“That’s not what I said. As a village chief, I can only manage the short-term affairs of the management, which are all those… Hey, forget it, let’s do what you love.
But the people in the stockade suffered. Fortunately, there is little land in our stockade, and we can get it all with a little grain. It is not enough to collect all the food in their village! ”
He Yuzhu sighed and said:
“If it goes on like this, how can farmers survive?”
The village chief said:
“Who said no, but the above likes this, what can we do!”
He Yuzhu knows that this is not something he can manage, and now he can’t even manage the one in the sky.
He Yuzhu chatted with the village chief for a while, and then said goodbye to the village chief.
Returning to He Yuyu’s small courtyard, He Yuyu was packing things, and seeing He Yuyu packing things, He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, just pack up your own personal belongings. You don’t need to bring these things to you later.”
He Yuyu nodded:
“I know, when no one is there, I will send some to Xiaoding, and they will leave later. I know that if these things are given to Xiaoding, Xiaoding will not be able to keep it. Give her these bacon, and I will not be there in the future. In life, she can also live a little better, and she will eat secretly in the future.
Just don’t let others find out! ”
He Yuzhu didn’t care about these little things. At night, He Yuzhu secretly sent it to Ding Sitian.
Then came back secretly.
The next day, when He Yuzhu saw the village head approaching, He Yuzhu said to the village head:
“I didn’t take the food, vegetables, and so on that I got for the rain last time. I don’t lack these at home.
These things will be left to you. When the time comes, the village chief will take a look at the lonely old people in the village, as well as the families of the martyrs. It’s up to you to make allocations to the needy households.
It’s just that you can keep it all by yourself, it’s allotted to you! ”
The village chief naturally knew how ‘rich’ He Yuyu was, and nodded excitedly:
“Then thank you brothers and sisters. Without these, it would be really difficult for us here!”
Now that we have these, we can be somewhat better off.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“In that case, you don’t need to send it, I’ll go first!”
After speaking, he took He Yuyu and left here. The two of them walked very fast, and soon they left the village and then walked towards the town.
He Yuyu was a little bit reluctant at the beginning, not because of this place, but a few friends here.
??????? asking for flowers 0…
After a while, He Yuhui recovered, chatting and asking questions along the way.
He Yuzhu also answered patiently, but at this time, He Yuzhu’s mind had long since returned.
The two arrived in the town, took the car to the city, bought the train tickets, and set foot on the train back to the imperial capital.
Looking at the scenery outside, He Yuyu was very excited. He has been out for more than a year, nearly two years.
Now that he is finally back, thinking of the time when his brother persuaded him, it seems like the next day.
Now that he is finally back, He Yuyu has grown a lot.
In the car, He Yuyu secretly sent a message to Mu Qingxue.
He Yuzhu didn’t care about the rain either, but closed his eyes and rested.
While He Yuzhu and He Yuyu were on the road, Qin Huairu’s family fell out:
Stick Terrier said angrily:
“I don’t go, I don’t go, I don’t want to go to the countryside!”
Qin Huairu sighed and said:
“Bang Terrier, Mom doesn’t want you to go either, but Mom has no ability, there is absolutely no way to arrange a job for you!”
Stick Terrier blurted out:
“What about Silly Zhu? Why didn’t Silly Zhu arrange it for me? Silly Zhu is now the factory manager. Entering the rolling mill is just a matter of Silly Zhu. Did you not sleep with Silly Zhu? If you did…”
Qin Huairu’s mouth widened, and then she shouted angrily:
“Bang Terri, you’re still not human, am I that kind of person? Although I let others take advantage of me, I am Qin Huairu only your father!” Bang Terri looked at Qin Huairu with hatred, and then pouted:
“Bah, you’re not ashamed when you say this, Silly Zhu is stupid, what about the others?
Don’t tell me, it’s all stupid!
You still want to lie to me, I don’t care to say that you are, what status is you now, silly Zhu, you are enough to sleep!
Don’t you still think about the same as before, pretending to be pitiful and selling miserable, that stupid Zhu will still help you?
Do you want me to go to the country and live with other wild men, I tell you, if you dare to do that.
I don’t recognize your mother! “six.
Chapter 613: Xu Damao who hit the gun [Subscribe]
Hearing that her son looked at her like this, Qin Huairu was very helpless.
Yes, Qin Huairu did lie, but what mother doesn’t want to be a noble mother in front of her son.
Qin Huairu is also, through what Bang Terri just said, Qin Huairu knows that her mother has failed very much here.
I don’t know if Bang Teng saw it or if Bang Teng heard something.
Since Bang Terrier said so, Qin Huairu knew that this son of hers had now become the firsttwo myself.
He sucked the blood of others to feed his own children, while the stick terrier became a blood-sucking worm that sucked his own blood.
But what can be done about this? Qin Huairu knew that this was all done by himself and had nothing to do with others.
If I had to find a culprit for this matter, it would be my mother-in-law and the silly “557” pillar.
If my mother-in-law didn’t treat me that much, I would have been with Shazhu long ago. Now that I am the wife of the factory manager, I don’t have to do anything, and my children live a life without worrying about food and clothing. It is because of his mother-in-law that he is not allowed to be with the silly Zhu, and now the silly Zhu has ignored himself.
The second is Silly Zhu. As long as he was unhappy with himself, Silly Zhu can do whatever he was good to.
But then I don’t know what happened? I just ignored myself, and later got married, but the marriage object was not myself.
Silly Zhu changed his mind quickly. If it wasn’t for Silly Zhu’s change of heart, his mother-in-law went in. As long as he arranged a job for Bang Terri, then he would be able to get a certificate with Silly Zhu in an open and honest manner.
But now it’s too late to say anything, so Qin Huairu hates silly Zhu and her mother-in-law Jia Zhang very much.
However, Qin Huairu did not blame her son for saying this, but said in a soft and harmonious voice:
“Bang Terri, I know you have misunderstandings about your mother, but don’t worry, my mother wants you and your sister to grow up happily in her whole life.
I don’t want you to go to the countryside either. I even used my body to tempt other officials, but after they knew about your situation, no one came forward.
No one even dares to arrange a job for you, nor can I, if your mother has the ability.
Even if I give my life, I will also arrange work for you, but Mom really can’t do it now.
I know you don’t want to go to the countryside. It’s right for you to resent your mother. Who says your mother is incompetent?
But stick, you can go to the countryside, but you must not be a soldier. It is too dangerous to be a soldier now.
Why did Aunt Zhang in the front yard go crazy, because his only son died on the battlefield.
What’s the point of giving more subsidies above? I don’t want to use you in exchange for subsidies.
Although it is tiring to go to the countryside, it is safe. You can come back after the Chinese New Year.
But being a soldier is too dangerous, and you won’t be able to come back if you don’t do it. You are your mother’s good son.
You can’t join the army! ”
Bangjie is also a selfish person. If he dies, all the subsidies will not be his own.
Why did I join the army? Even if I went to the countryside, I didn’t join the army.
What Bang Terri didn’t know was that Qin Huairu had now accepted Bang Terri to go to the countryside.
Although Bang Terri is a white-eyed wolf, his rank is not comparable to Qin Huairu.
You must know that so many people were planted in Qin Huairu’s hands. Are they stupid?
No, on the contrary, the person planted in Qin Huairu’s hands is not only not stupid, but very shrewd.
This is the genius of Qin Huairu. Although Qin Huairu has never read a book, Qin Huairu knows what these people need.
Then you can use your advantages to get what you want.
If something really happened, Qin Huairu would betray these people without hesitation, and betray them cleanly, without caring about their old feelings at all.
Qin Huairu can elevate the old relationship to the commanding heights of ethics and morality if it is used on the other side.
This is Qin Huairu’s method. Originally, Qin Huairu would not use this method for her son.
But when I heard Bangjie’s words just now, Qin Huairu knew that if she didn’t use it for her son, her son wouldn’t even know who his mother was.
Looking at Bang Terri’s appearance, Qin Huairu naturally knew what Bang Terri was thinking?
“Bang Terri, do you hear? No matter who asks you to join the army, you should not join the army. If someone asks you to join the army, that person will definitely have bad intentions and want you to die! You know what?”
When Bang Terrier heard Qin Huairu’s words, he gave Qin Huairu a deep look, and then ran away…
Looking at the stick terrier who ran out, he continued to do his own thing.
And Xu Damao also came back, just in time to see the stick, although Xu Damao is bad, the aquatic products are bad to the bones.
But it was all superficially bad. I saw the stick and asked:
“Bang Terri, you haven’t found a job, have you?”
Hearing Xu Damao’s words, the stick stopped and looked at Xu Damao:
“What, do you have a solution?”
Xu Damao said proudly:
“Of course, I had no way to do it before, but now there is a broad road in front of you, it’s up to you to go and do it.
At that time, as long as you come back, any unit can want you! ”
Stick Terrier was very yearning, and then curiously asked:
“What are you doing?”
Xu Damao thought of what he heard from those cadres today, and then blurted out:
“Of course you’re going to be a soldier, as long as you come back as a soldier, not only will all your previous records be gone.
Moreover, the state can also assign you a job, which is no better than going to the countryside to suffer haha! ”
If you put it on other people, you would have gone to be a soldier long ago. In the eyes of others, being a soldier is an honor.
Even in the eyes of most people, being a soldier is an honor.
But in the eyes of Bang Terri, being a soldier is to want to die. 0.6 Bang Terri looked at Xu Da Mao resentfully, and then said coldly, “Go away!”
After he finished speaking, he ran away. The stickman who ran out thought that Xu Damao was going to kill him, so the stickman now hated Xu Damao. And this time Xu Damao really didn’t do anything wrong, but reallyIt’s for the sake of stickers, but it’s still in Qin Jingru’s face. But the stickman not only doesn’t appreciate it, but hates himself instead.
Xu Damao said inexplicably:
“What, it’s really a white-eyed wolf in the white-eyed wolf’s house. The first time I was kind, I actually hated it.
After seeing the stick, you really want to die! ”
After speaking, Xu Damao left angrily and walked towards his home.
What Bangjie didn’t know was that because of this, he suffered so much in the countryside. .
Chapter 614: He Yuzhu Wants Money 【Subscription】

475 Chapter 475
Seeing that Xu Damao had left, Bang Terri spit out a mouthful of saliva, and then left angrily. And Xu Damao was sulking when he returned home, and said to himself:
“Damn stick, help you, you treat me like this, can’t get He Yuzhu, I can’t get you. Little bastard, you wait and see, if I don’t let you peel off, I won’t be called Xu Damao !” At this time, Qin Jingru came over and said to Xu Damao:
“Brother Da Mao, what’s wrong with you, why are you so arrogant!”
Xu Damao knew the relationship between Qin Jingru and Qin Huairu’s family, and said very dissatisfiedly:
“It’s okay, I was bitten by a little beast!”
Qin Jingru didn’t hear it, but found it on Xu Damao’s body:
“I was bitten, where is it, let me see, are you alright!”
Xu Damao shook his head:
“It’s okay, I didn’t bite, but I’m angry!”
After hearing Xu Damao’s words, Qin Jingru said:
“It’s fine if you don’t bite. By the way, 16, are you hungry? I’ll go and cook for you!”
Xu Damao nodded:
“Okay, let’s go!”
Not to mention that Xu Damao in the courtyard house hated Bangjie, and Bangjie also hated Xu Damao.
It turns out that in this compound, Xu Damao does not show off the mountains or leaks, and it is Xu Damao who wishes to die the most.
That’s why Bangjie hated Xu Damao so much.
Besides, He Yuzhu returned to the mansion with He Yuzhu after four or five days.
After arriving at the mansion, He Yuyu pestered He Yuzhu every day to prepare food for himself.
Then he practiced martial arts. After learning that Mu Qingxue was pregnant, He Yuyu wouldn’t let Mu Qingxue work, no matter what work. In this way, half a month later, He Yuzhu knew through Ziwei that the materials in the rolling mill were about to run out.
He Yuzhu said to the girls:
“Qingxue, Rain, you are at home, I will go to the rolling mill!”
Everyone knows that He Yuzhu is still the director of the rolling mill, and he has not been to the rolling mill for half a month.
Going to the rolling mill now, there is nothing wrong with it, and then they all nod their heads.
He Yuzhu drove to the rolling mill and was stopped by Qin Huairu just as he was about to enter the rolling mill.
He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu and said coldly:
“Qin Huairu, I’ve told you several times, I can’t help you with the sticky things, or you can let him go to the countryside, or you can find someone yourself, don’t look for me. If you look for me, I will too. I can’t help you!”
Qin Huairu said aggrievedly:
“Director He, I didn’t ask you to help Bang Terrier, I came here to borrow food from you, and I have no food at home.
I want him to go to the countryside. Before going to the countryside, I want to eat some refined grains. I don’t have any refined grains anymore.
I want to borrow some from you. I know you have refined grains, so just lend me some! ”
If it was someone else, He Yuzhu would give it as much as he gave it, but Qin Huairu, who He Yuzhu knew very well, was very good at it.
If she gave it to her now, then she would definitely rely on herself.
So He Yuzhu said:
“I have, but I paid for it, don’t tell me you don’t have any money.
When I was still a fool, you took my salary every month, and you said that you saved it for me.
I’ve never asked you for it. With so much money, I can’t buy any refined grains, right? ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu was taken aback, Qian?
Yes, I have He Yuzhu’s salary for three years, more than 1,000 yuan.
But where did he have the money? When he took He Yuzhu’s money, Qin Huairu had no intention of returning it to He Yuzhu.
Therefore, Qin Huairu spent all He Yuzhu’s money.
Silly Zhu’s performance at that time made Qin Huairu very clear that He Yuzhu couldn’t escape her palm at all.
So Qin Huairu spent all the money with peace of mind, and even gave most of it to her parents’ family.
But now that He Yuzhu said it, Qin Huairu panicked immediately, but for the sake of her son, Qin Huairu still said to He Yuzhu:
“Director He, you know what the situation is now, even if you have money, you can’t buy food!”
He Yuzhu said:
“You can’t buy it, it doesn’t mean I can’t buy it. For the sake of living in a compound before, you give me money and I’ll buy it for you.
What is the price in the pigeon market now, I will pay whatever the price is, and I won’t ask you for more money! ”
Qin Huairu became unhappy when she heard it, because He Yuzhu used to give it to him for free.
Besides, if you use money, you don’t have to wait here for more than ten days.
Qin Huairu said pitifully:
“Director He, look at me…”
He Yuzhu did not let Qin Huairu speak at all, but waved his hand:
“I don’t care about you, you don’t need to say how you were before?
It used to be before, and now is now. If you have money, I will bring you some when I buy food next time.
If you don’t have money, that’s fine. We have nothing to do with it. I don’t want to know what’s going on in your family.If you make trouble again, I can promise to give you 50 catties of refined grains, but there is a premise that you have to return my previous money, if you return it.
There is nothing. If you return all my wages, I will give you 50 catties of refined grains immediately.
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu almost burst out of anger.
For more than 1,000 yuan, you paid 557 for 50 catties of refined grains.
Why are you so shameless?
And Qin Huairu never thought that this one thousand yuan was previously owned by He Yuzhu.
Now it is returned to He Yuzhu, and the milk is also returned to the original owner.
In fact, He Yuzhu is not short of this amount of money at all. You must know that there should be millions of dollars in He Yuzhu’s space.
This was all earned by He Yuzhu in the past. Although it cannot be spent all at once, He Yuzhu can spend it little by little.
As for asking Qin Huairu’s money, she just hoped that Qin Huairu would stay away from herself in order not to pay back her money.
Qin Huairu said:
“Hmph, since you don’t want to give it, why do this?”
He Yuzhu said coldly:
“It’s not difficult to borrow and borrow again. You don’t understand the truth, do you? How many things have I borrowed from you before, can I tell you a little bit?
Besides, I didn’t borrow the thousand dollars from you, but you saved it for me.
That’s my money. You have to figure this out. If you want to borrow something, you will pay me back.
You paid me back what you borrowed before, and I will definitely lend it to you again.
I don’t think other people know this truth, but you must know it! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu complained about He Yuzhu…  
Chapter 615: Four years have passed in a hurry [Subscribe] From Novel Group 9,8*02,0’5.856
one by one
From the novel group (98025856)
one by one
(from Fiction Group 9;80,20’5,8″56)
“You’re so rich, it’s really not a thing to think about the money you had before!”
However, Qin Huairu did not say it, but said to He Yuzhu;
“I’ll go back and look for the passbook, and I’ll pay you back in prison!” Qin Huairu turned her head after speaking, and He Yuzhu knew very well that this was Qin Huairu’s escape plan.
However, in order to prevent Qin Huairu from getting on him, He Yuzhu was just talking about it, and he didn’t want that money.
But if Qin Huairu didn’t know what to do, then He Yuzhu would also want it.
After watching Qin Huairu leave and then enter the rolling mill, she didn’t disturb the others, she put away the supplies.
I left, and now the rolling mill is on the right track.
Things for the military-industrial units, as well as farming, the laboratory has already started.
And there are also simulated robots in the laboratory to help these people.
As for his own Xingchen scientific research base, he has already established sub-bases in many places.
The base in outer space is also under construction. He Yuzhu now knows that if he leaves here now, he is also a tycoon.
But now the storm can’t affect you, so you can just enjoy life.
He Yuzhu returned home after leaving the rolling mill.
Now the law and order outside is even worse, everything is going on.
Half a month later, He Yuzhu sent He Yuyu to the university, and then continued to live his own life.
Just like that, four years have passed.
The storm has reached the white-hot stage, and He Yuzhu looked at the situation outside.
A little girl pounced on He Yuzhu:
“Dad, Mom let you go over there!”
Looking at the little girl with pink makeup and jade carving, He Yuzhu stretched out his hand, reported the little girl, and then kissed the little girl on the cheek:
“Is Niuniu good?”
This little girl is He Yuzhu and Mu Qingxue’s daughter, He Ling, nicknamed Niuniu.
He Ling said:
“Oh, Dad, it’s called He Ling, don’t call it Niuniu, they’re all grown up.”
He Yuzhu smiled and said dotingly:
“Okay, is Lingling well-behaved?”
Like little adults, He Ling nodded solemnly:
“Dad, of course He Ling is good. If you don’t believe me, go ask Erniang and Sanniang, Lingling is good.
Lingling also helped Erniang and Sanniang take care of their younger siblings! ”
Ran Qiuye gave birth to a son named He Miao to He Yuzhu. three years old.
Ding Qiunan gave birth to a daughter named He Yuzhu, who is one year old.
He Yuzhu stood up and hugged He Ling, and then strode towards the room. Seeing the old lady walking out, He Ling struggled and said, “Dad, let me go!”
He Yuzhu let go of He Ling, He Ling ran to the old lady’s side and grabbed the old lady’s hand:
“Grandma, are you here to find Niuniu?”
The old lady smiled and nodded:
“Yes, grandma misses Niuniu, does Niuniu miss grandma?”
He Ling nodded obediently:
“En, Niu Niu is too grandma!”
He Ling is very smart. She knows that her parents listen to her grandmother’s words very much, so she has known how to please the old lady since she was a child. The old lady never went back because of He Ling.
The eldest mother went back a year ago because Yi Zhonghai was released after serving his sentence.
After that, He Yuzhu never went to the courtyard, and the aunt never came.
As for the Siheyuan, He Yuzhu really knew that Jia Zhang was released after serving his sentence two years ago.

476 Chapter 476
Knowing that Bang Teng went to the countryside, he had a quarrel with Qin Huairu. Later, Qin Huairu threatened Jia Zhang’s family.gas.
Jia Zhang’s family doesn’t make trouble anymore. After all, at this time, Jia Zhang’s family has no source of income, even Qin Huairu has no income. If there is no Qin Huairu, it is estimated that Jia Zhang’s family will starve to death.
And although He Yuzhu knows, but because the old lady has always lived here, He Yuzhu has never been able to know the courtyard.
The courtyard has become what it used to be, after calculations and calculations.
On the other hand, at Han Chunming’s mother’s house, He Yuzhu often goes to the old man’s house.
He Yuzhu smiled when he saw He Ling who was playing with the old lady.
Then he entered the room and saw Mu Qingxue who was busy studying. He Yuzhu hugged Mu Qingxue and asked Mu Qingxue, “Qingxue, what’s wrong?”
Mu Qing SM He Yuzhu, leaned on He Yuzhu’s arms, and said:
“Husband, it’s great to have you!”
He Yuzhu touched Mu Qingxue’s hair:
“You start thinking again, we are a family, why do you still want to abandon me and find someone else?”
Mu Qingxue snorted coldly:
“Hmph, if there is someone better than you, I’ll throw you away and find another one!”
He Yuzhu was not annoyed, and said with a smile:
“If you leave like this, then you don’t want to run away, just leave the quilt here!”
Mu Qingxue hugged He Yuzhu tightly:
“?v Husband, just now Yuyu sent a message saying that she has graduated and is coming back!”
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu said:
“Four years, time flies so fast!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Yeah, Niuniu is five years old!”
After Mu Qingxue gave birth to Niuniu, she began to cultivate, and now she has reached the third rank.
But it is only the appearance of entering the middle stage of the third order.
Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan are only second-order peaks.
It’s not Ran Qiuye and Ding Qiunan, but the two girls haven’t cultivated very well. One likes to study philosophy and the other likes to study medicine.
Mu Qingxue is the only one who forgets to eat and sleep every day, who likes painting and calligraphy.
You must know that the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are auxiliary cultivation, so Mu Qingxue’s cultivation speed is a little faster than the two girls.
He Yuzhu said:
“You ask when the rain will come back, then I’ll go pick her up!”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“I asked, Rain said that he will be back (Li Li Zhao) in about a month, and there are still some things to do at school!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“There’s still a little time, don’t worry!”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Husband, take your time and take your grandma back to have a look. I think grandma always wants to go back to the courtyard these days!”
He Yuzhu said:
“If it weren’t for the little girl He Ling, grandma would have gone back long ago, and grandma is a nostalgic person.
I’ll take He Ling and grandma back to have a look in a while, and I’ll be back in the evening! ”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“Okay, go back and don’t make trouble with others!”
He Yuzhu said with a wry smile:
“It’s not me who made trouble. I have never made trouble. As long as they don’t trouble me, I hide from them. When have I provoke them in the past four years? ”
Mu Qingxue thought about it too, then nodded:
“Do you need me to prepare some gifts, I haven’t gone back for several years, can I get something when I go back?
Chapter 616: The Siheyuan is a Demon again [Subscribe]
He Yuzhu thought for a while, then said:
“Alright, let’s bring something to eat, bring a dozen white-striped chickens, one for each family.
I don’t bring any more, so as to save them from misunderstanding that I can still be sucked blood! ”
Mu Qingxue said:
“Your ability now is to let them suck, how much can they suck?”
He Yuzhu said:
“That’s different. What I gave to them is what I gave. If I don’t give it, I can’t think about it.
Look at others, don’t care about my things, when did I send them food.
If you want to suck my blood, I will save face if I don’t kill them!
Mu Qingxue knew that He Yuzhu was soft and not hard, and that he could not allow others to judge him.
There is no further talk on this topic.
Instead, he asked He Yuzhu;
“I want to go see my parents!”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“No one is paying attention to the rolling mill now. No leader has come to the rolling mill for two years. If you want to go, go ahead. Bring Qiuye and Qiu Nan with you!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Mu Qingxue nodded:
“Thank you, husband, I don’t know how to live without you all these years!”
He Yuzhu hugged Mu Qingxue:
“Silly wife, you and I are a family, why do you always see things like this? Did something happen?”
Mu Qingxue nodded:
“En En 573, I have a small parent who died, and he didn’t dare to take care of it after he died.
Without you, my parents’ bodies, I guess…”
He Yuzhu was silent, because this is the age, and he has no ability to manage all the people. Seeing He Yuzhu’s silence, Mu Qingxue thought that her husband was blaming himself, so he comforted He Yuzhu: “Husband, don’t blame yourself, you have worked hard, but this is how it is in this era!”
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu did not defend, but said:
“Hey, let’s not talk about it, it’s all fate! I’ll clean up and take He Ling and grandma to the courtyard to see!” Mu Qingxue nodded.
He Yuzhu went to the other two rooms and saw that Ding Qiunan and Ran Qiuye were both studying.
He Miao and He Li were already asleep, and He Yuzhu told the two daughters that he was going to take the old lady to the courtyard.. The second daughter also knew the old lady’s mind and did not object, and it was not far away.
Just explain it briefly, and then continue to study.
As time went on, not only did the two women have no resentment, but they were even more happy and fortunate.
(bgag) I am fortunate to have met such a loving and righteous man as He Yuzhu.
You must know that in this era, many men are choosing to get divorced for women like three women.
He Yuzhu not only did not get divorced, but also protected the family of the second daughter very well.
The second daughter also often visits her parents, and the third daughter’s parents also know about the third daughter.
But the parents of the three daughters also agreed that the three daughters would be with He Yuzhu.
After all, in this day and age, the three women are still inseparable, and even for them, there are really no people who take such a big risk. In this era, there are more people who sell their parents to gain their rights.
He Yuzhu’s character has been recognized by everyone.
So the second daughter is also happy now. Seeing the second daughter indulge in studying, He Yuzhu is also quite helpless.
If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have given so many things to the second daughter.
But now that the two girls have goals, they won’t be so boring.
After He Yuzhu came out, he said to the old lady:
“Grandma, let’s go, today I’ll take you to the courtyard to see how your house is doing?”
The old lady nodded happily:
“Okay, Niuniu, let’s go together and see where your father grew up when he was a child!”
He Ling was also very interested and said happily:
“Okay, okay, I’ve wanted to go for a long time, but Dad said that there were no good people in the compound, so he wouldn’t let me go!”
Thinking of the people in the compound, the old lady sighed helplessly. Originally, this compound and He Yuzhu were the best two.
Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai have both offended He Yuzhu now.
The old lady knew that this was not the reason for He Yuzhu, but because Yi Zhonghai was too greedy.
Originally, He Yuzhu planned to support the aunt, but the aunt chose Yi Zhonghai a year ago.
The old lady wanted to go to the compound, but she was still worried about the aunt.
So I wanted to go and have a look, to see what happened to Big Mom?
So hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the old lady was also very happy.
He Yuzhu took more than a dozen white striped chickens and set off with the old lady and He Ling.
The three arrived at the courtyard, and the old lady led He Ling into the courtyard.
There were not many people in the front yard, the middle yard was noisy, and He Yuzhu was holding two bags.
Seeing the old lady in the front yard, I also heard about the middle yard.
He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“Grandma, is this another meeting?”
The old lady remembered that the main purpose of the conference was to deal with He Yuzhu, and said:
“Yeah, it’s just that there’s no one left, and there are still a lot of things to fix!”
The three of them walked towards the middle court and heard Yi Zhonghai say:
“Since He Yuzhu is no longer in this compound, this house will be reassigned!”
Liu Haizhong said:
“I said Yi Zhonghai, you are not the uncle, and even if He Yuzhu is not in this compound, the house still belongs to He Yuzhu, right? It’s not five years now, it’s been seven years now, and the house has been allocated to individuals.
After all, this house is also the house of the He family. It is not good to let others live in it without their consent! ”
Yizhong Haidao:
“Empty is also empty, a waste of social resources, and He Yuzhu is not bad for this.
If it doesn’t work, I’ll pay for it! ”
He Yuzhu walked out:
“Comrade Yi Zhonghai, if you don’t want to live in this compound anymore, I can pay for your houses!”
Everyone looked back and greeted each other:
“Director He!”
“Director He!”

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