Two+ years later, whether the Cui family lives or dies has nothing to do with the country! ”
The butler said in shock:
Cui Zhijian said:
“Let’s go down and make arrangements. If this is not the case, the Cui family will die, and our Cui family’s two-thousand-year collection will be annexed by other families.
At that time, not only will the enemy’s capital increase, other families will not let our Cui family rise.
So this must be done. The only way is to use our Cui family’s thousand-year collection to exchange for 20 years of peace. If our Cui family can’t rise in 20 years. Then it means that our Cui family is exhausted. If we can rise up, then I will return the current hatred to these people as they are! ”
When the steward heard Cui Zhijian’s words, he knew that the owner was right, but he felt a little distressed when he thought of the thousand-year-old collection of the Cui family, although it was not the steward’s.
But the thousand-year-old collection of the Cui family is a huge fortune.
Seeing the distressed housekeeper, Cui Zhijian also felt distressed.
But Cui Zhijian said:
“Okay, don’t think about it, those things are precious, but if we guard those things, our Cui family will die faster.
Only by handing over these things can our Cui family have a little breathing space! ”
The butler nodded:
“Okay, I’ll find someone to contact me!”
After speaking, the butler went down to find someone to arrange it.
And He Yuzhu in the imperial capital received news from Ziwei.
He Yuzhu fell into contemplation when he heard the news.
Because He Yuzhu also knew that the Cui family wanted to save their lives with a thousand-year-old collection.
He Yuzhu is just an ordinary person. If he wants to develop, he definitely needs a background.
But He Yuzhu’s heritage is unmatched by anyone, it is the civilization of a world.
There is also a golden finger, but since there is such a good thing, He Yuzhu will not give up.
He Yuzhu said to Ziwei:
“?V Ziwei, release the exploration robot and find me the Cui family’s collection as quickly as possible.”
“Yes, boss!”
He Yuzhu was thinking about the Cui family. At this time, the secretary came over and said:
“Director He, there is something I don’t know when to say it or not!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
The secretary said:
“I heard that Minister Hong Cheng will come over later!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Oh, I’m here to give people away again, no, if I give them away, Director Fang will do it!”
The secretary nodded:
“Yes, the director of the factory, but I heard that it is Director Hong, and there is no other person!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Is the news accurate?”
The secretary said:
“It was Minister Hong’s secretary who told me that it should be correct!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Since that’s the case, let’s make arrangements, let everyone put down what they are doing, and start working!”
the secretary said;
“It has already been arranged (Li Lizhao) to go down, but I just don’t know whether Minister Hong is here to see these people this time, or to target…?????”
After talking about the secretary, let’s not talk about it. The secretary knows that the factory director in front of him doesn’t care about his age, but his methods are indeed very powerful. In the entire rolling mill, there is no one who dissatisfies He Yuzhu, except for the few people who are in the same courtyard with He Yuzhu.
According to the secretary, if He Yuzhu doesn’t want to pay attention to these people, just find a reason to drive them out.
But He Yuzhu didn’t agree, and the secretary didn’t know what spy plan He Yuzhu had, so he didn’t do anything on his own.
For fear of making this young factory manager unhappy, others don’t know it, but he knows very well that this factory manager is a ruthless man who can kill thousands of miles away. And no one can find any clues, such a person can only be loyal to him.
As for other ideas, the secretary would not dare to think of it at all! .
Chapter 556: Hongcheng Comes to He Yuzhu 【Subscription】
He Yuzhu shook his head:
“I don’t know if I’m dealing with me or seeing other people, but it doesn’t matter.
When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover the soil. When they come, you should tell me in advance. No matter what, they are my boss, so I should welcome them! ” Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the secretary is very disdainful. If you, He Yuzhu, can give this minister a little face.
As long as people target you like this?
However, this is also the secretary complaining in his heart, he didn’t dare to say it at all, instead nodded:
“Okay, then Director He, I’ll go down!”
He Yuzhu nodded and continued to do his own thing.
Just when He Yuzhu was collecting his own information through Ziwei.
The secretary ran in:
“Director, Minister Hong is here!”
He Yuzhu put away his belongings, then walked out with his secretary, and just arrived in the yard.
Seeing Hong Cheng getting out of the car, and looking at Hong Cheng getting out of the car, He Yuzhu greeted him with a smirk:
“Welcome leaders to come to the rolling mill to inspect and guide the work!”
Hong Cheng waved his hand:
“Comrade He Yuzhu, I’m not here today to inspect the work, I have something to tell you!”
He Yuzhu asked:
“Oh, then I don’t know if Minister Hong is talking about public affairs or private affairs?”527
Hongcheng Road:”There are both public and private matters. I wonder if I can talk to you in your office, Director He!”
When He Yuzhu heard what Hong Cheng said, he knew that Hong Cheng was not using his identity as his boss.
If he used his identity as his boss, then the Hong Cheng called He Yuzhu was Director He, because only the Director, Hong Cheng was He Yuzhu’s boss. And the position of Director He is not something that Hong Cheng can manage.
He Yuzhu is not a fool either. Since people did not use their identity to oppress themselves, He Yuzhu would not be angry with them.
So He Yuzhu smiled:
“Of course, go and serve tea to Minister Hong. By the way, good tea!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu took Hong Cheng into his office and looked at He Yuzhu’s office.
Hongcheng Road:
“Director He’s office is so simple!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Haha, I made Minister Hong laugh. I have seen other leaders’ offices, either antiques or calligraphy and paintings, and some have a lot of books.
This is the hobby of the leaders. Minister Hong, as you know, before this, I, He Yuzhu, was a cook.
My hobby is (bgag) cooking too. If I was asked to put things, I would like to put some seasonings and cooking utensils.
But that’s too cheap to be on the table, so what the factory manager was before is what I am here.
It didn’t move! ”
He Yuzhu’s meaning is very simple, I’m just a mud leg, for you people.
In your eyes, those so-called antique calligraphy and paintings are very valuable, but for me they are not as good as a little seasoning.
Minister Hong is not a fool either. If He Yuzhu is really what he said, he is just an ordinary cook.
In less than two years, he was able to weave such a large network, from an eighth-level chef to the current leader of this rolling mill. Moreover, in this rolling mill, it is simply a matter of words, and no one can intervene.
What’s more amazing is that no one reported He Yuzhu’s bad behavior.
You must know that even the former Director Yang was reported by someone, not to mention He Yuzhu.
And his own people couldn’t get in at all. Ever since He Yuzhu took control of the rolling mill, he used the reason that he received many orders for defense projects. Increased protection for the entire rolling mill.
Outsiders are not allowed to enter at all, and other people here are also not allowed to enter many places.
If you really forced and sneaked in, you would be killed by espionage.
This is also the reason why other people have no way to investigate the rolling mill now.
It is the reason why others have no way to control the rolling mill.
If He Yuzhu is just talking about the tiger skin and pulling the flag, it’s okay to say, after verification with the above.
What He Yuzhu said is still true, so many people don’t know who is behind He Yuzhu.
At first, everyone thought he was a big leader, but above, He Yuzhu’s big leader was really not a big leader.
But now the big leader He Yuzhu said has lost his power, but there are still people who endorse He Yuzhu.
Moreover, people from the military are willing to endorse He Yuzhu, which makes many people jealous.
After all, in this era, although workers and peasants have strong identities.
But soldiers are more respected in this era. After all, most of the soldiers in this era have participated in battles.
Although there was no major war, local battles continued.
Therefore, in this era, the status of the military is always the first.
And He Yuzhu was endorsed by the military region, so He Yuzhu did whatever he wanted in the rolling mill.
He Yuzhu knew that the military had endorsed him because the things he had developed had alarmed the military.
However, in this situation, many leaders of the military have been disturbed by the storm.
Therefore, no one on He Yuzhu’s side urged He Yuzhu, but He Yuzhu’s previous credit was not enough for the military to protect He Yuzhu. Hong Cheng heard He Yuzhu’s words, and then said:
“It’s still necessary to inherit the traditions of the older generation. By the way, Director He, I have something to ask you!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Minister Hong, please speak!”
Hong Cheng asked;
“Do you know the Cui family?”
He Yuzhu has top acting skills, how could something happen? He Yuzhu asked in surprise:
“The Cui family? Whose family?”
He Yuzhu thought for a while, then said:
“Minister Hong, are you here for Cui Dake from the steel mill?”
Hong Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then asked:
“Who is Cui Da?”

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