.
At this moment, the stick stopped the two. He Yuzhu saw the stick in front of him. If it was just now, He Yuzhu didn’t know the stick in front of him.
But after Jia Zhang’s and Qin Huairu’s performance, He Yuzhu knew that this was a stick.
He Yuzhu asked lightly:
“Bang Terri, what else do you have to do!”
Stick Terrier looked at He Yuzhu and said:
“I want to make a deal with you!”
He Yuzhu looked at the stick and asked:
“You don’t hate me anymore?”
Stick Terrier shook his head:
“Hate, but now I hate my grandma even more!”
He Yuzhu looked at the stick in front of him, and then smiled contemptuously:
“Bang Terri, you think too much, I don’t want to do any business with you, nor do I do business with anyone with bad character.
Even if this transaction gives me a lot of things for me, I will not do it.
I don’t know what you think of me, but three months ago, how did I treat you and your family?
You all know that, and I don’t have any thoughts about your mother. As for not helping your family, I don’t know if you have heard of it.
The first is that your mother’s salary is enough for your family to live, and the second is that when I helped your family, there were rumors from someone who said that your mother and I were unclear.
I have also reached the age to find a wife, and your family is able to survive. Although you can’t eat a lot of meat, at least you can survive in this era, and you will definitely be hungry if you are hungry. But many places starve to death, let alone hungry, so I won’t help your family.
I don’t want to have anything to do with your family, especially your mother.
But I didn’t expect that I helped your family for three years, in exchange for the hatred of your family.
I can’t understand this, so I don’t want to have any relationship with you, because you don’t know how to be grateful and you don’t deserve it! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Bang Terrier was very angry. In Bang Terrier’s eyes, He Yuzhu was a real humiliation.
Stick Terrier said viciously:
“Silly Zhu, you forced me, don’t regret it then!”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Bangjie, don’t say that you are not yet an adult now, even if you are an adult, I am not afraid of you, don’t say it is you, that is, your whole family is in my eyes, just like the ants. In your heart, maybe I’m still from before. That idiot, but my current identity and status, if your mother is willing to tell you, you can ask your mother. If your mother doesn’t want to tell you, you can ask, if you are mature .
If you are still a child, then I advise you to study hard, because only by knowing more knowledge and culture can you go further! After He Yuzhu finished speaking, he ignored the constantly changing face, and drove away.
Looking at He Yuzhu who was driving away, Bang Terrier was very angry and shocked. Is this the stupid Zhu he knew?
How can you drive, whose car is that car? What the hell does he do?
Bang Terrier was very shocked at this time. He hadn’t come back for two months, so he didn’t know how he changed.
Silly Zhu is not at home, what are you doing here?
Why didn’t the people in the compound dare to talk about him anymore? I remembered that people in the compound wanted to bully He Yuzhu.
These sticks don’t know, but sticks returned to his home and saw his mother sitting on the kang.
Bang Teng looked at Qin Huairu and said to Qin Huairu:
“Mom, I have something to ask you!”
Qin Huairu saw the appearance of the stick, and then nodded:
“Okay, say it!”
(bgag) Stick Terrier asked:
“How did the silly column change? And there are cars. What happened during my absence?”
Qin Huairu asked anxiously:
“Bang Terri, don’t you still want to take revenge on He Yuzhu? Bang Terri, Mom please, don’t provoke him.
He didn’t do anything wrong, he just wanted to find a wife, your mother and I just couldn’t be reconciled. I wasn’t reconciled that such a good food stamp was gone.
The hardest three years, without you Uncle He, let alone you, our whole family would not survive.
Since you left, your Uncle He has cut off contact with our family, not to mention helping, he just doesn’t talk much anymore, and then…??.?.”
Qin Huairu talked about He Yuzhu and her family’s affairs, and then said earnestly to the stick:
“Bang Terri, don’t do stupid things, but He Yuzhu has warned me and your grandma several times that you won’t be allowed to steal any more.
And if he finds someone stealing his things, no matter who it is, he will call the police, but we didn’t expect that He Yuzhu would really do that.
So you will be…?.??”
Speaking of which, Qin Huairu can’t go on anymore. Now Qin Huairu is a little regretful. If she manages her son well, then her son will not be like this. At this time, the stick terrier said to Qin Huairu:
“Mom, why are you so stupid!”
Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, and looked at her son Bang Terri in disbelief.
Stick Terrier looked at his mother, and then said to his mother:
“Mom, think about it, is Uncle He developed now?”
Qin Huairu thought about it for a while, then nodded, agreeing with Bangjie’s words.
Stick Terrier said to Qin Huairu:
“Mom, does this compound think that Uncle He will be invincible after he develops, and even think that Uncle He will come down in a few days?”
Qin Huairu nodded:
“Yes, I’ve heard of it several times, but I haven’t come down yet!”
The stick continues to analyze:
“That’s right, there are so many people in this compound, Xu Damao, the second master, the first master, which one is worse than Uncle He?
Why is Uncle He the only one who triple jumped, and the others aren’t even team leaders?
It’s not because of Uncle He’s ability, why do you want to get along with Uncle He?
What you have to do now is to support Uncle He. No matter what Uncle He is, in the eyes of others, you must become Uncle He’s confidant and Uncle He’s own person. ”
Qin Huairu looked at the stick curiously and asked:
“Bang Terri, are you okay? Why do you say that? Bang Terrier, did He Yuzhu beat you? I’ll go find him?”
After he was about to go out, Bang Terri stopped Qin Huairu:
“Mom, why are you so stupid, let me ask you…”?
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Seven: The mother and son of the sticks visit the prison [1 more automatic]
“It’s Uncle He who ignores you, but if other people think Uncle He and you are reconciled, what do other people think?
By the name of Uncle He, whether you are in a courtyard house or a rolling mill, no one will bully you.
And it will curry favor with you? ”
Hearing Bangjie’s words, Qin Huairu was taken aback for a moment, then asked:
“Bang Terri, how did you know this!”
Thinking of the humiliation in the juvenile detention center and the things he had learned, Bangjie said:
“This is what I learned in juvenile management!”
good, Bang Terri recognized the boss in the juvenile management office, and for the boss, Bang Terri was licking the sky.
For other people, the stick is a fox and a tiger, otherwise, the stick is even more miserable than it is now.
This is the way the sticks learned to live in the world.
If He Yuzhu was still a cook, Bangjie would definitely not do this.
But now He Yuzhu, in the juvenile management center, is equivalent to the boss, and Bang Terri naturally knows what to do.
Moreover, he kept shouting like Uncle He, not a fool anymore!
Qin Huairu asked:
“You don’t hate your Uncle He anymore?”
Stick Terrier said confidently:
“Hate, but since he is stronger than you and can protect you, what about hatred? We don’t want to survive, we depend on the strong. It’s what we must do to survive!” Qin Huairu asked:
“But now He Yuzhu is ignoring us!”
Stick Terrier said:
“That’s his business. What we have to do is to let others know that Uncle He is not only not targeting us, but also treating us well!”
Qin Huairu nodded:
“Okay, what should I do?”
Bangjie knew that the rest was his mother’s business. As for himself, he could only wait.
Qin Huairu said:
“I’m going to see your grandma, are you going?”
Bang Terri thought that his current appearance was his grandmother’s fault, and then nodded:

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