“What else can I do, I can only leave it to my fate, this is your uncle’s own doing.
You said he had nothing to do to provoke Zhuzi, and Zhuzi didn’t offend him! ”
Qin Huairu naturally knew the reason, but how could Qin Huairu say it.
Qin Huairu looked sad, because Qin Huairu didn’t know whose blood she would suck in the future.
Yi Zhonghai is in prison, and the aunt will definitely not help him at home, and the aunt will have no income in the future.
?… ask for flowers 0…
As for Yi Zhonghai, if he comes out in the future, he still has wages, and whether he can go to work in the rolling mill is still a matter of discussion.
Qin Huairu kept turning her head, looking for new targets.
There is no idea of ​​self-improvement and self-improvement.
The next day, He Yuzhu came back, along with He Yuyu and Ding Sitian, when the village chief left, they left.
I got on the train to the imperial capital.
If He Yuzhu used his ability to go back, he would definitely be able to go back soon.
But He Yuzhu knows that the power of the country has not been paid attention to now, but if something is checked, this matter will definitely be exposed.
So He Yuzhu obediently got on the train.
A week later, He Yuzhu finally returned to the imperial capital.
This week, He Yuzhu was using his mobile phone, but he knew what happened in the imperial capital.
After getting off the train, Mu Qingxue drove over to pick up He Yuzhu.
In the car, Mu Qingxue said to He Yuzhu:
“Not only Qin Huairu and her aunt came to look for you these days, but people from the military have also come to look for you many times. What are you going to do?”
He Yuzhu also knows that when his country’s national defense is strong, the people of this country will be happy.
So He Yuzhu said:
“Don’t worry, I’m all ready, but not now, I’ll give it to them after a while!”
Mu Qingxue knew that He Yuzhu was more capable than herself. Since He Yuzhu had already thought about it, she wouldn’t make up her mind blindly. Mu Qingxue nodded and said:
“Should Qiuye and Qiu Nan be brought back?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I’ll go pick them up after I see the people from the military!”
Mu Qingxue nodded, and suddenly Mu Qingxue asked He Yuzhu:
“Husband, if you take action, can you rescue Yi Zhonghai?”
He YuPillar Road:
“Then I have to take this merit in exchange for such a great merit, but there is no real reward.
It will also give me a lot of help, and that Yi Zhonghai! Well, let him suffer a little.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to position himself at all! “six.
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty-Three: Explaining to the General 【Subscription】
Mu Qingxue also nodded:
“Yes, how good are you to him that he actually did such a thing!”
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, I’ll go to the military headquarters, otherwise, I’ll have enough to drink this time!”
He Yuzhu knew that he had used the military department, but his information was enough for the military department to take action for him.
You must know that the drawings you gave are the drawings of the third-generation fighter engine and design drawings.
With these, the country’s fighter jets are no longer at the bottom of the world, but at the top.
Even other countries have nothing better than this, but only crippled.
The purpose is to let the military take action and teach the people who are looking for trouble. If everyone comes to report and come to find trouble for themselves, He Yuzhu doesn’t know what to do in the future. After all, the storm has just started “May 40”. If you don’t kill the chickens and warn the monkeys, then the days to come will definitely be even more difficult.
This is also the reason why He Yuzhu was not at home when he went out. Even if he didn’t go to see He Yuyu, He Yuzhu also had other reasons to go out.
But now that the dust has settled, it doesn’t matter if you come back by yourself.
Mu Qingxue wasn’t a fool either. This time, she didn’t use her own actions at all, all of them were done by the military.
The man in my family must give an explanation to the military, otherwise it will be difficult for my family.
So Mu Qingxue nodded:
“En, let’s go, nothing will happen, right? If not, let’s go out and hide? ”
He Yuzhu waved his hand:
“No, I have a plan for this matter. If I didn’t plan, how could I have released those drawings!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s confident look, Mu Qingxue was relieved, and then said:
“It’s good that you have the bottom line!”
He Yuzhu nodded. When he got home, He Yuzhu briefly washed and changed his clothes.
I drove my car to the military headquarters.
Of course, in his own space, He Yuzhu took out all the drawings and put them in the car.
After arriving at the military headquarters, He Yuzhu said to the guard:
“Hello, I’m He Yuzhu from the rolling mill. General Lan asked me to come here!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the guards also received the message that He Yuzhu is here, no need to report, just let He Yuzhu come in.
The guard saluted He Yuzhu:
“Comrade He Yuzhu, hello, the general said, as long as you come over, you can go in directly!”
He Yuzhu nodded, and led by the guards, drove towards the military headquarters.
As soon as He Yuzhu arrived, he saw a general walking out with a lot of people.
It was also the first time for He Yuzhu to see General Lan. He Yuzhu had been in contact with others before.
But there is only one general here, He Yuzhu said:
“Hello, General, I’m He Yuzhu from the rolling mill!”
General Lan knew that what He Yuzhu did this time was inauthentic and treated himself as a gun, but General Lan knew the importance of He Yuzhu’s drawings. But still:
“You’d better give me an explanation, otherwise, you boy just wait!”
This is just an angry word. You must know that there are no other blueprints, even those from the previous ones, so General Lan can also vent his anger. But how could He Yuzhu do just that?
He Yuzhu smiled and said:
“General, I don’t know how much information has been lost, but these are all from my research.
I made a new copy from start to finish! ”
After speaking, He Yuzhu opened the trunk and took out the drawings.
When General Lan saw He Yuzhu’s actions, he was very shocked:
“What, you brought such an important blueprint, why are you so careless?
The importance of this drawing, others don’t know, don’t you know?
Come on, block this place, no one will come near, if there is a warning once.
The second time, you can directly kill it on the spot! ”
The guards emptied the place in an instant.
He Yuzhu said with a wry smile:
“General, there’s no need for that, no one knows what I’m bringing, not even my wife.
Now, it would be too high-profile! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, General Lan also knew that he was too high-profile, but thought of the importance of these drawings.
General Lan still thinks he did the right thing, so General Lan still said:
“Come here, bring these things in and guard them strictly!”
“Yes! ”
Then General Lan continued:
“I called Mr. Hu and the others, and they said that the complete blueprint was sent!”
General Lan said:
“Send troops to pick it up. If there is no previous matter, they can come by themselves, but now it has been exposed….
Then be careful! ”
He Yuzhu said with a wry smile:
“General, no need, in the current situation in our country, other countries don’t pay attention to our country’s actions at all.
It is estimated that all countries are now watching our country’s jokes! ”
General Lan thought of the current domestic situation, then sighed and said:
“Yes, you’re right, but it’s okay to be careful, it’s better to be careful.! ”
He Yuzhu had no choice but to nod his head. Anyway, these things are for these people.
He doesn’t do anything now, but nods his head.
General Lan watched his soldiers seal up all the information, and then said:
“Okay, let’s go up, I just want to ask you something!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“it is good!”
After speaking, he went upstairs with He Yuzhu. When they got there, General Lan said:
“Let’s do it, there’s still some time. I know you must know that someone reported you. Why do you want to reveal such important information at this time?” He Yuzhu knew that it was very simple for a country to investigate itself.
He Yuzhu didn’t hide it either: 0.6
“General Lan, I believe you have also investigated. I am the acting director of the rolling mill, and you also know about the rolling mill.
Actually, there was nothing at all, it was the uncle of our compound, oh, the Yi Zhonghai who reported me.
He wanted me to take care of the widow in our yard. I helped the widow for three years before, but it was more difficult than that widow Qin’s family. I was still a cook at that time, and the salary was only thirty-five yuan, so I couldn’t help after that??????”
He Yuzhu told his story again, when General Lan heard this, he was very angry:
“What? There are such people. If I had known, I would have sent the people below to sentence for a few more years.
It’s just too much, I don’t know how to work hard, I want to be a blood-sucking worm!
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty-Four: Qin Huairu’s Blocking 【Subscription】
Looking at the angry General Lan, He Yuzhu explained with a wry smile:
“General, don’t be angry anymore. In fact, this matter is still my fault. If I hadn’t tried my best at that time, I wouldn’t have done it. I forgot the allusion of Shengmien fighting against Miqiu.”

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