The Taoist inspected it carefully, then shook his head solemnly:
“Dead, the people in our bureau!”
Wu Sansheng said:
“Taoist, please check carefully to see if there are any clues!”
Hearing Wu Sanxing’s words, the Taoist priest continued to check, then shook his head:
“There’s nothing, it died so suddenly, it’s too late to react!”
Hearing the Taoist priest’s words, everyone’s expressions were very solemn.
You must know that this is not an ordinary person, but a fighter in the 749th round.
Seeing everyone’s expressions, He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, everyone be careful, we’re all here after all.
Let’s go on! ”
Everyone nodded, and everyone knew that it wasn’t He Yuzhu who was pressing hard. After all, the food they brought with them was limited. If you continue to waste time here, these people will die here too.
So everyone continued on their way.
I don’t know how long it took, but the sky gradually became dark.
The monk said:
“?°Captain, it’s getting dark, we have to find a place to rest.
Otherwise, it will be more dangerous if you come up at night! ”
He Yuzhu also knew, and then nodded:
“Sure, let’s see where it is suitable to set up camp, then take a rest, and leave at dawn tomorrow!” At this time, everyone was very tired, but everyone knew that the more this time, the less we should take it lightly. If anyone takes it lightly, then he is the one who dies here.
But no one said it, but like everyone else, he tried his best to look into the distance and find a place to rest. After all, this place is not for temporary rest, but for a rest (for money) at night.
Everyone is trying to find a place to rest while they can still see.
He Yuzhu, who has the best eyesight, said to the crowd:
“Over there!”
The crowd followed He Yuzhu for more than half an hour, and they came to the front of a mountain.
The monk said:
“This place is not bad, it’s much less dangerous here!”
Zhang Qiling nodded:
“Yes, this is a stone mountain, don’t worry about the danger from underground!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I really think so too, but we have to check to see if there is any danger around this place!” Because He Yuzhu discovered that there are gnats under the stone, which are poisons.
If they didn’t kill them, then if these people were accidentally bitten, it would be very difficult to deal with. Huo Ling asked:
“What danger pool is there?”
The Taoist explained……
Chapter Five Hundred and Six: The Method of Bloodline Cultivation 【Subscription】
“There is a lot of danger here. There are poisonous insects under the stones. If you are not careful, these poisonous insects will attack you. And we don’t know the toxicity of the poisonous insects here. If we can’t fix it, we will have someone stay here!” The interpretation of the Taoist priest, others think about it, after all, it is related to their own lives.
And this thing isn’t anyone’s relative, so I can’t tell who it will bite.
So there can be no sloppiness at all.
Everyone started to use the light, and then took out the deworming medicine prepared before, and began to use various methods to drive away the poisonous insects here. Soon, someone who didn’t know had an effect, and the gnats crawled out in the darkness and crawled outside. Seeing this situation, everyone was very fortunate to hear He Yuzhu’s words.
Otherwise, looking at the pitch-black, two-fingered cockroach, the toxicity is definitely not low.
If you are bitten, it is estimated that the end will not be very good.
Chen Wenjin said:
“Fortunately, otherwise, if you are bitten, there is nothing here, you can only wait to die!”
Others also nodded with lingering fears, He Yuzhu’s consciousness did not find anything else, and then said;
“All right,Let’s get some food and get some rest, we’ll be on our way tomorrow.
And everyone try not to be too scattered. If 480 encounters other dangers, I don’t know how to rescue it.
Only when everyone is together can we help each other! ”
Everyone nodded. In this situation, no matter how daring they are, no one will not fit in with the group.
Everyone started to take out alcohol and eat, and started cooking.
After all, in this place, everyone has not seen any plants, but fortunately everyone has thought about it. So everyone brought a lot of estimated alcohol.
Soon, after everyone finished eating, everyone took out alcohol lamps and lit them, and everyone gathered around and chatted with each other. He Yuzhu watched everyone chatting. At this time, Zhang Qiling came over and said to He Yuzhu:
“Captain, I feel your strength is stronger than mine, how did you do it?”
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“You talk about the power of your bloodline, in fact, the power of your bloodline has not yet been developed.
If the power of your bloodline is developed, you will be much more powerful than you are now! ”
When Zhang Qiling heard He Yuzhu’s words, he asked in shock:
“Do you know how to develop the power of my bloodline?”
If it was before (bgag), He Yuzhu definitely didn’t know, but what He Yuzhu has learned at Suzaku Imperial Academy is the cultivation method of bloodline warriors. However, He Yuzhu was not a bloodline warrior, so he took a look and did not practice.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Enen, know one thing, are you afraid to use the power of your bloodline, because every time you use it, your body will collapse.
And will it leave dark wounds? ”
Zhang Qiling nodded:
“How did you know?”
He Yuzhu did not answer how Zhang Qiling knew, He Yuzhu said:
“That’s because your physical body is not strong enough to withstand the power of your bloodline.
Although your physical body is stronger than the people here, it is because your bloodline power has been passively tempered since childhood.
But passive tempering is just passive, you shouldn’t be able to actively temper your body with the power of bloodline.
Otherwise, your strength will be even stronger! ”
When Zhang Qiling heard He Yuzhu’s words, he asked very excitedly:
“Captain, then do you know where to get the method to temper the body?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, I have it at home, but I don’t have it with me now. When I go back, I’ll bring it to you!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Zhang Qiling was very happy:
“Okay, then Captain, do you need you?”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“I don’t need anything, you don’t need to have any psychological burden, I also collected that thing by accident.
I don’t have any blood, and I can’t use it either. You can be regarded as our friend! ”
After Zhang Qiling heard it, he didn’t say anything, but Zhang Qiling was very affectionate.
If what He Yuzhu gave him can really help He Yuzhu, then if He Yuzhu has something to do, Zhang Qiling will help He Yuzhu even if he puts his life on the line.
And for Zhang Qiling, gratitude is not spoken, but made.
At this moment, Xie Lianhuan sat down:
“Captain, Zhang Qiling, what are you talking about?”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“It’s alright, just chatting, right, are you alright today?”
Xie Lianhuan said:
“How could it be all right? If it wasn’t for you, I would be like Huo Ling when I walked to the Cishan. That Cishan is really evil!”
He Yuzhu said:
“That’s because the magnetic field there reacts too much to the human body!
That’s why you all feel this way, but do you feel better now? ”
Xie Lianhuan nodded:
“It’s much better after a good night’s sleep. By the way, Captain, is there really an ancient tomb here?”
You must know that Xie Lianhuan’s family is an old ninth family, and he has a special preference for ancient tombs.
So I came over and asked He Yuzhu about the ancient tomb.
And He Yuzhu naturally knew the details of several people, so He Yuzhu gave Xie Lianhuan a meaningful look.
Then said:
“I don’t know if there are ancient tombs, but there must be something unusual in this place!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Xie Lianhuan asked mysteriously:
“Anything out of the ordinary?”
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“It’s my first time here, how do I know?”
Xie Lianhuan thought about it too. If people had been here before, they wouldn’t have brought so many people with them.
However, Xie Lianhuan still said:
“I feel that there is a large tomb here, and it’s very fierce, look at what we’ve experienced along the way.
I feel it must be unusual inside! ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Maybe, as for whether it’s true or not, I don’t know!”
Everyone was talking and laughing, the sky was completely dark, He Yuzhu said to everyone:
“Okay, everyone is tired, let’s rest early, we’ll go somewhere else tomorrow!”
The monk said:
“Captain, our team will be on vigil tonight, you should rest early!”
You must know that there are ten people in the monk’s team, and ten people are vigilant at night, and it will be dawn in less than an hour for one person!
So He Yuzhu didn’t say anything, because He Yuzhu didn’t want to be too different.
So He Yuzhu nodded and then rested, but before resting, He Yuzhu put a coercive magic, and then began to adjust the breath. because?……Chapter 507: Unlucky Cui Ming [Subscribe]
Because He Yuzhu is in this place, it is impossible for him to fall asleep, and He Yuzhu’s practice can also replace sleep.
However, this is also the first time that He Yuzhu has truly cultivated in this world.
Previously, cultivation was in the game world.

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