Just like the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, He Yuzhu knows the principle and can deduce it. Whether it is material or technology, it can be deduced very quickly. Then it came out perfectly.
But for the rest, He Yuzhu doesn’t know the principle at all, so it can’t be deduced.
He Yuzhu returned home, Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye also came back, He Yuzhu finished cooking for the two daughters.
Then she said to Mu Qingxue:
“The two of you have finished eating, have a good rest, and continue to train in the afternoon!”
Ran Qiuye nodded:
“Got it, Brother Zhuzi!”
Mu Qingxue asked:
“That stick terrier hasn’t come back yet?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, I didn’t come back yesterday. As for today, I don’t know what happened?”
Ran Qiuye didn’t know about this, and then asked:
“What happened to the stick?”
He Yuzhu talked about Bang Stem and Qin Huairu, and then said:
“It’s estimated that the stick saw Qin Huairu sleeping with another man, so that’s why it’s like this!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Ran Qiuye was very angry;
“Then how could Qin Huairu do this?”
He Yuzhu sighed and said:
“Of course Qin Huairu is wrong, but the starting point is to be good. Qin Huairu is a woman and earns half of her salary. It is no problem to feed a family, but it is impossible to eat enough.
??????? asking for flowers 0…
As a mother, Qin Huairu must find a way to keep her son full.
There is no way, that’s the only way.
Actually, if you say Qin Huairu can do it, I can say it can, and others also say it can.
Only this stick can’t. What is Qin Huairu doing this for?
Qin Huairu is only 30 years old. If she is for herself, she can throw away these children and live her own life. With Qin Huairu’s ability and looks, she can definitely live a better life.
But Qin Huairu didn’t, just couldn’t let go of the three children, especially the stick.
So Bang Terri is the most unqualified to accuse Qin Huairu! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s analysis, Ran Qiuye nodded:
“You’re right, even if Qin Huairu is wrong in every possible way, it’s not something a stick can say!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Yes, that’s what it means, well, it’s someone else’s business, it has nothing to do with us, we can only do our own thing well!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Ran Qiuye thought about it too. Although Bang Terri is his student, he really has nothing to do with Bang Terri, and even Bang Terri is in school.What Ran Qiuye did, he really didn’t like it. Besides, now I have resigned, I am no longer a teacher, and I am no longer going to school.
His affairs have nothing to do with his own.
Thinking of this, Ran Qiuye was also much more relaxed. Seeing that Ran Qiuye was no longer entangled in this, He Yuzhu waited for the ingredients and left.
Seeing He Yuzhu leave, Ran Qiuye asked Mu Qingxue about He Yuzhu just now:
“Sister Qingxue, Brother Zhuzi is not cooking at home, what are you going to do with the ingredients?”
Mu Qingxue explained:
“This is another charm of Brother Zhuzi. You know about Brother Zhuzi’s past, right? If there was no grandmother, there would be no Brother Zhuzi today.
So every time Brother Zhuzi wants to cook for grandma, not for anything else, but to let grandma know that it was right for Brother Zhuzi to learn cooking.
Brother Zhuzi didn’t live up to grandma’s expectations. Even now, he became the factory manager, and Brother Zhuzi didn’t let go of his cooking skills.
Because in Brother Zhuzi’s heart, this is his root! “six.
Chapter 473: To pick up the old lady to leave 【Subscription】
Hearing Mu Qingxue’s answer, Ran Qiuye nodded thoughtfully, and then said:
“Oh, I understand, thank you Sister Qingxue”
Mu Qingxue smiled slightly:
“Silly girl, we’re all a family, why don’t you say thank you!”
The second daughter laughed, and then went to discuss other things.
He Yuzhu came to the courtyard and just arrived at the door. He saw many soldiers in the courtyard, all of them working.
At this time, Liu Haizhong saw He Yuzhu coming, and said very happily:
“Director He, you are here, this is a member of the army, who came to repair the house!”
He Yuzhu looked at it, and as he thought, the first thing these people repaired was various drainage facilities.
There are other underground facilities.
And unlike the previous life, this time the cultivation was done in one step.
“463” people are also discussing:
“Have you seen it? The building below looks like a palace.”
“Isn’t that good? When it’s that big, the sewers won’t be blocked. In this case, we don’t have to run so far to empty the waste water in the future!”
“Isn’t that true? I heard that if this repair is made, the tap water and the sewer will be connected to the house!”
“real or fake?”
“Then I can deceive you, of course it’s true! I just heard from a soldier comrade!”
“That’s a good feeling!”
Liu Haizhong paced in front of He Yuzhu and said with a smile:
“Director He, didn’t you know that he came to repair the house today?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“I don’t know, I just arrived, I don’t know many things!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Liu Haizhong said:
“Have you heard? In the future, the tap water here will be repaired to each house, and the sewers will also enter the household!” He Yuzhu said:
“Then the relationship is good, and in the winter, you won’t have to run out to fetch water to wash your face!”
Liu Haizhong said cheerfully:
“Who said no, this is a good thing!”
He Yuzhu said:
“That’s right, it’s a good thing, why haven’t I seen the uncle of such a big thing!”
Liu Haizhong pouted:
“It’s not a stick, then Qin Huairu cried and asked everyone to help find her son early in the morning, but it’s been so many days.
Where can I find such a big imperial capital?
Anyway, if I don’t go, my legs and feet are tight, whoever likes to go will go! ”
He Yuzhu asked:
“Who’s gone then?”
Liu Haizhong said:
“The uncle’s family, as well as Xu Damao’s family, are Qin Huairu, and the others didn’t go, they all went to look for it from the beginning.
But that bastard, Bang Terrier, definitely knew we were looking for him again, so he stayed away.
Now I don’t know where I ran to, just like that kid, I’m sure it’s fine! ”
He Yuzhu knew that although the boy Bang Terrier didn’t have any life skills, it was a thief to steal chickens and dogs.
So I don’t think that kid will starve to death.
So he didn’t take it to heart, He Yuzhu said to Liu Haizhong:
“That’s it, watch here, I’ll go see the old lady!”
Liu Haizhong looked at the ingredients in He Yuzhu’s hands enviously. Now that He Yuzhu’s status, Liu Haizhong would not dare to touch He Yuzhu’s things no matter how greedy he was. Even if He Yuzhu gave it to him, he didn’t dare to ask for it.
So he could only watch enviously, He Yuzhu pretended not to see Liu Haizhong’s gaze.
Carrying things, he went to the old lady’s room.
When the old lady saw He Yuzhu, she told He Yuzhu about building the house. He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“Well then, it won’t be so troublesome in the future. By the way, grandma, you can go to my place these few days!
It’s too noisy to build a house here, and you can’t rest well! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the old lady nodded:
“Okay, then I’ll stay there for a while, and I’ll come back when it’s repaired here!”
He Yuzhu nodded and started cooking.
After eating with the old lady, He Yuzhu and the old lady packed up.
After cleaning up, He Yuzhu came out with the old lady on his back, and saw He Yuzhu came out with the old lady on his back, and the aunt Gang Heng finished cooking and was waiting for the uncle to come back. Seeing He Yuzhu go out with the old lady on his back, he asked:
“Pillar, are you going out for a walk with the old lady on your back?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“That’s right, Auntie, I’m going to find you!”
The aunt asked curiously:
“whats the matter? ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Here is nowWorker, I was afraid that my grandma would not sleep well, so I took my grandma to my place. There are still a lot of useless vegetables in the house…  
Bring it over and eat it, I’ll give you the keys, mine and grandma’s.
If you want to remodel, look at me. If you need anything from me, just go to my house and find me. I won’t be here for a few days! ”
Auntie took the keys:
“Hey, I thought what was going on, you can eat vegetables or whatever, it’s hard for everyone now.
Just leave this matter to me! ”
He Yuzhu shook his head when he heard what the aunt said.
“Mom, I won’t take that dish back, you can eat it, it’s very hard for the uncle to go out.
If you don’t take it, it will be broken when we come back! ”
Hearing what He Yuzhu said to his aunt, Liu Haizhong was very jealous. How could he always think of Yi Zhonghai’s family for such a good thing.
Why didn’t you ask me if I would do it?
However, although Liu Haizhong was jealous, he didn’t say it. After all, Liu Haizhong knew that the current He Yuzhu is not the previous He Yuzhu.
If you really say it, then you will definitely be humiliating yourself.
So Liu Haizhong didn’t say it.
– Aunt nodded:
“That’s it, Lu Ou wait for me to take a look. By the way, if there is anything to clean up, I will clean it up too!”

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