Hearing the description of the wolf, the monk realized how lucky he and others were. The wild wolves are more dangerous than they are.
However, two of the wild wolf and the others died, and one died in the bloodthirsty red beetle in order to protect these people. However, he and the others did not see that person’s body.
He Yuzhu asked:
“Have you investigated this place? Where is this place?”
The wolf shook his head:
“I don’t know. After we came here, it was very dangerous. We kept running for our lives. Fortunately, we didn’t throw away food and water when we were running for our lives… Otherwise, we would have starved to death here long ago!”
After hearing what the wolf said, He Yuzhu asked the crowd:
“Do you want to continue exploring here, or wait for them to get better and then we’ll leave here?”
Hearing the description of the wild wolf, most of the people here retreated.
Because it is too dangerous, as for He Yuzhu, he has no interest in this place.
It is just to know the truth, but it’s just history.
Moreover, the monsters here have adapted to the conditions here, and they are not afraid to go out. If the monsters here go out, the weapons outside will teach them to be human.
So He Yuzhu is not worried about the situation here.
Now what He Yuzhu wants most is to get his own technology army after he goes back.
The satellite has been released. As long as you go out and contact Ziwei, you can activate your robot army and provide yourself with what you need. Moreover, the satellites also have their own industrial robots and smelting robots, as long as they are sent to the moon.
Those robots are constantly building their own steel base from scratch.
At that time, I can go to other planets to collect resources.
After this 0.6 limelight passes, then I can improve my country’s technology.
Thinking of this, the current He Yuzhu is like an arrow returning to his heart.
However, He Yuzhu still has to ask these people.
Xie Lianhuan asked:
“Aren’t you curious about where this place is and what happened before?”
Hearing Xie Lianhuan’s words, Wu Sanxing said:
“I want to explore!”
Chen Wenjin said:
“The above sent us here just to find out what’s going on here, so we’ll go back like this.
How to explain to the country, if we are careful, I think we should have no problem! ”
The monk said:
“Okay, since everyone has this idea, we will continue to explore when they are ready.
As for
Chapter 514: Something is wrong here [Subscribe]
“As for everyone’s safety, I hope everyone is careful!”
Hearing the monk’s words, everyone nodded solemnly.
When He Yuzhu saw that everyone made such a choice, he said helplessly:
“Okay, since everyone has chosen so, let’s take a day off, and then we’ll go out and see!
But I don’t know what’s dangerous here, so if you feel bad, we can leave here at any time! ” Wu San said:
“This may not be a tomb. Look at the structure here, there are storage areas, and a hall. There is no state of being buried at all. And the feng shui here is obviously the feng shui of the Yangzhai.
It has nothing to do with the Yin House.
So I feel like I shouldn’t be able to find anything! ”
Xie Lianhuan said:
“What the hell is it, we’ll find out if we look for it!”
Everyone nodded.
I think what Xie Lianhuan said is right.
He Yuzhu said:
“Since that’s the case, let’s make a good repair for two days, and then we’ll set off!”
16 When He Yuzhu and the others were renovating, they were in the imperial capital.
Cui Ming was out of luck.
Just after the assistant left, Cui Ming waited for a long time without the assistant coming.
Cui Ming was very angry, he didn’t even say hello to the hospital, and was about to be discharged immediately.
But Cui Ming didn’t pay attention. He didn’t know who sprinkled the beans. Cui Ming walked out in a hurry, not paying attention to his feet at all.
And a nurse is holding a tray of surgical tools ready to be sterilized.
At this time, Cui Ming came over and stepped on the beans.
A staggering, Cui Ming subconsciously pulled the nurse.
But they didn’t touch them, they all hit the nurse’s tray with their hands.wow.
Cui Ming fell to the ground, and the scalpel on the tray was directly stuck on Cui Ming’s body!
Miserable screams echoed in the corridors of the hospital.
And the nurse was shocked. It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary income knife.
But this is a scalpel that has just been operated on.
And this scalpel is an operation on a patient.
It was covered with germs, and now Cui Ming is not just injured.
Other tools were also scattered on Cui Ming.
The nurse felt like she picked up the things on Cui Ming’s body.
Cui Ming was even more angry when he saw that the nurse not only ignored himself but made those things.
She slapped the nurse who had just cleaned up.
The nurse hides subconsciously.
The things he just picked up fell on Cui Ming once again.
Seeing the nurses here almost burst into tears.
How to do this?
Because these things added several wounds to Cui Ming’s body again.
After Cui Ming removed these things, he pulled out the sharp scalpel.
He threw it on the ground, but the severe pain made Cui Ming start to cry.
Cui Ming’s wailing made everyone else come over.
At this time, a doctor came over and asked:
“what happened?”
The nurse quickly said:
“Doctor Wang, it’s not good, the knife that I just had an operation on injured this gentleman, and I was going to take these things to sterilize!” Dr. Wang reprimanded;
“How did you do things, how could you hurt this comrade with this thing!”
The nurse said aggrievedly:
“It wasn’t me, it was he who fell and knocked the tray over for me!”
Dr. Wang continued to scold:
“Well, how can you fall down!”
At this time, a man came and said:
“Doctor Wang, don’t blame the nurse, that person fell down by himself, I saw it!
And when the nurse went to pack up, she was knocked over again by that person.
There is no problem with the nurses! ”
Hearing someone say that, Dr. Wang no longer reprimands the nurse, since it’s not his own problem.
Then you don’t need to reprimand your own people.
Yes, Dr. Wang reprimanded the nurse for this Cui Ming.
Since it’s Cui Ming’s own reason, there’s no need to pretend.
After all, it wasn’t his own fault.
Dr. Wang said to the other nurses;
“Send this comrade in, and I’ll treat the wound!”
Several nurses carried a stretcher for Cui Ming to carry back.
Cui Ming cried out in pain:
“You’re a waste of life!”
Dr. Wang looked at Cui Ming and yelled loudly:
“Shut up, you made this yourself, what does it have to do with us, what’s your name?”
“Cui Ming!”
Dr. Wang said:
“Go, check, has he paid his medical bills?”
Hearing Dr. Wang’s words, Cui Ming was dumbfounded. There is such an operation.
Shouldn’t it be to save people first?
And Dr. Wang is also very clear that this Cui Ming will spend more money in the future. He is not allowed to give money now, but if he asks him to pay in the future, he will have to ask someone to ask him. Because the scalpel was covered with germs, in order to control it, it had to be infused.
It’s just an infusion. Whether or not he can survive is another matter.
So Dr. Wang asked about the cost.
Nurses also know this common sense and say:
“I’ll go take a look!”
Cui Ming shouted:
“Treat my wound first, I’m the manager of the rolling mill, and someone from the rolling mill gave me the money for my treatment.
Hurry up and treat me! ”
Hearing Cui Ming’s words, Dr. Wang gave Cui Ming a simple treatment of the wound, and then found someone from the hospital and asked him to verify Cui Ming’s identity. If there is a unit, it is indeed reimbursed by the unit, but if there is no unit, then you have to spend your own money.
But if this kid is talking nonsense, then the follow-up treatment will definitely not be so simple.
And Cui Ming was also unlucky to go to someone who was suitable for Cui Ming’s identity, because he left halfway.
It took four or five days to go back, and after four or five days, Cui Ming had not been treated in time and was completely infected.
Later, after the verification was completed, Cui Ming had no way to treat him.

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