Taking out a white jade bottle, Mu Qingxue looked at He Yuzhu and asked curiously:
“Husband, what is this?”
Chapter 499: Elixir, Formation and Mobile Phone 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu said:
“This is called Bigu Pill. If you take one pill, you won’t have to eat for a month!” Mu Qingxue looked at He Yuzhu suspiciously:
“How could there be such a thing, have you been deceived!” He Yuzhu shook his head:
“How is it possible, I made this myself, if you don’t believe me, you and Akiba can try it.
to see if it is true,
Anyway, I still have quite a few talents to go.
Take a look at these few days, but after eating this, I will only cook for my grandma! ” Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye said unconvinced after hearing He Yuzhu’s words;
“Just try it!”
To know other things,
The two girls both believed it, but this matter was simply too mystical.
Mu Qingxue’s two daughters didn’t believe it at all.
He Yuzhu took out two and handed them to the second daughter.
You must know that this bigu pill was refined in the game world, and there is no bigu grass in this world.
The second daughter looked at this emerald green medicine pill, and she was unprepared at 1, 1 or 6. The second daughter simply trusted He Yuzhu too much. Just ate the pill.
This bigu pill melts in the mouth, and the whole body is full of cool feeling.
The second daughter, who was still hungry, is not hungry at all.
He Yuzhu asked:
“how do you feel? ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“I’m really not hungry anymore, but I have tried your elixir before. If you’re not hungry now, it doesn’t mean you won’t be hungry tomorrow!” He Yuzhu said:
“Then just wait and see. Well, I’m going to cook for grandma. You go up and call grandma down. I’ll talk to grandma later!” The two girls nodded and went to accompany the old lady.
After He Yuzhu finished cooking, the old lady asked:
“Zhuzi daughter-in-law, why don’t you eat?”
Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye said in unison:
“Grandma, eat, we’re not hungry!”
The old lady and He Yuzhu started to eat. After eating, He Yuzhu said:
“Grandma, I have something to tell you, that is, I’m going on a business trip in a few days.
It will take at least a month. During my business trip, you can stay at home.
When I get back, I’m arranging for you to go there. Can you see? ”
When the old lady heard He Yuzhu’s words, she didn’t ask where to go. After all, the child was old.
He has his own career. Since He Yuzhu is on a business trip, he will not disturb He Yuzhu’s married life when he is here. So the old lady nodded:
“Okay, this is up to you to decide!”
He Yuzhu also knew what the old lady was thinking. Since the old lady said so, He Yuzhu did not continue to say anything else. Instead, he accompanies the old lady to eat, and then waits for the old lady to sleep.
At night, when He Yuzhu saw that everyone was asleep, he was moved and entered the game world.
In the game world, He Yuzhu did not continue to study and practice.
Instead, he found the materials he needed, all kinds of materials for the formation.
After finishing it, He Yuzhu saw that the sky in the real world was getting brighter.
Take a break in the game world, and then come out.
When he arrived at the rolling mill, He Yuzhu set up two formations in his office.
These two formations are very sinister formations, bad luck and curse.
He Yuzhu called the assistant and secretary, gave each of them a jade card, and then said:
“You put these two things on your body, you must bring them into my office.
But there is nothing to do, try not to enter my office, I will go out in a few days.
If someone comes to pick peaches, you must not conflict with him.
Just let him come to the office by himself, others don’t let them into my office. ”
The secretary asked curiously:
“Why? We can’t enter either!”
He Yuzhu said:
“If someone comes to pick peaches in the future, you’ll know, but it won’t work if you say it now.
But you just need to know it yourself. If you spread it out, I won’t admit it! ”
He Yuzhu’s idea was to tear down these two formations when he returned.
But now He Yuzhu has just set it up, not started it.
Instead, wait until you leave before starting this formation.
After He Yuzhu finished explaining, he went to find Director Yang.
Director Yang asked curiously:
“Have you found someone?”
He Yuzhu said:
“You don’t need to find someone. If someone comes to pick peaches, you don’t need to worry about it. Trust me!”
Director Yang asked curiously:
“When will it fall?…”
He Yuzhu said:
“Don’t worry, no one will be able to pick peaches before I come back!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Director Yang thought that He Yuzhu had found a backer. He was so sensitive at this time, so naturally he couldn’t let too many people know. Therefore, Director Yang did not ask in detail, and He Yuzhu had no personal connections at all, and now He Yuzhu started to manage his own connections.
Before that, He Yuzhu just kept himself safe, but now He Yuzhu is completely guaranteed.
These ten years are the time to manage personal connections. Of course, only He Yuzhu knows this, others don’t.
After explaining what happened here, He Yuzhu went to the Xingchen scientific research base.Then things started to be arranged after he left, including the radar receiver.
This is for He Yuzhu to launch satellites to receive signals, and He Yuzhu also made a mobile phone.
When he launches the satellite, he will be able to contact Ziwei through the 480 mobile phone.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu made a few more mobile phones.
At that time, contact Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye.
Seeing the progress of the robot, He Yuzhu was very relieved, watching that it was getting late.
He Yuzhu went back. When he arrived home just now, he saw Mu Qingxue. Mu Qingxue said:
“Husband, everything you asked for has already been shipped, it will arrive tomorrow soon, but it will take a week!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Okay, by the way, this is for you!”
If in later generations, someone must know that at this time a mobile phone, and it is a smart phone.
But in this day and age, it is impossible for anyone to know.
Holding the phone, Mu Qingxue asked curiously:
“What is this?”
It was also the first time that Ran Qiuye saw this thing.
He also came to watch curiously.
He Yuzhu said to the two daughters:
“This is a cell phone!”
Mu Qingxue asked suspiciously:
“cell phone!”
Ran Qiuye also looked at He Yuzhu suspiciously. He Yuzhu explained to the two girls what a mobile phone is and its functions. After hearing what He Yuzhu said, Mu Qingxue asked:
“What, this one can make a phone call without a line?”
In this era, telephones are still very popular, and the two girls are no strangers to telephones.
He Yuzhu nodded, shook his head again, and said…
Chapter 500: The Eve Before Departure 【Subscribe】
“Not right now, it will be fine when there is a signal!”
Ran Qiuye is also looking forward to:
“Then how can there be a signal?”
He Yuzhu said:
“The purpose of going out this time is for the signal of this mobile phone.”
Mu Qingxue asked curiously:
“Why not do it here?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“Now is not the time, you must keep this thing a secret, just the two of you know.
When there is a signal, I will send you a message, it is convenient, and then I will call you! ”
Mu Qingxue asked:
“How do you call this?”
He Yuzhu saw how the second daughter used the phone, and after the second daughter knew how to use it, she went to the side to get the phone.
Even He Yuzhu didn’t care.
He Yuzhu naturally knows the attraction of this thing to people. You must know that in future generations, mobile phones have created several generations of bow-headed people.
It can be seen that mobile phones are attractive to people, but it’s okay now, there is no soil for future generations, and only He Yuzhu, Mu Qingxue, and Ran Qiuye use them. Although it is a smart phone, it only has the functions of a feature phone.
But this function is also very attractive to Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye.
Looking at the second daughter, He Yuzhu planned to take advantage of the current time to fix the old lady’s house, because after returning, there will be more things.
At that time, it was estimated that he would be able to control the robot and establish a base on the alien planet.
There are also resources in space. These are things He Yuzhu will do in the future. Fortunately, no one in the world pays attention to outer space.
He Yuzhu said to the two that he was leaving, and the two waved their hands perfunctorily and continued to play with their mobile phones.
He Yuzhu had to drive away. The two girls are eager to study the mobile phone at home.

395 Chapter 395
After discussing with each other, He Yuzhu did not drive directly to the courtyard, but went to Han Chunming’s house first.
He Yuzhu saw Mother Han and said to Mother Han:
“Sister, are you okay at home’ v?”
Mother Han looked at He Yuzhu, then smiled and said:
“The pillar is here, hurry up, hurry in!”
After speaking, he called He Yuzhu to the house. He Yuzhu looked at Mother Han and asked:
“Do you need help at home?”
Mother Han smiled and shook her head:
“No, I just miss Little Five!”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s alright, the child is old and will be back in a few years!”
Mother Han nodded, because this is the country’s policy and there is no way.
Mother Han nodded:
“En, I know, that kid sent a letter back a few days ago, saying that it was fine over there!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“En, I know this too, it’s fine, just tell me if you have any difficulties at home.
But I have to go out in a few days. I need to do some time. It will take a month at least to come back.
I came this time to see what else your family lacks. At this time, the country has not adjusted the food.
Your family can’t get enough to eat, right? ”
Mother Han said:
“It’s good to not starve to death, but I heard that in other places, you can’t even eat.
We only need to have a bite to eat. Now it’s not like this in every family. Even if you have money, you can’t buy something to eat! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“En, yes, but when I leave, I will bring some food to your house.
Don’t tell anyone, just eat slowly at home and wait until I get back! ”
Mother Han shook her head:
“No, now the country has relief food, it’s enough to not starve to death. It will be fine after a few years of harvesting. I heard that this year’s preparations are not enough. Otherwise, this year will be fine!
He Yuzhu nodded:
“It’s okay, I stocked up a lot of training markets last year, it’s okay, my family has enough to eat!”
Mother Han said very embarrassedly:”Will it be too difficult!”
He Yuzhu smiled and shook his head:
“No, but I know you have a good heart, but you mustn’t tell others, otherwise the food I save myself will not be enough for so many people!” As time went on, He Yuzhu became more and more Mature, because He Yuzhu knows that the current domestic form is not right, and now he just wants nothing wrong. If you are too high profile, then the unlucky is yourself.
Mother Han is not a fool, nor is she the previous He Yuzhu:
“En, Zhu, I know this, now food is life!”
He Yuzhu nodded, and after saying goodbye to Mother Han, he went to see Mr. Xiaguan and brought Mr. Guan wine.
After finishing, He Yuzhu also told Mr. Guan about his departure, and then about the food.
Mr. Guan:
“No, I haven’t eaten much of what you gave me last time. Besides, it’s only been three or four months, and I can still survive.
Before without you, I came here too! ”
He Yuzhu knew that although Mr. Guan didn’t eat as well as himself, compared to other people, Mr. Guan was still very rich.
Whether it is living standards or food.
It’s all good, He Yuzhu also knows, but He Yuzhu said:
“?v Isn’t what you have yours? Mine is my heart. I’ll come and see you before I leave!”
Master Guan nodded:
“Sure, remember to bring me some more wine then. After drinking your wine, I can’t drink other wines!”
He Yuzhu nodded, and after saying goodbye to Mr. Guan, he drove to the courtyard.
Looking at the people in the courtyard, He Yuzhu simply said hello, and then went to work on his own business.
Every day is like this.
It’s been half a month.
In the past two weeks, He Yuzhu’s materials have been sent over, and everything he made has been done.
He Yuzhu put all the things in his game space, (money) planning to go to Lop Nur to get it.
After finishing, He Yuzhu contacted Long Qi after he went to leave everyone’s house.
Long Qi has been tormented for the past two weeks. If it wasn’t for He Yuzhu’s call, Long Qi would have planned to ask He Yuzhu. After receiving a call from He Yuzhu, Long Qi asked, “Comrade He Yuzhu, what are your thoughts?”
He Yuzhu said:
“I can go, but I need weapons. By the way, a few of you who went with me this time!”
Long Qi said:
“This time with you there are a total of 17 people, of which “the individual is an action group.” Mainly to keep you safe, when there are seven people, an archaeological team.
But they are all young people! ”
After hearing Long Qi’s words, He Yuzhu didn’t think too much, then nodded:
“It’s done, then I’ll go find you tomorrow. You can introduce me to me. After we’re done, let’s go!” Chi.
Chapter 501: Departure 【Subscription】
Long Qi nodded:
“Okay, this is the address, go to this address tomorrow to gather!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“to make!”
After He Yuzhu sent Long Qi away, he started the formation in his office, and then emphasized it again to the assistant and secretary. After checking my equipment, I brought a lot of things this time.
In addition to the aircraft, satellites, robots, and communicators that you need, there are also many weapons and special ropes.
These things are for emergencies.
The rest of the food and water in He Yuzhu’s space was too much to be used up.
You must know that the supply of He Yuzhu’s space is not enough for the people of the whole country to eat for a few years.
Not to mention He Yuzhu alone, even if he eats it for hundreds of millions of years, he won’t be able to finish it.
So He Yuzhu didn’t prepare anything to eat or drink. Instead, he gave the family, Han Chunming’s house and the old man’s house a lot of loose food. After thinking for a while, he found that there was nothing else to do, so He Yuzhu entered the game world and prepared what he needed. After checking them all, He Yuzhu looked at the three thousand simulated robots.
A slight smile leaked out, now it’s finally time to make a layout.
You must know that He Yuzhu really didn’t dare to let out this simulated robot when he didn’t have the communication.
Because once it is released, since 480, there is no way to grasp it.
Therefore, these robots must be under the control of Ziwei, so that He Yuzhu can rest assured.
The next day, He Yuzhu found a compound according to the address given by Long Qi.
After entering the compound, Long Qi was already waiting there.
Seeing He Yuzhu coming, Long Qi said very excitedly:
“Hello, Comrade He Yuzhu, you are finally here!”
He Yuzhu said to Long Qi:
“Long Qi, you won’t be waiting here early, will you?”
Long Qi nodded:
“Yes, I can’t sleep, because many brothers in our bureau have disappeared before.
No matter what, life or death, I hope you can bring them back! ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Sure, I promise you this!”
What did Long Qi find He Yuzhu for? He hoped to explore there and bring back the people from before. Now He Yuzhu finally agreed to go, and Long Qi was also very excited. Others didn’t know about it, but Long Qi knew how powerful Master Hua Jin was. Especially in Lop Nur, a place where I don’t know how dangerous it is.
You must know that Hua Jin is a place where you can perceive danger.
After Long Qi brought He Yuzhu into the room,Seventeen people in all.
Long Qi said to the crowd:
“Okay, everyone, this is the captain I found for you, Captain He Yuzhu.
Comrade He Yuzhu will lead the team this time. ”
Then Long Qi introduced everyone to He Yuzhu:
“These seven are archaeological team members and the core of the archaeological team.
This is Wu Sanxing, this is Xie Lianhuan, this is Chen Wenjin, this is Zhang Qiling, this is Li Sidi, this is Qi Yu, this is Huo Ling. These seven people are members of the archaeological team.
As for these ten people, they are our staff of Bureau 749.
Let them introduce themselves.
+Introduction by different people:
, I am a monk! ”
, I am a Taoist priest! ”
, I’m a poisoner! ”
, I’m the God-Xing Taibao! ”
, I am Hu Xiao! ”
, I am a wolf soul! 〃
, I am the blood slaughter! ”
, I am the shadow! ”
, I am Dashan! ”
,I am a doctor! ”
After hearing the introduction of ten people, Long Qi said:
you you you you you you you you you you
good good good good good
“For the sake of secrecy, these people are all code names, and of course their names, they are all kings of soldiers.
And everyone has their own stunts to keep you safe on the road!
There are prepared tools for you. I will bring these tools to the vicinity of Lop Nur by means of transportation. You go there by train, and when you get there, someone prepares the east (bgag) west for you.
Is there anything else you need? ”
He Yuzhu shook his head:

396 Chapter 396
“there is none left!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Long Qi asked the others:
“Do you have any other questions?”
Everyone else also shook their heads, because everyone knew how dangerous this kind of mission was.
Seeing that the other people had no problems, Long Qi began to arrange for someone to send a few people off.
Everyone also got on the train and walked towards Lop Nur.
He Yuzhu and these people have just met, and they are not familiar with each other. These people are with the battle team that Shang brought.
Zhang Qiling was with other members of the archaeological team.
He Yuzhu knew that, except for Chen Wenjin, everyone here had good skills.
But He Yuzhu didn’t expose it.
Because He Yuzhu also knew that Long Qi asked them to come together because he wanted to help at a critical time.
A group of 18 people set off like this.
After three days of trains, everyone finally arrived at their destination.
But if you want to go to Lop Nur, there is still a long way to go.
Fortunately, Longqi provided everyone with jeeps and a lot of fuel.
Seeing that the crowd couldn’t move, He Yuzhu had to put a lot of oil in his play space in private. Then everyone drove towards Lop Nur.
In the desolate desert, seventeen people drove four cars across the desert.
He Yuzhu looked for the direction through the map given by Long Qi.
The monk and others just listened to He Yuzhu.
And Zhang Qiling and others knew through their own methods that He Yuzhu did not find the wrong place.
No one spoke, and He Yuzhu passed the map on the bright side, but he actually relied on the 16-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique. To know He Yuzhu’s accomplishments at this time, that is, even the original author of this cheat book is incomparable.
However, as everyone continued to advance in the depths of the desert, it was fortunate that there were enough supplies in the car.
Otherwise, these people would have died of starvation or thirst before they got there.
After walking for a few days, the monk complained:
“This ghost place, except for sand is sand, how long do we have to go!”
He Yuzhu saw the compass in his hand and said:
“We should be there soon. The magnetic field here is very unstable. Teacher, be careful.”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone was on guard.
Because everyone here knows He Yuzhu’s ability, no matter He Yuzhu’s force or his ability to perceive risks. Everyone here knows He Yuzhu’s ability, so everyone is very convinced of He Yuzhu.
after all?……
Chapter Five Hundred and Two: Powerful Magnetic Force 【Subscription】
After all, most of the people here know how terrifying the strength of Hua Jin Peak is.
And along the way, if there is no He Yuzhu, there will definitely be attrition.
Don’t look in the desert, but in the desert underground, there are hidden murderous intentions.
Viper, scorpion, sandworm, etc.
If it wasn’t for He Yuzhu, these people would have no way to guard against this.
Now hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone cheered up and looked around.
He Yuzhu said:
“The danger here is much greater than before, everyone be careful!”
He Yuzhu is also very anxious now, because there are so many people, He Yuzhu has no way to release his aircraft, let alone send the satellite to the sky. But He Yuzhu knew that since he got to this place, He Yuzhu had more chances.
Thinking of this, He Yuzhu led the crowd towards the inside of the map, because after arriving here, there was no map inside.
After all, there is no way to send information back here.
Hu Xiao said:
“Taoist, it’s not good, I can’t receive the signal!”
The Taoist said:
“Pillar, stop!”
He Yuzhu stopped and asked:
“What’s wrong? ”
Zhang Qiling and others also saw the Taoist priest.
The Taoist said:
“Just nowHu Xiao said, there is no signal! ”
After He Yuzhu heard this, he said:
“I told you just now that the magnetic field here is abnormal, not to mention the signal, even the compass can’t work now.
Look at your compass for yourselves! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone held their own compass.
The compass kept turning and couldn’t stop at all.
The Taoist said:
“Oh, I thought the magnetic field you were talking about was suffocating!”
He Yuzhu said:
“For the time being, there are no evil spirits and yin qi here, but the magnetic field is wrong. I believe Long Qi also told you about me.
I’m also an inventor, and I can still distinguish evil qi, yin qi and magnetic field.
Moreover, evil spirits and yin qi are not feudal dross.
This is also the fusion of various geography and astronomy, plus acquired means, to form a magnetic field.
Although it is not the same as the technological magnetic force we are talking about, it is still a kind of magnetic field.
It’s just that there is no way to detect it through technology.
But it cannot be said that this is not science. What is science?
It is a discipline that explores the truth. Isn’t the truth that our ancestors explored through other means not the truth?
Science can’t explain it now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t explain it in the future.
So everyone should listen clearly to what I said. Well, since we can’t get in touch, I suggest that everyone go back together now. Then find the place where the magnetic field is weak, then Hu Xiao contacted the base camp and told them the situation here, and then we are going in! ” The Taoist priest heard He Yuzhu’s words, then nodded:
“Yes, I agree!”
The loyalty of others to the country is still very high, and they all agree with He Yuzhu.
Everyone backed away. When the compass was not turning so violently, He Yuzhu said:
“Hu Xiao, please contact me again!”
Hu Xiao started to contact, at this time in a courtyard, a young man said to Long Qi:
“Senior, get in touch!”
Long Qi quickly took the walkie-talkie and asked:
“Hey hey hey, can you hear me!”
Tiger Roar:
“Report, I can hear it!”
Dragon Seven:
“What’s going on there, why can’t you get in touch all of a sudden!”
Tiger Roar:
“We entered a place where the magnetic field fluctuated abnormally, so we lost contact with you.
Later, we came out just to tell you that we probably won’t be able to contact you in the future. Because where we want to enter, the magnetic field fluctuates very strongly, and the signal cannot be transmitted at all. Hearing Hu Xiao’s words, Long Qi was silent for a while, and then said:
“Okay, be careful, if you come across an unstoppable danger, come back quickly!”
Hearing Long Qi’s words, Hu Xiao relayed Long Qi’s words to everyone, and everyone nodded.
Hu Xiao said:
“Okay, we know, if there’s nothing else, we’ll set off!”
Long Qi said:
“Take care of yourself! ”
Then Long Qi said to the young man:
“No matter how your people rest, they must guard this for two to four hours. If you find a signal, let me know immediately!” Long Qi planned to stay here and wait for them to come back.
You must know that if these people can’t come back, the 749th round will only exist in name only.
..for flowers 0..
After he finished speaking, he waited anxiously.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, since we’re almost done, let’s go on!”
After speaking, he led the crowd inside, and the further he went inside, the less sand he felt!
At this time, many people’s weapons were taken away by a special force.
Everyone did not chase after them, but looked around alertly.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, it’s alright, when we got here, it should be a mine formed by magnets.
The magnetism here is very powerful, and all the iron products are sucked away by the magnetism! ”
After hearing He Yuzhu’s explanation, everyone looked at the weapon that was flying away into the distance, and the monk asked:
“Pillar, what shall we do?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Let’s take a step by step, by the way, do you have any iron weapons?”
Everyone looked ugly, then shook their heads.
Zhang Qiling said:
“I still have a knife like this, an ancient black gold knife, not made of iron!”
At this time, Zhang Qiling opened the package on his back, and a knife appeared in Zhang Qiling’s hand.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Okay, then I’m in the front, Zhang Qiling, you’re in the back, everyone be careful!”
After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the crowd continued to move forward.
Walking, walking, there was no sand under everyone’s feet, and what caught everyone’s eyes was a pitch-black stone mountain.
He Yuzhu looked at the dark stone and said:
“This is the culprit that sucked our weapons, natural magnet!”

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