The butler asked cautiously:
“Patriarch, won’t this be bad, it will make us enemies!”
Cui Zhijian said coldly:
“Are you the head of the house or I am the head of the house, a mere genius, a living genius is a genius.
A dead genius is no longer a genius, and that He Yuzhu is just a muddy leg.
With a good brain, besides, no one said that we killed that little bastard, just use our power to kill him normally.
How can you not pay for killing someone! ”
When the housekeeper heard Cui Zhijian’s words, he could only nod his head:
“Yes, Patriarch, I’ll make arrangements now!”
After he finished speaking, he went down, and He Yuzhu was in the steel rolling mill explaining to everyone the concept of governing the country and why it was so governed.
Many people in this era have not opened their minds, but only cover their heads to develop, and make progress for the sake of progress, without thinking about the future at all.
He Yuzhu is telling these people about the importance of resources and the non-renewable situation of resources.
Because many resources in this country have not been mined now, in the future, after they are mined.
Many people sold it for economic benefit, and they sold it at the price of cabbage.
As a result, the country later bought it back at the price of gold.
However, after He Yuzhu knew about it, such a thing would not have happened in 510.
These people will go to various positions in the future, so the country in the future will become a dead man, purchasing various resources in various countries around the world. However, it is not sold, and various products developed by He Yuzhu are exported to various countries.
The countless money earned has all bought various resources.
Of course, this is a later story. At this time, He Yuzhu faced various people’s questions and answered them one by one:
“Director He, what you said is very clear, but in the current situation of our country, if we don’t sell resources, how can we develop?
Now all countries are technically blocking our country! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Technical blockade is blocked. Now that we have mastered the basic things, we can’t do our own research.
Although our country is not as early as Western countries, there are many people in our country.
oneIf one person can’t do it, only ten people. If ten people can’t do it, one hundred people. If one hundred people can’t do it, one thousand people.
I don’t believe that our entire nation’s strength cannot catch up with Western countries.
We are now better than the West in many things. Western countries are just capital ideas, and they can do anything for money.
But our country is different. People in our country have faith. For the faith in their hearts, they are not afraid of death.
Are you still afraid that you won’t be able to fix these things? They are also researched, they are two shoulders against one head.
Who is worse than who! ”
“It’s good to say, that is, two shoulders carry one head, who is afraid of who!
Although we don’t understand it, we can learn it. Westerners are not born knowing everything.
We can also study, and better than them! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Yes, look now, we have all the vegetables in our greenhouse, and we will be able to eat fresh vegetables in the summer.
Although it is not yet widespread, I believe it will be popular in the early evening.
After our continuous research, these grains and vegetables can continue to integrate and evolve, and the output will continue to increase.
As long as the people of our country are no longer hungry, then we will have a lot of time to study this.
Are you right? ”
Everyone nodded, as long as they were not hungry, they would have a lot of time to study, and they would be able to develop more and better technologies than the West. He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, that’s it for today’s class, you digest it well, and then continue to do the experiment if you like it.
If you don’t like it, just play chess, chat, and discuss how to manage one side if you manage it.
Farmers, workers, businessmen, technology research and development, environment, municipal administration, etc., whether it is material or spiritual.
Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard (bgag), so that our country will not walk on one leg.
Only two legs can walk faster and farther. ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone was thoughtful.
He Yuzhu saw these people thinking and left without saying hello.
Just as He Yuzhu was about to leave, Director Yang stopped He Yuzhu:
He Yuzhu looked back and said with a smile:
“Director Yang!”
Director Yang said:
“You wait and then go!”
He Yuzhu asked:
“Is something wrong?”
Director Yang said:
“Come with me!”
He Yuzhu and Director Yang went to a place with no one.
Director Yang sighed and said:
“Zhuzi, when I first started managing this factory, I was afraid that my whole life’s efforts would be wasted like this.
I also know that since you became the director of the factory, although the general direction was handled by me.
But the details are still yours. The details you say determine success or failure. Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it.
After you changed the details, the rolling mill is better now than it was before.
When all the workers here listen to you, and after so long, I will listen to your lectures.
Your ideas, your vision, your depth and breadth are not comparable to me.
In the future, you will be the one to manage this rolling mill. I can rest assured that you manage the rolling mill.
In the future, I will retire here. If there is anything you don’t understand or don’t understand, just come and find me.
I’m sure I won’t hide it? . . . ”
He Yuzhu interrupted Director Yang’s words:
“Director Yang, wait a minute, what’s wrong with me? I never thought about seizing power with you.
You do it like this first, after all, the current social environment cannot allow you to manage it.
I can only do this, or you heard some rumors! ”
Director Yang shook his head:
“No, don’t think wildly. Actually, I’m just tired. Before, I didn’t want to let go of power because I was afraid that the rolling mill I had worked so hard to build would be ruined. Now I am not afraid of you, because you can lead the rolling mill to grow and develop.
Whether it is the tractor of the second plant, the research and development center at that time, or the procurement center, the workshop center of the rolling mill after the upgrade at that time.
Although other people don’t know, I know that this is all your credit.
Now you are also the acting factory manager. I believe that you will lead the entire rolling mill to go further in the future.
So, you will manage the rolling mill from now on! ”
After hearing the words of Director Yang, He Yuzhu said:
“Director Yang, in fact, your management is pretty good. I’ll check and fill in the gaps next to me, and Manager Yang, what do you think…”.
Chapter 550+2: He Yuzhu does not want to 【Subscription required】
“Do you think I have time to manage the rolling mill now?”
Director Yang was taken aback:
“Pillar, what do you mean?”
He Yuzhu doesn’t want to put his energy on this rolling mill. Now that he has time, that’s because his power has not yet developed. After a period of time, all the robots I sent out have taken shape, and I don’t have enough time. How can I manage this rolling mill? He Yuzhu persuaded bitterly:
“Director Yang, do you think I gave them lessons because I had too much time?”
Director Yang naturally thinks like this:
“if not? ”
He Yuzhu explained:
“Director Yang, these people came in almost like you, but they didn’t make mistakes, let alone break the law.
This is almost the same as the previous one, which is the wrong approach.
These people, like you, are all heroes of the country, so heThey will be rehabilitated in the morning and evening.
And after being rehabilitated, these people will all enter their posts.
You must know that what our country lacks now is management talents.
This is also the reason why I accept as many people as they send.
There are only 4,000 or 5,000 people here. I have no way to protect others in other places, but most of these people will manage our country in the future. If they are doing the opposite of what I said in the future for development, then he is either a spy or revenge on the country.
Think about it, what will our country look like then? ”
Director Yang thought about He Yuzhu’s words, and then broke into a cold sweat.
He Yuzhu continued:
“That’s why I let go of what I’m doing and teach these people every now and then.
But there are still a lot of things to be studied in my research institute, you know, how is the outside now.
Do we still have time to study this situation?
Now all the people are crazy, our country is in a purgatory.
But this is the national policy and policy, and I can’t control it at all, unless I kill all these people.
Otherwise, I can’t solve it either. It’s a matter of the country.
But I can’t give up my research. You know, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.
So I don’t have much time, and you’ve also seen something from a rolling mill recently.
In addition to those things that are exported, how many domestic jobs are there in our rolling mills.
There are not many, except for military-industrial units.
Know why? Because most of the people from other brother units went to exercise.
There is no intention to produce at all, many factories have shut down, and there are very few workers who want to work.
No production is the main theme now. We just got rid of the natural disaster for three years.
And many young people don’t go to work and work anymore, not only that, but now many people go to sabotage, otherwise others will work.
Now people outside are panicking. If I wasn’t the director of the Revolutionary Committee, do you think our steel rolling mill would do well?
If I let other management into the rolling mill, do you think the rolling mill can still survive on its own? Now the rolling mills are all supported by foreign currency money.
If you let me manage the rolling mill, I don’t have the time and the outside world.
At that time, the rolling mill will also be messed up by other conscientious people.
If you think that’s fine, then I’ll take charge of the rolling mill! “

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