“You’re all back, how is the receipt?”
Everyone no longer pays attention to He Yuzhu’s affairs. Anyway, He Yuzhu has the ability…  
“How can there be any receipt of goods? There are people all over the mountains and plains, all digging wild vegetables. We are okay, and some people are fighting because of wild vegetables!”
“Yeah, we are all from the same compound, and we are all humble to each other. There are many fights in other places!”
“That’s right, if it wasn’t for the police, I would have killed everyone!”
Everyone, you talked about what happened today.
He Yuyu only knew at this time that the world is so bad now.
– Uncle sighed:
“Hey, I don’t know when this day will end!”
Everyone was silent. In fact, everyone hadn’t said that there were not many wild vegetables on the mountain. Some people even started to dig grass, and brought back all the grass roots.
The uncle said:
“This is the first month. After this month, when the food is distributed next month, each family should calculate what they eat.
Eat less to avoid starvation, but if you don’t plan to eat, you might die! ”
Hearing the uncle’s words, everyone fell silent.
Yes, if you plan to eat, you will starve every day, but no one will die. If you don’t plan to eat, you may starve to death. Just like this month, everyone basically takes one month’s rations for half a month. all eaten.
Now there is no food for sale anywhere. Not everyone can afford chicken and fish like He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu said to the crowd:
“Okay, it’s getting late. Let’s all go back. I’m going to cook for the old lady. The old lady is probably hungry!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu also left, everyone look at me, I look at you, and then they all went home.
As for what to eat tomorrow, we can only wait until tomorrow. .
Chapter 28+9: How much food is left [4]
When He Yuzhu entered the old lady’s room, the old lady sighed pitifully and said:
“Hey, what will we do in the future?”He Yuzhu looked at the old lady and asked:
“Grandma, what’s the matter? What should I do?”
The old lady said to He Yuzhu:
“It’s just grain, we don’t sell grain anymore!”
He Yuzhu said to the old lady:
“Grandma, don’t worry about this, although I can’t control everyone, but grandma, you will definitely not be hungry.
Look, what did I bring you today? Chicken and fish, I will stew fish for you, stew chicken to eat! ”
The old lady asked He Yuzhu:
“Silly pillar, you have also stocked up on food!”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“I’ve already asked my aunt to stock up on grain, how could I not stock up a little bit, and all I stock up is refined grain.
Enough for the three of us! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the old lady sighed and said:
“Our family is fine, but how do other people live!”
He Yuzhu said:
“In this case, the country will definitely find a way!”
The old lady thought for a while, then said:
“Well, we can’t control 16, but the country will definitely find a way!”
What the old lady didn’t know was that all other countries were in trouble, and there was no country to help.
And He Yuzhu also knew about this, so he used someone else’s name to get some food for the country.
But now a few people have just passed, and the country still has a large grain reserve. As for the people who are starving now, those who have nothing to eat, they simply deserve it.
As long as you plan to eat the grain sold by the state, you can’t have nothing to eat, you can only have enough to eat.
Now He Yuzhu doesn’t want to worry about it. Looking at the third master, he can even put out half a catty.
He Yuzhu started to cook for the old lady. At this time, Liu Haizhong came over and saw He Yuzhu was cooking.
He said to He Yuzhu:
“Zhuzi, can you sell me some food, I don’t have anything to eat at home!”
He Yuzhu said to Liu Haizhong:
“I do have this grain now, but all I have left are refined grains, not coarse grains. If I give it to you, the old lady will be hungry in a few days. I can’t give you the grain, but I can sell you one when I fish tomorrow. fish.
As for whether it’s enough to eat or not, that’s none of my business! ”
Liu Haizhong said in embarrassment:
“Sell it?”
He Yuzhu looked at Liu Haizhong and asked:
“What? Don’t want to buy it? Forget it, it just so happens that I don’t have to go fishing tomorrow!”
When Liu Haizhong heard it, is this okay?
“No, no, buy buy buy, how many can you buy?”
He Yuzhu said:
“One for each family. I’ll see how much I can catch tomorrow. If there is more, each family can buy one more, and if there is less, forget it!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Liu Haizhong knew that there were not many, and there were quite a few fishing now. At this time, no matter what to eat. There are people who do it, as long as they can fill their stomachs.
In fact, He Yuzhu is not bad for these few fish money, but now He Yuzhu knows that if he gave it to them, they would not cherish it at all. They even think they deserve it, and when they don’t give it, they will hate themselves instead.
So He Yuzhu took money from them symbolically, but for He Yuzhu, it was symbolic.
But with others, it’s not symbolic anymore.
That’s more expensive than the market price. He Yuzhu doesn’t want to raise some white-eyed wolves.
Knowing that he couldn’t take advantage of it, Liu Haizhong nodded:
“Okay, then I’ll be here tomorrow!”
He Yuzhu nodded, Liu Hai waited for a while, and seeing that He Yuzhu hadn’t let himself eat here, he had to leave in despair.
After watching Liu Haizhong leave, He Yuyu saw that Liu Haizhong was leaving, and then said excitedly:
“Brother, it’s obvious that Liu Haizhong came here to eat rice, why didn’t you stay?”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“Why should I keep him, leave him to report me? It’s a blessing if I can sell him a fish tomorrow.
I still want to eat here, what are you thinking? ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, He Yuyu nodded:
“En, I don’t want to have dinner with him either, this person is too fake!”
The predecessor He Yuzhu was unwilling to associate with Liu Haizhong, so after He Yuzhu became an official, Liu Haizhong went to report He Yuzhu. Unexpectedly, not only did it fail, but I also got myself in.
Since that incident, although He Yuzhu didn’t target him, he didn’t want to have anything to do with him either.
Since the last time he apologized to He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu asked Ma Hua to spread the word, saying that he didn’t want to pay attention to Liu Haizhong.
No one bothered Liu Haizhong in the rolling mill, but no one was willing to take care of Liu Haizhong.
Now that no one has cleaned himself up, Liu Haizhong is not begging to go back to the past.
Because Liu Haizhong knew that the rest had nothing to do with He Yuzhu. Although he was isolated, it was already fine that no one would take care of him. He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, don’t talk about him, wait for me, I’ll go cook!”
After Liu Haizhong came back, the second aunt looked at Liu Haizhong and asked:
“How about her father? What does Zhuzi say?”
Liu Haizhong said:
“Tomorrow he will go fishing, and then he can sell us one!”
The second aunt asked suspiciously:
“Then can he catch it? You must know that many people in 337 went fishing today, and there are not many that can be caught. They are not as good as digging wild vegetables!”
Liu Haizhong shook his head:
“I don’t know either, let’s see tomorrow!”
The Second Aunt continued to ask:
“Then does he have food?”Liu Haizhong nodded:
“Yes, but his grain is all refined grain, and if he sells it to others, the old lady will not be able to eat for a few days.
Forget it, we can’t afford to offend the old lady, and no one can sell food now, so let’s find a way to spend the past two weeks! ”
The second aunt nodded and said nothing.
Others are living their lives behind closed doors, and everyone is not very well.
But this has nothing to do with He Yuzhu. After He Yuzhu and the old lady ate and waited on the old lady to sleep, they went back with He Yuyu. On the way, He Yuyu asked He Yuzhu:
“Brother, how much food do we have at home?”
He Yuzhu looked at He Yuyu and asked:
“Why are you asking this? You won’t be hungry anyway, just go to school!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, He Yuzhu pouted unhappily. He Yuzhu knew that his sister was carefree. It is impossible to say when this matter will be said, so He Yuzhu did not talk to He Yuyu at all. .
Chapter 290: Director Yang’s helplessness
After arriving home, He Yuzhu urged He Yuyu to practice, study and sleep.
The next day, He Yuzhu knew that He Yuyu didn’t have to go to class, but he had to go to work.
He Yuzhu made breakfast for his sister and left after eating breakfast.
In this day and age, who dares to eat breakfast is too extravagant, most people have two meals.
Eat a meal individually, because there is no food left.
He Yuzhu put the meat away as usual, but it was the reduced meat, not the 50,000 jins before.
It’s the 30,000 jins after the reduction, but that’s it, everyone is thinking of He Yuzhu’s goodness.
After all, it is very rare to be able to eat some oil and water in the factory like this.
Just as He Yuzhu walked into the factory, he saw Director Yang waiting for He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu asked Director Yang:
“Director, wait for me?”
Director Yang nodded:
“En, wait for you, there is something I want to discuss with you!”

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