Before, with Lou Xiaoe, now with Mu Qingxue, Ran Qiuye really loved He Yuzhu to the core.
Ran Qiuye pushed He Yuzhu and was very happy inside, but still complained:
“Oh, you’re wet, and your clothes are getting wet. How can you explain when Sister Qingxue comes back?”
He Yuzhu looked at the anxious Ran Qiuye and said with a smile:
“Isn’t this the dress I gave you before?”
Ran Qiuye said excitedly:
“Well, I just like what you gave me. I don’t know why. This dress is very comfortable to wear.”
Of course, He Yuzhu knew that it was comfortable. The clothes that his family wore were all the materials he made in the game world.
These fabrics are all made by drunkards in the game world, but they are all fabrics woven from silk threads spit by golden silkworms.
Then He Yuzhu used his top tailoring skills to make clothes for several people.
Although it is not as good as the appearance designed by foreign designers, in the subtleties, that is not what designers can achieve.
If a master tailor has really seen a few people wearing this dress, they will definitely admire it.
This dress is full of details, and it was specially tailored for Ran Qiuye.
How could it be uncomfortable? If you let other rich people know, it would be impossible for He Yuzhu to make a suit for every tens of millions of dollars.
The money of those consortiums is all digital, so for the sake of enjoyment, they can do anything.
However, He Yuzhu did not publicize this, nor did he talk to a few people about the importance of clothes. In He 430 Yuzhu’s heart, isn’t clothes what you wear? Looking at the anxious Ran Qiuye, thinking of what Ran Qiuye could do for himself, He Yuzhu did not continue to tease Ran Qiuye.
He Yuzhu wiped his body, then went to another room and took out a suit of clothes, which was actually taken by He Yuzhu in the game world.
But He Yuzhu doesn’t say that:
“Here, if I hadn’t been busy recently, this would have been sent to you long ago.
I’ve done it before, but I just haven’t had the time! ”
Ran Qiuye knows how busy He Yuzhu is. Ran Qiuye thought about He Yuzhu before, and came to see He Yuzhu several times.
Seeing He Yuzhu’s busy appearance, Ran Qiuye suppressed the longing in his heart, and then did not disturb He Yuzhu.
And He Yuzhu was in his own home, and Ran Qiuye had no hostility, so naturally he didn’t know.
Therefore, Ran Qiuye still believed He Yuzhu’s words.
Ran Qiuye was still very moved when he thought of He Yuzhu putting his clothes in his home.
Although Ran Qiuye and Mu Qingxue are both very beautiful, their bodies are still different.of.
Ran Qiuye also believed that He Yuzhu would not deceive himself.
Ran Qiuye generously changed his clothes in front of He Yuyu. After the change, the two talked about their lovesickness to each other. At this moment…
Chapter 445: Finally found someone to share with [Subscribe]
At this moment, Mu Qingxue’s car came back, and the sound of the car interrupted the two of them.
Ran Qiuye, who was in He Yuzhu’s arms, stood up immediately, far away from He Yuzhu, and gave He Yuzhu a look of reassurance.
After a while, Mu Qingxue took the dishes into the room, and said to the two sitting on the sofa:
“I am back!”
Then he said to He Yuzhu:
“Husband, when you’re back, let’s clean up the dust for you and take out some of your delicious wine, okay?”
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu knew that his daughter-in-law was trying to plot against him, and that Ran Qiuye had already told him. He Yuzhu didn’t want to spoil Mu Qingxue’s interest, so he nodded:
“Come on, I’ll get the food as soon as it’s ready!”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“it is good!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu went to cook.
After He Yuzhu finished cooking, he brought out his wine.
Then the three of them pushed the cups for a change, and they drank happily.
Soon, the three of them finished eating. With He Yuzhu’s fourth-order physique, he couldn’t get drunk at all, but He Yuzhu still pretended to be drunk. Drunk said:
“Qingxue, I drink a bit too much. I’ll go to bed first. You can accompany Qiuye!”
At the dinner table, with the assistance of Mu Qingxue, He Yuzhu called Ran Qiuye Qiuye.
Then He Yuzhu went to the room. After a while, Mu Qingxue approached, and He Yuzhu pretended not to know.
Instead, he continued to sleep. While He Yuzhu was sleeping, Mu Qingxue quietly walked in and whispered to He Yuzhu:
“Husband, Brother Zhuzi…”
He Yuzhu didn’t answer and pretended to be asleep.
Mu Qingxue came to He Yuzhu and shook He Yuzhu a few times, but He Yuzhu did not get up.
Seeing this, Mu Qingxue was very excited…
However, it was still discussed with Ran Qiuye before, and He Yuzhu cooperated very well. After all, Ran Qiuye had already told himself about this matter. Mu Qingxue looked at He Yuzhu, who was sleeping soundly. She didn’t feel any discomfort at all. After all, the whole thing was with Mu Qingxue, and Mu Qingxue took the initiative.
It wasn’t He Yuzhu who took the initiative, so it was Mu Qingxue who felt embarrassed.
However, this paragraph is not like this. The whole description is very comfortable and there is nothing inappropriate, but the review is not given.
There is nothing the author can do. He can’t read it if he doesn’t change it at all, so all the descriptions are so understated. Dear readers, think about the atmosphere for yourself.
I believe that the readers have great imagination. I really don’t blame me. No matter how I change, I don’t have the feeling before, so I can only explain it like this.
Although He Yuzhu pretended to be his own instinct, He Yuzhu was still very awake. Since Lou Xiaoe left, this was the best time for He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu also fell asleep like this.
The next day, He Yuzhu pretended to ask:
“What’s the matter ‘V?”
Mu Qingxue rolled her eyes:
“You’re cheap and good-looking. You’ve been so rude to such a good girl, what do you want to do!”
He Yuzhu said angrily:
“Can’t I be in charge? I drank too much yesterday, and I really don’t know anything!”
Mu Qingxue did not criticize He Yuzhu, but said to He Yuzhu:
“Husband, do you remember what I said to you before?”
He Yuzhu asked curiously:
Mu Qingxue said impatiently:
“Oh, that’s what I told you about looking for help, I already told Akiba when you were sleeping.
Since Qiuye was also taken by you, then Qiuye will be your woman in the future.
In the future, she will move to our house! ”
He Yuzhu looked at Ran Qiuye after hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, and Ran Qiuye nodded shyly.
He Yuzhu said:
“Sure, it’s my fault anyway.
But I can’t give Akiba the title, but everything else should be there.
In the future, I will teach Akiba martial arts! ”
As soon as He Yuzhu finished speaking, he heard Mu Qingxue say:
“I don’t need it anymore. I’ve already taught it. If you don’t teach it, your body won’t be killed by you, right?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Okay, by the way, Qiuye, if you have any difficulties at home, just tell me, I don’t lack anything here.
No matter what this country has or not, as long as you want, I will get it for you! ”
Mu Qingxue also felt very sorry for Ran Qiuye, such a beautiful girl who was with her husband without her name. And he also helped himself share the firepower, how could he not be better to others.
“Yes, yes, Brother Zhuzi is right, if you need anything in your family, you can talk, we will all be a family from now on.
Regardless of you and me, you must never treat yourself as an outsider! ”
Ran Qiuye was also very happy that he was finally with the person he loved.
If it was He Yuzhu before, then if you kill yourself, you won’t agree to such a thing.
But since I met He Yuzhu, I couldn’t see anyone else.
Even knowing other men, seeing them, thinking about He Yuzhu, and feeling disgusted.
Right now, it would have been uncomfortable, but a little bit uncomfortableFeel nothing.
Instead, she was excited and happy, and she didn’t know what was wrong with her.
However, Ran Qiuye still nodded:
“? Yizi, I know!”
He Yuzhu saw the strangeness of Ran Qiuye, and then said:
“You two, rest well. I’ll cook for you. As long as you use something here, I’ll prepare it!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu got up and went to cook.
And Mu Qingxue was whispering to Ran Qiuye.
When Ran Qiuye was told by Mu Qingxue, her face was very red and she was very shy. You must know that Lou Xiaoe had never discussed this with herself. But Mu Qingxue actually had a lot of gusto with what she said (is it good).
If you want to know this matter, you should know it yourself, and Mu Qingxue…
He Yuzhu didn’t know that Mu Qingxue was playing hooligan with Ran Qiuye, so He Yuzhu brought the cooked food to the two of them.
Helping the two of them eat, although two people are responsible, but the two’s physical strength and stamina are far from He Yuzhu’s.
So the two were still very uncomfortable, but seeing He Yuzhu being so considerate to them.
The two were still very happy.
After eating, He Yuzhu said to the two of them:
“You guys have a good rest, I’ll go to the rolling mill to sell my vacation, and I’ll come back to pick you up to see the old lady after I’m done!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Husband, Qiuye and I won’t go, you can go by yourself, we are too tired!”
The old lady’s compound has her own colleague Yan Bugui and her own student stickman, so Ran Qiuye didn’t want to go at all.
He Yuzhu also knew this, and nodded.
Chapter 446: Giving up logistics for the director [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay then, you rest at home first, I’ll go over by myself!”
Mu Qingxue nodded, He Yuzhu kissed the two of them on the face, and then left.
When He Yuzhu just went out, he heard Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye chatting about how they felt yesterday.
He Yuzhu smiled slightly, this time when he crossed over, it was simply perfect.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu went to the rolling mill. Just after arriving at the rolling mill, everyone saw He Yuzhu and greeted He Yuzhu one after another.

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