Of course, I don’t recommend that you do that, but you can improve other animals, such as how to turn wool into sweaters, how to increase the production of sweaters, and how to increase the output of cattle. How to prevent disease, etc.
These are all things that you need to do. The so-called practice brings out true knowledge. You need to find problems in time and solve problems in practice.
This is what you really want to do! ”
After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone fell silent.
Hu Bayi didn’t think about this question either, but asked He Yuzhu:
“But eldest brother, why didn’t anyone tell us when we came?”
He Yuzhu said:
“If it were me, I wouldn’t tell you either, if I told you that, someone of you would definitely be holding this chicken feather as an arrow.
If you don’t work, you’ll make a fool of yourself in the countryside, and then the people in those places will be ruined for you.
You said, why should I tell you? ”
Everyone nodded, the previous example was the best example.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s go, there is still a long way to go!” The sky gradually brightened, and a dozen people walked all the way.
Everyone is immersed in the grief of losing their companions.
After an unknown amount of time, the sun was already hanging high in the sky.
Everyone had nothing to eat or drink, so He Yuyu said to He Yuzhu:
“Brother, I’m so hungry and thirsty!”
After hearing He Yuyu’s words, everyone looked at He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu said to He Yuyu:
“You have forgotten what I taught you before? What should you do in this situation?”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, He Yuyu thought of the survival method that his brother gave him before.
He Yuyu knew that in the morning, he would collect water here, but because He Yuzhu was here.
He Yuyu forgot about this:
“?v You’re here, I didn’t think about it so much, I didn’t do it!”
He Yuzhu rolled his eyes helplessly. He had water and food in his space, but He Yuzhu did not take it out.
There are so many people here, even their daughter-in-law and younger sister don’t know their golden fingers.
How could I be exposed in front of these people?
He Yuzhu Road;
“Want to eat?”
He Rain nodded.
When everyone heard the conversation between He Yuyu and He Yuzhu, they all looked at the two of them, wanting to know what to eat on this grassland? He Yuzhu let go of his consciousness and quickly found food elsewhere.
A few rabbits and a few snakes.
He Yuzhu said to several people:
“You guys find a place to rest, I’ll come when I go!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu went in the direction of the rabbit (okay).
To know He Yuzhu’s current strength, catching a few rabbits is not the same as playing.
Soon He Yuzhu caught seven rabbits and three snakes.
Then He Yuzhu walked back with the rabbit and the snake.
When everyone saw that He Yuzhu came back with something, He Yuzhu said to everyone:
“All right,Now let’s go find some dead branches! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone was very happy.
He Yuyu asked He Yuzhu:
“Brother, where did you get the rabbit?”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s not easy. There is nothing else on this grassland. Rabbits will definitely need a boat. You can see it if you pay attention, but the grass here is too deep to be discovered. Well, find firewood, and I will take you with me. Find a source of water!”
Following He Yuzhu’s words, He Yuyu asked:
“Brother, don’t we get rabbits to eat after we get the firewood?
Chapter 441: Encountering the Wolves 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu said to He Yuyu:
“How can we eat without water? Is it raw?”
He Yuyu heard what He Yuzhu said:
“Then why did you let them get firewood?”
He Yuzhu replied:
“There is a lot of dry wood around here, and when it’s near the water source, there won’t be that much dry wood!” The firewood collectors also went to collect firewood after hearing what He Yuzhu said.
I don’t want to eat raw meat, I have to roast it for a while!
So these people worked hard to pick up the firewood, and then wrapped the firewood with various things.
He Yuzhu felt that it was almost the same, so he continued to lead people forward, and soon everyone came to a river.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, let’s get some food here. After that, let’s go!”
After everyone finished eating the roasted rabbit and roasted snake, they collected some clear water from the river. Fortunately, most of the people here were waiting for the kettle, otherwise they would not be able to take the water away. After it was done, everyone moved on.
Because of the female classmates, everyone walked very slowly, and they didn’t get anywhere from dawn to dusk.
Seeing Ding Sitian being so thunderous, Wang Kaixuan had no choice but to ask He Yuzhu:
“Brother He, how far is it?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“I don’t know either. Tell everyone, don’t throw the firewood away. Let’s find a suitable place to light it and have a good rest!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Wang Kaixuan nodded:
“Hmm, men are okay, women are too tired!”
He Yuzhu nodded. Except for his sister, everyone among these people was very tired.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Alright, it’s alright to take a break!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Everyone sat down, lit the firewood, and then heated up the meat that had not been eaten before and began to eat. Ding Sitian came to He Yuyu’s side and asked He Yuyu;
“Rain, why aren’t you tired?”
He Yu said:
“I practiced martial arts with my brother before!”
Ding Sitian asked in shock:
“You and your brother still understand martial arts?”
He Yuyu nodded:
“Hmm, what? Didn’t I tell you?”
Ding Sitian shook her head, and He Yuyu smiled awkwardly:
“No one asked, I didn’t say it!”
Ding Sitian knew that He Yuyu was not such a cunning person, and nodded understandingly.
Just when everyone had finished eating and rested, one of them said:
“Then look, what is that green light?”
When everyone heard this, they all looked in the direction the person said just now.
He Yuzhu also saw that thing.
Then, looking at it, He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, and then said:
“This is a wolf, a coyote!”
Prairie wolf!
Everyone is in shock!
Because that green light is not one.
but dozens.
Hu Bayi:
“We have encountered a pack of wolves!”
Everyone panicked. You must know that He Yuzhu and He Yuyu are the only ones here.
The others are all weak scholars, how could they be the opponents of wolves, and they are still a pack of wolves.
At this moment, He Yuzhu said to He Yuyu:
“Rainwater, you are here to protect your classmates. I’ll go over and deal with them. If you let them come over, it is estimated that you will be injured!”
He Yuyu asked worriedly:
“Brother, are you alright!”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s okay, I can still deal with these wolves.”
After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone felt relieved. Since He Yuzhu said so, then there is no problem. After just one day of getting along, everyone took He Yuzhu as the backbone.
That’s why He Yuzhu said that, most people are less anxious.
He Yuzhu strode forward, and the wolves saw He Yuzhu rushing towards them.
Whoops (bgag)o
The wolf king commands the other wolves.
Countless wolves rushed towards He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu does not know how many wolves he has killed in the game world, and he knows the weaknesses of wolves very well. In the past, when it was less than the first order, He Yuzhu could kill the wolves to extinction.
Not to mention that the current He Yuzhu is a Tier 4 master.
He Yuzhu punched and kicked, and the prairie wolves did not get up after they fell one by one.
He Yuzhu’s strength shattered the wolf’s five internal organs through the wolf’s flesh.
The five internal organs were all broken, so how could the wolf survive.
Just a few face-to-face encounters, there are only five wolves left in the wolf pack of a few prairie wolves.
Among them, the four tall and mighty wolves were the guards of the wolf king, who looked at He Yuzhu with hatred.
The remaining four wolves did not attack, but kept whining and roaring at He Yuzhu. look at He YuzhuWith the remaining five wolves, He Yuzhu ignored it and rushed forward with great strides. Just as He Yuzhu rushed up, all five wolves attacked He Yuzhu. Since He Yuzhu continued to attack other wolves, the wolf king was not a coward either. The five wolves rushed towards He Yuzhu at different places, and He Yuzhu saw it here. Nodding secretly, it really wasn’t the wolf guard and the wolf king, they were much more organized than the prairie wolves just now. But in front of He Yuzhu, there are only rules and regulations.

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