Moreover, he will also help other people’s families. No matter how high He Yuzhu’s salary is, he can’t hold back such a prodigal family!
Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai nodded:
“Then what do you want to do?”
Qin Huairu said:
“I don’t know what to do either. Didn’t I come here to beg you?”
Yi Zhonghai didn’t want to take this matter on himself, but the uncle said:
“If you don’t think so, I’ll hold a general meeting of the hospital, and you can tell everyone about this.
Let me borrow something from everyone. This is not thirty-five or seventy-eight, but five hundred yuan.
You and everyone borrowed, the kind of IOUs, if you are still the same as before, empty-handed, I guess no one will give you much money. ”
Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, Qin Huairu’s heart felt bitter. If there was an IOU, those men would be fine.
I really can’t do it. I can use my body to get it back, but those women definitely won’t do it.
If this is the case, then in the next five or six years, there will really be nothing to eat at home.
Even in the next five or six years, my family will not be able to eat enough.
Originally, Qin Huairu planned to prostitute for nothing.
If you don’t pay back the money you borrow, you can kill yourself, but the words of the uncle, Yi Zhonghai, make his little Jiujiu completely gone.
Yi Zhonghai looked at Qin Huairu and knew what Qin Huairu was thinking.
The uncle said to Qin Huairu:
“Qin Huairu, I know what you think. Now you don’t have to play with your mind. If you don’t get it right, your son’s stick will really not come. Such a large amount, even if it is indefinite, it will cost two or three. ten years.
Without further ado, it takes at least 20 years to have it. Now, Bangjie is 17. After 20 years, Bangjie will be 37.
When it’s too late, what can I do after I get out? ”
After hearing the words of the uncle Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu nodded and said:
Chapter 492: Kneel down to borrow money 【Subscription】
“Okay, sir, I see!”
Because Qin Huairu heard what Yi Zhonghai said and knew that what Yi Zhonghai said was right! If you are playing tricks now, then you are really finished.
I guess it’s just that I don’t play tricks, can I borrow this money?
It’s still an unknown.
Thinking of this, Qin Huairu said:
“That uncle, hurry up, I will borrow it and I will definitely thank you!”
The uncle told from house to house that everyone was unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.
Who made the first and third masters in this compound now?
The second uncle asked everyone to be dismissed, and the third uncle is an old man who likes to calculate.
Only the uncle has a higher prestige, and now the uncle has personally called the assembly of the whole hospital, even if he doesn’t want to go, he can’t do anything about it. After a while, all the people at home in this compound were surrounded by the front yard.
The uncle was in the courtyard and said:
“Everyone, I’m calling everyone together this time, I’m really disturbing everyone.
I’m very sorry, what exactly is going on?
Now let Qin Huairu tell everyone! ”
After speaking, the uncle kept his mouth shut, Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, that’s all?
Why are not you talking?
And Yi Zhonghai knew that for the rest of what he said, everyone still didn’t know how to think of himself and Qin Huairu. So Yi Zhonghai is also very smart not to say.
Seeing that Yi Zhonghai didn’t say anything, Qin Huairu was very unhappy in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.
Qin Huairu knew that now was not the time to play tricks, and she had to do it herself.
So Qin Huairu knelt on the ground with a puff, and said to the crowd:
“Everyone, I believe everyone knows about my family’s sticky terrier. The other party wants me to pay 500 yuan. But you also know my family, so much money is really impossible to get.
If you can’t take it out and the other party pursues it, the stickman’s life will be over.
I beg everyone to help me and lend me some money.
This time, I really borrowed it. I owe it. Please help me. I will pay it back to you slowly in the future.
I beg you! ”
After he finished speaking, he kept kowtowing to the crowd.
When everyone heard Qin Huairu’s words, they all looked at each other and didn’t speak.
Yi Zhonghai knew that at this time, if he didn’t show up, no one would speak. Qin Huairu smashed his head and no one spoke. Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai said to Qin Huairu:
“Qin Huairu, when you get up, you can borrow money when you borrow money. You don’t need to do this!”
The crowd said in a loud voice:
“Yeah, get up, don’t you ruin our life like this?”
“Yes, get up, there is something to discuss!”
“That’s right, discuss it well, don’t kowtow or anything!”
Qin Huairu didn’t get up this time, she cried and said:
“Everyone, I know you’re afraid that my Qin Huairu won’t pay you back, but don’t worry, although my Qin Huairu earns less.
But I will definitely pay you back. I will write an IOU and put my fingerprints on it.
I may not pay you all at once, but I will pay you a little of my salary every month.
If you don’t pay it back, you can sue me with the IOU.
I don’t have anything to say, as long as I can get the stick back, I can do whatever I want!
This sentence made Xu Damao’s eyes light up. What happened last time left Xu Damao with endless aftertastes.
This widow’s taste is really good, Xu Damao said:
“I don’t have much money either, but I can lend you thirty, but you must pay an IOU!”
Hearing Xu Damao’s words, Qin Huairu wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she didn’t say anything?
Although I don’t like stick terriers, but if I say something now, let everyone say about themselves.
If she stops herself, then Qin Huairu will tell her about her fake pregnancy, and then according to Xu Damao’s temperament, she will definitely divorce her. So Qin Jingru didn’t speak.
Qin Huairu nodded after hearing Xu Damao’s words:
“Cheng, Da Mao, thank you!”
Xu Damao waved his hand embarrassedly.
Yizhong Haidao:
“I don’t have much money either, I can lend you fifty, and my family doesn’t have much money right now!”
After speaking, Qin Huairu kowtowed to Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao:
“Thank you, thank you!”
When everyone saw Qin Huairu like this, they all took a breath.
Thinking about the compound now, without Qin Huairu’s mother-in-law, everyone is doing fine, and there is no trouble in this compound.
However, he went out to harm people.
Thinking that if I have a child like Bangjie, I don’t think I will be much better.
?… ask for flowers 0…
Liu Haizhong thought for a while, then said:
“Hey, it’s difficult for everyone, but I can take out thirty, and I won’t have any more!”
In fact, everyone knows that even after an IOU was issued, with Qin Huairu’s ability, he didn’t know when he would still submit it.
And with so many people, each family can save a few hundred dollars.
But this is emergency money. It is impossible for everyone to lend Qin Huairu.
However, Liu Haizhong’s family, Xu Damao’s family, and Yi Zhonghai’s family add up to one hundred and one.
Yan Bugui looked at everyone looking at him, Yan Bugui said:
“Hey, as you all know, I’m a teacher, and there are so many people in my family to support, I can’t save this salary.
But when something happened to Qin Huairu’s family, I couldn’t stand by.
I’ll take thirty too! ”
Hearing Yan Bugui’s words, others also said:
“As you all know, there are no employees in my family, they are all odd jobs. I can only borrow ten yuan from you. That’s all, I don’t know how we live!” “My family can lend you twenty dollars, which is the most we have. If you have the ability, don’t dislike you!”
“We can lend you thirty!”
“We can only lend you ten yuan!”
Everyone, what you say to me, it will be finished soon. Easy Zhonghai Road:
“Okay, get up, I just made statistics, a total of 330 yuan.
It’s still one hundred and seventy-seven. This is everyone’s greatest ability.
You get up and write an IOU, and then go elsewhere to find a solution.
If enough is enough, all of us will give you the money, and you can get the stick! ”
Five hundred dollars was like a mountain on Qin Huairu’s body, but one hundred and seventy dollars was not a lot.
But Qin Huairu knew that it was not much different.
Because for so many years, Qin Huairu has secretly hid a lot of money, almost 150. Qin Huairu didn’t want to move the money originally, but for the sake of her son, Qin Huairu couldn’t move it. Qin Huairu kept kowtow to everyone:
“Thank you, thank you everyone!”
While everyone was comforting Qin Huairu, He Yuzhu came out and watched everyone gather around. He Yuzhu originally wanted to leave, but was… 6.
Chapter 493: The stick came out [Subscribe]
But Yi Zhonghai stopped him:
“Pillar, wait a minute!”
He Yuzhu looked at Yi Zhonghai, and then asked Yi Zhonghai:
“Master, what’s the matter?”
Yi Zhonghai talked about everyone’s affairs, He Yuzhu thought about it, and then said:
“Everyone knows about my situation, if I am alone, I can do whatever I want.
Now I am also married, and I have to support the old lady.
My salary is indeed high, but my expenses are also high.
Now I am only thirty-seven.
I lent it all to you, write the IOU to me! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu knew that she had enough money, but she had enough money.

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