300: Goodbye to Director Yang, leading to the topic of the electrical industry
In the evening, they had an early dinner,
Liang Ladi drove the four children to the room she chose.
Forced Jiang Hao not to go to the small world, but dragged Jiang Hao,
They had three or four hours of friendly negotiation in the new house belonging to two people.
The people in the small world are anxiously waiting.
In the end, Liang Ladi entered the small world in a daze,
Regardless of everyone’s inquiries, he went directly to his bedroom and fell asleep.
Yu Li looked at Jiang Hao: “You guys moved today, why did you enter the small world so late?”
Before Jiang Hao finished speaking, Ding Qiunan took Yu Li’s hand and said:
“You haven’t seen it yet? It must be that Liang Ladi is too excited to move to a new home.
Pull Jiang Hao and refuse to leave, because we are all here, don’t you know that you are also a woman?
She was struggling to eat, so she had to go back to her room and have a good rest. ”
It was only at this moment that Yu Li remembered the signs that Liang Ladi had blushed and her steps were vain.
She rolled her eyes at Jiang Hao, and then asked:
“Your grandfather urged again to ask when we want to have children?”
Jiang Hao calculated the time, and then said: ”
Let’s talk about it in April, or else the child will come out and it will be New Year’s Eve soon.
It would be a shame to turn two years old in a few days. ”
Ding Qiunan also persuaded Yu Li:
“Jiang Hao is right. If she is pregnant now, it will be the end of December or the beginning of January.”
“Sister Yu Li, then it’s hard for you to be alone, we don’t want to give birth yet,
Of course, sister Qiu Nan and sister Xiao’e’s parents will definitely urge them. Are you going to give birth? ”
Lou Xiaoe has a headache when she thinks of the topic of giving birth:
“I wanted it before, but after knowing that I might live forever in the future, I don’t want it anymore. Otherwise, we will watch our children grow old? There are too many children.
Jiang Hao definitely couldn’t care about it, he wouldn’t bring them all into the small world.
That’s too risky, and even with the possibility of immortality,
It’s not safe for us to keep him outside, even if it were,
At that time, he will have to bear the pain of his wife and children getting old, which is very unfair to him. ”
Ding Qiunan nodded and said:
“Yeah, sister Xiao’e and I have also considered similar issues, Jiang Hao,
Do you have any solution yet? ”
Jiang Hao shook his head and said, “You and I have a solution, it will be more difficult for the child!
As Xiao’e said, it’s a big problem, let’s look at it later!
It’s not good to have children and daughters, this is another kind of pain. ”
When Yu Li heard their thoughts, she also fell into trouble,
What she naturally wants for the child is not only herself, but also her parents and Mr. Jiang Hao,
Uncle Jiang Hao was looking forward to this child, but after the child was born,
I will definitely be unwilling to watch my children grow old slowly.
Jiang Hao said:
“Don’t think about this now, and talk about it later! Now is our entertainment time.”
Liang Ladi asked Jiang Hao, “Jiang Hao, the pig and Cui Dake are coming tomorrow. Are you going to the factory?”
“Yeah! I did, but tomorrow morning I’m going to the rolling mill first.
They are probably coming at noon! ”
The next day, Jiang Hao came to the gate of the rolling mill early in the morning with two Labrador dogs.
Seeing Jiang Hao’s arrival, Section Chief Ding of the Security Section immediately stepped forward and saluted:
“Envoy Jiang, you are welcome to come to our steel mill to guide the inspection work!”
Section Chief Ding certainly didn’t know that he was facing Jiang Hao, an old acquaintance in front of him.
Jiang Hao nodded and said, “Can I go around your factory?”
“LD, please! Our factory director has already explained it, and I will show you the way! Who are these two dogs?” Section Chief Ding said enthusiastically.
Jiang Hao said with a smile: “Don’t look at these two dogs, they are very smart.
If there are explosives or unusual smells here, they can be distinguished immediately,
I also need them for security patrol work, and they are no less capable than military dogs. ”
Section Chief Ding said in surprise: “So powerful? Special envoy Jiang, I’ll lead you ahead.”
While leading the way, he introduced the introduction of his security department and the LD personnel of the factory.
Jiang Hao hadn’t been here for more than half a year, so he revisited the old place with some emotion.
However, he plans to come back in the second half of next year and open an electrical factory here.
Make switching elements and equipment. These things can not only alleviate the lack of production capacity in Hong Kong City,
Promote the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the domestic electrical industry,
It can also earn foreign exchange by exporting while meeting its own needs.
However, how to operate has to be studied with the old man. If things can’t be done well,
The peaches were picked. In fact, I am not afraid of picking peaches.
Because the core technologies are all in the port city, but this is not good looking,
You have to avoid someone making your own decisions.
Section Chief Ding took Jiang Hao to see Director Yang first, and at the door of the Director’s Office,
Jiang Hao said to the two Labrador dogs:
“You wait at the door, don’t move, Chief Ding, tell the person in the next office,
Lest they scare everyone! ”
“Okay, Special Envoy Jiang, don’t worry!”
After Jiang Hao finished explaining, he knocked on the door and entered Director Yang’s office.
Director Yang Jianguo shook hands enthusiastically when he saw Jiang Hao:
“Envoy Jiang, welcome to visit our factory!”
“I’m here to go around! I just heard from your Section Chief Ding,
Except for the case of sabotage of production and power cut off the year before last year,
It seems that production has been relatively stable recently? ”
“Well! Recently, our production momentum has been very good, and the factory’s output has increased a lot at the beginning of the year.
Workers are highly productive! “Director Yang said proudly.
“Well! I heard that you have done a good job in logistical support,
The meals prepared by the factory cafeteria for workers are rich in oil and water.
A lot of stuff was posted at the end of last year. So the workers are motivated and motivated! ”
Director Yang was surprised and flustered: “Cough…cough…Special envoy Jiang, you know this too?
There is nothing we can do about this. If the workers don’t eat well, they don’t have the energy to work.
Since our supply came up,
The food and food have improved a lot, and the output of the factory has greatly increased. ”
Jiang Hao waved his hand and said, “I don’t care about this issue, safety is my responsibility.
But I personally think that no matter black cat or white cat, it can catch mice.
It’s a good cat. ”
When Director Yang heard Jiang Hao’s words, he was relieved. It turned out that this special envoy Jiang didn’t care about this.
But it’s clearly meant to support myself in doing so. I was worried about myself for nothing.
Jiang Hao smiled and said to Director Yang:
“By the way, I heard that there was a comrade named Jiang Hao here before,
It’s the same sound as my name, just the words are different.
He used to be in charge of the electrician class, but now he went to study in Huaqing. He knew some friends,
Some of these friends also know an electrical group over there in Gangcheng.
He intends to develop some electrical products in the next year and the next year to expand the product line of the rolling mill.
Promote and develop domestic power equipment business. “

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