“If you don’t go, what are you waiting for? Now is your best chance!”
Wu Sansheng clenched his fists to thank He Yuzhu.
Then he quickly chased after him.
Looking at Wu Sansheng who left, He Yuzhu continued to look at the scenery outside.
At this time, Zhang Qiling walked out and asked lightly:
“Do you think you are too cruel!”
He Yuzhu pretended to ask:
“What’s the meaning? ”
Zhang Qiling said:
“Don’t tell me you didn’t see it, Chen Wenjin is interested in you!”
He Yuzhu said:
“It’s much more interesting to me. You said that I’m married. As long as women are interested in me, I will accept them. Do you say it’s unfair to them or to the world?” Zhang Qiling also watched He Yuzhu’s words from Versailles. The scenery outside is neither happy nor sad.
He didn’t even know what to think about, He Yuzhu did the same.
Time passed slowly. In the evening, He Yuzhu entered the game world to learn 0.6 habit. After that, He Yuzhu’s cultivation level did not grow as fast as before.
Of course, this is only compared with He Yuzhu. Compared with other people, He Yuzhu’s cultivation speed, other people can’t catch up even with a rocket.
This is the passive effect of He Yuzhu’s Explorer.
If anyone knows, those so-called Tianjiao reached the realm after ten years or even longer.
He Yuzhu easily achieved it in less than a year. It is estimated that they will drop their jaws.
And He Yuzhu’s foundation is thousands, tens of thousands of times that of others, which is even more incredible.
Of course, only He Yuzhu knew this, and no one else knew. Two days passed quickly, and Mu Qingxue and Ran Qiuye were waiting in the car. Waiting for He Yuzhu to get off,because?……
Chapter 511+9: Back to the rolling mill again [Subscribe]
Because what time he arrived at the station, He Yuzhu had already told the second daughter through his mobile phone, and the second daughter was waiting at the train station early.
He Yuzhu got off the train station, and Mu Qingxue shouted:
Ran Qiuye shouted:
“Brother Zhuzi!”
He Yuzhu smiled slightly, then walked towards the two girls.
Then he hugged the second daughter, and then said to Long Qi and the others who came down:
“Comrade Long Qi, I have reported it to you. If there is anything else, just go to the rolling mill to find me.
I won’t go back with you, I’ll go back first! ”
Long Qi nodded, He Yuzhu was not one of his own, he was mainly helping himself to save people. Now that all the people who were alive came out, there was nothing to do with He Yuzhu.
But others are different. Others still have a lot to deal with.
After speaking, He Yuzhu, the monk, Wu Sansheng, Zhang Qiling and others left after saying goodbye.
Looking at He Yuzhu who was leaving, the monk asked:

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