“Swearing? Tell me about you, the first day I came here, I was afraid that the government would not be able to give you food in time, so I came over and gave you some food.
Later, I learned that all the governments have distributed food relief, and you will not starve to death.
Now I’m here to take a look. You ask me if I have anything to eat. I’m not your parent, so why should I give you something to eat?
how? I, He Yuzhu, is easy to bully? Or am I, He Yuzhu, the landlord?
You want to have all the landlords and divide the land. Sorry, my He Yuzhu family has three generations of farm laborers, and they don’t have a single land! ” After he finished speaking, He Yuzhu walked directly towards the courtyard.
He Yuzhu’s aura is not comparable to that of the uncle. Although He Yuzhu did not manage too many people, He Yuzhu killed too many creatures.
The imposing manner of the iron-blooded killing (bgag) was not something that ordinary people could resist. Everyone subconsciously made way for He Yuzhu.
When He Yuzhu entered the yard, he saw that his house was still the same as before, in a mess. Looking at the people who followed him, He Yuzhu snorted coldly and said nothing. Then went directly to the uncle’s house.
The eldest and the eldest have almost cleaned up the house of the uncle, and there is still a house that has not collapsed.
He Yuzhu suppressed the anger in his heart, and then asked his aunt:
“Big Mom, what are you missing?”
The eldest mother shook her head:
“For the time being, there is still no shortage. Many things have been packed out. Fortunately, it is not winter, and it is not so cold. We have found out the bedding and so on.
How did you deal with those people outside? ”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“A group of white-eyed wolves, don’t worry about them, my family is like that, and no one is going to help me clean up. I’m here and I still have face and food to eat.
They are used to it. If they had known earlier, the food from the day before yesterday should not have been given to them.
Better to feed dogs than to feed them! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s anger, the aunt sighed and did not speak. What these people did, even the aunt couldn’t stand it anymore.
I don’t even know what to say.
And the people outside followed He Yuzhu, and after hearing what He Yuzhu said, they were unwilling:
“He Yuzhu, what are you talking about? Feeding the dog is better than giving it to us. What’s wrong with us?”
He Yuzhu couldn’t help it when he heard what the outsiders said. He Yuzhu strode out:
“Who spoke just now?”
At this time, no one stood up, and none of them made a sound. He Yuzhu said loudly to these people:
“First, I don’t owe you anything, favors, money, or anything else, I don’t owe you anything!
Second, what relationship do I have with you, relatives, father and son, all right?
Third, why should I give you food? ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, one of them said loudly:
“Then why are we going to starve if you eat so well alone?”
When He Yuzhu saw a young man talking in the crowd, He Yuzhu rushed into the crowd in an instant. Before these people could react, he arrested the person who just spoke. This person thought that he was among the crowd, so that He Yuzhu could not find himself, and he did not expect to be caught directly by He Yuzhu.
This stern voice said:
“He Yuzhu, what are you doing?”
He Yuzhu looked at this person and said to this person:
“What are you doing? Don’t you know? Wasn’t what you said just now very reasonable?
Today I will tell you, apart from this person, does anyone else have a different opinion? ”
After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone stopped talking. He Yuzhu looked at this person and said to this person:
“You want to know, why am I so full? I’ll tell you about it today.
First, I am good at cooking. There are too many people who want to eat my cooking, and I am capable.
Second, I can invent tractors, I can invent washing machines, I can invent televisions, radios, kettles, etc.
Third, my salary is high, and I just got married, so naturally I can eat whatever I want.
how? Are you not convinced? You can do better than me, and you can be like me.
Also, why are you not getting enough to eat? Ask you, what have you done, why should you be full.
Let’s not talk about the present, let’s talk about the past, you people, if there is one person who has good thoughts, when I He Yuzhu is down, give me a hand, and I will not watch you starve.
Brother Jia, Qin Huairu’s deceased husband, gave me and my sister a few meals before getting married.
I raised his wife and children for three years. This is my repayment from He Yuzhu.
The old lady took care of how many times our brothers and sisters took care of us. She even found a job for me, arranged a job for my sister, and used the rest of the food to improve the meals for our brothers and sisters.
I, He Yuzhu, have the ability. In the future, the old lady will come to take care of her for the elderly. This is my style, He Yuzhu.
As for you? What did you help me, He Yuzhu?
ah? You talk, come, talk and I will listen! “?
the firstFour hundred and nineteenth chapter: He Yuzhu’s anger and visit [Subscribe]
Hearing He Yuzhu’s question, everyone fell silent.
Seeing everyone’s expressions, He Yuzhu looked at the person he had caught and asked:
“Come on, say, why should I give you something to eat, just because I eat well, I will give it to you? The food is much better, why don’t you go and ask them.
People from abroad eat well, why don’t you ask for it?
What, is it written on my forehead, He Yuzhu, that I will be bullied, so you want to come and bully me? ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the person who pulled it out just now stopped talking.
He Yuzhu asked that person:
“Didn’t you say something really powerful just now? Why don’t you say anything now? ~Tell me?”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, that person didn’t know what to say?
He Yuzhu let go of this person, and then said to the crowd:
“I have a good heart, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. What I give you to eat is a love, and it’s a duty not to give it to you.
At this time, the ones I brought are enough for the whole family to eat for more than a month.
In my plan, it is enough for you to eat for three days.
But as for you, you don’t have to think about it at all, you’ll have almost enough for one meal.
You have to blame yourself for this. The country’s food and food are much more than mine, He Yuzhu.
If you can’t get enough to eat, you go to the country to ask for it. What kind of skill do you have with me, He Yuzhu.
What kind of ability is it to bully me, He Yuzhu! ”
Everyone bowed their heads, and He Yuzhu knew that he couldn’t say more.
With a cold snort, he left here.
He Yuzhu knew that the eldest man and the eldest mother had nothing missing, so he left nothing.
Because He Yuzhu knows that these people are all staring at him, and now what is left for the eldest man and the eldest mother, it will harm them both. So he didn’t leave anything, but drove to Han Chunming’s house.
When I arrived at Han Chunming’s house, I found Han’s mother. Han Chunming’s house was okay. The house was very small. Fortunately, nothing happened during the earthquake. After all, the courtyard house where Han Chunming lived was relatively small, with a total of twenty or thirty people.
And there’s nothing messy yet.
He Yuzhu knocked on the door. After Mother Han came out, she saw He Yuzhu and said with a smile:
“It turns out that the pillar is coming 1”
He Yuzhu said to Mother Han:
“Eldest sister, I’m here to see you, there’s no damage to your family in this earthquake, right?”
Mother Han smiled and shook her head:
“No, we don’t have anything to do at home. Look, you need to worry about my family’s affairs!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Chunming is my apprentice. The truth is that he is most worried about you. I’ll come and see if there is something missing in your house, eldest sister?” Mother Han said politely:
“No, no one is rich now!”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“It’s alright, didn’t I tell you when Chunming was here? I don’t lack anything at home, and I can’t finish all kinds of food. No, I brought you a bag of rice and a bag of noodles, you eat first It’s not enough to tell me, I’ll send it to you again!” Mother Han said quickly:
“Oh, but no need, little five sons study with you. I feel guilty for not being able to give anything. Now you are giving me something back. No, no, there is no reason to go anywhere!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, eldest sister, it’s fine, although we don’t have any contacts, but eldest sister, you can teach Chunming so benevolence and righteousness.
It’s worth it, you should take it as loan from me, and when Chunming comes back later, when Chunming grows up, let Chunming pay me back! After speaking, He Yuzhu got into his car, took out two bags of grain, and sent it to Mother Han to the house.
Seeing that Mother Han was still pulling and pulling, He Yuzhu said:
“Sister, don’t do this, let others see it, I don’t know how to explain it.
These things are things that other people can’t get, so you can take them!
There was no other way, so Mother Han had to say:
“Then thank you, Master Zhuzi!”
He Yuzhu waved his hand and went directly to Mr. Guan’s house.
When he arrived at Mr. Guan’s house, He Yuzhu waited for the food and wine to enter Mr. Guan’s compound.
When Mr. Guan saw He Yuzhu coming, he was very happy:
“You kid is here!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Isn’t it busy the day before yesterday? I came to see and I didn’t keep talking with you. I just finished my work, come and accompany the old man!”
Master Guan nodded:
“Although your kid has a conscience, I don’t know what happened to that kid Chunming?”
?… ask for flowers 0…
He Yuzhu said:
“Master, don’t worry, Chunming is so shrewd, he’ll be fine outside!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Mr. Guan nodded:
“Well, what you said makes sense. Since you brought good wine, let’s have a good drink!”
He Yuzhu knew that the old man ate the good fortune pill he gave, and his body was naturally fine, and the wine he brewed was different from other wines. If you drink your own wine, it is only good for the body, not bad.
So He Yuzhu didn’t stop him either. He drank with the old man for a while and then left.
Back home, Mu Qingxue asked He Yuzhu:
“How about it?”
He Yuzhu told Mu Qingxue what happened today.
After Mu Qingxue heard this, she was very shocked:
“There are such shameless people!”
He Yuzhu nodded.:
“Isn’t it? I didn’t expect that these people would be like this!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“In the future, try to avoid contact with them as much as possible, but you said that Xu Damao and Qin Huairu did not participate?”

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