280 Liu Haizhong’s family fights.
“It’s better to take precautions before it happens. If you’re fine in the future, try to avoid him and stop dealing with him.” Father Zhong said solemnly.
If Jiang Hao knew that he was kind enough to remind him that he was considered by the Zhong family to be greedy for the Zhong family’s money,
Probably vomited blood. The Zhong family’s money means nothing to him.
What is there to covet, even if he wants to covet, won’t he go abroad to fish?
Two days before New Year’s Eve, the rolling mill issued an announcement that Shazhu was fired.
The reason is that they left early, did not work seriously, and wasted a lot of food and materials in the country.
Let the workers not have enough to eat, causing the workers in the workshop to have no energy to produce.
However, the steel mill is also relatively calm, because the chef of the steel mill is not only stupid,
There is also a Nanyi.
In fact, the important reason is that Shazhu is perfunctory during the cooking time.
Moreover, they did not obey Zhu Ren’s orders and Li Xinmin’s orders.
Whether it’s a large pot dish or a small cafeteria, it’s all perfunctory.
The dishes you make are either too much salt or too little.
This caused everyone to complain, and the workers in the workshop made trouble several times.
Not only that, in the meals made by the small canteen,
Director Yang and Deputy Director Li were embarrassed when they entertained several groups of guests.
So they couldn’t take it any longer and held a factory meeting,
The decision was made to fire the fool and the report was approved.
If it is very easy to expel a person in the future,
I’m afraid that Shazhu was fired from the rolling mill eight years earlier.
When Shazhu was fired, no one from the entire steel mill came to comfort or console him.
In the past, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were concerned, but now they are not alone.
Even MCA was extremely disappointed with his master,
Because during this time, he has carried the pot for his master many times,
After deducting dozens of salaries, he also persuaded his 100 master,
But the silly column still goes its own way.
If MCA continues to persevere,
Then the MCA parents and younger siblings will not be able to survive.
So in the end, I can only keep a distance from silly Zhu and follow Nan Yi to learn cooking.
Nan Yi’s cooking skills are much stronger than those of silly Zhu, and his people are more kind.
Although the mouth is not forgiving, it is far less than the stinky mouth of the silly column.
Jiang Hao didn’t plan to go back to the big courtyard this year for Chinese New Year. The rooms there are small and there are not enough people to live there.
And there are many people in the courtyard, including grandfather and uncle,
He spent the first reunion year with Yu Li and others, grandfather and uncle.
And Xu Damao finally left the watch house on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve (homonym),
He returned home with his bag and was greeted by Xu Daguo.
This year, Tianfutang in Yuanxi County was also helped by Jiang Hao.
No more poverty, and no danger of starvation,
The family not only lacks a mouth to eat, but also has a lot of food rations for two or three months.
As for the juvenile detention center, it’s a different story.
The rapidly shortened figure of the stick terrier finally caught the attention of the staff,
When the matter was reported, the medical staff and LD in the juvenile detention center panicked.
I don’t know what happened to the stick, even if I invited experts from Hexie Hospital to come over,
In addition to judging the inverse growth of height and the rapid development of the body, I did not get any useful information.
Wanting to let the family members of Bang Terrier take them out on medical parole in advance,
After several contacts, it was discovered that Nao and her mother, who are sticky, are all long-term residents in the system.
In the end, LD had no choice but to impose a series of punishments on the people in the same room.
Made a special single room for Bang Terrier.
The last case of Bang Terrier aroused the interest of experts from Hexie Hospital.
Those experts also ran to Bang Terri’s room every three days,
At this time, Bang Terrier has become a tool for those experts to study cases.
Urine and blood tests are done for various routine examinations, and various needles are spread all over the body.
The joy of tossing sticks to death.
On the morning of New Year’s Eve, Jiang Hao returned to the courtyard with Yu Li and others.
Because the day before New Year’s Eve in previous years,
Jiang Hao distributes Chinese New Year gift packages to several needy households in the compound.
Jiang Hao decided to give out this year as usual, but after the second half of this year, he did not go to work.
The amount of things distributed is adjusted by yourself, so as not to make everyone think that you are taking advantage of it.
As for the deaf old lady, Jiang Hao doesn’t plan to take care of him anymore.
Jiang Hao doesn’t care if anyone is gossiping. Anyway, this compound is a big deal.
Everyone knew right away, so there was a conflict between Jiang Hao and the deaf old lady,
Everyone knows that. Jiang Hao is not the protagonist of other Siheyuan novels.
There’s no need to be a deaf old lady’s licking dog, her identity is not lower than his, there is no need for it.
Even if the identity is not as good as hers, it is his business to give it or not, and he will never accept moral kidnapping.
Jiang Hao brought Yu Li to the big courtyard, only to hear a quarrel coming from the middle courtyard,
Lao Wangtou, a poor household in the front yard, saw that Jiang Hao had brought a lot of things in his car.
Knowing that he is going to send you New Year’s bags again, I am very happy.
He also greeted Jiang Hao respectfully.
“Old Wangtou, what happened in the middle court?”
“Hey! What else could happen? Liu Guangqi, the eldest of Liu Haizhong’s family, is not married.
I had a conflict with my family, separated my family, and took my wife to work in a textile factory in Ji Province.
I wrote a letter and told them that they would not come back during the Chinese New Year, nor would they send anything.
The old couple in Liu Haizhong were very angry, and the two began to quarrel over this matter.
Later, Liu Guangtian said on the sideWith a sarcastic remark, the bangs in the bangs were furious,
As a result, both sons were beaten, and now they are fighting! ”
“Oh! That’s it, I’ll go over to see it later, by the way, Old Wangtou,
You also know that starting this summer, I’m not going to work,
Going to school depends on the school’s financial aid.
so what! The gift package for everyone this year is not much, but it is still ok for the new year.
Let the other seven families come to my house to pick them up in half an hour! ” Jiang Hao said.
“Where, you are the only family in the courtyard willing to take care of our poor families,
It’s too late for us to be grateful, how can we dislike your things so much?
Something is already good. ”
Jiang Hao took Yu Li to the house and put things in the room first,
Then Yu Li stayed at home, and Jiang Hao went to Liu Haizhong’s house opposite to see what was going on.
When they arrived at the door of Liu Haizhong’s house, they saw Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu each holding a pole.
A man with a wooden stick ran out in embarrassment.
Liu Haizhong chased out from behind the door with the hammer at home.
Jiang Hao saw that the corners of his eyes were also black, and there were scratches on his face.
Jiang Hao quickly stopped Liu Haizhong and said:
“Uncle Yi, today is the twenty-ninth Chinese New Year’s Eve, you and your son are making too much trouble!
Wait a minute, after the incident gets bigger, the street king Zhuren is disturbed, and it will not affect you well! ”
Liu Haizhong was originally reluctant to give up, but when he heard Jiang Hao’s words, he knew that he was right.
The position of Uncle Yi, who I worked so hard to become, can’t be slapped off like this,
So bear with it for the time being, and wait for the two little bastards to settle accounts after a few years.
“Okay! For your sake, Jiang Hao, I’ll spare these two little bastards once.
Next time I do this again, I’ll give you two rascals one hammer each,
Let you give me no parents, and talk back to the elders with eloquence! ”
Liu Haizhong found a step on his own to come down.
Jiang Hao complained in his heart, this is your father and son’s business, so I will persuade me on a whim.
It’s my business! For my face, should I owe you a favor?
But after thinking about it, he didn’t say it.
Jiang Hao shook his head and walked away, seeing the blood dripping from the foreheads of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.
So he said, “You two come to my house, and I will help you deal with your wounds.”
The two followed Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao cleaned their wounds.
Both of them had a few big holes in their bodies, and this guy in the bangs is really a ruthless person.
Is this his son? It is simply the treatment of the mortal enemy!
Back then, if the bald head followed Liu Haizhong and showed this energy, if it was used to fight the cherry blossom country,
It is estimated that they can go to the homeland.
Jiang Hao took out a medical first aid kit to clean the wounds for the two of them.
And the wound was sewn up with needles and thread, and anti-inflammatory potion was sprinkled.
Give each of them a tablet of anti-inflammatories that are not packaged.
“Take this and take two pills a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, this is anti-inflammatory,
I will also give you the potion and cotton, and you can deal with the wound yourself later!
You guys wait here first, I’ll give the things out and then talk about it! ”
Lao Wangtou has been here for a while with the other eight,
Seeing Jiang Hao treating the wounds of the two brothers Liu Guangtian,
No one urged anything.
Just waiting aside, watching him slowly deal with the wound,
My heart is full of admiration,
Knowing that there is a shortage of medical supplies right now,
And people who can point medical skills are also very good-looking.
Jiang Hao has no other skills, and learned to deal with wounds with Shizuka,
Of course, there are also acupuncture treatments and Reiki treatments in Jiuyang.
Jiang Hao didn’t plan to show these two things, and he was simply causing trouble for himself.
Jiang Hao saw that all eight families were there, so he said:
“This year is no better than the previous two years, and I think everyone knows the reason. I am studying now,
So this year’s gift package is just a little thought to make everyone have a better life today and tomorrow,
How much is the meaning of the next! ”
After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he took out the things that Yuli had divided and said to them:
“There are eight copies here, one for each of your eight families,
Each serving is two catties of eggs, three catties of white noodles, five catties of stick noodles,
One catty of pork, five catties of vegetables, and half a catty of candy! ”
The eight families were very happy to hear that and were very grateful to Jiang Hao.
They know that if they change someone, they will definitely not give them anything,
After all, Jiang Hao himself has no other income besides school subsidies.
It is said that there are fewer gift bags, but in fact, nothing was burned.
In previous years, the internal organs of the pigs were replaced with pork, but the amount was relatively small.
Everyone carried their things and walked away beaming, planning to make dumplings and steamed steamed buns.
Jiang Hao looked at the two injured brothers and felt that they were pitiful under Liu Haizhong.
After thinking about it, I took out four meat buns from my own bag and handed them to the two brothers.

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