So all of this was caused by He Yuzhu.
Then all the compensation He Yuzhu gave himself was not enough, not to mention that He Yuzhu was unwilling to compensate himself now.
No one knows what Qin Huairu thinks. If they did, everyone probably wouldn’t know how to say Qin Huairu.
But Qin Huairu is also very shrewd and knows that what she thinks will definitely not be accepted by others.
So I can’t say such a thing. More importantly, if I say my own thoughts, then the people in the compound will definitely ignore me. Therefore, Qin Huairu knew that her inner thoughts could not be expressed.
He Yuzhu returned to his words with the car, and Mu Qingxue saw that He Yuzhu was back. He stood up and asked He Yuzhu:
“Husband, how’s it going over there?”
Ran Qiuye also asked:
“What happened in the Siheyuan today?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Grandma’s house will be cleaned up for two more days. As for the courtyard.
There is really one thing today! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Ran Qiuye asked:
“what’s going on? ”
He Yuzhu asked:
“Qiuye, do you remember Yan Bugui?”
Ran Qiuye nodded:
“En, 151 search; it’s the math teacher of the elementary school I taught before. I remember, what’s wrong?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Yan Bugui was arrested and criticized!”
Mu Qingxue knew very well about the people and things in the courtyard:
“Grab it and criticize it? Why? I remember that there are no bad people in your compound!” He Yuzhu nodded:
“Yes, all the people in the compound are workers and peasants.
Now it is not a matter of cutting the tail of capitalism, but expanding outward.
Because Yan Bugui is an intellectual, he is now the ninth scumbag. ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Ran Qiuye sat on the sofa and said to himself:
“Sure enough!”
Mu Qingxue came to Ran Qiuye and asked:
“Autumn leaves, what really happened! ”
Ran Qiuye said:
“I knew a friend before, and she told me, let me be careful, it’s better not to teach anymore.
You also know that being a teacher is my dream.
How could I give up, but because I met Brother Zhuzi, I gave up the profession of a teacher.
The person who came to help Brother Zhuzi, I met someone before, asked about the situation of my family.
I said, I am a worker now, and my parents are also workers.
They said a bunch of inexplicable things, and I forgot the specifics.
I knew the word stinky old nine before, it was said by those people before.
I didn’t know what it meant at the time, so I didn’t pay attention.
Now, after listening to Brother Zhuzi, I remembered what I had encountered before.
Really literate people have become stinky old ninths! ”
After hearing Ran Qiuye’s words, He Yuzhu asked:
“Do you know what his name is?”
Ran Qiuye shook his head;
“My character, you know, the teacher is my ideal, the person who criticizes my ideal, how could I get along with him. After that, I never saw that person again.
I’ve forgotten what it looks like, but I’m sure the other party is a woman.
Although wearing a veil, I can be sure that it looks good! ”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“If you don’t know, then forget it. Let’s talk about it when you have a chance! By the way, what else do you know?” Ran Qiuye said:
“Fortunately, you asked my parents to resign early, otherwise my parents would be criticized now.
When I went back today, I heard from my parents that many of their colleagues are now being persecuted! 〃 Mu Qingxue nodded:
“Yes, I know about this matter, all intellectuals have become ninth old ninths.
Even university teachers are like this, not to mention high school, junior high school and elementary school! ”
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu sighed and said:
“Hey, there is no way, this is the national conditions of our country, although I want to manage it.
But this kind of thing is not something I can intervene in. I can help as many people as I can. By the way, what about Comrade Ding Qiunan? “.
Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five: Two Women’s Suggestions 【Subscribe】
Hearing He Yuzhu’s call, Ran Qiuye said:
“I’ve already rested there. I didn’t rest until you came back!”
He Yuzhu looked at the time, and most of the people were asleep at this time. In this era of no entertainment, creating human beings is the main theme of this era.
He Yuzhu nodded and said:
“Okay, let’s rest too!”
Mu Qingxue said:
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He Yuzhu looked at Mu Qingxue and asked:
“What’s the matter? Is there anything else you two have to do?”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“En, let’s go into the room and talk!”
He Yuzhu nodded, the three entered the room, and then He Yuzhu asked:
“Okay, now what’s the matter, you can talk about it!”
Mu Qingxue was silent for a while, then said:
“Husband, Qiuye and I thought about it for a while, we both want you to give it to Ding Qiunan.
Don’t worry, Akiba and I will handle this matter tomorrow.
Let’s investigate and see what Ding Qiunan needs. I believe we can do it! ” Although He Yuzhu thought to himself, he didn’t expect the second daughter to tell this matter in advance.
He Yuzhu asked curiously:
“What happened to you guys, that Ding Qiunan was just saved by me on the way, and I already have the two of you. I won’t go out and mess around, I’m not Xu Damao!”
Mu Qingxue shook her head:
“Husband, that’s not what I meant, you see, Qiu Nan and I have been with you for over a year.
But our two stomachs are not good enough, so far we haven’t given birth to a boy and a girl to your old He family. And you are too powerful, and the two of us are unable to do anything right now, no matter in that respect.
We both hope that you can take Ding Qiunan. ”
He Yuzhu heard the second daughter’s words and smiled helplessly and said:
“Okay, let me explain this matter to you, so you don’t have to think about it.
You all know that I have cultivated, right?”
The two girls nodded, and Ran Qiuye asked:
“Does this have anything to do with cultivation?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“En, it must be related, you two listen to me slowly.
Guoshu is actually the most basic practice, waiting for the peak of Guoshu cultivation.
In other words, it is the current peak of Huajin, so it is considered the threshold for entry-level first-order powerhouses.
Just like everyone else, they are ordinary people, not in the class.
Cultivation is the process of continuous evolution of life levels.
If it was before, when I didn’t have a breakthrough, I could still have children at that time.
But now my life level has improved.
It’s not that you can’t get pregnant, and it’s not that I can’t have children.
But my life level is higher than yours.
Right now, there are only two ways. One is to raise your life level.
The second is to see God’s will, our chances of getting pregnant are low. ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Husband, do you mean that if we want to improve the probability of pregnancy, there are two ways. The first is to improve our life level, which is the level you said? The other is us. A lot of that can also increase the chance of pregnancy?”
He Yuzhu nodded:”Yes, that’s what it means!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Akiba, I have an idea!”
Ran Qiuye asked:
“what idea? ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“I mean, this matter needs to be carried out in two ways. First, we must cultivate well in the future. We will strive to enter the stage, and then we will bring Ding Qiunan in, and then we will do more of that.
In this way, no matter who can make it, and who can give birth to a child for her husband.
We are all well trained.
See if you can do it! ”
Ran Qiuye knew that He Yuzhu still had another woman. Anyway, there were three now, not worse than the fourth one.
Then Ran Qiuye nodded:
“Okay, I think this is good!”
Hearing Ran Qiuye’s words, Mu Qingxue also nodded:
“For the sake of our two bodies, I also think it’s ok. Tomorrow we will find Ding Qiunan, and then go to Ding Qiunan’s house to have a look!”
Ran Qiuye nodded:
“Okay, there’s no problem with this!”
He Yuzhu looked at the two girls in disbelief, and then asked helplessly:
“That’s what the two of you decided, and you don’t ask me for my opinion?”

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