Therefore, He Yuzhu found the knight-errant type of exercise, and found the first-order top-level exercise, the Primordial Cultivation.
As a first-order top-level exercise, Hunyuan Gong can be cultivated to the second-order.
However, the training speed was too slow, so he was assigned to the top tier one.
There are so many exercises here, and most people don’t choose this. After all, it is better to increase the energy of assets and choose a higher-level exercise if you have time. He Yuzhu took Jiangnan Hunyuan Gong in his hand, and after reading the first floor, he began to practice.
Following He Yuzhu’s cultivation, just after practicing for a week, He Yuzhu suddenly felt…  
Chapter 430: Improve Strength [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu suddenly felt that the weak inner qi that he had just condensed was constantly running in his meridians.
It stands to reason that the speed should be very fast, but He Yuzhu felt that the speed was not fast at all.
But after a single thought, He Yuzhu knew that his inner qi revolved around tens of billions of days.
The weak inner qi became a turbulent river.
The meridians became very tough.
He Yuzhu feels that he is a combination of contradictions. He seems to have practiced for hundreds of years, but his feeling is a breath, a moment. My own understanding of Hunyuan Gong seems to have exceeded hundreds of years.
In just one breath, Hunyuan Gong was cultivated to the state of Great Perfection by himself.
He Yuzhu didn’t deduce Hunyuan Gong, but at that moment, He Yuzhu’s cultivation was already
It has reached the realm of the second-order peak.
He Yuzhu perceives his own cultivation, and knows that his realm is in his own world, which is regarded as the peak of cultivation of the day after tomorrow.
But there is nothing innate or acquired in this world, there are only first-order and second-order.
Because different cultivation systems are different, the strength is only defined according to the individual’s energy.
He Yuzhu had all the insights from the first to the ninth level of Hunyuan Gong in his mind.
Put the secret book in its original place, and after a few seconds, the Primordial Primordial Art was taken back.
After looking at the time, there was still time. He Yuzhu was not in a hurry to go back. After all, he was staring at him on the train now.
He Yuzhu intends to take this opportunity to learn other exercises and skills.
He Yuzhu found another book about getting started with magic.
He Yuzhu soon learned that to learn magic, he must learn to meditate, be able to gather spiritual power, and refine magical energy.
He Yuzhu has learned meditation, but it is still the same as before.
He Yuzhu’s spiritual power condensed into a crystal.
You must know that this is a requirement that only Tier 3 people can meet.
He Yuzhu began to learn magic, but at this time, He Yuzhu had not yet certified his professional level.
You can only learn first-level magic.
After learning all the first-order magics that can be learned.
He Yuzhu began to learn the exercises of other occupations.
With He Yuzhu’s continuous practice of skills and exercises to perfection, He Yuzhu’s learning and cultivation speed is getting faster and faster.
A day passed quickly, and He Yuzhu had learned most of the exercises and skills that he could learn.
And all the things learned have been realized to the perfect state under the passive skills of He Yuzhu’s explorer. After finishing his studies, He Yuzhu applied for a career promotion through the star.
He Yuzhu went to the place where he was promoted by himself, and soon he was promoted to the second-order professional.
After the promotion, He Yuzhu opened the library. The second-order skills and exercises in the library, He YuColumns can be borrowed.
Seven or eight days passed, and He Yuzhu knew what the people outside would say if he didn’t go out again.
A person can’t sleep for more than 20 hours, so He Yuzhu quit the game world.
After consciousness returned, He Yuzhu opened his eyes.
Seeing people entering the carriage, He Yuzhu looked at the people lying on the sleeper, but didn’t speak.
I got up and ate something, went to the toilet, and prepared to continue entering the game world.
Because He Yuzhu knew that it would take another day to get there.
And He Yuzhu’s strength has reached the third-order peak.
He Yuzhu intends to enter the game world, then continue the professional certification, and then improve his strength while he is not there. Just when He Yuzhu was about to enter the game world.
He Yuzhu heard several gunshots.
Even the person in the lower bunk heard this voice and was very anxious.
He Yuzhu planned to go out and see if he could help, just when He Yuzhu was getting ready.
My car was opened, and a few railway police officers came in under the leadership of a sassy and heroic woman.
“Everyone, hello everyone, now check a certificate!”
At this time, a person under He Yuzhu’s bunk:
“Comrade, what happened outside just now, we heard a burst of gunshots!”
The sassy and heroic woman said:
“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, what’s your name!”
“My name is Huo Xiaopeng, this is my certificate, letter of introduction!”
The woman asked He Yuzhu again:
He Yuzhu handed over his documents to this woman:
“Comrade, this is my certificate, this is my letter of introduction, my name is He Yuzhu!”
After speaking, he handed his things to this woman.
The woman checked and found no problems. The woman handed the documents to the two of He Yuzhu.
Then said:
“There is a spy in this car, and we subdued it just now. Try not to go out if you have nothing to do.
To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, you know! ”
Huo Xiaopeng nodded:
He Yuzhu also nodded:
He Yuzhu knew that since he came to check now, he didn’t need to do it himself, since he didn’t need to do it himself.
Then I don’t want to cause any trouble. After all, I’m busy looking for my sister.
He Yuzhu put away the documents, because if there is no such thing, it would be impossible to move in this era.
After finishing, He Yuzhu continued to enter the game world after 430.
The next day, He Yuzhu woke up and was very excited, because he had already certified the third-order professional medal.
And all the professions that he has chosen have reached the fourth rank.
This fourth-order is not ordinary, and the fourth-order already needs to comprehend the profound meaning.
Before Tier 4, as long as you have enough energy, there is no problem.
But after the fourth level, you need to comprehend.
And all the comprehension is not some kind of exercise, but all kinds of classics, in order to help third-order people comprehend the profound meaning.
However, He Yuzhu knew that as long as he comprehended a little of the profound meaning, he could fully comprehend the profound meaning through his own passiveness.
If you can’t comprehend the profound meaning, then the passive will not start, and it is useless at all.
But He Yuzhu is not mentally retarded. He Yuzhu has fully understood the profound meaning of wind, cloud, frost, fire, earth, and water. As for the other profound meanings, it was not that He Yuzhu could not comprehend it, but that it was time.
Because there are still a few minutes before the station, He Yuzhu has to look for his sister.
You can go to the game world at any time, but she is just such a younger sister.
He Yuzhu plans to find his sister before he leaves! .
Chapter 431: Fatty Wang’s sincerity 【Subscribe】
But now He Yuzhu’s strength is much more powerful, because He Yuzhu’s strength at this time has reached the fourth-order realm.
Moreover, He Yuzhu estimated that there was no creature that could be He Yuzhu’s opponent in this world at this time.
And after reaching the fourth rank, He Yuzhu also obtained the ability to forge the profound meaning.
Although He Yuzhu can’t see his lifespan, He Yuzhu knows that his lifespan has exceeded a thousand years, with the improvement of his strength. He Yuzhu’s lifespan will continue to improve.
Listening to the announcement on the radio, He Yuzhu knew that he would be there in an hour or two.
But this place is not to go to my sister’s place, but to a station, if I want to go to my sister’s side, I have to take a bus to go there.
He Yuzhu thought silently in his heart, hoping to meet a bus, otherwise, he was really afraid that he would not be able to find his sister.
Just as He Yuzhu was sitting and thinking about things, the man named Huo Xiaopeng who wore glasses on the bottom bunk said:
“Brother, are you going to the grassland too?”
He Yuzhu nodded and said nothing.
Huo Xiaopeng asked:
“Brother, do you often go out?”
At this time, He Yuzhu asked curiously:
“Oh, why do you say that?”
Huo Xiaopeng said:
“Because you can sleep too well, if it’s the first time you’re going out to take a train, you won’t be able to sleep so well!”
He Yuzhu smiled and shook his head when he heard Huo Xiaopeng’s words:
“No, this is my second time going out, and it’s also my second time taking a train, what do I do if I don’t sleep.
so longTime, if you don’t sleep, how much torment! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Huo Xiaopeng nodded:
“Also, I suffer so much every time. By the way, my name is Huo Xiaopeng. What’s your name?”
He Yuzhu said:
“My name is He Yuzhu, by the way, what are you doing in the prairie?”
Huo Xiaopeng Road?
“I just graduated this year. I went to find my cousin Huo Ling. They belong to the Xisha Archaeological Team, and I also want to join their archaeological team.
Didn’t you hear that they came to the prairie? I found it ‘T ”
When He Yuzhu heard it, he encountered the story of the ghost blowing the lamp before. Why is there such a thing as tomb robbery notes?
What kind of world is this, He Yuzhu doesn’t know.
But there are many extraordinary creatures in the plot of Tomb Raiders Notes.
But He Yuzhu didn’t plan to get involved in this matter, and he went there for the safety of his sister.
So He Yuzhu is not interested in this plot. After all, it is better to develop some technology to make money by robbing tombs.
And it’s dangerous and useless. For He Yuzhu, this danger is nothing at all.

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