“I don’t need anything anymore, but now what is most needed here is other knowledge. The information you gave is almost the same for everyone now.
I also want to learn the latter things! ”
He Yuzhu knows that these people have survived hard times, and are very eager for this knowledge, knowledge that can save lives.
If He Yuzhu came up with weapons knowledge, maybe not many people would like to learn it, but this, everyone knows this knowledge when they see it, if all the people in the country have mastered this knowledge. In any era, in any situation, in any environment, you cannot starve to death, because there is too much knowledge in it.
In any place, as long as there is light and temperature, you can make yourself live. If you master the knowledge in this, you can not only live, but also live well.
This is the importance of knowledge given by He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu nodded after hearing Director Yang’s words:
“En, I know, I’ll get the middle book in a few days, what about the others?”
Director Yang said:
“The others are not bad either. Those people are having a lot of fun fighting each other. They are calculating every day. You are also interesting. If you get 0.6, you will be alone there!”
He Yuzhu knew that if you let these people go out to toss, many people will not get better, so He Yuzhu limited the fight to a certain range.
Anyone who loses in a battle will not end well, but it will not result in human life.
As long as there is no human life, these people are fighting like a raging fire.
He Yuzhu didn’t care about these people either. After asking other small questions, He Yuzhu left.
After leaving, He Yuzhu returned to the mansion. After dinner, Mu Qingxue asked:
“Husband, what are we going to do next?”
He Yuzhu replied:
“Rest, but you only have time to rest these few days. After a while, you still need to put more raw materials!”
Mu Qingxue asked curiously:
“Husband, what are you studying?
Chapter 489: I was recognized as a father again [Subscribe]
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s question, He Yuzhu asked with a smile;
“What’s the matter? Do you need me to help you?”
Mu Qingxue thought of what He Yuzhu was researching, then shook her head:
“Forget it, I originally planned to help you study it together, but thinking about what you have there, let’s forget it.
I can’t make a car, let alone anything more advanced! ”
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu said:
“Qingxue, if you are interested, I can teach you?”
Mu Qingxue shook her head:
“I’m not interested. I learned this at the time, and our country lacked it. I didn’t have that talent, if I had that talent. I wouldn’t have understood the principles of tractors and cars until now.
So I forgot it at the time! ”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly after hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, and then said:
“It’s okay, I’ll teach you what you like?”
Mu Qingxue asked in shock:
“Really? ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, why are you so surprised!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“I like to paint, but my 16-year-old father wouldn’t let me, saying that painting can’t save the country, and I must learn something useful for the country. Now that I’m married to you, my father doesn’t ask me any more. Before that, every time I passed For a while my fatherFor my research on machinery. Is there any new progress? Every time I say that I don’t know many things abroad, my father is very disappointed.
The more I do, the less I can learn.
But now that I can help you, my father is also very happy, but you have given too little, and my father is a little anxious! ” He Yuzhu was very surprised and curious when he heard Mu Qingxue’s words:
“What? You said I gave too little?
I have given a lot of things, how many things have I invented, and besides, there are many things that I can’t get right now.
You know, the current situation in our country, many things can’t be taken out, even if they take out, our country can’t use them either. As for foreign countries, isn’t that adding enemy capital to foreign countries? ”
Mu Qingxue nodded;
“We all know this, but others don’t!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, I’ll get the trains, trams, planes, and other machinery out a little later, and give them to the country.
As for when they will be able to understand and popularize it, that’s none of my business.
By the way, the patents for these things must be filed and then given to the country.
Especially foreign patents! ”
Mu Qingxue asked curiously:
“What’s the use of this patent? How can I find someone to apply for a patent in so many countries?”
He Yuzhu said to Mu Qingxue:
“This patent is very useful. You’ll know when the time comes! Okay, let’s eat. After eating, I’ll go to the Siheyuan to clean up the house for grandma!” Mu Qingxue nodded, although she didn’t know why He Yuzhu had to choose something else The state applied for a patent, but Mu Qingxue executed it.
Because Mu Qingxue knew that He Yuzhu had thoughts and plans to do this.
After He Yuzhu finished eating, he drove to the courtyard by himself.
When he arrived at the courtyard, He Yuzhu didn’t intend to greet others, but some people didn’t want to let He Yuzhu go:
“Comrade He Yuzhu, wait a minute!”
When He Yuzhu saw it, it turned out to be a police officer. He Yuzhu asked:
“Comrade, do you have any questions?”
The police officer said:
“We received a report saying that Jia Geng stole, and the other party only needs to make compensation, and after the compensation, Jia Geng will not be held accountable!”
He Yuzhu asked curiously:
“Then you go to Jia Geng’s family, and the compensation is still sent to Jia Geng, it’s your own business.
I don’t seem to have the right to interfere with your justice, do I? ”
The police nodded:
“Yes, that’s not what we meant. Jia Geng said that you are his father, so…”
After He Yuzhu heard this, he was very shocked:
“What? What did he say? I’m his father?”
The police nodded, and He Yuzhu said:
“My surname is He, and his surname is Jia. If I have a son, it will definitely be my He. Besides, why don’t I know if I have a son!” The police said in embarrassment:
“But that’s what Jia Geng said, let us come over and ask you for compensation!”
He Yuzhu originally wanted to ask how much it was, but if he thought about it, he pinched his nose and recognized it.
So He Yuzhu said:
“Comrade, that’s a kid’s nonsense. Jia Geng used to be my neighbor and has nothing to do with me.
It’s just that his father just died before, and I pity their family of orphans and widows.
After helping them for a few years, after their living conditions improved, I stopped helping their families.
But I didn’t expect that my decision would turn our two families against each other.
I didn’t have any contact with their family after that.
You can find Qin Huairu. If Qin Huairu doesn’t care, how should the sentence be sentenced?
Anyway, that kid can now be held criminally responsible. ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the police were very embarrassed:
“Comrade He Yuzhu, I know what you said, but the amount of money involved in the stick this time is relatively large.
If the sentence is really sentenced, I estimate that more than ten years will be indispensable! ”
He Yu 463 pillars almost didn’t laugh after hearing the police’s words.
+ Years, why didn’t you shoot this white-eyed wolf?
You must know that this kid doesn’t know how to be grateful now, how many people help him, in his eyes, it should be.
He doesn’t know how to be grateful at all. If he saved him, he would definitely not be grateful, and he thought he had some hidden secrets? So He Yuzhu said:
“This matter has nothing to do with me. You can ask others. As for how much money, I won’t ask.”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the police had no choice. After all, He Yuzhu would not admit this matter at all.
And the public security also knew He Yuzhu and knew that He Yuzhu was married, but not Jia Geng’s mother Qin Huairu.
The reason why he came to look for He Yuzhu was that he hoped that He Yuzhu could compensate the bitter master, so that Jia Geng would not have to be sentenced.
But He Yuzhu didn’t pay him any compensation at all, and He Yuzhu didn’t even want to take care of it.
And the public security also understands He Yuzhu, this matter is on his own, and he doesn’t want to take care of it.
He Yuzhu arrived at the old lady’s house and started to work.
While He Yuzhu was working, the old lady’s door opened, and He Yuzhu saw Qin Huairu.
Qin Huairu rushed towards He Yuzhu.
Seeing this, He Yuzhu hurriedly avoided, and then asked
Chapter 490+: Qin Huai Ru came to borrow money [Subscribe]
“Qin Huairu, what are you doing?”
Qin Huairu saw that she hadn’t caught He Yuzhu, so she didn’t proceed.The second time, I said to He Yuzhu;
“Pillar, I beg you, save the stick!”
He Yuzhu frowned, then said to Qin Huairu:
“The stick-terrier thing has nothing to do with me. It’s not me who called the police this time, right? It’s not my reason!”
Qin Huairu cried with snot and tears:
“No, it has nothing to do with you this time, but this time I just need to compensate others for their losses.
But they asked for 500 yuan. Where do I have so much money?
You can only do this. As long as you can give me 500 yuan, you can ask me to do anything.
real! Please, please help me this time! ”
He Yuzhu was taken aback when he heard Qin Huairu’s words, and then asked curiously:
“Five hundred, what are you stealing? It doesn’t cost five hundred dollars to buy a house, right?”
Qin Huairu shook her head and said:
“I don’t know, but people say it’s their family heirloom. If it’s not for my face, five hundred is not enough. And they also said that if they only gave me five hundred yuan, they won’t be held accountable. Terrible responsibility.
Otherwise, let the sticks sit in prison! ”
He Yuzhu thought of what the police said before, this kid didn’t forget to pit himself at this time.

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